MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 55 bridge paving

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The strings in Mu Chuanhan's head tightened, and after a moment of stiffness, he said ignorantly: "Xianjun, what are you talking about? Who else can I be..."

Ye Tingjiang didn't answer, just looked at his little disciple solemnly.

Ye Tingjiang has always been delighted with Fuyan's talent in kendo, and hopes that he can step into a new realm as soon as possible. Just now watching their competition, Ye Tingjiang was always on the defensive, for fear that Fuyan would make a mistake.

But when he was really defeated and turned into a rookie, Ye Tingjiang was surprised.

Should Fuyan have such a high level of swordsmanship? Ye Tingjiang knew the temperament of his little apprentice best. Usually, he didn't like to practice on Yingxuefeng. He felt distressed and hated iron.

But no matter how talented Fuyan is, it shouldn't be able to defeat Geng Qingyang's proud disciple.

Once there is a trace of doubt, more details emerge in Ye Tingjiang's mind. The Chuihong Secret Realm was trapped in an illusion, and it was Fuyan who brought him back to reality in his first reincarnation; thinking about it further, it only took Fuyan an afternoon to advance to the Void Realm...

Ye Tingjiang has never thought about these things, but when he thinks about it carefully, can Fuyan come from the world, no matter how talented he is, can he really do these things?

Seeing that Ye Tingjiang did not speak, Mu Chuihan also panicked. He couldn't see Ye Tingjiang's expression, but he felt that there should be no flaws in him. Ye Tingjiang should just doubt his swordsmanship.

Mu Chuihan took a deep breath: "To this day, I have no choice but to tell Xianjun."

Ye Tingjiang was a little disappointed as expected, but Fuyan really had something to hide from him.

He said "um" and motioned for Fuyan to continue.

Mu Chuihan clenched Ye Tingjiang's sleeve: "Let's talk about it first, you're not allowed to turn your face or hit me when you hear it."

Ye Tingjiang held his hand helplessly. What was Fuyan thinking about? In fact, even now, even if Fuyan concealed Tianda's secret, how could Ye Tingjiang have the heart to do anything?

Some people have amorous nature and live in the midst of thousands of flowers, but Ye Tingjiang stubbornly only admits death.

His heart is like still water, but Fuyan is like a gust of wind coming and going, messing up a pool of spring water.

And he will only move for this gust of wind from now on.

Mu Chuihan felt that this action was not enough, and was very cautious: "Xianjun, you said, you will forgive me."

Ye Tingjiang was panicked by him several times, and Fuyan had an unspeakable secret.

But Ye Tingjiang still promised: "Don't worry, I won't care."

Mu Chuihan was assured, and said solemnly: "Xianjun, in fact, I am an undercover agent sent by the devil world to your side."

Ye Tingjiang's face was shocked, and his first reaction was to cover Fuyan's lips with his hands. Although it was just a silent mouth, there was no guarantee that there was no second monk present who could read lips.

He immediately took a bit of luck, thinking that maybe he had read it wrong... The lip language was not as clear as speaking in person. Yes, Fuyan is so kind and pitiful, how could he be a person from the devil world?

Ye Tingjiang discreetly placed a restraint on the two of them to keep out the prying eyes of outsiders, and even caused Mingzheng to sigh "tsk tsk".

What kind of love is there between the young couple, the teacher and sister are not allowed to listen.

After the arrangement was made, Ye Tingjiang said again: "Fuyan, say it again."

Mu Chuihan held Ye Tingjiang's hand in return and said, "I am the undercover agent sent to you by the Demon Realm."

Ye Tingjiang's heart was like falling into an ice cave, and his palms became cold.

Mu Chuihan felt this change, and said in pain, "I was forced to be helpless at first. Who knew that I saw you, and I gradually fell in love with you... Xianjun, what should I do!"

Ye Tingjiang only felt a splitting headache and a tingling in his heart. It turned out that Fuyan first approached him for ulterior motives?

Mu Chuihan was still emotionally interpreting his dilemma, but Ye Tingjiang found the problem as if he was deceiving himself: "No, it's impossible, you don't have a devilish energy in you."

And a magic cultivator, would he sacrifice his life to help him through the nightmare, and save him in danger many times?

Mu Chuihan said in despair, "I am indeed a mortal, but I had to..."

Ye Tingjiang had almost no room to think about the truth or falsehood of these words, and countless thoughts passed through his mind.

He has always hated people in the devil world, should he kill them?

Ye Tingjiang reached out and pressed his eyebrows, as if that would stop his chaotic thoughts. He finally conceded and sighed: "You never did evil."

Even if he is inseparable from the demon world... he should be educated.

At that moment, Ye Tingjiang thought about many possibilities. The worst kind is just to help smoke and fall into demons and harm the world.

At that time, he can only end him with his own hands, and then kill himself to thank the people.

At this time, he finally understood Bai Jing's thoughts towards Gui Tu.

Ye Tingjiang smiled, but Mu Chuihan couldn't see it, otherwise, he would definitely feel that the smile was so miserable.

But now Mu Chuihan relaxed, and suddenly showed a sly smile: "Xianjun is right, I am a good person."

At most, his eyes are higher than his head, his head is hidden, and his reputation is a little bit, but he is a good person.

Just like Mu Chuihan knew how to cover up a previous joke with a new one, he also knew how to make a person quickly accept the truth.

As long as he is told in advance that the situation is a hundred times worse, the real thing can be called a good news in comparison.

Mu Chuihan is paving the way for a confession in the future.

Seeing him smile, Ye Tingjiang was stunned again: "What do you mean?"

Mu Chuihan blinked: "How could I be undercover in the devil world, I was joking with Xianjun."

Ye Tingjiang instantly seemed to meet the nectar of a long drought, and the heavy stone on his heart was lifted, but his mood could not improve.

He was silent for a moment, and then said lightly: "Don't make such a joke in the future."

He will take it seriously, hesitate, consider life and death, and will not be at peace for a long time.

Ye Tingjiang's loss was too obvious, and Mu Chuihan also realized that he had played a big game this time, and felt a little regretful for a while. He tugged at Ye Tingjiang's sleeve, not sure if Ye Tingjiang looked at him, so he had to repeat the same trick and write on his palm again.

[Xianjun, I'm sorry. 】

Ye Tingjiang froze, and finally did not take his hand away.

He always has nothing to do with Fuyan.

Ye Tingjiang stretched out his hand to tidy up Fuyan's messy clothes because of the sword competition: "It's okay, I won't blame you."

After removing the barrier, even Mingzheng felt the inexplicably low atmosphere between the two, and asked Mu Chuihan in a low voice, "What did you say?"

Mu Chuihan frowned and said, "I made Xianjun angry."


Then he remembered Mingzheng and couldn't understand it, so he looked for water everywhere and wanted to write with it.

After all this tossing, Ye Tingjiang finally couldn't pretend that he didn't see it, and took the initiative: "He said he made me angry."

Mingzheng was horrified: "How can you be angry with Fuyan! He can't even speak... So pitiful."

Fuyan's weak face really made Mingzheng feel the brilliance of a mother's love. She quickly protected Fuyan behind her: "If you are wronged, tell your uncle."

Ye Tingjiang suddenly laughed when he saw the calf's posture.

How could he really believe what Fuyan said just now. No matter which person with hidden evil intentions lurks beside him, it is impossible to poison himself blind and dumb with a single dose of medicine.

Ye Tingjiang shook his head, not knowing whether to laugh or cry to himself.

The rookie contest is over. The leader was finally won by the same class, but unfortunately this weight was much lighter in the hearts of the monks than in previous years.

Geng Qingyang felt that his face was dull, and then he also lacked interest, and stopped taking the initiative to ask Ye Tingjiang to make trouble.

Just before the crowd left, Young Master Ye Tingjiang had no choice but to inform the sects of the news brought by Bai Jing.

The organizer was shocked: "It turns out that what Tingyun-jun said earlier about the demon world will invade, is it true?"

"Exactly." Ye Tingjiang nodded: "Mo Xiu is good at hiding his deeds, so he can't take it lightly."

Each sect has solemnly agreed, and decided to investigate carefully after returning to the sect.

Geng Qingyang's sarcastic words rushed out of his head, "sneering": "Ting Yun-Jun, let's take care of Linxian Sect first."

After he finished speaking, he was warned by the head of Guiyi Zong with his eyes.

The evil cultivator came to commit the crime, and the righteous path was unbearable. The only way to take the initiative is to preemptively and clear the Demon Realm.

Only in this way, although the demon cultivator can be caught off guard, the demonic energy in the demon domain will erode the disciples of the righteous way, and those with unstable Dao heart may even fall into demons easily, and they will still lose both at that time.

Therefore, after a discussion among the various sects, they decided to hold their ground.

Because they were in a hurry to return to the sect, Yun Ze would havetily leave the venue.

Mu Chuihan patted his head: "After Xianjun, what day is today?"

Ye Tingjiang reported the date, which turned out to be Lin Xu's birthday.

Mu Chuihan patted his chest: "Fortunately, I didn't miss it."

He was brought to the body by Suixing these days, and he was suspected of identity by Ye Tingjiang just now, so he almost forgot Lin Xu's invitation.

Mu Chuihan quickly pulled Ye Tingjiang back, and all the rookies of Linxian Sect also got on the spirit boat, but Mingzheng was not seen.

Ye Tingjiang explained: "Senior sister, let us go back first. There are monsters making trouble near Yunze. She and Gu Lin went to investigate."

"Gu Lin?" Mu Chuihan recalled the name. He had a good memory and quickly remembered: "Is it the one you met at the Ye family's birthday banquet?"

At that time, they were sitting at the same table. Among the monks, Gu Lin was the only one who was neither humble nor arrogant, gentle and elegant, which left a deep impression on him.

He immediately became interested, and excitedly wentssip: "I saw that day that he was very unusual to the uncle!"

On that day, Gu Lin didn't say a few words at the table, but he did not leave Mingzheng. If he said that he didn't have any other thoughts, Mu Chuihan didn't believe it.

When he first thought of Ye Tingjiang, he always liked to ask people if they knew Ting Yunjun.

Ye Tingjiang laughed: "How do you know how to think about this?"

Mu Chuihan said righteously, "Isn't that right? Otherwise, why didn't he ask Xianjun to get rid of the demon, and just ask Master Mingzheng?"

"Could it be—" Mu Chuihan sucked in a breath of cold air: "He doesn't look down on Immortal Monarch!"

Ye Tingjiang was amused by his startled look: "Senior sister once rescued Gu Lin, they knew each other."

Mu Chuihan speculated proudly: "That is to continue the front line."

He recognized this idea, and began to inquire about Gu Lin's identity and background. After learning that he was actually a child of the four great families, he was suddenly disappointed: "Everything else is good, but this origin is really uncomfortable."

Because of Mo Jiao and Ye family, his perception of these noble families is really not good.

After thinking about it, Mu Chuihan was afraid of hurting Ye Tingjiang, so he immediately clarified: "Of course, it's barely acceptable. Like Xianjun, you're fine if you come out of the mud and don't get stained."

Ye Tingjiang smiled and said, "You and Senior Sister Mingzheng have the same temperament."

They love to match people.

Mu Chuihan understood, and said naturally, "If it wasn't for my uncle, I wouldn't have the chance to stay by the side of Xianjun. This is what I call repayment!"

Ye Tingjiang stopped chatting with him, and instead reminded: "Are you ready to congratulate Lin Xu?"

Mu Chuihan nodded immediately: "I thought about it before I came. Xianjun has so many sword manuals, how about giving him a copy and giving him some pointers?"

Ye Tingjiang: "..."

Cozuo Fuyan was playing with his idea from the very beginning.

"Are you okay?" Mu Chuihan begged, and then took out the spiritual tool that Ye Tingjiang returned, and hung his finger on the "I beg you" button.

Ye Tingjiang was frightened, and repeatedly agreed: "Okay, okay."

Mu Chuihan changed a button with satisfaction, and practiced "Birthday Ankang" several times.

The disadvantage is that this voice is too cold, and there is no joy in blessing at all, but it seems that it is deliberately making people's birthdays unhealthy.

But since Ye Tingjiang is the sword cultivator Lin Xu admires most, Lin Xu must be very happy to receive it.

The spirit boat fell, and the rookie disciples returned to each peak, and Ye Tingjiang also brought Mu Chuihan back to Yingxue Peak.

The afternoon sun was shining brightly, and Mu Chuihan couldn't help covering his eyes.

Ye Tingjiang was startled: "You... can see it?"

The author has something to say: Mu Chuihan: I am an undercover agent in the devil world.

Teacher Ye: Oh, okay... I accept...

Mu Chuihan: I am Immortal Venerable Yuelin.

Teacher Ye: Ah, this... this can't be...

(bu waiter)

Happy Lantern Festival everyone! Have you eaten Yuanxiao?

Thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-02-2522:56:01~2021-02-2623:28:54~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: loveklpk1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 71 bottles of Yu Shi; 53 bottles of adele; 10 bottles of R Demon King's little fan girl and Xi Ya Yuan Tao; , Wang Zijun 1 bottle; thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!