MTL - Xianzun is Collapsing Every Day-Chapter 89 Extra one

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Ye Tingjiang showed the ugliest smile since the beginning of the joint loan ceremony. He struggled: "I, I'm not affectionate..."

Back and forth, I only liked Mu Chuihan alone.

"Okay." Mu Chuihan couldn't see Ye Tingjiang taking the initiative to make this face, and it was rare for him to apologize for his previous behavior.

However, Ye Tingjiang has gradually calmed down, and his heart is like still water. He had already seen through everything, and when Geng Qingyang came over this time, he could only do three things.

First, accuse him in front of his inferior character and unworthy of sharing a loan with Immortal Venerable Yuelin; second, advise Mu Chuihan not to share a loan with the notorious Ye Tingjiang;

Sure enough, as soon as Geng Qingyang approached, he glanced at Ye Tingjiang with indescribable eyes, and finally shook his head heavily, and said to Mu Chuihan, "Xianzun, do you really want to share a loan with him?"

Mu Chuihan laughed under the hijab. For some reason, Geng Qingyang's expression and words sounded like someone who came to rob a marriage.

He tried his best to suppress his smile, but his voice was still cold: "The marriage contract has been made, and the way of heaven is the proof."

Heaven favors high-ranking monks, and they accept this identity, and it is no child's play to borrow the ceremony together. The marriage contract is completed, and there is no reason to regret it.

Geng Qingyang's words immediately caught the attention of the guests at the ceremony, and everyone's eyes were focused on them, waiting to see the excitement of Jun Tingyun.

There are countless people who are curious about Immortal Venerable and Fuyan, but they both know a lot and dare not ask questions face to face. Only Geng Qingyang dared to say that Ting Yunjun was wrong.

Hearing this, Geng Qingyang looked around, as if giving up on the matter of joint loan, and changed the subject lightly: "Jun Tingyun, why don't you see your good apprentice on your happy day with Xianzun?"

Ye Tingjiang's face was pale, thinking to himself... He is clearly right in front of you.

But it was absolutely impossible to say that, Ye Tingjiang coughed: "He is ill and cannot attend."

"I don't have a problem in the morning, I don't have a problem in the evening, but today I have a problem." Geng Qingyang shook his head, meaning: "It's really unfortunate..."

"Xianzun, what do you think?" He turned his head and threw the question to Mu Chuihan.

"Is Qingyang-Jun talking about Fuyan?" Mu Chuihan said coldly: "He is frail and sickly. After I borrowed together with Tingyun-Jun, I should take more care of him to fulfill the responsibility of a teacher."

Mu Chuihan's attitude was serious and serious. After speaking, he quietly glanced at Ye Tingjiang - although no one could see under the hijab. But Mu Chuihan felt that he was serious this time, at least he didn't smear Ye Tingjiang any more. Ye Tingjiang should praise him when he returned.

Geng Qingyang was also choked up by his calm remarks and left the main table after drinking a glass of wine.

Although on the surface this matter has come to an end, the Xiuxian world has never stopped discussing the relationship between the three of them, Ting Yun-jun, who is constantly arranging and chaotic. Mu Chuihan's reaction at the Co-borrowing Ceremony was interpreted as two completely different meanings.

A group of people insisted that Immortal Moon Lin was deceived by Jun Tingyun, thinking that Jun Tingyun and Fuyan were just a relationship between master and apprentice, so they had to do their duty as teachers. So on this occasion, it was Ting Yun-jun's conspiracy from beginning to end.

Some people also think that no one knows about the anecdotes of Lord Tingyun and his disciples, and it is impossible for Immortal Venerable to be kept in the dark. When he said this, he acquiesced to the unconscionable relationship between Jun Tingyun and his apprentice, and pretended to be deaf and dumb. After all, Immortal Venerable and Lord Tingyun are the most powerful among the cultivators. The joint loan is obviously for the sake of profit, so can it be true love?

The supporters of the Daboyuelin Immortal Venerable Moon Moon Sect certainly disagreed, and believed that no matter what choice Mu Chuhuihan made, they only had to respect and believe it.

Of course, there is no shortage of people making malicious speculations about this. It's not that I don't know what Immortal Venerable is, but it's just that the five yin fusion body is really rare, wouldn't it be beautiful for two people to share...

In short, there were rumors in the world of immortality, but Ye Tingjiang, who was on the day of the joint loan ceremony, still knew nothing about it.

He even felt a bit relieved, at least what Mu Chuihan said today was not so easy to misunderstand.

The gongs were staggered, the guests came and went, and they all dispersed before sunset. After a lively day, only Ye Tingjiang and Mu Chuhuihan were left in Yingxuefeng.

Midday on the moon.

Mu Chuihan casually lifted the hijab that had covered the whole day, but made Ye Tingjiang feel ashamed and hesitated for a long time before saying, "This, this should be lifted by me..."

Ting Yunjun abides by the ancient etiquette, and even prepares a scale in the room. In the end, without doing anything, the bride lifted her hijab by herself.

Seeing his stunned expression, Mu Chuihan loosened his hand and the red cloth dropped again. He negotiated and said, "Now cover it up, will you lift it again?"

Sometimes Mu Chuihan really didn't understand what kind of **** sense of ritual Ye Tingjiang was pursuing.

Ye Tingjiang looked a little sad. He probably felt that doing it again was like playing a family, so he gave up and said, "No need."

Mu Chuihan laughed, pulled off the red cloth again, and turned it around in his hands: "Xianjun, Xianjun, the wedding banquet is over."

I don't need him to remind me what to do next.

The breeze was blowing slowly, Ye Tingjiang looked at Yuehua Rulian, hesitantly said: "Tonight... the moonlight is good tonight, why don't we enjoy the moon together and go back?"

Feeling timid near the hometown... Ye Tingjiang didn't dare to go back to the room when he arrived at this time, and only thought about delaying outside for a while.

"Okay!" Mu Chuihan was overjoyed: "I didn't expect Xianjun, you look at the thick eyebrows and big eyes, and you are so good."

Appreciating the moon, isn't that just rewarding him?

Ye Tingjiang didn't know why Mu Chuihan was so excited, but he nodded, "Well, um..."

The best place to view the moon on Yingxue Peak is naturally the falling moon platform.

Of course, now such an inauspicious name as "Luoyue" will not be called anymore. A mountain stone stands on the edge of a high platform, and the four characters in the letter are like swords - Stop the clouds and see the moon.

When Mu Chuihan first saw it, he felt very new, and he didn't know when Ye Tingjiang carved the stone tablet. Later, he found out that it was probably Ye Tingjiang who wanted to make up for the blow to him by Luoyuetai, so he secretly changed the new name.

Ye Tingjiang sat upright on the high platform, not knowing where to put his hands and feet for a while. Mu Chuihan gently wrapped his arms around Ye Tingjiang's shoulder: "Xianjun, does the moon look good?"

Ye Tingjiang swallowed a mouthful of saliva: "Okay, it looks good."

To tell the truth, he didn't see anything at all, and he was still a little nervous, and he didn't know what he was nervous about.

Mu Chuihan laughed, even with a pair of phoenix eyes, it seemed softer under the night. He faced Ye Tingjiang, stretched his hand to his waist, and slowly pulled up his complicated belt to untie it.

Ye Tingjiang... Ye Tingjiang was so shocked that he grabbed Mu Chuihan's hand.

Mu Chuihan smiled knowingly: "So Xianjun wants to come by himself..."

He instantly loosened the strength in his hands and let Ye Tingjiang hold it softly. If his eyes could speak, then Mu Chuihan would now have Ren Junshiwei written all over his eyes.

Ye Tingjiang rarely understood Mu Chuihan's eyes, and he could even feel a little indulgence that he didn't say, which made Ye Tingjiang panic even more: "You, what are you doing..."

Mu Chuihan was innocent: "Do what you should do on the wedding night."

Ye Tingjiang avoided his innocent but straightforward eyes: "Yes, but now it's outside..."

In order to delay for a while, he proposed to admire the moon. Who knew that Mu Chuihan would simply do whatever he wanted outside...

Ye Ting Jiang Mingming, just wanted to simply appreciate the sky and the moon!

"How's it going outside?" Mu Chuihan wondered, "Yingxuefeng has no outsiders."

There are only two swords, Tsushin and Yuu, and Feifei, a fat cat. Now they should also stay in the room and not disturb them.

"I'm afraid..." Ye Tingjiang thought about it for a long time, and finally used a very absurd reason: "The wind is too strong, I'm afraid of catching a cold."

Mu Chuihan was always afraid of the cold on weekdays, but now facing business, he took out the good cultivation of a monk in the Happy Realm: "It doesn't matter, Xianjun, you have spiritual power to protect your body, are you afraid of the evening wind?"

Ye Tingjiang: "..."

He felt so dazed now.

Before the joint loan ceremony, Ye Tingjiang thought that he had made sufficient psychological preparations for the wedding day. But, no one's wedding room flower candle must have a wedding room at least... Mu Chuihan's scene is too impersonal...

There were thousands of words in his heart, and finally he choked out a sentence: "This is not polite..."

Mu Chuihan shook his head deeply, "No, no, no, this is the way of nature."

Ye Tingjiang always held Mu Chuihan's hands firmly to prevent him from messing around, while sitting more upright: "Don't be too reckless..."

"What kind of pedantic are you?" Mu Chuihan grumbled softly as he wrestled his hands as if playing.

Ye Tingjiang immediately grabbed his hand tighter.

Mu Chuihan's voice was soft: "Ah... Or is it that Xianjun is not an old school, but just likes some other interests?"

He shook his tightly grasped hand and smiled understandingly: "Then it's not that I can't cooperate. As long as you mention Xianjun, everything can be discussed..."

Ye Tingjiang blushed with shame: "You, don't talk nonsense, what kind of fun do I like."

"Isn't it?" Mu Chuihan pretended to be puzzled: "Then Xianjun, you are so tight, are you trying to fight me?"

Ye Tingjiang: "...Of course not!"

Mu Chuihan immediately said, "That's not just wanting to be with me..."

Ye Tingjiang interrupted him immediately: "No."

Mu Chuihan looked at him with a smile: "Okay, Xianjun, tell me, what do you think?"

Ye Tingjiang paused for a long time, but in the end he couldn't help Mu Chuihan, and said helplessly: "Let's go back to the room."

If he had to follow the "interest" in Mu Chuihan's mouth, Ye Tingjiang's bottom line was that they were in the room.

Mu Chuihan looked disappointed, but he was generally quite cooperative, and he didn't miss this treasured place that he had looked for.

Their bedroom was brightly illuminated by a big red candle, and the bed was also replaced with a dragon and phoenix quilt, which looked no different from the big wedding bedding in the world.

Mu Chuihan supported his head and asked, "Xianjun, I heard that the human world will sprinkle some dates, peanuts, longan and lotus seeds on the bed. Why didn't you copy it?"

Ye Tingjiang said in a low voice, "That's the meaning of giving birth to a precious son early, and we can't..."

"I can't," Mu Chuihan said confidently, "but there is still hope for Fuyan. If you want, I can..."

"No," Ye Tingjiang felt chaotic in his mind, he stepped forward and kissed Mu Chuihan's lips, preventing what he was about to say.

After a long, long time, he released Mu Chuihan and said in a panting voice, "I don't want to."

Mu Chuihan smiled, he was born beautiful in the first place, but at this moment, in Ye Tingjiang's eyes, there was a hint of charm.

Ye Tingjiang felt that his whole body was boiling with blood... This was not a strange feeling.

But before he had time to think about it, all these thoughts were driven out of his mind, and only Mu Chuihan was left in his eyes.

He kissed Mu Chuihan again.

There were some ambiguous sounds in the room, and Xiaoyou next door hugged Feifei, contentedly, and tiptoed away from the wall.

They turned around and met Juixing's indifferent eyes, so scared that Xiaoyou didn't come up.

He quickly hooked up on Zuixing's back: "Friend Zuixing, it's great, let's go."

Suixing looked away: "I don't want to know."

"Hmm." Xiaoyou nodded: "I especially want to tell you, let's go, let's go out and play, go far!"

The lights flickered, and the red candle exudes a faint sweet fragrance.

Mu Chuihan's eyes glowed with water, and his innocent eyes swept over the burning candles.

The gift from the red fox demon before the wedding seemed to be too powerful, and he didn't want to use it... In the end, it was Ye Tingjiang who had to come back to the room.

Yes, it was Ye Tingjiang's idea.

He waved his hand slightly and extinguished the red candle.

The author has something to say: Mr. Ye—self-made first-level player thanks to the little angel who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2021-04-1500:55:27~2021-04-1718:42:22~

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 10 bottles of Chenguang Clear; 6 bottles of Su; thank you very much for your support to me, I will continue to work hard!