MTL - Year of Herbs-Chapter 550 unrehearsed performance

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Tang Liurui almost thought she was wrong for a moment, as if she was the only one in the world who noticed this person's open eyes.

And these eyes were staring at her, the red inside seemed to drown her in the next second.

Tang Liurui should have wanted to shout at that moment, no matter what she shouted, it could be to vent her fear or be at a loss.

But in the end, she just watched calmly without making any movement.

Because the people in charge of carrying people are two small catchers who are not good at martial arts, their skills may not be comparable to her.

Tang Liurui's three-legged cat's kung fu has no way to resist a madman who is already red-eyed.

If this lunatic just pretended to be asleep on purpose, then they would be even more dangerous - the possibility is high, although she did not know exactly why he did it.

Need...Tell Hua Jie immediately! Huachaotou...where is he now?

Tang Liurui subconsciously flashed this idea in her mind, but then she shook her head again to dispel the idea.

Crazy... Really crazy, how could she suddenly think of Huachaotou? Hearing the voice just now, Hua Zhaotou seems to have gone out just now, which is not necessarily a bad thing for him.

After all, he is not really Yi Linglong.

If he were still here, in order not to reveal his secrets, I am afraid he would definitely take action, but it would be easy to expose the difference between his skills and the real Yi Linglong - after all, every time he played Yi Linglong in the past Behind him were a bunch of people from Six Doors, and this time, he was just following them.

Tang Liurui took a deep breath, and at this moment, a madman on the stretcher next to him suddenly exploded, throwing a catcher next to him directly to the ground.

The sound from the side was almost like a beast, and the fast catchers behind were in chaos.

"Ah—" The catcher behind him let out a terrified cry, but the madman was like a beast.

The whole house was in chaos all of a sudden, so people were running wildly, whether it was the local hunters or those from Six Doors.

Can't run! Tang Liurui's heart was tight, and the ordinary people around were still there!

She scolded inwardly, it was broken, and now the worst has happened.

Six Doors didn't clean up people before, it was just a gamble. Normally, Six Doors would win the bet, but this time... Six Doors lost the bet.

This kind of thing may be safe nine times out of ten, and it may only fail once. But it was that one time, with dire consequences.

Tang Liurui cursed inwardly, she stared at the strange lunatic in front of her, murmuring to herself.

She said in her heart that this lunatic didn't look like he wanted to kill her, but he didn't look like he was going to let her go, so he just stared at her, what did he mean?

Just as she was at a stalemate with the lunatic, a lunatic next to her had already rushed out of the corridor, and she could vaguely hear someone next to her shouting in panic, "Broken!"

But right now they don't seem to have any way to stop it.

This is an inn. There are other guest rooms on both sides of the same corridor, and there are even people living in it. When the madman ran out, he bumped into an ordinary person who had just come out of another room. opposite.

The man looked at the madman who rushed out with blank and somewhat frightened eyes, but the next second he was thrown to the ground by the madman.

There was a scream from the corridor.

"What's the matter?" The crowd that was quite lively downstairs suddenly stopped, and everyone looked up.

The people who just came up from the six doors were all dressed in normal clothes, so they couldn't tell their identities, but they could see a lot of people just now.

This kind of sound sounds unusual, it is the most tense string that makes people tense all of a sudden.

"What's the matter? I'll go up and take a look." The shopkeeper's heart tightened, and he quickly smiled at the guests behind him, "Eat and drink, nothing to do, I'll go up and take a look and come down. "

As he spoke, he bravely walked up, wondering what happened to the people who went up to the yamen just now, what happened...

"Help!" Tang Liurui heard a catcher beside her begging her for help with difficulty, but she is now unable to protect herself and dare not even move, let alone save others.

She is actually getting more and more confused now. Originally, she had the idea that she was about to die in the line of duty. Who knows that this person in front of her is really not doing anything.

Not only that, Tang Liurui's eyes gradually showed a trace of emotion when she looked at him. How to describe the emotion, she hasn't figured it out yet.

But...the emotions other than tyranny can be seen from these blood-red eyes, she was very surprised.

At this moment, she suddenly heard a panicked scream coming from outside, her heart suddenly raised to her throat, and she said that another lunatic ran out ? Or was the madman just now accidentally running into the street?

But at this moment, she heard a panicked scream from below, "It's Yi Linglong! Yi Linglong is actually here!"

This sentence made Tang Liurui feel like she fell into the ice cellar, and even made her feel more frightened than the two guesses just now.

Hua Head! Hua Zhaotou was still involved in the end.

It's just... Huazhaotou is now shooting, not only these lunatics, I am afraid even the people who have not yet evacuated have noticed it, and the people from the six doors are all here, he How can you live with parry!

Tang Liurui glanced at the lunatic who stared at her like a statue in front of her eyes. She didn't know where the courage came from, and suddenly turned around and ran away from him and rushed out the door.

This is a very dangerous behavior, just like when you meet a bear, don't turn around and run easily, because that will easily stimulate the wild bear's wildness, Tang Liurui feels that she is now the one who spends her life on the wild bear Like the fool who ran before.

But right now there is an idea in her mind - go to Huachaotou! He has no one to help, he will definitely help!

Tang Liurui ran a few steps, and she found that the lunatic behind her did not really catch up, but she had an inexplicable illusion, as if someone was staring at her back, almost There were two holes in her back.

She hurried out of the house, and just passed the corridor, she saw Hua Rongyue's figure, he was on the roof of a house not far away, and opposite him stood a man who was probably also from The madman who jumped out of the window was staring at him from a distance.

My God! Tang Liurui was completely dumbfounded, actually in front of the public!

It's over... In fact, Tang Liurui didn't know what to do when she came over. She had participated in a similar occasion, but she had only watched the specific operation process once. She was responsible for pretending to be everything. An unknown passerby.

People, when necessary, all the people around can be used as props for acting.

But now there is only Tang Liurui left.

What should she do now? Could it be that, like last time, she pretended to be an ordinary passer-by girl, and let Hua Zhaotou kidnap her, and she pretended to be a little weaker to show the strength of "Yi Linglong"?

Tang Liurui was about to cry, she didn't know why she was so unlucky, she had two missions this month, and both missions had such a big thing, is she the disaster star in the legend ?

While Tang Liurui was at a loss, Hua Rongyue on the roof slowly raised her head and glanced at the lunatic opposite.

His eyes were cold and indifferent, as if he could look into people's hearts at once. He was clearly wearing a dazzling mask on his face, but that mask could never hide the emotions in his eyes.

Tang Liurui, who was in a hurry on the roof, suddenly froze.

She heard her heartbeat again.

Here...and again...

That inexplicable's here again...

Tang Liurui slowly covered her heart, squatted down slowly, and suppressed her breathing.

The madman looked at Hua Rongyue with cloudy eyes, and Hua Rongyue also looked at him quietly, as if there was no sorrow or joy.

About a week ago, they used to be a familiar person, but now this person seems to be unknown to her.

"Stop." Hua Rongyue said in a light voice.

The man seemed to know nothing, after listening to her words, he suddenly looked up at her, and then rushed towards her.

Hua Rongyue felt a burst of uncontrollable anger in her chest almost instantly, her fists clenched slightly, and her right hand had uncontrollably pulled out her knife.

Tang Liurui, who was in the corridor, clutched her heart with difficulty and looked outside.

I don't know if it was her illusion, just at that moment, she felt her heart hurt even more, as if a hand was pinching it.

Before she could recover, she saw the madman on the opposite roof rushing towards Hua Chau's head.

Tang Liurui didn't dare to look, and kept her eyes open.

But at this moment, a light flashed in front of her eyes.


The madman let out an inhuman roar and fell to the ground.

The people around were in an uproar.

"Yi Linglong shot! What a quick knife!"

"My God, Sansheng is fortunate enough to see Yi Linglong make a knife!"

Tang Liurui listened to this voice and opened her eyes blankly. She didn't even realize what happened at first, she only felt that the silver light was so dazzling, as if even her eyes would Got stabbed together.

The surroundings were messy, and everyone's voices were mixed together, making her mind a little confused.

Maybe the feeling of heartache just now has not passed, so she is in a trance now.

Tang Liurui could not see what was in front of her, but could only hear the voice in her ear.

Tang Liurui is not a fool either, she vaguely remembers that it should be ... no.

But if not…

The moment when her heart almost jumped out of her throat just now, how could she not let her think about it?

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction