MTL - Your Majesty, the Empress is on the Battlefield Again!-Chapter 953 Don't spread what happened tonight

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  Chapter 953 Don’t spread what happened tonight

  The Raptors also deliberately lowered their voices to respond to them, "They are all talking about irrelevant things. It doesn't matter if you don't talk about it, I found a more interesting thing!"

   "Our boss...can understand animal language!"

  The other eight people's eyes widened when they heard the words.

Lao Bai couldn't help muttering, "Is it true? Why didn't I find out that the boss has this special function before, or did the boss master it after he came to this world? Submissive!"

   Raptor sighed with complicated eyes, "Hey, we should have jumped off the plane without hesitation when the explosion happened, and followed the boss to this magical place to hang out!"

  The rest of the foolish boys also showed regret when they heard the words.

  Although Si Luo was communicating with the two, he listened to all directions with full inspiration and heard their conversations clearly, so he looked over speechlessly.

  My fate was so great that I was selected by the system to survive in another world by reshaping my body.

  Strictly speaking, her destiny in this world has come to an end, and she belongs here.

  Otherwise, you won’t have to go back through your soul and use other people’s bodies as a medium to survive.

  If the few of them jumped down together at that time, it is estimated that there would be no bones left, let alone come to this place.

  Thinking of this, Si Luo's mood was complicated, and he felt a little sad.

   After all, she and them, strictly speaking, are different.

   It's getting late.

  Si Luo suppressed all the annoying emotions in his heart, pulled himself together, and waved to General Meng.

   Seeing this, Meng Jiangxing gritted his teeth and strode over.

  He is a spirit man, and he is more afraid of spirit beasts than ordinary soldiers.

  Especially, it is the powerful coercion unintentionally spreading from the black-spotted spirit tiger.

   made his whole soul tremble.

  Although he was afraid, he still gritted his teeth, avoiding the probing eyes of the two beasts, raised his legs that seemed to be filled with lead, and walked over slowly.

  Si Luo raised his eyebrows in response, and gave the two beasts a warning look.

  Suddenly, the invisible pressure around me suddenly decreased a lot.

  Meng Jiangxing secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and his steps became more and more brisk, and he quickly walked in front of Si Luo.

   Facing this young military adviser, he had mixed feelings, and there was a touch of awe in his eyes.

   "General, I will trouble you to deal with the aftermath later. Regarding their existence, I don't want to hear rumors in other places after tonight."

  Si Luo knew that the appearance of the two beasts would have a great impact on the soldiers, and she did not want the existence of the two beasts to be known to everyone, and the city would be full of storms.

  Of course Meng Jiangxing knew what to do, he bent slightly.

   "Please rest assured, the military adviser."



  Si Luo nodded lightly. Regarding the matter of parting ways with him on the return trip tomorrow, let's wait for the reply from the other side before telling him, lest Meng Jiangxing not sleep well all night.

   Seeing that there was nothing to do with the boss, the nine people moved over.

   "Hey hey, boss, your two new pets are too domineering, we think..."


  Si Luo squinted his eyes halfway, stretched his waist, interrupted their words, and lifted his feet to leave.

   "... I'm sleepy, what's your problem, let's talk about it tomorrow morning."

   A bear and a tiger cast a contemptuous glance at the nine people, and followed behind Si Luo.

   Seeing this, the nine people did not dare to chase after them, and howled behind them.

   "No, boss, how can we sleep like this?!"

  (end of this chapter)