MTL - Zhui Xu-v2 Chapter 17 Gas field

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Two years ago, Nie Yunzhu and Hu Tao’s master and servants both came out of Jinfenglou. Although they lived together like a sister, they also tried to do some work as far as possible, but in fact, the master servant was still the master servant, most of them. Housework is still undertaken by Walnut, and Nie Yunzhu just does something simple. She embroidered some beautiful brocades every day, occasionally some embroidered soles, and went to Jinfenglou to teach a piece of music every few days, thus maintaining this home. Of course, because of her embroidery, she is a boutique route of self-entertainment. The quality is good, but the cost and cost are also high, after all, not much money.

Since last month, walnuts have been seriously ill, and Nie Yunzhu will inevitably take up these things. She will still do simple meals. There is nothing to wash clothes. I am not skilled, maybe not as clean as walnuts. It was only a few days before the Mid-Autumn Festival that I bought the old hen, I wanted to cook it to fill the body of the walnut, and finally I had a few scorpions.

Grabbing the hen did not dare to kill, and later let the hen run away, chasing all the way into the river, the kitchen knife was also thrown away, but also the good-hearted pull of his passers-by. The family rescued themselves. The first reaction after they woke up was to slap the other party, and then the kitchen knife was being seen by the other party the next day. They also helped kill the chicken...

She is also a calm and calm woman. For many years, I have seen many people in the Qinglou. The image is still very important. Who knows that this time people are seen as shameful, and they feel embarrassed. In the past few days, I was sick with the walnuts. Fortunately, the cold is not heavy, but it is also good for the Mid-Autumn Festival. I don’t think about the name of the public. Hu Yan Lei Feng... Hu Yan Lei Feng did not know if it was right. Who knows that it is here today, but it has met again.

Nie Yunzhu used to be a lot of people in the past. This young man is probably in his early twenties. It seems to be esoteric, but afterwards he wants to come. He is quite different from other people in his actions. He speaks and does things like this. It’s light and casual. It was the same from the rescue of himself, the reaction of his own slap in the face and the help of killing the chicken and talking. Nie Yunzhu followed up and saw that he really wanted to buy charcoal, but when he looked at the charcoal and talked with the boss a few words, the situation is somewhat different.

The time is near late autumn, winter is approaching, most people have to buy carbon, and there are naturally scattered places, but this store is actually a bag of carbon bags to sell. After the man said it to the shopkeeper, he dumped a large bag of charcoal on the ground, took a bag, and picked it up with a charcoal strip. He could not be chosen by him, often on the ground. After a few strokes, I can throw a certain piece into the bag. The owner is not angry. I just curiously ask a few words and go to do his thing.

Just watching for a moment, Nie Yunzhu followed, stopped at the side of the other side, bent down: "Engong?"

"Well?" The man turned to look at her and he recognized her. "Oh, it’s you, so smart." The man still chose charcoal.

This reaction and the arguments are somewhat strange. Confucian culture has reached its peak nowadays. The various rituals should be handled with considerable complexity. If a man sees a woman, he should not stand upright and be gentle. This kind of refined atmosphere is already the whole society. The habit of it. However, "Oh, it’s you, so smart," so casually speaking, Nie Yunzhu was the first time he met, but it was a natural feeling. She groaned slightly, rubbed her eyes, then gathered her skirt and kneeled next to her.


"Oh, but killing only chickens, nothing, don't call me grace." The man waved and smiled and said casually.

"When you don't remember to kill the chicken, you don't remember what you have saved from the river?"


The other party stunned, and this reaction came over. Nie Yunzhu couldn’t help but smile. The two men squatted side by side in front of the pile of charcoal. Nie Yunzhu looked at him with his head: "The name of the body is Nie Yunzhu." Wait, make sure that the other person can remember the name before, "Is the name of the public name called Hu Yan Lei Feng?"

"Huh, Hu Yan Lei Feng..."

For a time, the man's expression was like a slight twitching, very complicated, and then he laughed out: "Oh, Ning Yi." He said, "Ning Yi, Ning Liheng."

Hearing this name, Nie Yunzhu also stunned.

"Water tune song..."

"That person is Ning Yi, the word Li Heng..."

"Su Fu oh oh..."

“Maybe it’s a famous person who bought poetry...”

The horror of Zhong Fengge’s reading of the first word was still in his mind, and the girl’s arguments suddenly flashed. Ning Yi Ning Li Heng. Originally, she simply admired the words. She had not had time to digest the charm of the first word. There was not much to talk about the gossip. Therefore, the name didn’t matter to her. I didn’t even think about it, but I got it. At this point, she only made an impact on her mind.

She took a long while and then reacted: "Ning Gongzi... I don't know what to use for this charcoal?"

"Well, I used to write." Ning Yi knocked on a wooden board painted with a layer of white paint, and then wrote a piece of powder on the ground with a piece of powdered charcoal. He probably wanted to I wrote the name of Nie Yunzhu I just heard, but when Nie wrote the last stroke, it was a meal. It is estimated that it was a bit rude to write the other’s name. I changed a place and wrote “Ning Yi”. "These two words come.

The way the font went through the book was powerful and powerful. After the final stroke, the charcoal was pinched off. Nie Yunzhu himself also has rumors in calligraphy. In my heart, I have a slight measure. The method of holding charcoal is different from that of holding a brush. If I write it with a charcoal strip, the font must be far worse. He can use charcoal to write it like this. The understanding of calligraphy is afraid that it has become a family.

This year's poetry and calligraphy is a family. There are people who have deep knowledge of calligraphy. Most of them are called the next generation of Confucianism. The difference is not much. The person who can write such a handwriting can write that the water-sounding song is not very good. suspicious. Nie Yunzhu thought that the rumors were really untrustworthy. She knows that Ning Yi’s brush writing is just a readable one. Instead, she used chalk and pen to write various art fonts. It was practiced. Later, she had a status and a mood, and the written handwriting was added. Divided into momentum, this time look at the two words, I feel a little backward, but I can always take it out and fool people.

The practice of wording is not an overnight success. It is not always possible for the students who have worked hard all day to think that the teacher's font is ugly...

"Get the class, write with this whiteboard, write it can be erased, sandbox, the outline is not clear enough, always sweep and sweep, and the sand table is flat, the students are tired, this can be hung vertically."

"Classroom... School? Ning Gongzi is a gentleman in the school?"

"Well, elementary school, teach a few stupid students to read and write..."

"Oh... Ning Gongzi, can this root be?"

In the Qinglou Chu Pavilion, there is a social art about how to get along with people. As long as there is preparation, Nie Yunzhu is confident that he can naturally talk to anyone without feeling embarrassed. This time is also natural, but this is naturally not because of myself. It feels because of the attitude of the other party. The two choose the charcoal strips, and soon they are filled with the small bag, and the hands are already dark. It is. When paying, Ning Yi paid more than ten articles for this small bag of charcoal.

"The store is not reasonable, this carbon strip will have to receive more than a dozen articles." Out of the door, Nie Yunzhu said.

"Oh, it is not good to disturb people. It is estimated that I still want to use it to go to school to make me pick and choose. The identity of the teacher is still very good."

"If the son wants to buy it next time, he might buy a few bags to go home and pick it up. Anyway, if you want to use it at home, you can save the money."

"Haha, next time I don't want to choose, let the students bring some useful ones to go to the school."

After a while, the two washed their hands on the Qinhuai River. One person carried the wooden board and charcoal. One person was wearing a cloth bag and a medicine bag. He walked forward and backward, and Nie Yunzhu said that he was killed by him. Ning Yi just waved his hand and said that it was not a big deal, and that it was an understatement.

The two occasionally talked a few words, the atmosphere was naturally a bit strange, the two walked out a section Nie Yunzhu, who walked in the back step, thought about the mood of the water-sounding singer, and suddenly felt that maybe only this Only when people are free and easy can they write such poems.

So I walked out for a while, and when I got to a river bay, Ning Yi stopped and said goodbye to it. Not far from the river bank, the waves were quiet, the willows were green, and a tea pot and several small shops were there. There is a small chess booth next to the tea ceremony. The two old people are playing there leisurely. One of them is full of silk and satin, which is quite expensive.

She said goodbye to the other party. After a few words, she paused for a while and walked forward. The other party also went forward. It was in the direction of the tea booth. The two old people seemed to be He knew, smiled and said something, and vaguely heard his voice coming.

"...There were two miserables in these days... This morning, the nephew is coming to me..."

She walked over and finally looked back, the man was sitting there watching the chess, took a cup of tea and took a light drink. There is not much overlap between the two people. There is no such thing as repaying the grace, and Jiangning, who is so big, may not have the chance to see again in the future. It seems that there is not much utilitarianism and intention in the other person’s speech. This is almost only seen among the talents and celebrities she has seen. It is natural and free, free and easy, free from many red tapes, but not unpleasant. The feeling of being able to maintain the distance is indeed as rumored as the literary style of the Tang Dynasty. Nowadays, the literati are all gentlemen, and perhaps the gentleman should be so romantic.

Maybe it will not be met again later, and the other party has not taken those "gracefulness" as one thing, but such a figure, she is already in mind.

Ning Yi Ning Liheng...

Nie Yunzhu thought so, and walked in the direction of going home.