Path to Heaven-Chapter 921

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Chapter 921

"What kind of existence are the barbarians? Why have I never seen it in the record? " After the young man's brow frowned slightly, he looked at Weisuo and asked.

"Doesn't this man really know about the barbarians?" Weisuo and linglongtian exchanged glances. The young man in Chinese didn't look like he was deliberately pretending to be.

"I can only see in the records that the barbarians are all of this blue giant body, and the rest are unknown." Weisuo then looked at the young man in Chinese clothes and said, "I just heard that the barbarians were involved in great secrets and wanted to destroy the whole monastic world. So I found that you have such a broken arm. I want to ask about the origin."

"Is it?" After hearing what Weisuo said, the young man in the colorful robe appeared a little ironic smile. "Which super big gate does not control the whole monastic world, takes all the resources, surpasses the whole cultivation world, and becomes the great emperor of all ages. If the barbarians have amazing power, it is normal for them to do so If you are chasing me, you must be trying to get some benefits. Are you greedy for my skills

"If you can tell me where the blue broken arm came from, I can promise I won't trouble you." Said vissault, looking at the young man.

"That's a big voice." When you see the white arm, you can tell me what it looks like to see the white one. Tell me what it looks like to be a white hand

"Good!" Weisuo looked at the young man, and there was no nonsense. He condensed his glory and condensed the appearance of the mysterious young monk who claimed to be Lin Fenghua and the seal of Shuilin king.

"Did you say that the place where the monk finally appeared was in Yunling land?" The young man narrowed his eyes and looked at Wei Suo Ning's appearance of Lin Fenghua and Shuilin Wang Yin and asked.

"Not bad." Weisseau nodded. "Now it's your turn to answer my question."

"I don't think you can go on and tell us what you're from." The young man laughed, not wanting to answer weissou's plan.

"Are you ready to talk Weisuo's face suddenly became a little gloomy.

"Ready to do so, so what?" The young man in Huayi smiles and looks at Weisuo, Linglong sky and the Dragon Jupiter without any care.

"I'll have to catch you then."

Weisuo didn't move at all, but he made a quiet voice, but on the ninth day, if there were countless gods and Buddhists chanting scriptures suddenly sounded.

The face of the young man in Huayi suddenly changed, and the arrogant and contemptuous look on his face disappeared instantly. At the same time, his body was shocked, and countless colorful light stars were scattered on his body, just like a piece of divine iron put into the oven, and then hit by a red hammer.


But at the same time, the young man's eyes also showed two divine lights, which changed between the visible and the invisible, and directly fell on Wei Suo and Linglong Tian.

Weisuo's body was also shocked at the same time. In his head, he was like being cut by a magic sword, and his headache was about to crack.


Suddenly, a palpitating breath burst out in front of the young man in Huayi. A gorgeous divine light was even more brilliant than that of this young man in Huayi. In an instant, there was a trend of forming a sea of gods and filling the whole world.


A brilliant ancient Chinese character came out from front of Weisuo. After a collision, the palpitating breath in front of the young man in Huayi suddenly disappeared and showed his real body. However, a half broken and colorful ancient painting was flying towards Weisuo.

The young man's face was filled with an unbelievable look. At this moment, Weisuo stepped out of the young man's face, and immediately appeared not far from the young man's body, and seized the ancient painting.


The young man in Hua Yi was astonished, and his eyes again showed two lights. If there were two invisible swords, they would be killed again in Weisuo's mind.

At the same time, the figure of the young people in Chinese clothes disappeared directly in the void and ran away crazily.

"Three hundred feet to the left in front of you..."

Under the guidance of Linglong sky, Weisuo, who was shaking a little, stepped out again. At the same time, a sword Qi of blue light converged and killed him.


A colorful star of light burst out from the seemingly empty sky The young man in Huayi was beaten by the huge power and reappeared.

Weisuo's hand showed the piece of black jade that could stimulate the prohibition of black divine patterns. At the same time, two divine lights were played in the eyes of the young man in Huayi, which made Weisuo shake his body in the air for a while, and could not control Zhenyuan for a moment.

Linglongtian in the rear area has also chased up. Huayi young people, who look extremely appalled, dare not have any stay and take the opportunity to escape for dozens of miles.

"Leave it for me!"

Weisuo once again launched Mahayana Dharma, a huge divine power directly pressed on the young people.

"Shua!"In the mouth and nose of young people, there are countless colorful stars of light. However, after being beaten upside down for hundreds of feet, the young man's eyes also showed two lights again.

Weisuo's body shook violently, and his aura was extinguished, and he rocked down in the air.

The Linglong sky in the rear swept to Weisuo's side and caught him.

Wei Suo's face was extremely ugly. He stretched out his hand and took out several miraculous elixirs and swallowed them. But just for a moment, the escape light of the young man in Chinese clothes almost disappeared.

"This man has such a skill in his body

After that, Wei Linglong, who was afraid to escape from the sky, was afraid to escape from the sky.

From the perspective of the vitality fluctuation of the young man in Huayi when he was just practicing the Dharma, the cultivation of this young man was just the middle of the four fold golden elixir.

This kind of cultivation is nothing to the present Weisuo.

But what this man has just displayed is the method of attacking and attacking God consciousness that Weisuo always wanted!

Moreover, this person's divine sense attack method is extremely amazing, almost does not need to mobilize the true yuan to be able to stimulate directly.

The power of this man's divine consciousness made Weisuo feel like a vast ocean. It seemed that the power of divine consciousness was not under Weisuo.

The power of divine consciousness in the middle period of the golden elixir is almost the same as Wei Suo's now!

"This must be a strong law passed down by the Huang nationality. This person must have got a lot of inheritance from the Huang nationality." Linglong Tian's face was also extremely ugly. She was also struck by the young man's attack method of divine sense. Her divine sense was not small, and her head was like a crack, which was also a headache.

This level of divinity attack method should be the same level as the Buddha's divine awn of Donghuang patriarch. Except for the Buddha's divine awn, no one has heard of a super large sect or a powerful one that has such a level of divine consciousness attack and attack method in thousands of years. It must have been derived from the inheritance of the Dharma.

In addition, this young man, like Weisuo, either got some treasures of heaven and earth, or had the skill of refining his body. At first, when Weisuo launched Mahayana's Dharma, he was afraid of accidentally killing it, which only inspired a small part of his power. However, after a full attack, the young man did not fall directly, but could continue to play the divine sense attack method and escape And go.

Wei Suo's fighting power of shuangshenxuan startles the sky. With Linglong Tian, even if he is faced with a monk with three levels of Shenxuan, he is likely to leave him, but he is escaped by a monk with four golden elixirs, which naturally makes both Linglong Tian and Wei Suo extremely angry.

"No wonder Linglong Tian is so afraid of the barbarians..."

Weisuo took a deep breath. His divine consciousness was seriously damaged. It was estimated that it would take at least half a day for him to recover completely.

Whether it is the inheritance of the void Taoist, or the magic power of a young man whose name has been inherited by another barren clan, he has a deeper understanding of the terrible degree of the desolate people.


Seeing that at the moment, there are friars in ningcui city who have sensed the fighting method here. They have already taken a look at it. Wei Suo bit his teeth and plundered out into the wasteland.

After a long journey, Weisuo and Linglong fell down in the valley of an iceberg.

"These monks don't seem to know much about the barbarians. And these monks who have been passed down do not know each other. " After landing, weissar first said this with a frown.

"Yes, looking at the young man's appearance and inquiring about the whereabouts of Lin Fenghua, it seems that he wants to attack Lin Fenghua's idea and covet what Lin Fenghua has." Linglong Tian locked his eyebrows, grinded his teeth, and said: "from this point of view, this young man's inheritance should be related to the blue broken arm. He must have got a lot of inheritance because of some relationship with the blue arm. He felt that Lin Fenghua's experience may be the same as his own, and he must have got a lot of benefits. So this man wants to deal with Lin Fenghua and rob Lin Fenghua It's something. "

"In this way, even if there is a great power in the world, at least it is scattered, and the famine clan should be withered." Vissault's face softened a little.

"There may be other secrets. I don't think it's that simple." Linglong day bit his teeth, took a deep breath, and slowly vomited out, "we must try to catch this talent line."

"This man is not easy to deal with, with his divine sense The next time I find this man, I'll be sure to win only if I stretch it to more than 200 Li and fight the enemy with my heart and sword. "

"He ran away this time He must have found out that you are Shenxuan cultivation. This time you are not our opponent. Maybe you will flee to other continents and hide completely. "

After a few words of conversation, Weisuo took out the broken ancient map which he had captured with the ancient emperor's military capture technique.

This is a gorgeous painting made of dozens of silk threads of unknown materials. It is also covered with numerous colorful butterfly shaped patterns, revealing the atmosphere of great vicissitudes. Compared with this painting scroll, the French clothes on the young man are obviously very new and quite different. They should be the Dharma clothes refined by the young people later.There are two ragged cracks on this scroll. In the cracks, there are still two kinds of more terrible breath residues.

These two breath, obviously, are the residual breath of magic weapon and technique that broke the painting scroll. These two breath are so lasting that we can see how amazing the power of breaking this painting scroll was, reaching the level of being branded on heaven and earth.


Weisuo tried to concentrate on Zhenyuan, and this scroll was easy to be directly inspired. With the recovery of Shenwei, a palpitating breath concussion, an incomparably gorgeous ocean of divine light composed of at least tens of thousands of colors rushed forward.

A dark iceberg in front of me disappeared directly. , the fastest update of the ReadNovelFull!