Seeking Immortality In The World Of Cultivation-Chapter 365: 357: Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion

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Chapter 365: 357: Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion

Translator: 549690339

Being a Foundation Establishment Master, He Song’s keen perception allowed him to detect even the slightest change in Jiang Gao’s expression.

As soon as Jiang Gao showed any abnormal demeanor, He Song would naturally understand whether what he was saying was true or false.

Meanwhile, as He Song’s gaze locked onto Jiang Gao’s face, every movement that Jiang Gao made was under He Song’s watchful eye.

From then on, no matter what actions Jiang Gao took, He Song would be able to stop him with ease.

Facing a Late Foundation Establishment Master.

Jiang Gao, whose current cultivation was at the ninth-tier Qi Refining, would likely not even be able to commit suicide.

In other words, Jiang Gao’s life was already in He Song’s grasp.

“This… Sir, I am merely passing through on my way from the Eight-vein Immortal City to the Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion, having been traveling all along…”

Glancing at He Song, and seeing that his expression did not change much, Jiang Gao’s nervousness eased a little.

He was indeed coming from the Eight-vein Immortal City and heading towards the Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion.

What he told He Song was all true.

However, he was also hiding some things.

For example, his identity.

His purpose in going to Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion.

And the reason why he appeared in this place.

In Jiang Gao’s view, the Foundation Establishment Master who had suddenly blocked his path should let him go after hearing his words.

After all, a lowly Qi-refining cultivator like himself would pose no threat to a Foundation Establishment Master.

Jiang Gao had also secretly observed He Song’s appearance and deduced that He Song was not among the Foundation Establishment Masters he had seen before.

This meant that the Foundation Establishment Master before him probably didn’t know him.

Perhaps, he was a newly promoted Foundation Establishment Master.

Since they were strangers and this person was likely a newly promoted Foundation Establishment Master, their temperament wouldn’t be as aloof as a more experienced Foundation Establishment Master. 𝐟r𝗲𝚎𝚠e𝐛no𝘃𝗲𝐥.c𝗼m

With this in mind, Jiang Gao felt more confident.

He believed that this newly promoted Foundation Establishment Master would let him go after stopping him and getting the answers to his questions.

After contemplating, Jiang Gao’s heart gradually relaxed as he felt that his life was not in danger.

But soon, Jiang Gao became curious about why He Song had stopped him in the first place.

Although this place was not remote and many cultivators passed by, it was unusual for a newly-promoted Foundation Establishment Master to be here, stopping him and asking about his purpose in this location.

Which Foundation Establishment Master would have nothing better to do than to stop random passing cultivators on the road and ask such questions?

Wasn’t that just declaring that there was something unusual about this place?

Perhaps there was something worth investigating about the purpose of this newly-promoted Foundation Establishment Master’s visit here?

If he could gain some unexpected opportunity, perhaps he would have a chance to achieve Foundation Establishment.

A thought like that flashed across his mind, and Jiang Gao’s eyes suddenly brightened as he glanced at He Song secretly with a more ambiguous gaze.

As a Qi-refining cultivator within the influence of the Sun Faction,

his experience and insight were naturally much better than those of a Loose cultivator from the Golden Elixir Sect.

He had seen quite a few Foundation Establishment Masters, and that was one of the reasons he could quickly regain his composure.

After confirming that he had no past grievances with the Foundation Establishment Master in front of him, Jiang Gao’s mind started to work rapidly.

However, he didn’t realize that his subtle gaze had already been detected by He Song, causing He Song to have some suspicions.

He Song’s gaze stayed on Jiang Gao.

His expression remained calm.

But there was a hint of doubt in his heart.

Jiang Gao said that he had come from Eight-vein Immortal City and was going to Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion.


When He Song had previously checked the map, he had not found any records of Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion.

No matter if it was decades ago or now,

He Song had never seen any information about Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion on the map.

So, did the Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion Jiang Gao mentioned actually exist?

Or was that Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion a newly built one after He Song had secretly opened a hidden cave mansion in this area decades ago?

Only this explanation could account for why He Song hadn’t discovered any information about Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion before, and why his hidden cave mansion had been discovered.

“Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion? Where is it located? Why isn’t it recorded on my map?”

With his suspicions, He Song naturally asked these questions.

As He Song questioned,

Jiang Gao, who was now wondering what was He Song’s purpose for staying here, was startled and felt his heart skip a beat.

For an instant, it was as if Jiang Gao’s heart had paused.

At this moment, his body trembled, looking as if he had been frightened, and he froze on the spot.

It wasn’t until He Song’s gaze revealed a hint of impatience,

and the surrounding spiritual pressure suddenly increased again, that Jiang Gao snapped back to his senses and hurriedly apologized.

“Master, please do not be angry, do not be angry. This Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion was established by the Master Guardian of the Eight-vein Immortal City several decades ago, due to the difficulties faced by the Loose cultivators in the area.”

“Most likely, Master mustn’t have updated his map for many years, and that’s why the information was not recorded.”

“The Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion is just a few hundred miles away, and this place is on the route from Eight-vein Immortal City to the Myriad Forms Immortal Mansion.”

After apologizing hurriedly, Jiang Gao’s face was suddenly covered in cold sweat.

At the same time, his heart was filled with regret for his earlier speculation.

A Foundation Establishment Master who had not changed their map for decades,

was definitely not a newly promoted Foundation Establishment Master as he had previously guessed.

The person before him must have been a very deep Foundations Establishment Master, with a cultivation level of at least Late Foundation Establishment Stage.

In front of such an important figure, showing any flaw might result in a devastating catastrophe for him.

At this moment, Jiang Gao was incredibly thankful that He Song revealed his identity before Jiang Gao had a chance to test him.

If Jiang Gao had begun probing He Song’s reason for being here, he would likely have been immediately killed on the spot.

In the eyes of He Song, an old Foundation Establishment practitioner who had spent at least a few decades or even over a hundred years in the Foundation Establishment Realm, the lives of Qi Refining stage cultivators wouldn’t be considered valuable at all.

Just as he wouldn’t care about the ants on the ground.

Such a senior Foundation Establishment Master with a cultivation level of at least Late Foundation Establishment would not care about a young Qi-refining cultivator like him.

Perhaps, just a single wrong look could cost him his life.

Perhaps, just one unnecessary action could cost him his life.

Perhaps, just a slightly slow response could cost him his life.

To a Foundation Establishment Master who had lived for over a hundred years, casually killing a Qi Refining stage cultivator wouldn’t even cause a ripple in their emotions.