Taken By The Mafia Lord-Chapter 866 - Dare Death

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866 Dare Death

“Hey, babe, It’s getting late and you need to go,” Victor told Mimi even though it was three in the afternoon.

She narrowed her gaze at him with suspicion, “Are you chasing me away?”

He laughed nervously, “Of course not!” Victor wasn’t stupid enough to admit that. He wasn’t ready to die yet in her hands.

Instead, he came up with another strategy and brushed his lips against her, and just like that, she melted into him. Victor had intended to use the kiss as a distraction, to help bring down her defenses, but the sweet kiss turned deeper and urgent.

There was nothing as satisfying as kissing the woman you loved and knowing she felt just the same way as you. Mimi took the lead in the kiss, completely on top of him and dominating the kiss until she made a wrong move and Victor groaned in pain and not pleasure.

“God, I’m so sorry,” Mimi got off him in a hurry, guilt crossing her expression.

“No, it’s alright,” He quickly stopped her from apologizing, “I would not mind dying this way.”

Mimi hit him on the shoulder.

“Ouch!” He exclaimed, “What was that for?”


“Don’t use that word casually!” She warned him with fire blazing in her eyes. It was not funny at all. Mimi told him, “I almost lost you, Victor and I don’t expect to go through the same or I swear to God, I’ll leave you. I’ll go far away with our baby where you wouldn’t be able to find me.”

And that comment was enough to make Victor nervous. He couldn’t imagine a world without Mimi by his side anymore.

“I promise you, it wouldn’t happen again,” He spoke to reassure her, “Moreover, I would never let you go now, honey. No matter where you run to, I will always find you.” He grinned, reaching out to caress her cheek and Mimi leaned into his touch, sighing.

“That’s why you need to leave now. Richardo wouldn’t be able to do much in broad daylight with people around. Even he is scared of the law.” Victor told her.

“What about you?” Mimi asked him, worried. She had to be told about Richardo so she would be conscious of security. What was the use of keeping the secret and endangering her life instead?

“Don’t worry about me, the Draven family will take care of me. Richardo has no influence here.” Victor lied through his teeth, but he didn’t want Mimi worrying over unnecessary things.

“Samuel is here to take you, he’s right outside the hospital and would take you home.” He informed her.

“Sure, I’ll be leaving then.” And though she said it, Mimi still held on to him.

Then without warning, she smashed her lips down on his, kissing him with fervor, and by the time Mimi was done, Victor found his brain reeling. That was just hot!

When they broke away from the kiss, Victor was looking at her with great affection in his eyes.

“I love you, Mimi Davis,” He said, still eyeing her lips.

She tugged his hair from his face, smiling brightly, “I love you too, Victor Luciano.”

As much as she wanted to stay, Mimi knew that this was her cue to leave. She couldn’t leave Samuel waiting outside and Victor was right, it would be much more dangerous to leave by night. However, as soon as Mimi was out the door, she felt something was wrong.

“Is anything wrong, gentlemen?” Mimi asked one of the guards who had now come to stand in front of her.

Usually, the guards would try to be friendly to her, but right now, they were not even smiling and looked at her like she was an enemy or something. It unsettled her and made her begin to reconsider leaving Victor with them. But then, Victor said he was in good hands, right? Mimi didn’t know what to do or believe.

Mimi turned one last time and the door was a fire-dated timber wood with a vision glass panel, which meant she could see Victor through it. As if sensing her gaze, Victor smiled and waved at her to leave. She tilted her head unsure, perhaps she was the one thinking too much?

Hence Mimi carefully walked past them and went her way. She should not worry too much, after all, Marcel would not stand still and watch anything happen to his cousin. Moreover, if Victor says he’s fine, then he’s fine. Mimi decided to trust him for once.

Victor was vigilant and as soon as he was sure that Mimi has left, he picked up his phone and called Marcel.

“I know consiglieres are eligible to be held hostage during negotiations however, this should have come with a warning. Not to mention that I have no means of protecting myself.” He spat into the phone as soon as his cousin picked up.

“I’m sorry,” Marcel answered, “No one saw it coming. Daniel lives up to his reputation and I was a fool to think he would stand still. I just thought…..” There was a momentary pause as he let out a deep sigh, “I thought he changed. Finally, perhaps, over the months, he gained a bit of humanity. But I was wrong. If anything, he only learned to be a better striker.”

Victor knew his cousin was barely restricting himself from going on a killing spree – he would take care of those involved in breaking off the treaty. Daniel can bring out the worst in people.

“What do I do?” Victor asked, eyeing the men outside. It was funny how the ones assigned to keep him safe, were now the ones keeping him from moving out of the room. The irony of life.

“Stay still. Don’t make any careless moves. I know Eric and he’s not going to touch a hair on your body, yet.”

“What are you going to do now?”

“I would see him..”

“What?!” Victor shouted, dumbfounded.

“Why would you meet him and not me or an emissary? You’re in a war, he’s going to kill you!” Victor told him.

But he said, “In that case, I have to dare death then.” Marcel made up his mind already.