The Jiang Family's Little Girl Has Magic Powers-Chapter 187: Rescue

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Chapter 187

Because her spiritual power was flowing away in large quantities, the direction of disappearance of spiritual power was her womb.

Therefore, she had to spend a lot of time and energy practicing in the spirit world every day, consuming spirit crystals without hesitation. In order to provide enough spiritual power for the child in her belly.

On the third day after the palace examination, the results of this imperial examination came out. Jiang Yuhai's three elder brothers were all on the list.

The fourth elder brother Jiang Yuhai ranked 26th in the second class, the fifth elder brother Jiang Yuming ranked 17th in the second class, and the sixth elder brother Jiang Yushan's ranking was slightly worse, 89th in the second class.

So far, the Jiang Guogong Mansion has produced six jinshi in one family, which can be called unprecedented in history. For a while, it became a good story in the court.

On such a great joyous occasion, if it were other mansions, they would definitely hold banquets and celebrate extravagantly. But the Jiang Guogong Mansion was very low-key, and only celebrated with a few tables of wine among their own family members.

The Jiang Guogong Mansion was already magnificent, and there was no need to add fuel to the fire. The greater the pride, the greater the fall. It is always harmless to be more low-key, to avoid others taking this opportunity to make trouble and attack the Jiang Guogong Mansion and the Empress.

The Jiang family's behavior was seen by the Retired Emperor. He said, "This Jiang Wenyuan is too cautious." Although he said so, he was still quite appreciative in his heart.

Such a person is not confused by wealth and rank, and knows his place. He is reliable for the royal family to use, and the common people also feel at ease with such an official.

In May, the court dispatched officials.

Jiang Yuhai was dispatched to the Eastern Ocean North Prefecture, Jiang Yuming was dispatched to the Tubo Prefecture, and Jiang Yushan was dispatched to the Lidong Prefecture. They were sent far and wide.

These places had all newly incorporated into the territory of Great Xia. Although they were somewhat backward and complicated, as long as one was willing to work hard, they were also the easiest places to accomplish things.

With Jiang Wenyuan and Jiang Yuqing, the two pillars in the Jiang family, no one could take away their achievements.

It was just that Jiang Yushan, the sixth son, was not married yet, and the family had to worry about it a little. But he himself was not in a hurry to get married, so the family’s urgency was futile. They had to let him go with the flow.

After sending off the elder brothers and sisters-in-law, the Jiang Guogong Mansion suddenly became much emptier, and the elders were somewhat reluctant. But for officials to serve the court, this was a good thing, and of course the elders could not delay the future of the children.

Moreover, the young eagles had to learn to fly on their own after growing up.

Jiang Yuqing was pregnant for over four months, her belly was already obviously bulging, round like an overturned small pot.

She was completely unaware of being pregnant. Every day she would roam around the capital with her big belly. Jing Yan still had no way to deal with her.

He didn’t need to worry about safety issues. With his wife’s current ability, someone who could hurt her probably hadn’t been born yet.

Pregnant cultivators had an advantage. Most other pregnant women were tortured by pregnancy reactions. Except for the daily increasing consumption of spiritual power, she ate wonderfully and slept until daylight without any discomfort at all.

Such a physique made Mingyang Princess very envious.

When she first became pregnant, she would throw up at anything she ate. At its worst, she even threw up bile. She felt dizzy all day long and just wanted to sleep when she had no energy. She was really tortured.

When she felt unwell, her son-in-law was also anxious and attentive to her needs. After the fetus in her belly reached three months and she was finally able to eat something, her son-in-law had actually lost a circle.

Even so, she only dared to walk around in her own princess residence. She occasionally went to the palace to visit Jiang Yuqing. She hadn’t been to Tai’an Farm at all.

On the other hand, Jiang Yuqing went to the hospital every day she should go to the hospital. After returning to the palace, she would still wave her hoe in the Imperial Garden to dig everywhere and plant things.

It was said that the vegetables and fruits in the palace had now become completely self-sufficient and no longer needed to purchase from outside. Jiang Yuqing had sent some to her, and they tasted wonderful.

Such an emperor who loved farming was truly unprecedented.

Originally, the Retired Emperor and Empress Dowager also wanted to return to the palace to take care of her.

As a result, their daughter-in-law was as strong as an ox. She could go up the mountain to fight tigers. She didn’t need them to worry at all. If they stayed, they would have to eat the dog food of their son and daughter-in-law from time to time. They were really somewhat redundant.

Therefore, the two elders packed up again and moved back to Tai’an Farm.

As time entered June, the weather was getting hotter day by day. As the months went by, Jiang Yuqing became more and more lazy, and her nap time became longer and longer.

On this afternoon, she was sleeping soundly in the pavilion. Suddenly she felt someone shaking her, "Qingqing, wake up, wake up quickly."

Jiang Yuqing opened her eyes in a daze, her voice still carrying the coquettishness and hoarseness of just waking up, "What's the matter, what happened? Why the urgency."

Jing Yan said, "The heir of Duke of Protector had an accident during training in the barracks today. One of his arms was twisted off.

The Yuan family sent him to He An Hospital. Doctor Qiu said that his arm was completely severed. If he reconnects it, even if it's reattached, I'm afraid the arm won't be restored to its original state."

"So the Duke of Protector came to beg me. He wants you to take action.

The Yuan family has been loyal and hardworking for generations with great merits. I can't refuse them, so I had to promise to let you take a look. But you are pregnant now. Just try to save him if you can. Don't force yourself if you really can't, your health is most important."

As soon as Jiang Yuqing heard this, she was immediately fully awake and asked, "Where is the patient? Take me to see him quickly."

"He's at He An Hospital. The Yuan family didn't dare move him randomly, so they kept him there under Doctor Qiu's care."

"Okay, let someone go back to them saying that I will be there immediately."

Since his wife was going to save someone, she would most likely use Rebirth Technique, which consumed a lot of spiritual power. Jing Yan was worried, so he also changed his clothes and followed her out of the palace.

As soon as the Yuan family saw that the emperor and empress appeared at the same time, they were so moved that tears welled up in their eyes. The two generations of Duke of Protector wanted to kneel down to Jiang Yuqing immediately. She stopped them. Now was not the time to pay attention to such formalities.

The medical staff responsible for the rescue came up. Jiang Yuqing put on a white coat while asking her, "Did you bring the severed arm? What time was it severed?"

"We brought it. It was severed around noon."

Jiang Yuqing quickly calculated the time, "Reconnecting it now is still in time!"

The sooner the severed limb was repaired, the greater the viability would be, that was, the better it would be. Even if it was reattached through surgery, and persistent rehabilitation was insisted afterwards, it still couldn't be fully restored to its original state.

If this happened, the military career of the heir of Duke of Protector would have ended. He was in his prime youth. Such a blow would have been extremely cruel.

Jiang Yuqing would not let such a tragedy and regret happen again. So she decided to use Rebirth Technique, although the process might be very difficult.

But before she got pregnant, even if the entire arm was gone, it wouldn’t matter. She could also use Rebirth Technique to slowly regenerate his severed arm, although it would consume a lot.

Now that she was pregnant, the one in her belly was like a bottomless pit when absorbing spiritual power. The little bit of spiritual energy she painstakingly cultivated every day and absorbed from spirit crystals was all fed to him (her). With the original limb there, it could save a lot of effort.

At this time, the severed arm of the injured had been plugged with silver needles to stop the bleeding. The wound had also been cleaned up. After Jiang Yuqing took a look, she only kept Doctor Qiu, his nephew Tian Shanglu and Jing Yan, the other personnel were all sent out of the operating room.

Doctor Qiu had already given him an anesthetic potion, so the anesthesia had taken effect and needle pricks would not hurt.

Jiang Yuqing directly made him unconscious with spiritual power, then placed the severed arm back in its original position against the cut, and asked Doctor Qiu and Tian Shanglu to hold it steady, not moving a bit.

Jing Yan was on the side to protect her, ready to provide spiritual support at any time if necessary.

Jiang Yuqing started chanting. Green glow wrapped around the wound, slowly repairing it bit by bit.

Tian Shanglu had long known that although his uncle master was very powerful, he still didn’t expect it would be to such an extent. He was so shocked that he opened his big mouth wide enough to hold an egg, and almost wiped the mask on his face below his nose.

Fortunately, he still remembered that this was an operating room. No matter how shocked he was, the hand holding the severed arm did not shake at all. Overall, his psychological endurance was pretty good.

Jiang Yuqing gave him an appreciative look, so the boy straightened his chest proudly.

Repairing the broken arm required a large amount of spiritual power, and the rapid loss of spiritual power caused the fetus in her belly to become restless. In just over a quarter hour, her abdomen began to ache and convulse, with cold sweat streaming down her forehead.

Jing Yan noticed the situation was not good and quickly came over to hold her hand, sending her spiritual power and signaling her to stop.

Jiang Yuqing also felt overexerted and had to pause the repairs, withdrawing her hands.

Jing Yan immediately carried her over to a nearby chair and had her sit down with her legs crossed. He stuffed two spirit crystals into each of her hands for her to urgently absorb.

Only when both spirit crystals were fully absorbed did she recover somewhat.

She gently patted the fetus in her belly, "Baby, you have to be good. Mama needs to save someone." Then she continued with the task at hand.

She worked in such starts and stops, continuing for a total of an hour and a half. Finally, the victim's arm was restored as if it had never been completely severed.

By now, Jiang Yuqing had reached her limit of endurance. Her whole body seemed as if she had just been fished out of the water, with a ghastly pale complexion. Doctor Qiu said she needed to return and rest immediately, leaving the follow-up matters to him.

Jing Yan nodded to Doctor Qiu, then stuffed two more spirit crystals into Jiang Yuqing's hands. After she absorbed them, he carried her directly back to the palace.

As soon as they returned to the palace, Jing Yan ordered the imperial guards to surround the bedchamber. No one was allowed to trespass before he came out again, not even the Retired Emperor himself.

After that, the couple entered the spirit realm and remained inside for a full day before finally recovering.

She was now over five months pregnant, and the fetus' movements were increasingly frequent. Jing Yan had not yet built his foundation, so his spiritual sense could not penetrate her belly to see the fetus.

Therefore, much of the time he would press his ear against her abdomen to listen for sounds from within and talk to him/her.

Or if the baby was active, he would also place his hand on her belly to play with the little one inside. It's fair to say he was extremely tender.

Jiang Yuqing had been wanting to know the gender of the baby, but the little one seemed intentionally guarding the secret like it didn't want the gender pried into.

Even when Doctor Qiu took her pulse, he could not make out if it was male or female.

Jiang Yuqing had also tried using her spiritual sense for internal viewing, but alas, the baby was wrapped in a thick cocoon of spiritual energy that completely prevented seeing inside.

Dissatisfied by this, Jiang Yuqing complained, "If you don't let me see then I won't look, but when you're born you'll be naked anyway and Mama will still know if you're a boy or girl. Hmph!"

In response, the little one delivered a forceful kick against her belly!

Hey, what a bad little temper!