The Mafia King's First Love-Chapter 655: Cheesy, corny and cringey? No way!

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Chapter 655: Cheesy, corny and cringey? No way!

Over the next few days, Xinyue planned different methods to confess to Ruiling. Once, he took her to the movies. Another time, he took her to an amusement park and the next, he tried a jewelry store. That was based on the data he had collated on what were the frequent spots or methods to confess to a woman.

Which failed everytime.

After Lihua's insistence, Xinyue finally watched a few romantic movies to get some inspiration. But that only earned his little sister a lot of scolding.

"You expect me to act so cheesy, corny and cringey like these actors? Is that what you were all expecting me to do all this time? Ew! As if I will do something like this!"


"What is cheesy and corny in this?" Lihua glared at him. "It's such a beautiful confession of his feelings…" she sniffled. "How can you find it cringey!?"

"Because it is!"

"Shut up! The problem is with your stone heart, not the movies!"

"The problem is with your brain!"

Finally, Xinyue had left huffing and puffing with frustration. In one of the movie scenes, he saw how the male lead decorated a beautiful dinner spot in the middle of a lake covered with a pretty white dome on the top and connected to the land by a bridge which he had sprinkled with rose petals and lit up with small colorful candles to welcome the female lead.

His gaze darkened.

That's so…

But recalling his failed attempts, his mouth twitched heavily.

Do I really have to pull such an embarrassing stunt?

Ruiling sighed for the hundredth time. Lihua and Lanying understood her dissatisfaction.

Lihua sobbed. "My sincerest apologies on behalf of my brother."

"Oof, you don't have to apologize, sister-in-law," she quickly said.

"Bro is failing every time. I didn't know he was so hopeless!"

Lanying said, "I think the next time will be the best. He will definitely succeed."

Ruiling sighed. "Well, it's really not about the place or atmosphere…well…maybe it is. Just a tiny bit," she cleared her throat. "The main point is his expression! He speaks too much like…like matter of fact. His tone or expression never changes, and I feel like he doesn't love me as deeply as I do," her shoulders slumped. "Shouldn't he be at least a little nervous? A little anxious?"

Lihua gasped. "You love that stone hearted man so deeply?"

She choked.

"Well…" her cheeks blushed a little, "I know he is annoying and frustrating and mocks me too much. But when he kissed me was when I realized that over this past year and a half, I have grown to like him much more than a friend. I couldn't push him away when he kissed me, which meant that I really, really love him. My heart was beating so crazy. My face was totally red. I never thought I could move on past Shen Yang, but he…made it so easy as if that scar was never even there."

She harrumphed. "But that doesn't mean he gets a free pass. I want him to make my heart flutter with his trembling voice. I don't expect to see him blush but at least, he shouldn't speak in that monotone voice like a robot!"

Lihua and Lanying gravely nodded. 𝐟re𝐞w𝐞𝒃𝓃𝒐𝐯𝚎𝒍.c૦𝚖

Ruiling leaned back and sighed. "When will that happen?"

Today, Ruiling was out to go shopping by herself. She was tired of thinking about Xinyue for the whole day, and she felt frustrated to imagine if he was even thinking about her as much as she did.

Plus, she had decided to join Wei and Li working in Zhao Industries. She herself held a prestigious degree of business administration, so she wanted to join the family business and help Wei and Li with their work. For that, she needed a whole new set of business suits and formal clothes.

While browsing through the clothes, she picked one navy blue business dress.

This is so pretty!

But another hand held that dress. "I picked that one first."

Ruiling frowned and looked at a young girl in her early twenties. "Excuse me? The dress is in my hands, so I picked it first."

The girl was speechless and glared at her. "You…how dare you talk to me in tone? I first saw that dress. I was just out to try another one. Don't steal it so shamelessly!"

Ruiling gave her a dry look. "Just looking doesn't mean you book it for yourself. That's common sense. If you wanted the dress, you should have kept it by your side to try or pay for it. Until then, anybody is free to choose the clothes here."

She gritted her teeth. "Do you even know who I am?" 𝑓𝚛𝚎ℯ𝘸𝙚𝘣𝚗𝘰νeƖ.c𝒐𝐦

Ruiling snorted. "I don't need to waste my time knowing a spoiled brat like you. I should ask, do you know WHO I AM?"

The young girl did notice her high branded clothes and style.

"Heh. So what if you are from some rich family? You cannot be more influential than mine! My father is the most influential politician and has the most power!"

Ruiling raised her brow with amusement.

A politician? As if that can match cousin Wei's influence. Heh, so naive.

"What is going on here?" A man in his late twenties appeared from behind the young girl and asked in a deep voice.

"Mingming, what is all this ruckus?"

She showed a distraught expression and pointed her finger at Ruiling. "Bro! Look at this shameless woman! She was stealing the dress I picked first! And now she was refusing to let it go when I kept requesting to give it back to me. She even humiliated me!"

Ruiling rolled her eyes.

So annoying. All the qualities of a white lotus. Why did this happen today? I just wanted to do some peaceful shopping!

The man frowned and glanced at Ruiling. His eyes slightly widened for a moment. Then he came forward and smiled as he introduced himself. "Hello. I am Tian Guo. Nice to meet you, Miss. Zhao Ruiling."