The Omnistore System-Chapter 357 Pervert bitch and typical bitch

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Chapter 357 Pervert bitch and typical bitch

The three of them, exhausted from hours of intense physical connection, now sat cross-legged on the bed, completely naked. Their hair was disheveled, much like the rumpled sheets beneath them. They were cultivating, an activity they had immersed themselves in after Kevin administered equal doses of his potent yang qi to both women.

For nearly an hour, they had been engaged in this practice. Kevin had already expended all the yin qi he had absorbed from them, achieving a significant milestone in his cultivation. He had opened 275 out of the 360 meridians, with one extra, marking a considerable increase in his strength. Out of these, he had managed to connect a total of 266 meridians.

Despite his progress, Kevin found his advancement slow, primarily because the partners from whom he received yin qi were either at a similar level of cultivation or just one level higher. This disparity meant it took him five times the average amount of qi to open a single meridian. However, this challenge also translated into greater power, as his yang qi was of the highest quality. Even two doses of his qi were more than sufficient to open five meridians for his partners, while simultaneously linking two or three pathways.

His mother had also opened quite a few of them if he had released his yang qi instead of semen, but that time, he wanted it to be as real as possible. It had been a while since they had done this, so he decided to release his semen.

Reflecting on his progress, he was determined to complete this stage within the few months he was here, or shortly after returning to Den. His best prospects for achieving this were Samira, Viana, and Keyara. While they were all busy, he knew he could occasionally ask them for a good session, but he realized they might not be enough to reach his goal.

He had to find another way to achieve his goal, but now was not the time. There were other matters to attend to, but with it still being night, there wasn't much he could do except what he had already done with Sia and Venice. Glancing at their naked bodies, his penis stirred again, but seeing they were still cultivating, he decided against disturbing them. Slipping on his underwear, he quietly left the room, feeling a bit thirsty.

Gulping water straight from the bottle in Venice's kitchen, he didn't seem concerned that someone might walk in on him. His fearlessness was justified; Venice's husband wouldn't come home since he was likely spending the night with the woman he was having an affair with. As for her daughters, Chloe and Amy, both were out for the count--Amy accidentally drunk by his doing, and Chloe, as Venice had mentioned, came home drunk almost daily, so tonight was no exception.

Suddenly, he heard the door open and then an annoyed female voice. "At least wear some clothes after fucking that slut."

Kevin turned to face the source of the annoyed voice: Chloe, Venice's younger daughter. Her cute, small face with sharp edges, reminiscent of her mother, and her milky white skin tinged with a bit of redness, made her look quite beautiful. He had run into her a few times since coming back to the city, and some of those encounters had been awkward, but this one felt like it might be the most awkward yet.

Ignoring her attitude and setting the empty water bottle on the shelf, he said casually, "You seem drunk." then coming behind the shelf he continued. "And for your information, I am not completely naked." Showing her his underwear.

Chloe glanced at his underwear and noticed the large bulge adjusted to the side of his thigh. Unable to contain her disgust, she remarked, "If she only wanted a big dick, she could have bought a huge dildo. Why go for a bastard like you?" With that, she brushed against his shoulder and went to grab a water bottle for herself.

Kevin, feeling offended by being called a bastard, grabbed her hand and said, "Don't be like this," with a sad expression, surprising Chloe. But her surprise quickly turned to anger as Kevin's sad expression morphed into a wide smile. "I am just fucking your mother," he added cheekily.

She shot him an angry glare, as if she was about to unleash a torrent of words. With clenched teeth, she managed to wrestle her arm free from his grip, demanding, "Let go," through her gritted teeth.

Kevin couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction. He watched her take a swig of water before sauntering towards the living room. "Chill out, I'm just messing with you," he reassured her, his tone lightening. "When I said I was 'fucking her,' I meant I was giving her happiness. You know, the kind she should've been getting from her husband, who's too busy spreading it around with other women. So, she chose me instead."

Chloe scoffed in disbelief, shaking her head. "Happiness? You mean a big dick and money," she retorted, her tone dripping with sarcasm.

Kevin looked at her with a small smile and chose not to retort immediately. After a few seconds of silent staring, he spoke up. "You know what?" he began, adjusting his position on the couch to face her directly. "I think you had more of a hand in her behavior than you realize. More than your father."

This statement only seemed to infuriate her further. With a mixture of humor and anger, she responded, "Oh, really?" Taking a seat on the other couch, she continued with a sarcastic yet frustrated expression, "What hand did I have in making that bitch jump on your dick and forget about her family?"

Kevin couldn't help but smirk inwardly at her reaction, though he kept a serious expression on his face. "Firstly, she might be a perverted bitch, but you sound more bitchy," he stated calmly. "And secondly, you're her family that you mentioned she had forgotten about her family, which I don't think so, but even if she did, do you know why?"

He glanced at her, waiting for a response, but all he saw was confusion mixed with a hint of realization. After a few moments of silence, he couldn't resist flashing a small smile as he asked, "Should I tell you why?"