The Sims: I Open the Immortal Path for All Beings-Chapter 360 - 297 Coming for Me First

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Chapter 360: Chapter 297 Coming for Me First

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Translator: 549690339

“Five Heavenly Rank experts from Da Li have arrived in the capital, together with other experts from various sides, the number of Heavenly Rank experts this time has actually exceeded twenty, it seems they have formed a tacit understanding, as if they’ve come explicitly for me!”

Inside Everlasting Observance, Pei Xuanjing put down the message from the Prince’s Mansion, silently guessing to himself.

This grand competition in the capital is a grand occasion for the empire to show its power, which started long ago from the previous dynasty.

Although it had been interrupted for various reasons, since the time when Emperor Taizong crushed the barbarians and made all sides come to the court, it was resumed, and by now, it had been carried on for several hundreds of years.

However, according to the old rules, all diplomatic groups entering the empire would be protected, so generally, each side would only send up to two Heavenly Rank experts.

Today, so many powerful men have come. To say they only came to protect their own delegations would hardly be believed by anyone.

According to the predictions of the strategists in the Prince’s Mansion, it should be that the talent of Pei Xuanjing was too astonishing. The talent he has shown so far has led many people to believe that he might have a chance to step into the Celestial Human Realm, or at the worst, become a top-notch

figure who has half a foot in the Celestial Human Realm.

Now, the emergence of a potentially exceptional figure who might step into the Celestial Human Realm, how could it not cause fear from all sides, seen as a thorn in the eye and flesh, eager to get rid of him as soon as possible.

It must be known that Heavenly Rank experts are also known as Army-Breaking Levels, they can easily crush an army without an expert of the same level holding the fort.

The power shown by Pei Xuanjing on the prairie that day, which was capable of crushing the famous Red Sun Riders led by Hé Li?n Qngti?n, was a cause for alarm, making it clear that his strength was beyond imagination.

The empire today suppresses all sides. Although it has declined a bit compared to the time when Emperor Taizong was on the throne, it is still a formidable force that leaves all sides gasping. Only Da Li can barely cope with it.

Therefore, no one wants to accept the emergence of such an expert in the empire. Even if Pei Xuanjing can’t ascend to the realm of the Celestial Human in the future, even just being a strong figure like the Superintendent of the Imperial Astronomical Observatory would still be something the various power factions would not want to accept.

In the East Palace, the Crown Prince spoke to his brother-in-law, Wei Tao who was also the one who escorted Pei Xuanjing into the capital, “From now on, you will personally escort Mr. Pei into and out of the palace.”

“Yes, Your Highness!” Wei Tao agreed, giving a fist and palm salute.

Even though he was older than Pei Xuanjing, the Crown Prince still addressed Pei Xuanjing respectfully as ‘teacher’. It was safe to say that he was extremely careful in his etiquette, leaving no room for criticism from anyone.

As a prince of a country, there should logically be countless talents serving under him, and plenty of people trying to gain his favour and follow his commands.

But this was not the case. Because the Crown Prince was well aware, the position of prince was far less glamorous than outsiders had imagined. After all, an heir was still just an heir, not the true ruler. Every word and deed of his would be watched by countless others, waiting for him to make a mistake, then pull him down from his position and replace him.

All he could do was tread carefully while occupying the position of Crown

Prince, never giving anyone the chance to exploit any shortcomings of his.

And the most peculiar fact was that since the previous dynasty, it seemed that the initial heir apparent was always at risk. The struggle for the position of heir was extremely brutal, often leading to life-and-death duels.

Furthermore, with the reminiscence of Emperor Taizong’s initial days, the current Emperor was highly cautious towards his own Crown Prince and Princes. And among the many princes, there was mutual vigilance and suspicion.

As the Crown Prince, one couldn’t have too much or too strong a power source, for fear of provoking the Emperor’s suppression. Yet, if there was no power in hand, then how could he deal with the challenges of those princes?

Pei Min, from the Pei Family of Hedong, had a clear and reliable background. His exceptional talent and strength were something the Crown Prince could trust, so he wouldn’t dare to be a bit lax.

Half a month’s time passed in the blink of an eye, and soon it was time for the grand competition in the capital.

The grand competition in the capital lasted a total of seven days, with the first four days as the selection among the scholars of each province and path in the empire. The selected talents would then participate in the real competition in the last three days.

It was somewhat similar to the imperial examination. Initially, everyone would participate in the selection, and then the palace examination would be conducted.

However, unlike the imperial examination where one palace examination determines the ranking, the martial arts competition took three days.

The venue for the last three days of competition was set in a garden in the suburbs of the city which was actually a hunting ground belonging to the royal family, located at the foot of the Qinling Mountains.

During the three days of competition, the Emperor and civil and military officials would attend in person, and other various princes, princesses, royal princes, dukes, and nobles in the city would also participate.

It could be said that it gathers almost all the dignitaries of the entire empire. Many people believed that as long as one could enter this last three-day competition, it would mean that one had stepped into the sight of the empire’s top personalities.

In the grand competition in previous years, there were those who had been defeated, yet had caught the eye of the influential figures, received investment and cultivation, so their martial arts careers were wide open, and in the end, they ascended to the Heavenly Rank.

After all, this was a competition to select talented youths, and was prepared for the cultivation of Heavenly Rank experts. Although Pei Xuanjing was only 16 years old, the current Pei Xuanjing had already advanced to Heavenly Rank, and therefore could not participate in this grand competition.

Even after Pei Xuanjing’s promotion to the Heavenly Rank, the original quota he had occupied was filled by new personnel.

Pei Xuanjing didn’t care about the competition in the first four days. When the last three days of the competition were about to begin, Wei Tao personally escorted him into the East Palace, following the Crown Prince to the venue of the competition.

After the Crown Prince’s carriage arrived, the Crown Prince invited Pei Xuanjing, “Why don’t you come with me, sir?”

“Alright!” Pei Xuanjing did not refuse.

Pei Xuanjing followed the Crown Prince to a high platform, which was the second best viewing place other than the one reserved for the Emperor and Empress.

In addition to Pei Xuanjing, the officials of the East Palace under the command of the Crown Prince also took their seats here one by one, and people were already waiting on the other high platforms around.

Pei Xuanjing’s appearance also drew the attention of countless people, and many wanted to see this 16-year-old Heavenly Rank figure.

“Is that Pei Min?”

“A Heavenly Rank expert at the age of sixteen, that’s terrifying!”

“He’s handsome and outstanding.”

“I wonder if he has a marriage contract yet?”

With Pei Xuanjing’s keen perception, these words naturally didn’t escape his ears. However, he didn’t mind and calmly took his seat.

“Today, quite a few experts have come!” Pei Xuanjing could feel that many powerful figures were present in this place today. Just by the clear Heavenly Rank presence, he could sense there were seven or eight of them.

As Pei Xuanjing’s gaze swept across, those people also seemed to sense something and nodded slightly towards Pei Xuanjing to express their goodwill. Pei Xuanjing also responded with a smile and a nod..