The Warmest Romance-Chapter 1435

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Chapter 1435

She is very curious. What is Yu Yimo going to say to her when he wants to see her?

Ruan Shishi couldn't understand it for a while. After returning to the room, he didn't know whether it was the aroma of delicious food or the sound of opening the door just now. The two little guys sat up from the bed in a daze.

"Mom, I'm so hungry..."

Hearing Sensen's voice, Ruan Shishi hooked the corner of her lips, quickly put down her mobile phone, took them out of bed and took them to wash.

After a sumptuous breakfast, the kids were all full and contented and began to watch TV. Ruan Shishi took the dry clothes he had washed yesterday and slowly fell into meditation.

She can't live here with her children all the time. What's more, many of their things are left in the villa of xiqiaoyuan, and she and song yean's divorce

These things, like a mess, tightly around her, let her just born good mood instantly disappeared, she took a deep breath, inexplicably some anxiety.

In the past, she never had to worry about her life. As long as Professor Ruan and Ms. Liu were safe beside her, she felt that everything was enough. But now, when she came out of Xiqiao garden, she felt that her life was like entering a fault, confused and terrible.

All the things pressed on her shoulder at this moment, she even felt a little out of breath, but all the things needed to be done by her own. Now the situation is forcing her to move forward, and she can't go backward.

It's better to divorce song yean as soon as possible, and she wants to go back to Xiqiao garden as soon as possible to take her luggage away, but after that, she hasn't thought about the arrangement with Sensen Shasha.

She can't take sensenshasha to talk about divorce with song yean, but she can't leave them in the hotel. For a moment, she is in a dilemma.

Suddenly, an idea flashed through her mind.

She hesitated, but slowly, the idea settled down in her mind. She took a deep breath and turned to look at Sensen and Sasha, who were sitting on the bed watching TV. She said, "honey, mom, go out for a while and come back in ten minutes. You two are staying in the room. If someone tells me not to open the door, please wait for me to come back. Do you hear me Have you seen it? "

After Ruan Shishi's "reprimand" to them last night, now the two little guys are not good enough. They both nodded their heads and then turned to watch TV together.

Ruan Shishi was relieved. Then she stepped out of the room. She took the card, gently closed the door and went to the door of the next room. 𝐟𝚛e𝐞𝙬𝗲𝒃𝓷𝒐𝘃e𝒍.c𝑜m

At that moment, she hesitated.

Just before breakfast, she saw that Yu Yimo had sent her a message asking her to find him. She was hesitant to come, but now she has something to ask him, so she can only come.

She took a deep breath, raised her hand and buttoned the door.

Soon, the door opened, and Xiaomeng appeared at the door. Seeing that it was her, she immediately said with a smile, "good morning, sister Shishi! Mr. Yu has been waiting for you for a long time! He's in there. You go in

Then he turned over and gave her a way. Ruan Shishi opened her mouth and hesitated to say something. Unexpectedly, Xiaomeng had already walked out of the room and closed the door directly.