Debuff Master-Chapter 454

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Chapter 454

The middle-aged man who walked out from the Oblivion Falls had a pretty large frame. He looked larger than an American Football player, and his size gave him a very imposing aura.

Wow Thats a bear rather than a human Siegfried thought before he flashed his Rune of Insight at the middle-aged man.

H-Hiiik! he shrieked after the details popped up in front of his eyes.

The reason was

E-Elder Blockhead?!

The middle-aged man was none other than the Sword Emperor, Betelgeuse.


[One of the continents Five Star Heavens.]

[He is an expert of blades, and he is arguably the strongest or the second strongest among the Five Star Heavens.]

[Type: Named NPC]

[Race: Human]

[Level: 450]

[Rating: Grand Master (NEW!)]

[Class: God of Blade]

[Titles: Sword Emperor, The One Who Splits The Mountains and The Sea, Five Star Heaven, One Who Transcended His Limits, Professional Slave, I Love Siegfried, Enslaved In His Final Years.]

Deus smiled after seeing Betelgeuse emerge from the waterfalls, Hoho So youve finally transcended your limits.

Siegfried added, Did Elder Blockhead finally become a Grand Master?

Are you blind? Cant you tell even after seeing it? He has transcended his limits and has reached a whole different level.


He finally received enlightenment and broke free from being a pathetic Master to become a slightly less pathetic Grand Master.

Deus referred to the realm of a Grand Master as "slightly less pathetic,"but Siegfried wasn't surprised by the remark.

Why? Because Deus was powerful enough to treat a Grand Master like a child.

Its Reversal of Age. A person who reaches the realm of a Grand Master will have their body reformed, and the result of that is getting their youth back. Of course, they dont simply become younger, but they become stronger as well.

I see

This was only possible thanks to this great beings teachings, dont you agree? Kekeke!

Siegfried did not dispute Deus brazenness. After all, Betelgeuse had hit a wall and was unable to progress even a single step from the realm of a Master. He tried to overcome this wall for decades but ultimately accepted his limits in the last years of his life by deciding to find a disciple to pass down his techniques.

However, that same Betelgeuse was able to become a Grand Master in less than a year, and this was a testament to how amazing Deus was.

Elder! Betelgeuse exclaimed and bowed at Deus feet.


He smashed his head on a rock, obliterating it.

Your benevolence is as vast as the sky! Elderno, Master! Please allow me to show my respect to you!

Betelgeuse bowed nine times to display his utmost respect to Deus, who had helped him transcend his limits and become a Grand Master.

Keke! You seem really happy!

Master! I wont have any regrets even if I die right now!

Oh really? Then can I kill you right now?

T-That is a bit Betelgeuse instantly stiffened at Deus response.

No need to be so scared now! Kekeke!


But Blockhead...

Yes, Master?

You are not my disciple.


That fool over there is my one and only disciple, Deus said while pointing at Siegfried.

Master Siegfried almost teared up after hearing Deus' words. The fact that he had been recognized by the Level 999 Hidden NPC as a disciple meant a lot to Siegfried, and he had no idea how to express the emotions welling up inside of him right now.

Betelgeuse seemed sad after being rejected as Deus disciple, but he was not disheartened at all.

B-But I will still serve Elder-nim as my master! Betelgeuses exclaimed and bowed once again.

Hoho! Look at this punk!

Master! Please accept my bow! Betelgeuse exclaimed as he bowed nine times again before finally getting up.


Yes, Master?

My disciple seems to have something he wishes to discuss with you.

Oh? Betelgeuse looked at Siegfried. Then, he asked, What is it, Young Master?

I need your help, Elder-nim, Siegfried replied with a bow.


I will explain the details in a bit, Siegfried said before he turned toward Deus and asked, Master, may I please borrow Elder Blockhead-nim for a while?

Sure, Deus agreed easily. Then, he smirked and added, Who knows? The fate of this world might be at stake, so I can afford to lend him to you.

Huh? H-How did you know, Master? Siegfried was surprised once again.

My beloved disciple.

Yes, Master?

I have already discovered the secrets of this world, so do you really think I wont be aware of something like that?


Do your best and stop that calamity.

Yes, Master!

Well, its not going to be over just because you stopped this calamity, but you still have to stop it nonetheless.

It will not be over? Siegfried was taken aback by what Deus said, as he was basically saying that this was not the last time the world would be in danger of being obliterated.

This is the Age of Chaos, and the dawn of a new age is upon us.


Dont mind me. Your task is to focus on walking the path to invincibility and that alone.

I will remember it at all times, Master! Siegfried exclaimed and bowed. Still, he could not help but wonder about the true limits of his master, Deus.

Just how far in the future can Master see?


Siegfried started with Betelgeuse and recruited the people he needed for the Sky Fortress battle one by one.

The world is in danger! Please lend us your strength, elder-nim!

Is that so? Then I shall gladly help.

Daode Tianzun easily accepted Siegfrieds request.

I shall follow Your Majestys command!

It was the same for the Great Wizard, Decimato.

I think I can destroy an entire kingdom in just a few hours with this much firepower Siegfried was surprised at the members he managed to gather.

There were two Grand Masters in his party and one Master, and just the three of them were strong enough to level an entire kingdom without breaking a sweat.

Could those Osric bastards be able to withstand this? Siegfried wondered. He was starting to think that the quest was going to be a piece of cake, as even the Church of Osric would be completely decimated with members he managed to gather.

Why do I get the feeling Ill just be watching from the back this time?

Others would accuse him of being arrogant, but his thoughts were surprisingly logical. Just who in the world would be strong enough to stop two Grand Masters and one Master?

But you never know, so I should make full preparations just in case

Still, he had no plans of being complacent, and he resolved to prepare to the best of his abilities to clear the Two Altars and Two Battlefields quest.


That evening

Ill see you here at ten in the morning tomorrow. Dont be late.

Dont worry about me. freewebn

Cheon Woo-Jin appeared out of nowhere to give the details to Siegfried before disappearing like a mirage shortly after.

Siegfried boarded his Huracan the next morning and flew to the meeting point along with the Proatine Kingdoms armada.

Their meeting point was one of the most deserted places on the continent called Canyon Gorge. Its terrains were so rough that no nation ever managed to exert its influence over it.

All ships! Prepare for landing!

Ten minutes later

Wow, thats a huge crowd, Siegfried muttered as he joined the sizable crowd gathered at Canyon Gorge.

There were about twenty airships and nearly one thousand five hundred Guardians gathered at the gorge.

Little Brother!

The first to greet Siegfried was the King of the Nordic Tribe, Lionbreath.

Long time no see!

Hyung-nim! Have you been doing well? Siegfried warmly greeted Lionbreath.

Of course!

Then, Siegfried hesitated for a second before he asked, W-What about Ingrid?

Shes still missing. We spent months looking for that child, but we were unable to find any traces of her Lionbreath replied with a downcast look.

All I hope is that shes still alive somewhere.

Siegfried held Lionbreaths hand and said, Hyung-nim, please allow me to help you find Ingrid.

W-Will you do that?

You are my elder brother, so it is only right for me to help.

Besides, Siegfried partially felt responsible for Ingrids disappearance, so this was his way of alleviating some of his guilt.

Thank you! Thank you very much!

Please, I am merely doing my duties as your little brother.

The mood in the Canyon Gorge was starting to warm up bit by bit.

Oh! You have finally reached the realm of a Grand Master!

Keke! What did I tell you, hyung-nim? I told you Ill become a Grand Master!

Hoho! We all know its all thanks to Elder-nims teachings!

Betelgeuse and Daode Tianzun chatted for a while.

Meanwhile, Siegfried went to give the Lich Skull Staff to Decimato.

This is a gift.

Y-Your Majesty! This is a staff with an Arch Lichs skull attached to it! Why are you giving me such a valuable artifact?

Siegfried then reunited with the living legend, Yong Tae-Pung.

Oh! Nephew! How have you been? Long time no see!

Hello, Uncle Tae-Pung.

Someone suddenly tried to shake Siegfrieds hand.

It is a pleasure to meet you.

Siegfried immediately recognized the person, Are you by any chance that person?

The person who shook Siegfrieds hand was someone so famous that anyone playing BNW would have heard of him at least once. This person was rumored to be South Korean, too, and he was currently sitting at the top of BNWs ranking list.

His ID was Beowulf, and he was estimated to be Level 299.

Surprisingly, the man sitting at the top of three hundred million users approached Siegfried first and tried to shake his hand.

So he's the strongest Adventurer

Siegfried suddenly remembered Cheon Woo-Jin's words.

A Ranker is going to the Sky Fortress. Hes really strong, and he agreed to lead the expedition, so please just follow whatever he says.

The Ranker Cheon Woo-Jin was referring to turned out to be the strongest player in the gameBeowulf.

Siegfried flashed his Rune of Insight and checked his details.


[Type: Named Adventurer]

[Race: Human]

[Level: N/A]

[Class: N/A]

[Title: N/A]

It went without saying that it was impossible to peek into Beowulf's stats.

My name is Beowulf.

M-My name is Siegfried.

I heard a lot about you from Woo-Jin hyung-nim, Beowulf said.

He knew a lot about Siegfried for some reason.

Beowulf then said, I will be in your care today.

Surprisingly, Beowulf was quite humble despite his prowess.

Does manners come along with sitting at the top? Siegfried wondered. He couldn't help but find that Beowulf carried himself very well, and there was something different about him.

Beowulf had this strange, overwhelming aura that seemed capable of dominating others even though he was being polite and humble.

Oh! Such a young man has already reached the realm of Master?! Daode Tianzun exclaimed.

M-Master?! Did he just say Master? Siegfried was shocked.

Oh my god!

Who would have known that there was a Level 300 Adventurer who had already become a Master?

Siegfried realized that Beowulf was like the sky to him, and he wouldn't be able to reach the latter anytime soon.

What amazing talent you have! Daode Tianzun exclaimed once more.

You are flattering me, Elder-nim. If I am not mistaken, you must be Daode Tianzun-nim, right? Please allow me to pay my respects.

Keke! Its good to see young fellas with manners!


A shrill noise penetrated Siegfrieds ears, causing him to flinch and turn around. He was not the only oneBeowulf, Daode Tianzun, Betelgeuse, Decimato, Hamchi, and everyone else in the Canyon Gorge turned around.


Something was falling from above.

What are those? One, two, three, four, five, six Huh? Why are there so many of them? Siegfried tilted his head in confusion and gave up on counting the objects plummeting from the sky.

The objects instantly multiplied to more than one hundred in the blink of an eye, and those objects were none other than


They were Meteor Swarm's meteors.

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