MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 454 gourd case

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  Chapter 454 The Calabash Case

  He Lingchuan was not hypocritical, and pointed at Wang Mazi pretending to be a tiger: "This person is a bit strange, I won't kill him for now, we will interrogate him again."

The official said: "This is the fixed sentence in the county..." The tiger and the giant sheep glared at the same time, so scared that he quickly changed his words, "...I think the county magistrate has no objection, then please come to the government office for a while, humble job Bring the prisoner back."

  The townspeople who wanted to watch the excitement were not happy, but there were fierce tigers sitting on the stage, and they were really eyeing the audience. They didn't dare to make mistakes, so they had to disperse and complain.

  Wang Mazi didn't expect that rescuers would come from heaven, and after being untied, he knelt down towards He Lingchuan with a plop: "The official saved me, I'm so wronged!"

  Jiao Yu walked past him: "But if you say a word of falsehood, you will die."

  He Lingchuan was always looking at the crows in the sky, and now he walked to the side of the high platform pillar, took out a bag of jerky and asked them: "I want to ask you one thing, this bag of jerky is considered compensation."

  The crows were very angry and did not respond.

  How can a bag of jerky compare to the sweet flesh of a living person?

   "Otherwise—" He Lingchuan snapped his fingers, and the goshawk on the horns immediately screamed, ready to pounce.

  The crows screamed in shock, He Lingchuan exhaled happily.

   Soon, a huge old crow landed in front of He Lingchuan: "What do you want to ask?"

   "More than half a month ago, did you ever see a white-shouldered eagle near here, from the north?"

   Creatures like crows like to join in the fun everywhere, and they are out-and-out local birds. Just ask them for information.

  Old Crow: "No."

   "Think about it again?" This old man's attitude was too perfunctory.

   "The white-shouldered eagle is a fierce bird. If it hovers here, do you think we will miss it?" The old crow said firmly, "No!"

  He Lingchuan may not have any regrets.

   But at this time, another crow landed and called a few times to the elder.

  Old Crow immediately said: "But there are occasional piles of bones in the nearby mountains, and Xiaoqi in our clan... also disappeared."


   "More than two months ago, right?" It recalled carefully, "It was only a few days after Emperor Ooze appeared."

  He Lingchuan pointed to Goshawk: "Didn't it be captured by natural enemies?"

   "We have few raptors here."

  He Lingchuan handed the dried meat bag to it: "I'll come back to you later."

  At that moment, the official sent Wang Mazi back to the government office two hundred steps away, and He Lingchuan also walked all the way.

  He was leading a blue sheep, and a goshawk was parked on the sheep's back, accompanied by a tiger...

   There are four members in the team, and he is the only human being. Such a strange combination has a high rate of return.

   Not to mention that the wind drill beast also went with it.

  Master Ling can do whatever he wants in the local area, and no one will complain.

  It is said to be a government office, but this place is very small, that is, a small courtyard with four rooms, which is equivalent to a township office. The cell is just opposite the door, and it can hold seven or eight people.

  The official invites He Lingchuan to sit down and serve tea.

   Most monsters don’t like to drink tea, so this process is omitted.

  He Lingchuan waved his hand: "It's a confidential matter, you can just give me a room, no outsiders are allowed."

  He personally brought Wang Mazi in, and the tiger demon guarded the door. Not to mention outsiders, even officials are not allowed to enter.

  But Master Ling stuck his neck and insisted on joining in the fun.

  Considering that it is also the Lord of Suffering, He Lingchuan still put it in.

   But the Drilling Beast is too tall to enter the door. When it lowered its head and hit it, the window pane shattered.

   So it happily stuck its head through the window.

  The government heard the movement, but no one came out to make a sound.

   "Tell me what you know." He Lingchuan reminded Wang Mazi, "Don't lie on the line of life and death."

  Wang Mazi kowtowed to him twice, knowing everything.

  It turned out that he and some good friends in the village went to steal goods from merchants in Wudou Town. The other party was a strange merchant who took this business route for the first time, and he was unfamiliar with the place, so they easily succeeded.

  A dozen or so people even stole their goods and horses, and were walking back, somehow reaching the official field.

  There happened to be some mature sesame horses in the official field, and they were shining brightly at night. A villager couldn't hold back, and he stretched out his hand and took two of them away.

   Something went wrong with this hug.

  The official medicine fields are all guarded by the Zhanfeng beast family, which has been passed down from generation to generation. They are not wild monsters, seeing these more than ten people stealing medicine, I can't bear it, so come after them immediately!

  Wang Mazi and others panicked and ran into Niutoushan because of poor visibility on a rainy night.

  Then, they saw two lanterns on the mountainside...

  After Wang Mazi was abandoned by his companions, he did not wait to die, but rolled into the nearby bushes.

  Fortunately, the sky was dark enough, and the rain and mud covered his smell. The wind drillers jumped past him, but they didn't notice his existence.

   They went after his companion.

  Wang Mazi lay in the heavy rain for a long time, not daring to move.

  The companion never came back, and neither did the wind driller.

  Later he plucked up the courage to get up and take a look, the valley was dark, where could there be any lanterns?

  His foot was broken and he couldn't walk, so he could only stay in Niutou Mountain for two days, until the herb pickers entered the mountain and carried him out on a donkey.

   In the latter part, He Lingchuan heard from the official on the way:

  The official medicine field was stolen, and Shoutian's drill wind beast also disappeared. The official investigation directly found Wang Mazi. Because the goods stolen by the villagers were found near the medicine field, the entrance of Niutoushan, where Wang Mazi sprained his feet, was only about three miles away from the medicine field.

  The facts were clear and the evidence was conclusive, so he was sentenced to death.

  He Lingchuan felt wrong when he heard this: "It's just a group of countrymen, can they kill the wind drilling beast guarding the medicine field?"

  Drilling wind beasts are very powerful, but also have a bad temper. When civilians see them, they will take a detour.

  He Lingchuan's family are all in the officialdom, and they knew that Wang Mazi was the unlucky scapegoat. No wonder Master Ling was so angry.

  He asked Wang Mazi: "I'll let you go to Niutoushan again, can you point out the location of those two lanterns?"

   "Yes, yes!"

  He Lingchuan then asked Tiger to negotiate with the official.

  During this period, He Lingchuan checked the wound on Wang Mazi's foot and found that it was only a ligament strain, and after these days, healed by 60% to 70%.

  Wang Mazi smiled bitterly and said, "Your life is Pishi. Master He, please save my life!"

   I don't know how Jiao Yu negotiated with the official. About fifteen minutes later, He Lingchuan found a carriage and took Wang Mazi to Niutoushan.

  Drilling Wind Beast still followed.

  General Ling was familiar with himself, looked at the blue sheep, and moved his eyes to the side, and asked He Lingchuan: "Why did the prince appoint you as a child as a special envoy?"

   "It's because of the similar smell." This sheep has offended people a lot, right? He Lingchuan asked him: "General Ling Guigeng?"

   "One hundred and nineteen!" General Ling shook his head, "We will have a big birthday next year!"

   "General Antelope is strong and strong, far superior to human beings." What will a human being who is about to be 120 years old look like when he grows old? Not to mention going to the front line to fight, it is not easy to walk a few laps by yourself.

  General Ling laughed loudly: "Don't compare you humans to me!"

  He Lingchuan saw that the beard under its chin was braided and wrapped with gold wire, and two gold rings were also worn on its left ear. Apparently, General Ling pays attention to his appearance and lives a very delicate life.

   As we all know, sheep have no hands and cannot braid their own hair.

   It can only be that General Ling’s family has servants or maids who take care of things for him.

  He Lingchuan had long heard that the great demons of Bega had their own food territories, servants and subordinates, and enjoyed high local privileges, sometimes even immunity.

   However, there are not many big monsters, and he finally saw one today.

  Jiao Yu has already told him that this is the Pioneer General Feitian of the Chiyan Kingdom, with a high rank, not some miscellaneous general. Its descendant Feitian army is basically composed of wind drilling beasts, although there are not many in number, it is a special team.

   It's no wonder that General Ling doesn't pay attention to the local government at all.

  However, it stands to reason that General Ling should be on his way to the eastern front, instead of still wandering around in his hometown.

  Just now when Jiao Yu asked about it again, General Ling became impatient, saying that his troops were already on their way and that he would rush there soon.

"The prince himself is less than forty years old, and he is also a brat. He actually sent someone younger to handle the case. It's a fool!" General Ling said in front of He Lingchuan, "What good things have you done to make him treat you differently? "

   "It's nothing." He Lingchuan said indifferently, "It's just helping him kill Fu Shanji."

  General Ling's eyes widened in an instant, and he lost his voice: "What!"

  Although it is recuperating in its hometown, of course it cannot hide the important news of the second prince's death. Hearing He Lingchuan's words, its first reaction was not to believe it, but when it turned around and saw Jiao Yu's ears didn't move, it was obvious that it was true.

   "How did you do it?"

  He Lingchuan had already inquired about Jiao Yu just now. General Ling was neutral in the royal court, and he was more partial to the eldest son, so he felt relieved to announce his achievements.

  Most monsters are straightforward in nature, and being too tactful with them is just to wink at them, which is not necessary.

   Only with outstanding strength, they will put you in their eyes. Otherwise, General Ling looks like a natural thorn, how can he cooperate with him?

  He Lingchuan asked without answering: "How are your missing juniors?"

   "Not weak." General Ling said in a deep voice, "They are also the backbone of the Feitian Army. They have been with me on several battlefields. It stands to reason that they shouldn't disappear without a trace."

  It paused for a moment, then continued: "Without them, the Feitian Army has only about 70 members left, and its combat power has been severely reduced."

  He Lingchuan nodded, no wonder it got angry.

   Soon, they passed the official medicine field guarded by the wind drill beast.

   This is a large field hidden in the middle of the mountain. The soil is more fertile than ordinary farmland. Now there are more than a dozen kinds of medicines, some of which are covered with green cloth, so the species inside cannot be seen clearly.

   There are still many humans working in the fields.

  Drilling Wind Beast is only a contractor and a guard, and it needs to be done manually for such a delicate job as taking care of the medicine field.

   "The location of this medicine field is very conspicuous, how could you go wrong?"

  (end of this chapter)