MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 455 disappearing lights

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  Wang Mazi still couldn't figure it out: "I know this place very well. I've walked by it 30 times instead of 50 times. I don't know what happened that night, but a ghost came here."

  He pointed to the east and said, "Wudou Town is there. I want to go back to Shuangyi Town. It was impossible to reach the medicine field."

  The distance between Wudou Town and Shuangyi Town is not far away, and it is more than double the distance to go around the medicine field.

  Even if it was a rainy day, this countryman walked home on a familiar road, how could he deviate so much?

   Soon, everyone came to Niutoushan.

   "Did you enter the mountain from here that night?" Standing at the entrance, He Lingchuan understood why Wang Mazi was injured. This kind of valley is also called Rolling Stone Valley, and there are round and rolling stone pebbles everywhere, big or small. When people walk up, it will be slippery if they are not careful.

   "Yeah, I slipped and fell here." The carriage couldn't enter the mountain, and Wang Mazi rode on a blue sheep and gestured to him, "When the wind-drilling beast comes, I will roll into the bushes over there."

   "Where is the lantern?"

   "Front, front."

  The blue sheep moved towards Wang Mazi's instructions, jumping higher and higher among the rocks.

  On the way, He Lingchuan found a small piece of torn cloth strip in the crevice of the rock. It is not known who had accidentally got stuck here, and the tiger found a few strands of hair on the branch, which was obviously not human.

  General Ling came over to sniff it, and said sadly, "It's my children!"

   "They did go up."

  Finally, the blue sheep stopped halfway up the mountain, and Wang Mazi said, "It's probably here."

  He Lingchuan followed up and took a look, frowning.

  The place where the blue sheep stopped is just a small mountain nest, which can only accommodate four or five people at most, and it is still in the open air. When the tiger jumped up again, it was a bit crowded, and it was difficult to turn around.

   As for General Ling, it suddenly showed a peculiar skill:

  It took a deep breath, and its body shrank at a speed visible to the naked eye.

  It didn't take a light leap until it was as big as an ordinary goat, and jumped into the mountain nest.

   "..." Drilling Wind Beast still has this ability? He Lingchuan was speechless, so why didn't it use it in the government office before, but why did it smash the windows of others?

   "Probably not. There's no sky, no ground, and the light should be on the mountainside."

  He Lingchuan looked up. The rock wall directly above is very smooth, and it doesn't look like a human can stand on it.

   "But there are thirteen of your companions, and there are seven or eight wind drilling beasts chasing after you. How can it be accommodated in such a small place?"

  Wang Mazi smiled wryly: "The official said so too. But I really didn't lie, Mr. He, I really saw the light here!"

  The valley is not deep, and the officials have searched for it, and there are no traces in it.

  The tiger suddenly approached the rock wall and sniffed: "It's a bit fishy."

  He Lingchuan reached out to pick at the rock wall, pushed aside the blades of grass, and saw a little reflection on the protruding rock wall.

   "Some traces of dried slime."

  Wang Mazi also took a look: "It may be a slug crawling over."

  There are so many small molluscs in the forest, and wherever these things pass, they will leave traces of mucus.

   Other than that, there is nothing here.

  The rock sheep barked twice, feeling a little uneasy, He Lingchuan comforted it and said, "I know, I remember."

  Not long after he entered the border of Chiyan, someone came to steal blue sheep at night and wanted to push Tao Zi off the cliff. The two sheep thieves died and the other fled. The one who escaped disappeared after fleeing the cliff, but there was such a slime trail left at the bottom of the cliff.

  It seems that the thing that was under the cliff at that time also appeared here more than ten days ago, and took away a dozen villagers and seven or eight wind drilling beasts.

  It's dangerous, if Taozi hadn't happened to disrupt the sheep thief's plan, his rock sheep would have disappeared like this.

   "Okay, okay, this is a business matter that has turned into a personal grudge." It turned out that the other party had already bullied him! "I'll check and find out."

  Official and private accounts should be settled together.

  General Ling was curious: "How did it become your personal grievance?"

   "As soon as I entered the border of Chiyan, the blue sheep was almost stolen. It seems that it has something to do with the murderer here."

  General Ling looked at him up and down, suddenly said: "I said something is wrong, where are you from?"

   "I come from Fu country."

   "Such a small place?" General Ling didn't understand, "Why doesn't the eldest son use Chiyan people?"

  This old man really doesn't care about the occasion when asking questions, He Lingchuan glanced at him: "Maybe you can't believe it?"

  General Ling suddenly had nothing to say.

   Next, He Lingchuan checked more carefully.

   There is no blood here, no limbs or broken arms, or even any traces of struggling or fighting. He Lingchuan felt that it was not too outrageous for the officials to designate Wang Mazi as a prisoner. In most cases, the last survivor is the most suspect.

  Tiger Jiao Yu suddenly said: "Ask Shan Ze to ask, won't it make it clear?"

  He Lingchuan snapped his fingers: "It makes sense, go for it."

  Then the tiger scratched the ground vigorously, facing southeast and howling three times.

  The tiger howled in the forest, and He Lingchuan felt that the solid rock under his feet was shaking. The forest was immediately quiet, the wind didn't blow, the trees didn't shake, the birds didn't sing, and even the bugs in the crevices of the rocks stopped.

  He Lingchuan found that the bronze medal on Jiao Yu's neck was shining again, helping it spread the roar of the tiger wider and farther than usual.

  It is an official body, and it may be able to summon Shanze by using Yuanli.

  So everyone waited.

   Half a stick of incense has passed.

   A quarter of an hour passed.

  He Lingchuan stood up and patted the grass clippings off his palm: "It seems that Shanze doesn't plan to come."

   "The superior didn't come after questioning, does this Shanze want to be punished?" Goshawk said on the side.

  Jiao Yu has such a loud voice, it is impossible for Shanze not to hear.

   "What kind of monster is Shanze here?"

   "It's a big ground otter." General Ling replied, "Including Niutou Mountain and the official medicine fields, the hundred hectares of mountains and forests are its territory."

  He Lingchuan wondered: "Isn't that thing extremely slow, and it can be used as a mountain?"

"You're talking about a sloth." Goshawk corrected him. "The ground otter is bigger than a bear. Its claws are two feet long. Although its movements are slow, its hard skin is invulnerable. I heard that there are three mountains here. It has been practiced for a hundred years, and the villagers have set up temples for it."

  Wang Mazi heard this, and asked weakly: "You guys said, but Wushuang Shanze?"

   "Five..." Is it the combined name of Wudou Town and Shuangyi Town? These people are too lazy to name, Shanze has no objection? "Probably, what's the problem?"

   "I heard from my inmates that the enshrined plaque of Shanze Temple was broken a few days ago."

   "Wu Shuang Shanze is dead?" He Lingchuan was taken aback.

  He has the right to speak on this matter. When the old turtle monster in Xianling Lake was bitten to death by the crocodile **** in the past, the shrine plaque of the Shuiling Temple was also broken.

  Are these sheep thieves so arrogant, they even dare to kill Shanze.

   Well, calling him a sheep thief is no longer appropriate.

  Jiao Yu suddenly said: "No wonder the summoning can't come."

   "Does the town know about this?"

  Wang Mazi scratched the back of his head: "I don't understand."

  General Ling said harshly, "I haven't heard of it either. The idiots of the government are really incompetent!" The corpse was a vegetarian meal, and no useful information could be obtained.

   "To live is to see people, and to die is to see corpses." He Lingchuan looked at the valley, "How can there be more than 20 large living things that are gone without leaving any traces?"

  In the past few days, he also looked through the case materials left by Fu Shanji.

   To be honest, there is not much information. With the research spirit he cultivated in Panlong City, he finished reading it in less than half an hour.

  Fu Shanji's manpower was far beyond his reach, so he ordered the counties in the north to make some statistics.

   There are no direct clues to the disappearance of the courier, but after such statistics, it is discovered that there are sporadic disappearances in various places in Chiyan.

  In Dushan County, two and three monsters are missing.

  Bai Shanyuan, a demon is missing.

   Curry, a missing girl, suspected missing three demons, belong to the same nest of bat demons.

  There are fourteen or fifteen places not listed.

  But some missing persons are marked with "armed fighting" or "already found", which is obviously added later.

   Calculated in this way, there are at least ten missing humans, and there are more than twenty-three or four missing monsters, but they are not very conspicuous because they are scattered all over Chiyan.

  Bega's law has stricter punishments for fighting between the monster clan and humans, and the fighting within the monster clan has always been repeatedly prohibited.

  It is natural and cannot be suppressed.

  Beside the information, Ji Fushan made a note with a red circle:

   Monsters are missing, but humans are not necessarily missing.

   These words seem to have no beginning and no end, but if you look closely at the statistics of various places, there are indeed places where monsters are missing, not necessarily where humans are missing.

   In other words, there are more youkai missing than humans.

  Why does Fushanji make statistics on this?

  He Lingchuan didn't quite understand at first, but he heard about Wang Mazi's experience here, and also heard about the five-shuang Shanze folding card, how could he not understand?

  Including the courier in Lingxu City, what is the connection between these missing individuals in Chiyan territory?

   It's a pity that Fushan Ji was killed by his brother before he could find out the answer.

  Wang Mazi also echoed: "Yes, yes, it's all about nothing, and I don't know how it happened!"

   "All of them?" He Lingchuan's eyes narrowed slightly, "Are there any other missing cases?"

  Wang Mazi swallowed: "Sir, can you really save my life?"

   "The more truthful information you give, the greater the chance that I will catch the real culprit."

  Wang Mazi knelt down to him again and said: "You are sent by the Prince's Mansion, please spare me from dying! I will do anything for you!"

  Although the tiger demon is ferocious, and the goshawk is handsome, there is no doubt that He Lingchuan is the person in charge.

  General Ling kicked him upside down: "Hey, don't you think I'm not here?"

   But it actually has a sense of proportion, Wang Mazi just knocked his head hurt. Otherwise, with its strength, it could kick him to death casually.

  He Lingchuan was unmoved: "That depends on your performance."

  Wang Mazi racked his brains: "One thing, I don't know if it counts as a disappearance case, but it's really weird."

  He Lingchuan noticed that Wang Mazi obviously hesitated, "Let's listen."

"More than a year ago, I heard that a strange thing happened in Zhitian Township, thirty miles away from here." Wang Mazi licked his lips, "People here rarely leave their hometown. No one has heard of this."

  Month...Month...Monthly ticket~~?

  reach out.jpg