MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 456 Key words of murder

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  Chapter 456 Murder Keywords

   This fellow recovered and began to emphasize his importance. He Lingchuan didn't point out, just frowned, but General Ling was much more straightforward: "More than a year? What is the relationship between the old news of more than a year and now?"

  Is this timeline too far away?

"Listen, you listen to me." Wang Mazi didn't dare to hold back anymore, "There is a colony of pig monsters in the east of Zhitian Township, probably more than a hundred. Their land is at the foot of Moon Mountain, and the area is very large. This The group of monsters have a bad relationship with the locals and often cause trouble. The townspeople don’t like them, but they usually have nothing to do with them. This nest of monsters has lived under the Moon Mountain for more than a hundred years, and their qualifications are much older than others. They existed before the village."

   "Then?" He Lingchuan knew that although the Beja Kingdom is known as a mixed population of monsters and humans, in fact, most monsters are still used to living in ethnic groups and have clear boundaries with humans.

   This is the natural ethnic barrier. For example, the old sheep beside him brought his clansmen to live in the territory near the county town to eat and drink, instead of living in the city.

"Last winter, there was a sudden landslide in Moon Mountain, which seemed to have buried their nests." Wang Mazi said, "But no one went into the mountain at that time, so no one knew about it. When the snow melts next year, people from Zhitian village will go to the mountain. Only then did I realize that the landslide had collapsed, and the lairs of this group of monsters had also been destroyed."

  He Lingchuan couldn't help frowning: "What kind of disappearance case is this?" Isn't it just an ordinary human tragedy?

"One of my companions is from Zhitian Township. When I was hired to clean up the landslide, I found that the dead pigs in the nest were all piled up together, as if they died in a group, and only bones remained." Wang Mazi said, " Such a big litter, there were hundreds of them. Not long after, some people in the town were attacked by the boar demon. It's over."

  He Lingchuan said after listening: "This old news seems to have nothing to do with what happened in Niutoushan."

  Wang Mazi's face collapsed: "Even if they were smashed to death...My lord, do you know that piglets never like to huddle together, especially when there are hundreds of them?"

  He knew that the more he worked, the greater his chance of survival. On the contrary, it is a dead end.

   "It's hard for others to imagine the reaction of living beings when they face desperation." He Lingchuan turned around, "You said, on the way back to Shuangyi Town, you encountered a ghost hitting the wall, and somehow walked to Guantian?"

"Yes, it is!"

  He Lingchuan nodded: "Then you have been tricked." The ghost hitting the wall is also commonly known as the ecstasy array, and its basic function is to make people dizzy and make random detours.

   Arrays must be arranged in advance.

  Someone set up a ecstasy array on their way home in advance to induce these villagers to go to the official fields and provoke the wind beast.

   "Who made this stealing plan for you?"

"My cousin Wang Ling." Wang Mazi said, "He told us that a group of geese came to Wudou Town. They are not familiar with the place and the goods are still in good condition. As long as the robbery is successful, I will give it to me this time. Two taels of silver!"

  He explained: "Lengtou goose refers to foreigners who don't know the market here."

   "Wang Ling is dead?"

  Wang Mazi nodded, there was no sadness on his face, only resentment: "It deserves it. I sprained my ankle that night, and he didn't stay to help me!"

   "Where did the news come from?"

   "I'm not sure, but it might be in the casino." Wang Mazi said, "He will run there if he has money."

  He Lingchuan thought for a while: "Then what about the people you stole, those geese, how much information do you remember?"

"Uh..." Wang Mazi had replayed the matter in his mind countless times, "It's a small caravan, only about thirty people, and ten trucks. We stole two, and they were full of chewing tobacco. There are more than a dozen bamboo tubes stuffed with saltpeter. Wang Ling accidentally knocked open one tube, and the whole carriage froze."

  He Lingchuan rubbed his temples: "Merchants who smuggle chewing tobacco and saltpeter, how dare you touch them?"

  Chewing tobacco is a super-high-profit commodity, and the Beja Kingdom only allows official monopoly, and private smuggling is a felony; as for saltpeter, it is an important military resource, one of the basic raw materials for making gunpowder, how can private smuggling be allowed?

   "Occasionally... people are lucky." Wang Mazi said stubbornly, "We have all seen it before, and also..."

   "Steal it too?"

  Wang Mazi shrank his head, looked at Jiao Yu and General Ling next to him, and when he saw that they hadn't made a statement, he acquiesced.

  Yes, there are people doing the decapitation business, and the small place is even more wild. Both chewing tobacco and saltpeter are small in size, and everyone steals them and divides them up. Each person only takes a little to sell, and the stolen goods will be sold out quickly.

  They are local **** with their own connections.

   "Aren't you also doing the decapitation business?" He Lingchuan looked at him with a half-smile, "About these merchants, what do you remember? The more detailed the better."

   "The leader is probably in his early forties, neither short nor fat, with a neatly trimmed beard, and a green jade ring finger on his ring finger. The position of his neck—" He pointed to his neck to show He Lingchuan, "There is a flesh-colored mole."

   "When you stepped on the spot, did you hear them say where your destination is?"

  Wang Mazi thought for a long time: "No, no?"

   "Okay, let's go back." During He Lingchuan's interrogation of Wang Mazi, Goshawk and the wind driller brought by General Ling went to search the valley, but they returned in vain.

  The murderer's ability to deal with the aftermath is first-class, and he can't find any useful clues if he continues to stay here.


  After returning to the inn, He Lingchuan took out Fu Shanji's information again, wanting to see if he had missed anything.

   Chiyan country is so big, looking for a missing bird is like looking for a needle in a haystack.

  Before He Lingchuan set off, Li Qingge shared the newly obtained information with him:

   A month ago, Beja suffered a deflation on the Eastern Front.

   It is said that because the two armies commanded by Bega did not coordinate in time, a major tactical error occurred and was seized by the opponent.

   Yes, one of the teams is the army of the Chiyan Kingdom.

  Reminiscent of the emperor's anger, He Lingchuan can easily guess that perhaps because of the disappearance of the white-shouldered eagle, the intelligence of the coordinated operations could not be transmitted to the Chiyan Kingdom in time, resulting in huge losses on the battlefield.

  Such a thing, of course Lingxu City will not tolerate it.

  He was curious about the source of the information, but Li Qingge obviously would not reveal it.

  According to the information gathered from various places, Fushanji also wrote a few key words in red pen:

  First word—

  Rainy night!

  He was very careful to find out the commonality of disappearance cases in various places, that is, they all happened on rainy nights.

  He Lingchuan recalled that the day the blue sheep was almost stolen, it was indeed raining continuously at night, and the rain stopped after the ugly.

   These people only go out on rainy nights, why?

  The second keyword summed up by Fu Shanji is "countryside".

  These cases of disappearance all happened in the suburbs and mountains, away from the crowds.

  Humans have the habit of living in groups, but many monsters like to walk alone, away from human settlements. If these murderers only target the countryside, then it is true that more monsters have been killed than humans.

   From this we can also see the murderer's caution.

  Then the third key word is "simultaneously in multiple places".

  Comparing the time and space of individual cases, some cases occurred very recently, only one or two days apart, but the places where the crimes occurred were far away, separated by more than a hundred miles.

  The murderer went hundreds of miles away to commit the crime again within a dozen hours. What is this picture?

  After personally experiencing the sheep-stealing incident, He Lingchuan is more inclined that these people are likely to split up and act in groups.

   That is to say, this is likely to be a crime committed by a cross-regional gang!

  That's all for Fu Shanji's inferences, maybe he didn't find any new clues, or maybe Fu Shanyue gave him a slap in the face at this time...

  According to He Lingchuan's view, Fushan Ji's top-down investigation method is destined to not yield anything.

   What is the efficiency of official affairs? Lao Niu tows a broken car faster than it, not to mention all kinds of omissions.

  If only official personnel and official information are used, the day to solve the case is far away.

  Don't talk about the motive, the place where the other party committed the crime, the target chosen, the timing of the attack... If you can't figure out the rules, you won't be able to catch this group of people.

   Their actions are really very secretive. If the courier from Lingxu City hadn't been involved this time, no one would have noticed these scattered cases of disappearances.

  Let’s not talk about the demon country, even the occasional disappearance of villagers all over the Yuan country, that’s not worth mentioning.

  In these years, there are not too many reasons for the disappearance of living people and monsters.

   Then, should he go to Wudou Town where Wang Mazi and others were set up to see what happened?

  He Lingchuan was still thinking hard, but the sound of peeling and pecking came from the window.

  He got up and opened the window, and saw a dozen crows standing outside.

   "Is there something wrong?"

  The biggest crow came in to have a look, and after making sure that the goshawk was not inside, he boldly jumped in and took two steps:

   "Are you still studying the strange things about Niutoushan?"

  He Lingchuan nodded: "Do you have any new clues?"

   "That depends on what reward you offer." The crow grinned, "If there is no reward, there will be no clues!"

  He has been dealing with this kind of creatures since Sanxinyuan, and he knows that they are typical robbers, bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

   "Can you offer me a price?"

"Three hundred catties of beef and mutton, and one hundred pills of elixir every month!" The crow came after thinking about it, "Also, we want the forest south of Shuangyi Town as a habitat, and no other animals are allowed except crows." Birds building nests!"

  He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows: "I am the special envoy of the crown prince. If you see me in person, how dare you open your mouth like a lion?"

   "The crown prince is so rich, the root hair is thicker than our thighs!" Crow sneered, "Hundreds of catties of meat and a hundred elixirs every month are nothing to worry about!"

   "That's true." As soon as the words fell, He Lingchuan puckered his lips and whistled, and then stretched out his hand to swipe.

  Swept vigorously and closed the window.

   This separated the crow leader from a dozen of his subordinates.

   Seeing that the situation was not good, the big crow didn't attack He Lingchuan, but just slammed into the window paper, intending to take the window and escape.

  He Lingchuan's prediction was accurate, and he cast a net directly in front of it, as if the crow threw itself into the net.

   Congratulations to @冬雨霜儿童儿童 on their engagement!

   Golden wind and jade frost, victory but countless in the world.



  (end of this chapter)