MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 472 wait and see

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  Chapter 472 Waiting for a rabbit

  Xu Dayou came forward, and soon found the medicine store that He Lingchuan wanted.

   This row of warehouses is divided into three rooms, which store four kinds of herbs. Prunella vulgaris is in it, occupying a storeroom exclusively.

   "Is there any other place in Luocang to store Prunella vulgaris?"

"Yes, but they are scattered in seven or eight small warehouses, and the herbs are all mixed. We checked the inventory, and there are at most about 400 catties, and the least is only 40 catties. There is no classification." The person in charge pointed The warehouse behind him said, "It has been packed inside, a total of 17,300 catties, and it will be sent to seven places within three days."

   "It's here." He Lingchuan went in and looked around to confirm that the herbs were all there, and then heaved a long sigh of relief.

   Not in vain, he has been running around since last night, and finally seized the opportunity.

   "Has this warehouse been storing Prunella vulgaris?"

   "Yes. The warehouses in the center of the town are the most well-preserved, so they store the most valuable medicinal materials; the warehouses on the edge of the town have always stocked Prunella vulgaris and ephedra."

  These herbs are cheap, and few people steal them.

  General Ling was always a little worried: "Will Wan Song just find a few drugstores and pharmacies, and grab some Prunella vulgaris first?"

  He Lingchuan asked him: "Why do you, Mr. Mai and Wan Song, choose Zhitian Township as their base?"

  General Ling thought for a while: "Is it easy to get herbs here?"

   "If it's really because of this reason, the consumption of Prunella vulgaris will not be small." If you only need a few catties and a few taels, you can buy it at any pharmacy, so why move to Zhitian Township?

   Only in Zhitian Township can long-term bulk purchase of medicines be possible without arousing suspicion.

Before He Lingchuan could open his mouth, Jiao Yu said, "Since Mr. Mai has been exposed, they can't stay in Zhitian Township any longer, and they have to evacuate as soon as possible. If you were Wan Song, the monster under your command couldn't do without Prunella vulgaris. What will happen?"

  General Ling blurted out: "If you get a big vote, you will withdraw."

   Anyway, we have to grab a vote, so it’s better to be big than to be small.

  He Lingchuan patted the medicine bag on the side: "There are more than 20,000 catties of Prunella vulgaris here, which should be enough for a period of time until we find a new source of supply."

   "Does he know how to come here to look for it?"

"Wan Song may not understand, but Mr. Mai should be very clear." He Lingchuan said indifferently, "Mr. Mai is a careful person, and he probably has planned his escape route. Luocang always has Prunella vulgaris to transfer, so this is their backup Warehouse."

  In fact, he still had a ridiculous idea in his heart, which he never told anyone or the demon.

  To be verified.

   "So what do we do now?"

   "Make some arrangements, and then sit back and wait." He Lingchuan asked Xu Dayou, "I heard that the grass jelly here is delicious?"

   "It must!" Xu Dayou said with a smile, "Every time I go to Luocang for business, I must drink a bowl of grass jelly."

  It's midsummer and July, and it's the season when you sweat profusely when you move. Although everyone has strength and strength to protect the body, which can reduce the damage from the heat, but a bowl of cold food on a hot day is still very good.

  So under the leadership of Xu Dayou, everyone found a nearby soup shop.

  This store has been open in the local area for more than 60 years, and the craftsmanship has been passed down to the fourth generation. The green grass jelly that He Lingchuan wants is a soup made from bunches of fairy grass. Soak it in cold well water overnight and it will become a jelly. The glutinous rice **** are half-sweet and half-bitter in the mouth, which dispels the dryness in the bottom of my heart.

  The key is cheap.

  He Lingchuan only needed four copper coins for killing two big sea bowls in a row.

  If you are in the country of Yuan, the price of sweet-scented osmanthus honey alone is more than this price.

  Sugar water can be sold at a high price anywhere, but only in the country of Beja, it is a condiment that ordinary people can use casually.

   Rich varieties and affordable prices.

  So whether it is Baoshu Kingdom or Chiyan Kingdom, there are all kinds of sugar shops on the streets and alleys, and many of them have become time-honored brands. Like the bowl of green grass jelly that He Lingchuan is eating now, the ratio of "fairy grass" is the store's unique secret recipe. It is said that thirteen herbs are used, and even two kinds of nectar are used.

  Just talking about this kind of happiness of eating sweets and freedom is rare in the world.

  All the officials and messengers also sat down to rest and asked for sugar water to eat. One of them was a skunk with a black body and white stripes. He didn't want grass jelly, but only two bowls of honey water.

   Of course, it is not only human beings who work in the government.

  In summer, it gets dark slowly. But at this moment, a few dark clouds floated from the sky, driving away the scorching sun arbitrarily, and pulling out the shady scene.

  A few bolts of lightning rolled through the clouds, and the wind and rain were about to come.

   This is what He Lingchuan was waiting for, and he stood up immediately and said, "Go back, get ready to start work."


  The wind and rain came at night, with great momentum, and the sky and the earth were darkened.

  The entire Luocang was immersed in a rustling sound, and there was no one on the road.

  Dried herbs are most afraid of water, no matter how busy the warehouse is at this time, it has to stand still.

  The manpower brought by He Lingchuan was evenly distributed in the nearby large and small warehouses, while he and Jiao Yu led four or five people to guard the main warehouse where the Prunella vulgaris was stored.

  This warehouse covers an area of ​​300 square meters, and it is built squarely. The beams are extremely high, and they are two feet above the ground (more than six meters). Twenty thousand catties of Prunella vulgaris were piled up neatly, only taking up half of the storage capacity, and the rest was empty.

   Oh, by the way, there are several black jars in the corners of the warehouse.

  He Lingchuan and Jiao Yu were the gentlemen of Liang Shang.

  It has been three hours since I returned to the warehouse after eating the grass jelly.

  The warehouse was silent all the time, and there was nothing unusual.

   It's almost midnight, the standard midnight.

  He Lingchuan looked out from the transom of the warehouse, but he couldn't see a single person.

   Fortunately, Jiao Yu is also a beast that is good at ambushes. He is used to waiting and has no complaints.

   Suddenly there was a "click" sound from below, and He Lingchuan tensed up.

  But he quickly saw that it was just a small branch blown by the wind and fell to the ground.

  A few more thunderbolts flashed between the sky and the earth, and the whole field was bright.

  He Lingchuan suddenly stretched out his hand to pat the tiger's back, pointed out the window, and said hastily, "Look!"

  Jiao Yu turned around, and the hair all over his body exploded:

   There seems to be a huge monster outside the opposite window, so dark that the outline cannot be seen clearly, but it is at least as tall as the medicine storehouse.

  If it weren't for the lightning that just illuminated the sky, no one would have noticed such a thing appearing in the dark rainy night.

   Immediately afterwards, the window was blacked out.


   Sure enough, the plan was not as fast as the change. He Lingchuan originally thought that the monster would emerge from the bottom of the warehouse, but he didn't know that it appeared directly outside the warehouse.

  Although the medicine storehouse is spacious, the size of the thing outside is so ridiculously large that it cannot be squeezed in!

  Fortunately, he still had a plan B, and as soon as he turned around, he jumped out from the small window opposite.

  Jiao Yu followed closely behind.

  And for the officials and monsters guarding other medicine warehouses around, this rainy night was long and boring.

  Xu Dayou yawned for the tenth time, and wiped away the water from his eyes, but he saw that General Ling next to him was still concentrating, staring at the medicine store opposite without blinking.

  The energy of these monsters is really good, which is beyond the reach of ordinary humans.

  The scenery outside the window is extremely monotonous, just the same heavy rain and still life.


  There is something wrong with the medicine store opposite, as if there is a huge black shadow behind it.

  But the thunder and lightning flashed by, and the outside fell into darkness again.

what is that?

  Xu Dayou thought he was dazzled, so he rubbed his eyes. When the next flash of lightning, he saw that the medicine store was still in place, and nothing around him had changed.

  The huge black shadow is also gone.

   Is it really an illusion?

  But at this time Jiao Yu suddenly jumped out from behind the medicine storehouse, accompanied by a long cry: "Shoot an arrow at the medicine storehouse!"

  The tiger howled through the rainy night, like a thunder that exploded in everyone's ears.

  The surrounding medicine warehouses opened one after another, and everyone rushed out with bows and crossbows in their hands, raising their hands and releasing arrows!

   A long rope is tied behind each arrow.

  Although they didn't see any other suspicious people, they still followed Jiao Yu's order.

  The Drilling Wind Beast also smashed open the door of its hiding place, and jumped out like an arrow.

  The distance of ten feet is just two steps for them.

  The Drilling Wind Beast lowered its head, like a bull on top of a man, and slammed the sharp horn of the spiral against the outer wall of the medicine warehouse!

  Almost at the same time, everyone flew arrows to the medicine storehouse.

   With such a big target, even He Lingchuan, who had just learned archery a few months ago, couldn't miss it.

  A strange scene appeared:

  Although the arrows hit, they fell one after another, and none of them were nailed into the wall.

  Even the sharp horns of the two wind-drilling beasts didn't pierce the wall, only made a few deep scratches and made three crisp "dongdong" sounds.

   This kind of sound means that it is not only very hard, but also hollow!

  The two guards of the Drilling Wind Beast staggered two steps and shook their heads, obviously stunned by the force of the backshock.

  Only General Ling's sharp horn pierced half a finger deep, but it didn't seem to pierce the flesh yet. Just this one, it can fly the giant elephant, but the medicine warehouse is unmoved.

  It had no choice but to pull out the sharp horn and shook its head.

   I was a little dizzy.

   Everyone saw the weirdness now.

  The pharmacy is obviously made of wood, how could it be so strong?

  Even if this kind of warehouse is usually pasted with rune arrays, it is also waterproof, fireproof and mothproof, and it should not have anything to do with sturdiness.

  The worst thing is that after this round of attacks, the medicine store sank quickly.

   Yes, sinking toward the ground.

  If you leave it alone, it will sink completely into the ground after three or five breaths at most!

   This thing actually runs so fast?

   Fortunately, when General Ling rushed up to confront him, he yelled, "Let's fight, f*ck, hurry up and fight!"

  As soon as the words fell, the official badge on Jiao Yu's neck began to glow.

  With the Prunella vulgaris medicinal warehouse as the center, there are seven yellowish places on the ground within a radius of 20 feet, which are the formation symbols buried in the ground starting to take effect.

   In front of each talisman stands an official guard, holding a sharp blade to protect each other.

  The ground didn’t seem to have changed significantly, it was still muddy, mud and water splashed as everyone ran, stepping on deep and shallow pits, but the sinking trend of the medicine warehouse suddenly stopped.

   This is one of the formations widely used by the Beja Kingdom in war—

   Evasion is forbidden.

  It is usually used in city defense battles and positional warfare. It is a very practical means to block the enemy's earth escape and water escape techniques, so as to prevent others from slipping into one's own territory and causing damage.

   After all, the methods and talents of monsters are really strange.

  (end of this chapter)