MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 473 long legs

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  Chapter 473 Long Legs

Of course, this kind of battle formation is also divided into several levels according to energy consumption and coverage. The set of formation symbols used by everyone is the smallest size, and the coverage area is only within a radius of 20 feet. Only seven formation symbols are needed. Assemble it.

  It is impossible for He Lingchuan to have this kind of thing in his hand. This set of formation symbols was borrowed from the county by the officials, together with the Xuanjing that drives it.

   Of course, you have to return it after you use it up.

  However, He Lingchuan was shocked by such a rich and powerful handwriting.

  A county magistrate can approve a batch of pens to activate the battle formation, which is unimaginable in Yuan Country.

  Just one small thing, it can be seen that Zhitian Township is really rich.

  Now the monster's escapism has failed. Not only is the sinking momentum stopped, but the sinking part seems to be imprisoned in cement, and it cannot be pulled out.

   This is the effect He Lingchuan and others want.

  He traced it all the way, and basically believed that the monster under Mr. Mai mainly used stealth + camouflage, so that he could kill so many victims without anyone noticing.

  But the initiative of this ambush is in his own hands, he only needs to make targeted arrangements.

   After seeing the mucus at the murder scene, Jiao Yu and General Ling agreed that it was a snail-like monster.

  The most notable feature of this type of creature is its slow movement. Then it makes sense for it to use escapism to make up for this shortcoming.

   Now the forbidden magic circle keeps them in place and cannot dive. Slow monsters are the meat on the chopping board, and they can buy enough time to slowly slaughter them.

  He Lingchuan only showed his figure from behind, the knife was as sharp as a sword, but there was a series of dense repeating sounds when it was chopped on the medicine storehouse.

  Just now, he just watched the monster swallow the medicine store in one gulp. If he and Jiao Yu hadn't reacted quickly, they would be in his stomach right now.

   Combat is dangerous from the start.

  It seems that he only slashed once, but in fact, he slashed seven times in a row, and each strike was precisely at the same position.

   There was a small opening in the medicine compartment.

  He Lingchuan continued his efforts, and this time the Floating Saber finally showed its characteristics, piercing into the depth of a palm with a sound of "Du".

   He pulled back the precious saber with all his strength, but there was not a trace of blood on the blade.

   And he was sure, the hard shell was empty inside!

   This thing is harder and thicker than a turtle shell. With the sharpness of the floating life, he has not hurt the opponent's body yet!

   Was it really created by Dong Rui? He Lingchuan couldn't believe it.

  If this monster is so amazing, why didn't Dong Rui drive it to escape from Bega, but gave it to someone else?

  There must be something odd!

  The current situation is too much to think about, so He Lingchuan grabbed a hook and stabbed it with his bare hands into the wound made by the Fusheng knife.

   Press the mechanism button again, and the tip of the claw opens in the hollow inside with a "squeak", and is firmly embedded in the wound.

  He threw the rope to a wind drill beast, the latter grabbed it with its mouth open, and launched a dash, reaching the nearest big tree. It really took out the speed of drilling the wind, and circled five or six trees in a row.

  The thickest tree is nearly one and a half feet in diameter.

  This warehouse was originally a forest farm. At the request of the dryad, people kept about one-third of the forest, most of which were thick and giant trees.

  The rest of the officials were also cutting and chopping, but their weapons were not so powerful, and they couldn't even wear out a scratch.

   To all of them, this is unbelievable.

  Official missions always bring their strength to handle cases, so it is natural to take advantage of mountain monsters and wild monsters. But what's the matter with this thing?

  Only He Lingchuan knew that the puppet created by Dong Rui was highly resistant to Yuanli. Unless the Dana of the Chiyan Kingdom came in person, it would be difficult to cause any substantial damage to it with these few official posts.

   These twenty or so people kept chattering, as if they were repairing houses.

  But their attack was not completely useless. The medicine storehouse deformed under the eyes of everyone, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a hard shell as high as two feet. There were fine grains on the dark brown surface, like patterns and runes.

   It's a showdown, stop pretending.

  The familiar thread shrinks a hundred times, just like the food they **** every day...

  Xu Dayou lost his voice: "Snail?"

   "Sure enough it's a snail!" General Ling jumped up from behind and knocked him into the air.

   Thanks to its sharp eyesight and quick hooves, although Xu Dayou fell a foot away and fell into the mud, a giant claw suddenly came out from under the snail shell, and pia pressed down on the place where he was standing.

  If he does not move his place, he will become a meat loaf at this time.

  The officials on the other side of the giant shell were not so lucky. Two people stood close to each other, so they were crushed into the mud together, and they didn't even have time to scream.

   "This thing has long legs!" Jiao Yu circled around it several times before, and had nowhere to put his mouth. Now he finally saw something that could bite, how could he let it go? A hungry tiger rushed over, but was taken off the ground.

   Another thunderbolt illuminated the world, and everyone looked at the monster in front of them in shock:

   This thing not only has long feet, but also four long legs!

  Long legs that can bend forward like human legs, sticky and shiny surface, wide and flat claws, with webbed between the claws.

  At the same time, this monster also protruded its head from the hard shell, with a square head, a wide and round snout, and a big mouth that stretched to the back of the head, opening like a bottomless abyss.

  There are two antenna-like tentacles in front of its forehead, which are thin and long, like needles and arrows.

Of course, this thing still has a snail-like body, covered with light brown spots on the surface, which is very inconspicuous in the dark; it has a thick and long tail, but the tip is gone, and it was held up by the antelope with its horns in the pig's nest. In the future, dock the tail to survive.

   Several officials were stunned and said: "What the **** is this!"

   Chiyan Country is also the hometown of demons, but no one has seen such weird monsters.

  It obviously has the body and hard shell of a snail, but it has the limbs and head of a frog.

  Everywhere is inconsistent, like someone forced the pieces together.

  Everyone can also see clearly that the limbs and head are stretched out from its body, just like the tentacles protruding from a snail, and can be retracted at any time.

  General Ling was also stunned: "Could it be a salamander?"

  If he hadn't seen it himself, no matter how hard he tried, he wouldn't have guessed that the real murderer of the series of murders had developed such a virtue.

  Being able to scare the monsters into such ignorant appearances, He Lingchuan secretly gave a thumbs up, Dong Rui, Dong Rui, you really deserve it.

  Seeing the monster's appearance, he was sure that it was Dong Rui's work.

   An official ran past three feet away from the monster, holding a torch in his hand. He thought the monster couldn't move, so he moved a little slower to avoid it. Unexpectedly, the monster opened its mouth suddenly, and a red shadow flashed so fast that it was hard to distinguish with the naked eye, and the official came into its mouth with a long scream.

   "Tongue?" General Ling shouted, "Don't stand in front of its mouth, this thing flicks its tongue to hunt!"

   Now I finally know how to use that big mouth, it is clearly the mouth of a frog.

  How frogs hunt, this guy can eat people.

   Everyone avoided it one after another, and no one dared to stop by its mouth.

   With just that big mouth, it doesn't seem too much to fit ten people in one breath.

  The demon puppet swallowed the officer without chewing it, and then jumped up on the spot with a sudden push of its hind legs!

  He Lingchuan couldn't imagine how a monster as bulky as a hill could jump high, but this time he finally opened his eyes.

  Probably because the hard shell on its body was too heavy, the monster actually leaped forward, and landed less than eight feet into the air, causing the ground to slam.

   It looks like a thunderbolt, but in fact, the distance of this jump is only three feet, which is worse than the blue sheep's volley jump.

   But the frequency of its continuous jumping is very fast, and it has jumped 24 to 50 feet in the blink of an eye, which has already left the range of the forbidden magic circle of escapism.

  The monster has its own induction, and it is about to plunge into the ground.

  As long as it can sink, it will be safe, and by the way, it can also take away a full warehouse of prunella vulgaris as rations for a long time in the future.

   But it was only one step away from the great escape.

   The monster sank desperately with a burst of momentum, but it still couldn't get down.

   It wasn't that the formation took effect, but that there was a force dragging behind it, preventing it from moving forward.

  The hook rope that He Lingchuan tied on its hard shell finally took effect.

  Now this set of hooks is stuck in the volute at one end, and goes around five or six big trees at the other end, and is tightly tied to the most magnificent tree by the wind driller.

  If it wants to sink successfully, it has to pull down these big trees first.

  Yaoguo exerted more force, and the rope suddenly became tense. The trunks of the two big trees were strangled, and the bark was broken.

  This thing is really strong, but the quality of the rope and claws is also really good.

  The rope was newly made by Li Qingge, the master of Songyang Mansion, for He Lingchuan recently.

  This is the finest spider silk produced by crypt spiders. It is as light as nothing, but its toughness and elasticity are amazing. Zhu Erniang can hang herself on a tree and swing at will with just this thread.

   Its body shape is not much different from this monster.

  So He Lingchuan is very confident in its strength. After all, Zhu Erniang's product must be a high-quality product.

  As for the hook and claw, it is Li Fubo's proud work, claiming to be the best work in the past three years, and it hasn't broken even after being pulled so hard by the goblin.

  Uh, not yet.

   Naturally, the bystanders watched with trepidation, fearing that if the puppet exerted more force, the thin rope would break with a snap.

   "Jiao Yu is back!"

  The tiger retreated after hearing the sound. This thing is too big, and its fangs and claws can't hurt the opponent at all.

  He Lingchuan ordered: "Get on the crossbow, hurry up! Hurry up and give it a few more shots!"

  Xu Dayou grabbed his hat from the ground and put it on, frantically fumbled for a short black and white thorn, and put it on the crossbow as an arrow. All the subordinates followed suit one after another, then raised their crossbow arrows and aimed at the monster's soft body and shot.

  Before it was hidden in a hard shell, and no one could do anything about it. Now that it's exposed, and it's so big, who can miss it?

  These are not ordinary arrows, but pig spikes that He Lingchuan picked up from the Moon Mountain!

  His pig spines are inherently corrupt and poisonous, and He Lingchuan added ingredients to them by hand, and each one was smeared with the crypt spider venom glands presented by Zhu Erniang.

  (end of this chapter)