MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 474 Ah this?

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  Chapter 474 Ah this?

  The soft body of Yaogou is relatively soft, how can it withstand their long and short stabs?

   After two rounds of rapid shooting, it was stabbed with at least fifty or sixty pig thorns. It groaned in pain and shrank back into its shell.

  The hard outer shell is all about protecting the soft inner.

   In other words, the tougher the shell, the weaker the body.

  And these pig thorns have barbs, which cannot be pulled out by themselves.

  The hogs at the foot of the Moon Mountain have avenged their deaths more than half a year later.

  The venom produced by Zhu Erniang can cause severe pain to the wound, as if being burned by a flame. The Yaoguo was in so much pain that it was all right, blisters were rapidly bulging on the wound, each of which was bigger than a pig's urine blister.

  Fifty or sixty wounds, there are fifty or sixty blisters.

  If these are not broken in time, the spider venom will quickly flow to the whole body, causing nerve numbness and muscle weakness.

   Hearing the Yaogou's screams, there was movement in the volute again.

   "There is someone inside the shell!" He Lingchuan reminded the officer to aim, and he raised his sleeve arrow, aiming at the shadow swaying in the shell.

   All the officials discovered that there was still a figure shaking inside the snail shell.

  There are two people holding long knives, and they are quickly breaking the blisters on the monster's body.

  The weasel demon jumped out of nowhere, and jumped into the volute.

   "Don't go!" This guy was too flexible, He Lingchuan wanted to pull its tail, but he was a step too late.

  The people in the shell saw black and white shaking, and swung their knives to chop. The skunk moved well, avoiding the blade, and then lifted its big fluffy tail—

  From the perspective of He Lingchuan, one can clearly see a cloud of yellow-green gas ejected from its tail, almost spraying on the face of a swordsman.

  The man didn't care about chopping, and grabbed his neck and immediately bent over and vomited.

  This kind of stress response cannot be controlled at all.

  The weasel demon took advantage of the situation and kicked him on the back. The man couldn't stand stably, and unexpectedly rolled off the demon puppet's back and fell to the ground.

   Companions quickly came to the rescue.

  He Lingchuan had sharp eyes and quick hands, and when he raised his hand, he shot a sleeve arrow, which blossomed directly behind his shoulder, and then pulled him back, grabbing him before his accomplices.

  The thief was a little dark and a little fat. When he was pulled over, he was still very stubborn, shouting and slashing with a knife.

  He Lingchuan chopped off his long knife casually, and kicked him as soon as he raised his leg.

   Two clicks, the leg bones of both legs were broken, and the person fell to the ground screaming.

   There are officials sent to get people.

   Once the skunk demon succeeded, his confidence increased greatly, and he ignored the call of his companions and continued to drill into the shell.

  There is obviously some gap in the shell, and it thinks it can get in because of its small size, but Roshan suddenly opened an opening in front of it, and it didn't have time to change direction, and rushed in.

   The monster's big mouth opened here.

   When the weasel demon realized that it was too late, he closed his big mouth silently, leaving no gap.

  But the stench it gave off still lingered in the shell, and the monster probably also suffered a headache from the smoke, and suddenly got out of the shell, transformed into limbs, and took off high.

   This jump used all its strength. Even with the amazing load, it jumped about four feet, and then hit the ground heavily!

   There was a loud bang, and the ground sank several feet, and two of the big trees that were tied by the hook rope were strangled down.

  The monster couldn't stand the pain, and wanted to hide underground for a while.

  The spider silk rope was stretched tighter than everyone's nerves, as if it would break in a second.

  The monster's back shell even started to glow, the light brown light was not very conspicuous in the dark, but everyone panicked, wondering what other moths could come out of this thing.

   Could it be that there is still a second transformation?

   Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the monster took off again with injuries all over his body.

  No one expected that He Lingchuan would **** the torches from the people around him at this moment and rush forward suddenly.

  Jiao Yu was shocked: "What are you doing!"

   It pounced on a tiger, and was a step too slow to stop it.

  He Lingchuan's movements were exactly the same as that of the weasel monster before, even more flexible than it. He took off with a lunge and headed for the mouth of the volute.

  The monster saw him in mid-air, so he didn’t have to dodge at all, just opened his mouth and waited for him.

  The mouth is as big as an endless abyss, and He Lingchuan's move is throwing himself into the mouth of the toad.

  However, there was still a person huddled behind the monster's head. When he saw the thing He Lingchuan was holding in his arms, he was shocked, and he patted the monster desperately and said, "Don't eat it, turn your head and don't eat it!"

  It's a pity that this monster's reaction is inherently slow, no matter how much he calls, the toad's mouth doesn't have time to close.

  He Lingchuan jumped in, holding a black jar in his hand.

  The lid of the altar has been opened.

   Entering the monster's mouth is like entering a black hole, the front is pitch black, and only the torch in his hand is the only light source.

  The light behind him faded rapidly, it was the monster closing its mouth.

   At the moment when the sky light disappeared, He Lingchuan pressed the torch into the black jar desperately.

  This kind of torch is dipped in special oil, and it can't be extinguished even by heavy rain.

   There was a loud bang, and the volute exploded!

  The explosive airflow is ejected from the open volute mouth, and there seem to be other things coming out together.

   One after another, a total of four explosions.

   At this time, everyone was still bending over and bowing their heads, blinded by the sudden burst of light from the volute, and could only hear the sound of explosions.

   This is the explosive that He Lingchuan pre-buried in the four corners of the herbal medicine warehouse, and it was detonated by a wave.

  The monster's hard shell was originally chestnut-like reddish-brown, but it became transparent in an instant after the explosion, so the strong light of the explosion penetrated without hindrance.

  Jiao Yu was the first to react, and Yihu rushed to the drop point first: "Chasing!"

  Equivalent to the momentum and strong light of the explosion, it is unbelievable that they were not far from the volute, and they were not overturned by the air wave, and they could still stand firmly.

  In fact, everyone only felt a strong wind blowing against their faces, and the smoke was pungent, but they didn't feel much other than that.

   Most of the power of the explosion was absorbed by the volute.

  Three times, five times and two times, everyone gathered to go to the fall point of the monster puppet.

  Sent by Jiao Yu, several officials went into the woods, where they picked up two people.

   One is missing two legs, the other has only two legs left.

   Of course, at the fall point of the Goblin, a deep pit is sunken in the ground here.

  The soil around the ground was splashed radially, which shows the force of the impact of that landing.

  The volute is stuck in the middle of the pit.

  The strange thing is that it was not blown into pieces, and even the shape was preserved, but there were a few deep cracks on the shell.

   This shell is really solid.

  Xu Dayou asked Jiao Yu: "My lord, what should we do now?"

  Since the heroic special envoy died, the supreme commander present automatically became this fierce tiger.

  Before Jiao Yu could answer, a familiar voice came from behind: "Get someone to come over and drag it out of the deep pit."

  Xu Da once turned his head, his back was numb with shock:

   It's not the special envoy who came out of the crowd?

  Master Special Envoy with full beard and tail, and healthy limbs.

  Since this person is safe and sound, who is it that jumped into the monster's mouth holding the explosive jar just now!

Fortunately, Xu Dayou has been on the job for 20 years, and he has seen a lot of strange things. In a blink of an eye, he thought that the other party might have some amazing life-saving supernatural powers, so he was surprised and calmed down, and put on a happy expression: "Master Special Envoy? Are you all right?" Just fine!"

  He Lingchuan stared at the volute in the pit with a solemn expression: "Quickly take it..."

   Before the word "drag up" came out, the volute suddenly moved.

   It went down fast again.

  General Ling stared: "Ah this?"

  The explosion was so violent, or did it detonate directly in its mouth, so it didn't kill the monster?

  It looks soft, not so explosive!

  Most importantly, why is the hook that holds it loose?

  He Lingchuan grabbed the end of the rope and pulled it loose.

  The claw is broken!

   It was probably broken during the last explosion, and it was directly broken inside the volute.

  Although it is produced by a famous artist, it has strength no matter how strong it is. After being pulled by monsters one after another, it finally couldn't bear it anymore.

  General Ling shouted angrily, rushed down the pit and stretched out his horns to top it.

  Everyone also entered the pit one after another, trying to turn it over.

  Even He Lingchuan summoned a golden-armored bronze man to prevent it from sinking.

Unexpectedly, the volute smashed into the soil very deeply, the shell was smooth and there was no grip, and He Lingchuan's claws were broken... This time, there is really no way to stop it, and everyone can only watch it escape into it. Underground, in vain.

  After more than a dozen breaths, the last point of the tail tip of the shell also disappeared at the bottom of the pit.

   This thing got away.

  General Ling pushed the dirt in the pit flying, and said angrily: "Damn it, **** it, it's just a little short!"

   "It escaped very slowly, and it must have been seriously injured." He Lingchuan also felt that it was a pity, but at this time he still wanted to pat Dajiao to comfort his comrades, "Besides, we still have spoils of war."

  The so-called "trophies" are two people in the volute, which were blasted out when it exploded.

  The dead one was torn apart, and the officials collected the wreckage from all over the forest, and once even brought back an eyeball, but they just couldn't make up a complete person.

  The lucky one who was still alive fell into a coma, bleeding like a fountain.

  Although he was covered in blood and his face was swollen like a pig's head, He Lingchuan whistled when he saw him, patted General Ling on the shoulder and said, "Congratulations, the murderer has been arrested!"

  Xu Dayou and others also shouted repeatedly: "Wan Song, Wan Song, this is Wan Song!"

  The locals recognized them after just a few more glances. This is the murderer Wan Song who has been on the run!

  General Ling was extremely jealous when he saw his enemy, and instinctively lowered his head to kill him. But the officials are all around, and this guy is still valuable, it can only resist the killing intent, digging the soil desperately with one front hoof.

   "I want his life!"

   "Don't worry." He Lingchuan inspected Wan Song's injury, and found that this guy's internal organs were severely injured, and he was bleeding rapidly, his life was already hanging by a thread.

  If you leave it alone, you will die in a quarter of an hour.

   He had no choice but to stuff a life-saving elixir into Wan Song's mouth, then seal the acupuncture points on his legs to slow down the bleeding, and then ordered the officials to carry him to the town to find a doctor as soon as possible.

   A big battle is over.

   Coincidentally, the thunderstorm also stopped, and the smell of mud was everywhere.

   There were originally humans and monsters guarding the warehouse here, but they were scared away by the big commotion here. Seeing that the battle was over, they returned in twos and threes.

   Sorry, the update will be back to normal tomorrow.

   I love you~



  (end of this chapter)