MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 484 Overlord goes hard...

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  Chapter 484 The Overlord Fights Hard...

  The guard was shocked, drew his knife and slashed.

  The tiger dodged deftly, knocking down one in two hits.

  Another guard rushed to rescue him, but someone grabbed his wrist, twisted it hard, and dislocated it.

  Ever since he loosened Dong Rui's bones last time, He Lingchuan felt that this trick was very useful.

  When the man cried out in pain, he punched his cheek again, knocking him out instantly.

  Of course, this guard is a bit stronger than Dong Rui, and He Lingchuan used a little more strength to calm him down.

  The strength of the two sides is a bit different.

  The other guards of Lingxu City have never been subjected to such evil spirits, they rushed forward and slashed while roaring.

   The Chiyan army transferred by Jiao Yu was not a vegetarian either. With a wave of the general's hand, more than a hundred people rushed forward.

  The yard is not big, and it instantly became a mess.

  Zhong Sunmou was so angry that he aimed at He Lingchuan and shot two water arrows, but he dodged it by turning around:

   "The surname He, you dare to kill the envoy!"

   There were hundreds of people between the two sides, so He Lingchuan didn't bother to pay attention to him, and walked back after digging his ears.

  Zhong Sunmou was furious, knelt down and pressed his hands on the ground, and said a few formulas in his mouth.

   Suddenly solid ice formed on the ground.

  The ice surface quickly expanded towards the wing room, and all objects passing by, whether it was trees or rocks or soldiers of the Chiyan Kingdom, all began to freeze from the bottom half of the ground.

   Even if the Chiyan army was not completely frozen, it was like falling into an ice cellar in an instant, with slow movements and weakened strength, and even turning around was two beats slower than before.

   Not to mention difficulty breathing.

   This is the ice freezing technique of the merman race, which has a large range and a good effect of retarding the enemy.

   No matter who it is, it is not easy to delay the actions of so many people at the same time. But this inn is built near the water, and there is a big lake next to it. The water vapor is extremely abundant, and today there is heavy fog, which has a great bonus for the mermaids to cast spells.

  Even if the Chiyan army had the protection of Yuanli, it could not completely counteract its negative effects.

   Of course, this spell has a limited duration.

  Zhong Sunmou's guard seized the opportunity to forcibly offside, and was about to rush into the wing.

  Chiyan officers and men dared to intercept them, but it was difficult to oppose Zhong Sunmou who was making trouble in the rear.

  Inspector of Lingxu City, which general of the demon country dares to commit minor crimes?

  Seeing that the ice was about to expand to the door of the wing room, He Lingchuan turned around abruptly and threw a few stones at Zhong Sunmou.

  That's extremely fast.

   "Be careful!" The guard next to him knocked his knife away.

  Blocked three times in a row, although Shi Zi'er was sent flying, his tiger's mouth was also numb from the shock, and he almost couldn't hold the knife.

  This man is so strong.

  The fourth stone came again, the guard had no choice but to bite the bullet and swing the knife again.

   Who would have thought that this stone would shatter as soon as it was touched, and a puff of yellow smoke spread out from it, blowing everyone's faces with a "huh" along with the strong wind!

   "Ouch..." Lian Zhongsun Mou led more than a dozen guards, and everyone vomited uncontrollably.

  Yuanli can reduce the physical or magical damage caused by the enemy, and reduce the power of poison and curse, but the stench...

  Odor does not cause substantial harm, is not listed above, and will only trigger strong physiological (physiological) reactions.

  He Lingchuan's "stink bomb" has also been improved several times before it became the current version. The smell is stronger and the dosage is more precise and economical. It is not like the previous bag that was thrown directly, and it is easy to arouse the vigilance of opponents.

  The casting of the spell is interrupted, and the freezing spell cannot continue. The Chiyan soldiers bound and stood up, pressing back against them.

  Although He Lingchuan considered the direction of the wind before making the move, and the lake wind was blowing in the direction of Zhong Sunmou, but the Chiyan soldiers saw their predicament, and no one dared to step forward.

  Zhong Sunmou vomited continuously, the smell was so bad that he rolled his eyes.

  He never expected that the dignified special envoy of the crown prince would use such a low-level method.

   As expected of Fu Shanyue's subordinates, they really are a pair of sluts!

  He Lingchuan raised his wrist, and two sleeve arrows shot at the tree trunk behind his cheeks: "Go one more step, and I'll shoot you to death on the tree!"

  The wind of the arrow brushed Zhong Sunmou's temples, but it really didn't hurt him at all.

   After finishing speaking, He Lingchuan entered the room.

  The battles were all separated from the house, and there was still a man sitting in this wing, with a green beard and a beard, and his hands and feet were bound with iron chains.

  The chain was engraved with runes, which alternated between dark and bright, and the top pierced the prisoner's lute bone.

  He heard and saw what happened outside the door, but his face was indifferent, as if he didn't take it seriously.

  He Lingchuan walked up to him, grabbed a chair and sat down: "You are Fu Songhua? You are also hidden in the city, and your business is still doing well, much better than Hong Chenglue."

  Hearing Hong Chenglue's name, Fu Songhua's cheeks moved.

   "I am the special envoy sent by Prince Fu Shanyue to investigate the case. If you have grievances, just tell me."

  Fu Songhua remained silent.

  He Lingchuan had no choice but to ask again: "Did you really kill the messenger in Lingxu City?"

   This time the answer was quick: "It's me."

   Zhong Sunmou's mocking laughter came from outside.

   "Mr. Mai is your subordinate?"


   "Where did he commit the crime last spring?"

   "..." Fu Songhua didn't think much about it, "I can't remember."

  He Lingchuan saw that he was sober-minded and able to speak freely, he didn't look like he was under a spell.

   That is to say, he pleaded guilty voluntarily.

   This also makes sense. After all, Zhong Sunmou wanted to take him to Lingxu City, and when he faced the chief judge, Fu Songhua couldn't be in a state of despair.

  Zhong Sunmou needs him to confess soberly.

"There are two trees at the door, an elm tree on the left, and a crabapple on the right; the colors of the two doors of the opposite shop are also different. His house sells cakes, and the mung bean cakes are freshly baked every day. They are hot and crispy, and adults and children love to eat them. ..."

  He Lingchuan said slowly.

  He talked nonsense, but the face of Fu Songhua on the opposite side changed, and he even moved forward, and the iron chain clanged loudly:

   "You, what did you do!"

  He Lingchuan pointed out the door: "That murloc threatened you with this?"

  Fu Songhua gritted his teeth and glared.

  There was a lot of noise outside, He Lingchuan approached him and whispered: "Now this handle is no longer in his hands, you can speak freely."

  Fu Songhua couldn't help asking: "Where is that?"

   "Of course it's in my hands!"


  He Lingchuan said seriously: "Tell the truth, and the people you care about will be safe."

  Fu Songhua hesitated.

   "Time is limited, that murloc will walk in soon."

  The confrontation outside the house became more intense.

  Although the Red Yan army is superior in number, the opponent is the guards of Lingxu City, and everyone dare not really let go and kill them.

   On the other hand, the guards of Lingxu City have no scruples.

   So this dispute intensified.

  Zhong Sunmou simply walked out of the crowd and strode towards the wing room.

  Who dares to put a finger on him?

  Fu Songhua gritted his teeth, and suddenly shouted: "I am wronged! I did not kill the messenger, I am wronged!"

  Although his true strength was locked by the talisman chain, his voice was naturally loud, even if there was a lot of noise outside, this roar could cover all of it.

  Even the other residents who came to watch the fun heard his voice.

   "I didn't kill, I was framed!"

   "I beg the special envoy to reopen the case and return my innocence!"

  Fu Songhua yelled out the first time, but the next few times were much smoother, and he could change the pattern.

  Zhong Sunmou faltered, unexpectedly Fu Songhua retracted his confession suddenly.

  He Lingchuan stood at the door and said: "I just said that this case is strange. According to the Chiyan law, if there is a wrong, it must be investigated, and this case must be retried! Magistrate Tian—"

  He didn't know what the Chiyan law specifically wrote, but he didn't think it would stipulate that grievances should not be filed.

  Tian county magistrate has been tortured by him these days. Hearing his protracted tone, he suddenly blurted out in shock: "You only need to use the county government!"

  Zhong Sunmou looked back at him with a dark look.

  Magistrate Tian lowered his head and hurriedly retreated, but did not receive it.

   "Fu Songhua is a fugitive prisoner in Lingxu City. I tried it and brought it back. It is legal and reasonable." Zhong Sun Mou angrily turned to He Lingchuan, "What basis do you want to interfere in?"

   "Your prisoner is the key witness in my case. He gave false testimony and then retracted his confession. He violated the criminal law of Chiyan. He will stay for trial according to the law."

   "He Xiao, you are so rampant, aren't you afraid that the Lord Chiyan will turn around and chop you up to appease the anger of Lingxu City?"

"You really think of me." He Lingchuan laughed, took out a letter from his bosom and waved it at him, "I just received the handwritten letter from the prince, let me check it with confidence, and I have the Lord Chiyan to back me up. "

  Actually, Fu Shanyue's original words were that as long as He Lingchuan didn't beat Zhong Sunmou to death, everything else would be fine and he could do whatever he wanted.

   There is only one bottom line, just don’t step on it.

  Arrogant and domineering, isn't that He Lingchuan's old profession?

   "It's unreasonable..."

  Zhong Sunmou couldn't believe it.

   Fu Shanyue lost his mind and went crazy? No matter how messy he was in the past, he actually had a limit.

  Before Zhong Sunmou finished speaking, He Lingchuan suddenly turned around and shot a few throwing knives, nailing a few water snakes.

  It is said to be a snake, but it is not much bigger than an earthworm. It is made of water, and its head and body are blurred, except for a pair of sharp snake teeth.

  Obviously the result of being bitten by this thing is likely to be poisoned and died suddenly.

  Zhong Sunmou argued with He Lingchuan, diverted his attention, and secretly put a water snake on Fu Songhua's mouth.

  The light in the room was dim, and He Lingchuan was facing outwards, so it was difficult to notice that the water drops on the ground had been casted with spells.

   However, the eyeball spider hiding in the house is not a vegetarian.

  He Lingchuan stopped talking, mentioned Fu Songhua and rushed to the window, kicked open the window lattice, and flew onto the roof behind.

  Two ups and downs, you will go far away, only a sentence floated over:

   "Lu Dutong, see you at the county government!"

  Lu Dutong was the general he had seconded, and when he heard this, he immediately roared: "Retreat the troops and go to the county government!"


  He Lingchuan is extremely fast, and Fu Songhua is a man who is faster than 200 catties. He doesn't have any trouble carrying it in his hand.

   Nine turns and eight turns, the voice behind is getting smaller and smaller.

  He Lingchuan turned his footsteps, and suddenly jumped onto another roof, and climbed in through the window.

   This is still an inn room, and He Lingchuan only booked it this morning.

  Fu Songhua fixed his eyes on him with strange eyes: "Aren't you going to the county government office?"

  The special envoy of the prince of the Chiyan Kingdom dares the inspector of Lingxu City to be tough? Isn't this audacious?

   "No one bothers us here."

  He Lingchuan poked his head out of the window, then closed the door and window: "Quick question, quick answer. What is your relationship with the Lingxu City messenger case?"

   "It's okay." Fu Songhua didn't blink, "I didn't kill it, I didn't even see it, but I was arrested six days ago for no reason."

   "It has nothing to do with Mr. Mai?"

  (end of this chapter)