MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 485 your son is in my hands

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"Who is that?"

   "It stands to reason that it is your subordinate."

   "I haven't heard of it and I don't know it."

  The key question comes: "It's not your crime, who forced you to confess?"

"The second day after I was arrested, someone came in and brought my son's toy to force me to confess." Fu Songhua said, "I refuse to admit it, my son will die. I made that toy by myself. I can see it at a glance. recognize."

  He let out a sigh of relief and said dejectedly: "Assassination of Zhang Guangyi was originally a capital crime for me, and a few more charges would not be a big deal. How many times can one life be divided? As long as they don't hurt my son."

  He Lingchuan comforted in time: "Your son is in my hands now, and he is safe."

  Uh, why does this sound a bit wrong?

  Fu Songhua also twitched.

   "Isn't this person Zhong Sunmou?"

   "No!" Fu Songhua shook his head, "I don't recognize him."

  As expected.

   "Then, this man gave me a confession." He continued, "He said that I will go to Lingxu City for trial, and I have to memorize my confession so that I can't make any mistakes."

   "Is there no one else in the cell at the time? The cell boss or other cellmates?"

"No, that's death row, and I'm the only one locked up. After I finished my statement, the man left. I didn't hear him talking to anyone else, but there was the sound of keys at the door. It was the sound of...a large bunch of keys dangling, Someone should open the door for him; after another half day, I was taken to the inn by the inspector and imprisoned."

   "This person wants you to confess to being a spy and to bear the charge of attacking and killing the messenger?"

   "Yes, they fabricated all kinds of details for me." Fu Songhua smiled wryly, "To be honest, I can barely remember those confessions, it's too cumbersome.""

  He Lingchuan took out the prepared paper and pen from the storage ring: "Write down the confession."

  He grinds ink for Fu Songhua himself.

  Up to now, Fu Songhua has not given up, and his pen is flying like flying.

  After more than a quarter of an hour, he stopped writing: "It's finished."

   There are six large sheets of blank paper, all of which are filled with small characters.

   "Write down what happened to you in the past few days."

  Fu Songhua wrote another half sheet of paper.

   Then he bit his fingers again, and pressed a blood mark on each of them.

  He Lingchuan gave a thumbs up: "Your memory is really good." Blowing off the ink stains and putting the paper in his pocket, "Remember, don't say we did this before."

  He rented this room in advance, just for this.

   "In addition, you also know that I am here to handle the murder of the messenger in Lingxu City. You may not have anything to do with the white-shouldered eagle, but you may have some intersection with the real culprit behind the scenes."

  Fu Songhua's complexion changed slightly, and he sighed: "After talking so much, it's not like you don't believe me."

   "It has nothing to do with trust. You may not even know about this kind of intersection. Otherwise, there are so many people hiding their identities in Baisha, why did you choose you?"


   "The information we collected elsewhere is also directed at the northwest of Baisha. That is to say, the real culprit may be living around you."

  Fu Songhua thought about it and came to Wei Er: "You mean, the real murderer also lives in the northwest of the city, but all the evidence is tailor-made for me?"

"They should have recognized you as a fugitive criminal long ago, but they didn't report it, so that one day when the crime happens, they will bring all the troubles to you and use you as a substitute!" He Lingchuan also read Fu Songhua's confession , The evidence given by the behind-the-scenes was so strict that even he was terrified when he saw it, and there was no doubt that Fu Songhua was the final target.

  If he hadn't been a witness to this incident, he would have believed it just by reading the confession.

  Such criminals and physical evidence are sent north together, and the presiding judge far away in the capital may not find it easy to find flaws.

  Besides, Fu Songhua already had a criminal record and a criminal record, so he was easily crucified as the principal culprit.

  He Lingchuan knew very well that if he wanted to make a lie appear seamless, he might have to cover it up with a hundred lies.

  This is a systematic project, which is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and possibly life-consuming.

  So the designation of Fu Songhua as a scapegoat was definitely not a whim, but foresight.

   "Do you know all the rich and powerful living in the northwest of the city?"

"I know." Fu Songhua is a fugitive, and it is necessary to understand the environment around him. "There are seventeen families of powerful people, mainly officials from Chiyan, and there are also celebrities from other feudal kingdoms and even Lingxu City; But there are many, forty-seven, scattered all over the country. There are ordinary businessmen like me, and there are also some big official businessmen."

  Where the "top class" is, local officials and merchants will gather there to facilitate exchanges of people and affairs.

  Besides, being able to live in a rich area is a status symbol.

   "There are too many suspects, can you filter some out for me?" He Lingchuan asked him, "Who do you think it is?"

  Fu Songhua thought for a long time, then shook his head:

   "I haven't communicated with anyone in depth."

   "Okay, then..."

  Fu Songhua suddenly remembered a little detail: "But the person who asked me to make a confession, has a square face, thick eyebrows, and is in his early thirties."

  He Lingchuan said bluntly: "Half the people in Baisha look like this."

"That face is indeed ordinary, but I found some pollen on the brim of his hat. At that time, a mouse jumped in by the window, which frightened him. He lifted his hat, and a few pollen fell to the ground. Later, I went to picked it up."

  He Lingchuan waited, knowing that he would not target indiscriminately.

   "That's oleander pollen." Fu Songhua said slowly, "There are many oleanders in Baisha, but they all grow on the east bank of the blue lake."

   "The blue lake is in the northwest corner of Baisha?"


  He Lingchuan nodded: "Please also write to me about the rich and powerful people who live in the east of the lake. It is best to draw a map for identification."

  Fu Songhua complied.

His painting skills are comparable to He Lingchuan's, and he is also a soul painter. The so-called "Blue Lake" in his pen is a flat circle, with a corner missing on the upper left, and the houses around him are also circles. Circle, only the last name is marked in the circle.

  The important thing is the orientation, the orientation, don't care about those details.

   "Yes, there are more than 60 suspects, and there are probably 22 left at once." He Lingchuan smiled, "You really save me effort."

   "Twenty-two is not a small number, how do you find it?"

   "Let's talk."

  Fu Songhua threw down his pen and said, "My son..."

  He Lingchuan relieved him: "You will be able to see him after you are cleared of being a spy."

  Fu Songhua doubted: "You contradicted the inspector, not just to help me get rid of the crime?"

   "Of course not." He Lingchuan patted him on the shoulder, "Don't be sentimental."

   "That's right. Why did you assassinate Zhang Guangyi in the first place?" At least this major crime was confirmed, and Fu Songhua did not deny it.

"When he was an official in our local area, he killed the whole village, including my parents and uncle. I didn't expect this kind of person to be promoted all the way. If God doesn't accept him, I will accept him!" Fu Songhua had a complicated expression, " I originally thought that I could run every day, but I didn’t know that the officials never caught up with me. Instead, it was General Hong Chenglue who was troubled by me. Later, I accidentally had a son, alas..."

  He looked at He Lingchuan, also curious: "How did you find my son?"

"You often go to Sharon Town under the pretext of buying paint, and you always stay in the same inn, so I will send someone to inquire around the inn to see if there are any widows within a mile or two who are beautiful, rich, and have nine Boys under the age of 10. Well, you were not married when you started your flight."

   "Such specific conditions can be screened out quickly."

  Fu Songhua wondered: "How do you know that the child's mother is beautiful and a widow?"

   "If you are not beautiful, can you have it? Besides, rich women are generally not ugly."


   "Will you tolerate her taking your cub, spending your money, and sleeping with other men?" He Lingchuan laughed, "That must be a widow, at least on the surface."

   “…why do you have to be rich?”

   "What is the situation of a young poor widow in a small town and what kind of dirty things will they encounter? You are from a rural area, so you don't know?" He Lingchuan raised his eyebrows, "Money is the best and simplest barrier."

  Fu Songhua was stunned for a long time before he sighed: "It's amazing... I did hire a few monsters for her to serve as guards, but they can only stop those rough men in the town, but they can't stop you caring people."


  The special envoy of the Chiyan Kingdom had left with the wind, and Lu Dutong also clasped his fists at Zhong Sunmou and said, "I'm offended, we are also on official business."

   Then he left the inn with the Chiyan soldiers and hurried to the county government.

  The magistrate of Baishayu didn't dare to stay, so he left with them.

  The yard was empty at once, except for the trampled broken door, mud and branches all over the floor, and other tenants who were peeping outside.

  Zhong Sunmou's face was ashen, and the anger in his eyes was almost gushing out.

  Where did Fu Shanyue find this kind of subordinate, and they messed around all the time, even disrupting all the plans.

  He ordered the guards to guard the door, went into the inner room, closed the door and window, walked to the side of the basin, and threw a light blue crystal into the washing water.

   This substance dissolves in water and dyes the whole basin of water blue.

  Zhong Sunmou read a few words silently and reached out to stir the water.

  When the water calmed down again, the water became colorless again, but the reflection in the basin was not Zhong Sunmou.

   That's another face.

  This kind of water mirror technique can allow Zhong Sunmou to communicate with others within ten miles for a short time. Although there are various restrictions, the duration is only 30 breaths, but it is safe and secret.

  A goshawk was parked on a tall branch in the distance outside the house, staring at it with piercing eyes, but Zhong Sunmou didn't even come out.

  He said to the human in the mirror: "A special envoy from Fushanyue was killed on the way, and he persuaded Fu Songhua to turn his back on the confession, and then kidnapped this person. Now he is sent to the county government for retrial, and the messenger case must be investigated to the end."

  Time is precious and he speaks very fast.

  The man in the mirror was shocked: "How could you let that happen!"

   "He mobilized nearby troops. It's not going to be that easy."

  If he was in Lingxu City, Zhong Sunmou would have killed that little **** a hundred times a hundred times; but in Baishahou, he only had a dozen guards around him, and no one was strong in terms of fists.

  As for the identity of the inspector, if the other party tries to kill himself after the incident, so what if he denies it?