MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 494 Intruders and Roots

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  Chapter 494 Intruders and Tree Roots

  That kind of chirping can make people feel pain like pins and needles in the brain, and it can also cause bursts of tinnitus and dizziness.

   In this regard, the solution He Lingchuan came up with was to throw the net bag in his hand:

   Didn’t you only catch four heads before?

  The net is very large, and there is still plenty of space.

  The distance between the two sides was very close, and he moved so fast that at least forty or fifty bats failed to stop and fell into the mesh.

   It must be praised that the products produced by the crypt spider must be high-quality products. Dozens of fierce and violent human-headed bats suddenly appeared, and the net was actually able to withstand it.

  Then the remaining 50 or 60 head escaped from the net, and divided into two groups to attack He Lingchuan.

  He Lingchuan stood on the stalactite, feeling the direction of the wind flow.

  These things also fly with the wind.

  When the first bat was about to pounce on his face, Fu Sheng got out of its sheath.

  In the dark cave, suddenly there was a flash of light, like a frightened bird, like a furious thunder. Although it was only for a moment, it covered the area three feet in front of it.

  The tyrannical light of the knife was like a stormy sea, strangling all the bats that rushed towards him.

   Wave cut.

  The rest of them saw that the situation was not good and wanted to escape, but they were still swept in by the wind of the knife, and sank in a second.

  After the bats were ground, they didn't burst into flesh and blood, but turned into black debris, flying all over the sky.

   These things are like burnt paper money.

  Looking straight ahead again, the monster somehow lost two or three faces, but there was an extra vertical pupil on its forehead.

  The vertical pupils are big and convex, occupying half of the whole face, almost crowding out the rest of the facial features.

  It stared at He Lingchuan as soon as it opened, and even the corners of its eyes were bloodshot.

  Although I don't know what this thing can do, but it looks evil. He Lingchuan didn't intend to wait for it to do its work, so he raised his hand and rewarded it with two marbles.

  The monster raised its hand to block it, but as soon as the bullet touched the skin, there were two loud bangs——

   It exploded.

   The new fire bullets from Yunling Island, also known as the Hand Cannon, have a good effect.

When the whistle smoke dissipated, he saw that the monster was blown to pieces, like plasticine rubbed by a child, its body proportions were all wrong, some parts were long, some parts were short, and a large piece of shoulder was missing, which was the result of the fire just now. Where the bullet hits.

   But the vertical pupil is still alive and well.

  It stared at He Lingchuan for a moment, and the weirdo said: "Why can't I find it!"

   Can't find anything?

   These words are like mumbling to himself.

   Right under He Lingchuan's nose, this thing started to recover.

  The damaged part began to retract, as if there was an invisible hand trying to pinch it back to its original shape.

   Not afraid of swords, water and fire, can heal itself, where is the weakness of this thing?

   The monster held down the rock wall with one hand, and blue-gray moss began to grow on the stone, and spread in all directions.

  There seems to be something wriggling on the moss.


  He Lingchuan didn't have time to look carefully, because the moss dried up within two breaths, turned into black ash and fell down, and the rock wall became clean again.

   "Huh?" The monster's ferocious face actually showed a surprised expression, and it hit the rock wall harder next time, even making a bang bang sound.

   However, it didn't work.

  The moss it released shrank faster this time, and it did not spread more than two feet.

  He Lingchuan had a good time: "Any other tricks?"

   Obviously this thing is trying to cast a wide range of magical powers, and somehow it doesn't work here.

  The monster's face showed shock, and suddenly jumped into the water.

He Lingchuan kept staring at it, and just as it lifted its legs, he also moved, leaping over a distance of three feet, as fast as a sleeve arrow shot by himself, followed by a swallow blow, and Fusheng made a superb and powerful knife .

   This monster should have been cut in half with a knife, but it folded its hands together, and actually held the blade in its palm!

  Is this thing going to kill with nothing? And use it very skillfully.

   No matter how sharp Fusheng is, it will be useless if it does not cut the flesh.

   Immediately afterwards, the monster stretched its neck and opened its mouth wide, and gnawed towards He Lingchuan's head.

  Humans' necks are limited in length, and generally they can't reach the enemy, but this guy's neck suddenly becomes longer, like a heron, and it can be tied with more effort.

   Except for the astonishingly large vertical pupil on the forehead, it is still a normal human face when its mouth is closed. When it opens its mouth, its jaw seems to be dislocated, and it can fit an entire hydrangea.

   Of course, it’s okay to stuff a human head into it.

   And apart from the two rows of fangs, the mouth is dark like a deep hole.

   This is something that can only appear in nightmares. Ordinary people will definitely be scared out of their wits when facing it.

   Fortunately, it has been abnormal since its debut, and now if something happens again, He Lingchuan has calmed down, and before the opponent's big mouth reaches his forehead, he has already raised his leg and kicked the opponent's belly.

  However, this kick failed to kick the opponent away, but instead sank deeply, like being stuck in a mud.

  The body of this thing is too malleable.

  Seeing that the black hole-like mouth was approaching the top of his head, He Lingchuan raised another fist and hit it directly on the chin.

   "Kaba", he heard the sound of the opponent's two rows of teeth clashing.

   Then, both sides fell into the water together.

  He Lingchuan transported out Yuanli, and the blade emitted a yellowish light. With another stir, he chopped off the opponent's palm.

   But taking advantage of this time, a few streaks of black smoke came out from the monster's body and jumped into the water.

  They turned into a few water ghosts behind He Lingchuan, and their hair instantly grew into thick and luxuriant water plants, wrapping around his ankles and arms, dragging him to the bottom of the water desperately, with astonishing strength.

  The monster in front also jumped on him.

   This is to hit one more and bully others less?

  He Lingchuan frowned, and a shadow appeared behind him, holding two knives in his hands, and killed a water ghost with one knife.

   The clone came out.

  The third water ghost was very conscious, turned around and fled.

   Once the restraint was removed, He Lingchuan's arms stood free, aiming at the monster in front of him with a knife.

  The timing was just right, it seemed that the other party came up to get the knife on purpose.

  He Lingchuan was most concerned about the big eyeball. The monster's neck was so thin that it was cut off immediately.

  Even in the water, he could hear the other party's wailing.


  In the inn three hundred feet away.

  The curse master has been kneeling and sitting in front of the statue, chanting words. The three sticks of incense burn extremely fast, and they will bottom out in about fifty breaths.

  The curse master must not continue to burn incense to ensure a steady stream of incense.

  These three are more than half.

  He opened his eyes and was about to continue, when he heard a "pow", the three sticks of incense suddenly broke without wind and fell on the table.

This is…?

  The curse master was stunned, and the turbulent smoke in the room suddenly condensed into the form of a **** statue. He first looked at the three broken incense sticks on the table, and then asked the curse master: "What tribute did you give me!"

   "It's a person." The curse master subconsciously replied, "Although appointed by the prince, he is a foreigner, and he can't use his power!"

  If He Lingchuan had the power to protect his body, he would not have invited such evil spirits.

   "No! It's not that simple!" Smoke said angrily, "I'll deal with you when I come back!"

   After all, it came out through the window with a whirring sound, even causing a small storm in the house.

   A few blank sheets of paper on the table in the back were thrown and flew around.

  The smoke became calm again, and even escaped out of the window. The curse master knew that this thing went by himself.

   All he has to do is continue to burn incense.

  But the curse master was in a very restless mood at this time. With the ability of this **** statue, plotting against an unknown and defenseless human being, shouldn't it be easy to catch?

  Even if this person only sent out one clone before, it shouldn't have missed.

  What's the situation now?


  Although the monster has a face all over its body, the one on the neck is the most important. At this time, it doesn't care about He Lingchuan, so it goes short to grab its own head.

   It is worth mentioning that after the head was cut off, the shape of the monster itself returned to normal, the neck was shortened, and the body was no longer elongated.

  He Lingchuan's heart moved when he saw this, he grabbed the monster's shoulder, and threw it out of the water before the strange face on the chest moved to bite.

   Don't look at how skinny this thing is, but it's ridiculously heavy to get it. He Lingchuan felt that what he picked up was not a person, but a big wild boar weighing more than 300 catties.

  Fortunately, he was able to use his true strength through both arms, and stepped on the side stalagmites to gain a foothold.

   With such a throw, the monster is not far from the rock wall.

  He Lingchuan threw the Fusheng knife backhand, and with a "swoosh", nailed the monster to the stone wall.

  Without the head, it can't deform, and it can't slip off the blade.

  He Lingchuan swam away in peace of mind and went to find the head.

  Looking around, the head is gone.

   With a sudden shock in his heart, he dived into the bottom of the water.

  Swimming around twice under the light of the fluorescent grass, he discovered that the monster's head had grown a body again, this time it was thin and long without limbs.

  It kept diving into the deep water, and the lack of hands and feet did not prevent it from swimming fast.

  At this time, the avatar had already dealt with the last water ghost, and it happened that the head was not far away, so it immediately shot a sleeve arrow.

  He Lingchuan was afraid that this thing would open its mouth to eat arrows, so the arrows were aimed at its messy hair.

   Sure enough, the arrow nailed the head's messy hair into a nearby stone crevice.

  He Lingchuan also dived here, took the knife of his avatar, cut off its newly grown body, and then grabbed the head and floated up.

  He already got the head, and he still has to go up to deal with the monster's body.

   But when he surfaced and looked up with the firefly, he was surprised again:

  Many dark brown vines, some thick and some thin, grew on the rock wall at some point, and they actually entangled the monster's body tightly.

  That's really a big tie.

  Even though the monster struggled, it couldn't go anywhere because it was fixed by the floating knife.

  He Lingchuan took a closer look, and felt that these didn't look like vines, but rather...

  Tree roots?

  Because there are countless tiny root hairs on it.

  What kind of plant can grow so many roots in an instant?

  The root is here, where is the plant itself?

  He Lingchuan searched for the root and found that the root system may come from a crack in the rock wall directly above.

   Obviously, it was directed at the monster.

   Some root tips even pierce directly into the monster's skin, sucking non-stop like sucking nutrient solution.

  The remaining faces of the monster wanted to escape, but they were firmly fixed by the roots, and the root hairs still had a faint blue light, preventing them from slipping away in black smoke.

  (end of this chapter)

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