MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 495 extremely cold

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  Chapter 495 Extremely Cold

These faces were angry at first, then cursed, and one of the faces of an old woman burst into tears, and finally turned into begging, not only for the inexplicable root system, but also for He Lingchuan to let it go, saying that they are just a victim Driven, as long as there is a way to survive, the person behind the scenes can be confessed.

  He Lingchuan shook the head off his hand and ignored it:

   Isn't there a mouth that can confess?

  He looked left and right, but found no new opponents, so he stretched out his hand to call back Fu Sheng, picked out the net bag that almost drifted away with the wave.

  There are only four monkey bats left in the pocket, and each of them is blinded by the pool water.

  The dozens of human-headed bats are gone, only sporadic black and gray debris still sticking to the net.

  The head of the monster kept roaring: "You must die, you wait..."

  He Lingchuan simply sealed his mouth with his hair.

   This trick turned out to be surprisingly effective. No matter how big the monster's mouth was, it couldn't swallow its own hair, so it could only whine.

  He Lingchuan threw it into the net and let it keep company with the bat.

  In the northwest karst caves of the Chipa Plateau, when did such monsters appear?

  This information is worth reporting.

   At this time, looking at the monster's body on the rock wall, it was about to be sucked into a mummy.

   These brown roots are obviously very happy with its taste.

   At this time, those who can help fight monsters are friends rather than enemies, and He Lingchuan doesn't care about it, and turns around and swims back.

   Get out of the hole quickly, that is the correct answer.

Next time he might go to Yunling Island to buy a seahorse puppet. It is a very simple puppet device, made of copper grass, thick and hard, but when thrown into the water, it will become a half-foot-tall seahorse, which can take people swimming. For a quarter of an hour, before falling apart.

   It was some genius idea to bring this thing to the water-scarce Panlong Huangyuan for sale. That seahorse puppet has been on White Grasshopper's shelf for a month, and it's still eating ashes...

   Pulled away, He Lingchuan pulled back his thoughts, suddenly there seemed to be a blue light flashing in the deep water below.

   This time, he saw it.

   Entering a bat cave, how can you encounter so many strange things?

  He Lingchuan simply hung the net bag on the stalactite, took a few deep breaths, and dived down to see what happened.

   It is the duty of every Panlong City soldier to inspect the Chipa Plateau and eliminate possible threats.

  The water is getting colder and the light is getting darker, and the cave is actually bottomless.

   Soon, there was another flash of blue light below, and a dark shadow appeared, rushing towards He Lingchuan.

   Is it a crocodile or a whale?

  He Lingchuan clenched the long knife in his hand.

   But he immediately showed shock:

   This is another monster!

   It's just that its body length is more than ten times that of the previous companion, reaching more than six feet (more than 19-22 meters)!

  This is the length of a sperm whale, so the closer it gets to He Lingchuan, the taller and more oppressive it looks!

  He Lingchuan subconsciously looked at the floating life in his hand.

  Whether it is chopping or stabbing, it is like a small toothpick to this big thing, right?

   "Tribute!" Its angry shout also sounded from He Lingchuan's heart, unaffected by the water waves, "Where is my clone!"

   Lying down on a big grass, He Lingchuan was shocked. So what I defeated earlier was just a clone of this thing?

  That's right, it has a bunch of knotted clothes, and there are hundreds of human faces on its body, and even a few of them are beasts or monsters; it has four arms but no legs, and its lower body is a whole cloud of black smoke.

   The young ones were beaten, and the old ones came out.

   Such a thing is hard to deal with at first glance.

   This is still in the water, and He Lingchuan's scalp is a little numb because his movement is blocked and inevitable.

  The gap between the enemy and the enemy is more than ten times in size alone. What should he do?

   This was just a momentary thought. He Lingchuan was about to put a smoke screen to cover himself and swim back to the surface, but he saw the monster roaring and stretched out his hand. Dozens of faces on its body turned into black smoke and escaped from the body, chasing him together.

  Damn it, run! Who can beat this thing?

  Just as He Lingchuan turned around, he heard a few clanging metal clangs coming from the bottom of the water, loud and distant, like the bells of a temple.

  As soon as the sound reached his ears, two bright red chains suddenly protruded from the deep dark water below!

  Thick and flexible, winding like a dragon sailing out to sea.

   Neither He Lingchuan nor the monster reacted, and the two chains entangled the monster.

   It was as fast as a predatory anaconda, and He Lingchuan even saw eagerness and greed from their movements.

   Just as the monster let out a roar, they had circled three times to the left and three times to the right, wrapping it tightly from head to toe!

  The hundred-faced monster was unwilling to give up, and his figure was so weak that it was about to be broken into pieces, turning into countless black shadows and escaping from the locks.

  But the chain immediately emitted a dazzling red light.

   Illuminated by this light, the monster's blurred figure was immediately returned to its real body.

   Forced to move away from the virtual to the real.

  Even the big cloud of black mist at its tail has now been strangled to reveal its original shape, but it is a series of skulls, ranging from animals to humans to unknown species.

  It was only then that He Lingchuan discovered that there were countless sigils engraved on the chain, not in the language of ancient immortals, but every word was emitting a golden-red light.

   The light emitted by the tens of thousands of symbols is comparable to the sun, illuminating the nearby waters.

   At the same time, He Lingchuan seemed to hear whispers again, like countless people talking together. Although that kind of sound was low-pitched, it concealed a surging power that no one could deny.

   "What are you!" The monster was startled and angry, "How can you take me! How can you take me!"

  This thing is really interesting, they were caught and asked each other if they were compatible. He Lingchuan pulled out his long knife, and there were still several fish that slipped through the net in the water.

  The black shadow that rushed out of the monster before, halfway there, saw a change below, and the deity was restrained.

  The deity yelled "Come back, save me" at them, but their first reaction was not to go to the rescue, but to run for their lives in all directions!

   It would be difficult if they escaped, this thing is harder to catch than the Jin Du ghost.

  He Lingchuan was about to get close to the hunt, and catch a few, when bursts of red mist came out from the chains, drifting towards these black shadows.

   seems slow but really fast.

  The black shadow that escaped the farthest only slipped away a dozen feet before being wrapped in red mist, and then let out a piercing wail.

  The red mist swirled around it rapidly, and the size of the black shadow became smaller and smaller visible to the naked eye.

  They seem to be being eaten by…?

   Just in time, a burst of red mist drifted past He Lingchuan's eyes. He took a closer look and almost choked on water.

   Isn’t this what it is, isn’t this what—

  Three corpses?

  After feeding the **** bone necklace, he can see the three corpses with naked eyes. But under the control of Dafang Pot, these little monsters rarely leave the city gate to go to other places, and they don't harass ordinary humans.

  He Lingchuan never expected to see them here at this very moment.

  The three corpses even live on the chains and cooperate with it to hunt.

  Everywhere is irrational.

  The escaped shadows were all surrounded and wiped out by the three corpses, and at the same time the troll was dragged to the bottom of the water by chains.

  It struggled desperately, but it still fell behind in terms of strength.

  He Lingchuan even saw the horror written on its face.

  This should be the expression it saw on the face of its prey.

   "Why!" Its voice came from the deep sea, full of unwillingness, "Who are you, who are you!"

  He Lingchuan vomited two bubbles.

   Heh, as if he could talk back in the water.

  Before the chain retracted, he saw a huge red shadow through the red light on the chain.

  The giant monster is six feet long, but beside it, it looks like a small fish specially for anglers.

  This red figure looked familiar to He Lingchuan.

  Outside Souls, this was the third time he'd seen it.

  Like a whale but not a whale, huge and incomparable.

   This time, the distance between him and the giant shadow was closer than before, less than ten feet, but he still couldn't see what it looked like.

  He Lingchuan was not reconciled and dived quickly.

  The closer you swim, the more you feel that it is ridiculously huge.

  But He Lingchuan couldn't see its shape and facial features at all, because the surface of this giant shadow was covered with three corpses!

   densely packed, countless.

  Every inch of its body was covered by wriggling three-corpse insects, with no skin exposed.

   This scene is really chilling.

   Even old whales that have lived in water for hundreds of years cannot grow so many barnacles on their bodies.

  The hundred-faced monster also saw this huge shadow, and forgot to shout for a while, but was dumbfounded, and murmured: "Is, is this true?"

   Then, it was dragged into the giant shadow.

  Everything returns to Jing Lai.

  The strange thing is that although the distance between the two sides is less than a few feet, He Lingchuan never felt hostility from this giant shadow, just like before.

  How should he greet each other? Wave and say, hi?

   Fortunately, people didn't plan to talk to him at all. The red giant figure was full, turned its head slowly, and dived into the deep water.

  The ship turned around in a catastrophe, and so did the giant.

  It swung in one direction, and an undercurrent surged up from the bottom of the water, throwing He Lingchuan upside down.

   A small cloud of red mist was thrown out and passed over He Lingchuan's body.

   Anger, sadness, surprise, fear, unwillingness... At this moment, dozens of emotions exploded in He Lingchuan's heart, each of which was violent and determined.

   And the most terrifying of them all is despair.

  Bottomless despair, despair with nowhere to escape, despair with no power to return to heaven.

  Even a person like He Lingchuan, who claims to be heartless and heartless, suddenly feels ashamed, and can no longer feel nostalgia for the world.

  He even bent down in pain, because his heart contracted suddenly and couldn't bear such a strong stimulus.

  At this time, his ears were filled with desperate cries and vicious curses.

   It wasn't the troll's, and it wasn't his own, yet it still sounded familiar.

  He Lingchuan endured the pain and looked up, and couldn't help being stunned:

  The red mist that just passed by him was chasing the giant shadow, but a figure emerged from it, with clearly distinguishable facial features.

  He recognized this face even when it turned into ashes.

  Sun Fuping!

  He Lingchuan really couldn't even think of breaking his head. He actually saw this dead old enemy under the deep water of the cave, in the red mist wrapped in three corpses!

  Sun Fuping stared at him, his eyes spewing fire, his mouth kept moving, and he was throwing crazy output at him, his face was also extremely distorted, and he didn't look a little gentle before he was alive.

  The hatred of killing one's body, the hatred of killing one's life, cannot be resolved.

  (end of this chapter)