MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 497 ambush

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  Chapter 497 Ambush

  The curse master quickly threw out a puppet half the size of a palm from his pocket.

  The puppet lands and transforms into a human-level warrior.

   "Carry me on your back!" The curse master was seriously injured and then cast spells to make matters worse, so he coughed non-stop, "Hurry up, go!"

  Fortunately, the effectiveness of the puppet he summoned was not compromised, and he ran out as soon as he picked it up.


  He Lingchuan suddenly opened his eyes and sat up, startling the soul-absorbing mirror beside his pillow.

   "You're finally awake!" The mirror heaved a sigh of relief.

   It's not that He Lingchuan likes to sleep with this thing, but that he is used to placing the mirror facing the outside. If someone sneaks up at night, he will be seen by the mirror immediately.

  It can call the police and confuse the enemy.

  He Lingchuan grabbed the mirror and got up, put on his boots and said angrily: "Thank you, you are called a soul mirror, there are dirty things invading, why don't you take them away?" Don't say take them away, how can you stop them?

   "What?" The mirror was confused, "I didn't see anything coming."

"I don't know. It has many faces all over its body, and it won't die if its head is cut off. I was doing a task in the city of the undead, and it suddenly emerged from the water and wanted to kill me." He Lingchuan affirmed, "It must be came in from the outside."

   "Hiss... According to you, is it a nightmare?" The learned mirror flickered, "How did you provoke that kind of thing?"

   "Come in at both ends, and you didn't notice?"

   "Nightmare should only appear in dreams, right?" The mirror called out to Tianqu, "Where do you want me to see it? Unless it automatically runs into the mirror, I can't catch it."

  He Lingchuan looked at it suspiciously.

  Nightmare does not exist in reality. In theory, there is nothing suspicious about what the mirror said.

   But he always felt that something was wrong?

   "Have you been recruited?" The mirror was particularly concerned, "It seems that you haven't got any new problems."

   "No." Speaking of this, he suddenly remembered that the Dafang Pot did not stop the monster.

   It's weird.

   But recalling how the giant red shadow and Gu Luoshu dealt with monsters, he vaguely guessed the reason.

  Put it in so that you can close the door and beat the dog?

  Anyway, the monster failed to escape, and ended up being divided up by Gu Luoshu and the red giant shadow, leaving a head for He Lingchuan as a souvenir.

  The mirror asked again: "What will happen to those two things?"

  If He Lingchuan can wake up, it means that the other party is unlucky.

   To be honest, although it didn't see the nightmare coming, it could feel it.

  But the mirror dared not speak.

   This thing is designed to destroy other people's dreams, and its soulland is very similar to dreams, and it is currently in a state of collapse and unrepaired. If the nightmare gets in and wreaks havoc, it will really be over.

  So when Nightmare passed by, it had to pretend it was an ordinary mirror.

   "Eat by the city of the undead." He Lingchuan jumped out of the window and ran westward, "What kind of monster is Nightmare?"

   Being eaten... The soul-hunting mirror that was gloating at other people's misfortunes shuddered. It seems that my luck was not bad back then?

   "You don't know?" It was surprised at first, and then was speechless, "You don't even know its origin, but you can still kill it! Sigh, the city of the undead is so kind to you."

   "Stop talking nonsense." After closing the broken mirror for a while, it seems to be more talkative, but He Lingchuan can automatically ignore it.

   "Do you know about nightmares?" The mirror is still a knowledgeable mirror, "It's also called the Night God."

  He Lingchuan thought of the shock and resentment of the monster's head, "You are clearly sleeping, why aren't you in dreamland", obviously it thought it was He Lingchuan's dream.

"This kind of thing appeared very early, and its origin is unknown. There is a saying that they are also transformed from part of the soul of a person, but they feed on the spirit and spirit of ordinary people; if the victim dies in a dream, the reality Death will also happen in the dream. Later, some conjurers found a way to communicate with it, because there is no trace of murder in the dream, the dead can't wake up, there are no wounds on the body, and the cause of death cannot be found."

   Can't wake up from sleep? He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat, where did he seem to have seen it before?

   "Don't just hear about it, is there anything specific?"

   Heh, the requirements are quite high. "Yes, it happens that what I do is similar to a nightmare, so I know that it has two ways of attacking: either it pulls you into its world, or it breaks into your dream and turns it into a nightmare."

  This thing can also change the dream of the prey? He Lingchuan suddenly realized, no wonder the Nightmare was so surprised when he couldn't change the environment in the cave.

  Panlong City is not even He Lingchuan's home field, how can it be remodeled arbitrarily?

   "Is the ability of Nightmare to transform Nightmare very strong?"

"Of course!" said the mirror, "Although it was your dream, Nightmare can turn it into your home field. Only by keeping your nightmares unceasing can you lose your vitality and weaken your soul in endless fear, and finally Get swallowed by it."

   From this point of view, Nightmare has never been able to use the strongest means after breaking into Panlong City.

  He Lingchuan thought of the huge nightmare that appeared underwater.

  He Lingchuan and Gu Luoshu killed its clone, and the deity came to take revenge in person.

  Even if it wasn't its home field, it didn't have time to change the surrounding environment. He Lingchuan knew that he was not its opponent when he met him.

  The coercion brought by that ghost thing is very strong.

   It's just that the praying mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind. Before the beast showed its power, it was taken away by the red giant shadow who arrived later.

  He Lingchuan ran at a very fast speed, crossed three hundred feet between talking with the mirror, and then arrived at the destination:

  Tongfu Inn.

  A person like him who comes for revenge in such an aggressive manner, of course, does not go through the main entrance, but splits the wooden window with a palm wind, and throws an incense dumpling in first.

   This thing is colorless and invisible, but it smells so bad that creatures with noses can hardly bear it.

  Curse masters are also human beings, and cannot escape physiological reactions.

   Sure enough, there was a roar in the room, and two shadows came out through the window, and the other party was angered.

  Uh, two?

  He Lingchuan saw a person rushing out of the window first, so he saw that he was three axes.

  The speed was extremely fast, just as he blinked, the opponent came forward, and the ax glowing white slashed across the neck.

So fast!

  He Lingchuan stretched out his knife to block.

   "Dangdang" three times in a row, playing fast.

  The other party's three savage axes were like a storm, and the Qi machine locked all around He Lingchuan.

  The sharp edge brought out by the ax blade was less than one foot, and the essence was condensed.

   It's not that he doesn't have the strength to expand, but that this scale is the sharpest, no different from the ax blade itself.

  Thanks to He Lingchuan's experience in fighting bravely on the plateau, he leaned back and shrank his neck.

   Axe Wind almost swiped close to his Adam's apple, only half an inch away from being hit!

   He hasn't encountered such a fierce opponent for a long time.

  The second ax takes the heart, and the third ax takes the cap of the spirit.

  The opponent's violent air flow swept over, making He Lingchuan feel that what he was facing was not a living person, but an avalanche that was coming towards him, the shells just fired from the cannons on Panlong City!

  Those who are a little poorer in Taoism may be suppressed immediately in the face of such a strong sense of oppression, and they will be directly awarded the head.

  Fortunately, He Lingchuan's sword technique was originally practiced in the turbulent sea, and his understanding of Qi mechanism is deeper than that of ordinary people.

   What's more, he has seen stronger and sharper shots.

  The crazily flowing true power of the two dantians made him forcefully resist the three tricks.

  At this time, he discovered that the opponent's ax wind also brought out tiny ice crystals, like snow and powder, which was inconspicuous at first glance, but when it was attached to his body, there was a burst of ice cold, and his body immediately became stiff...

  These ice crystals have their own hysteresis effect, and if you stick a few more pieces, you may be shivering from the cold.

  After receiving the three axes, He Lingchuan used up 20% of his true strength, his arms were sore, and a hole was even cracked in the tiger's mouth in his left hand.

  The other party seemed to be a little surprised, and gave a slight snort.

  Eating him three whirlwind axes, this kid can still stand, and the weapon in his hand can still be intact?

   At this time, the second shadow also came.

  It wanted to come out of the wooden window, but it was too bulky, so it squeezed the wooden window with a "bang", and even broke a big hole in the wall, before running towards He Lingchuan.

   Although it has the same momentum, its speed is not as fast as that of its companions. He Lingchuan can see its appearance clearly at a glance.

   This is a giant bear.

  When he landed on all fours, his shoulder height was nearly six feet, taller than ordinary men. Viewed from the front, it is as round as a battering ram.

   As he ran, the whole building shook.

   What if this thing stood up?

  The man in front of He Lingchuan was in a difficult situation. How about adding a giant bear to his opponent?

  Of course the other party also felt his predicament, and he recovered.

  The giant bear has also pounced on it, and it is about to pinch from left to right.

  It likes to bully its opponents like this. Several times it joined forces with its companions and directly beat the enemy into meatloaf.

   I am so happy.

   At this time, He Lingchuan fell down with a whoosh.

   They were already fighting on the roof, and the construction quality of Tongfu Inn is pretty good, otherwise how could the roof hold up to a violent bear's rush?

  In fact, the battle between He Lingchuan and his opponent was the heaviest burden for it.

   As long as He Lingchuan raised his leg and kicked, the roof collapsed, and the wood and tiles fell down to the first floor.

  The man and the bear also fell.

  He Lingchuan stretched out his hand in mid-air, and the sleeve arrow was nailed to the opposite wooden beam with a "chuckle".

   With a tug, he retreated from the opponent's axe. A few more ups and downs, easy to get on the beam.

   In a blink of an eye, one person and one bear fell to the ground.

   The falling heavy objects naturally couldn't help them. He Lingchuan saw the wooden beam fall with his own eyes, and the man didn't even try to hide.

   There was a bang, and the beam snapped in two, and the man brushed his shoulders to shake off the sawdust.

  What a tyrannical body, what a powerful strength.

   "Who are you?" He Lingchuan looked at the two opponents, "Why did you curse me?"

  This man was taller than him, with big arms and a round waist, with a cruel face and a blindfold on his right eye.

   At first glance, he is a ruthless character, and He Lingchuan will not mistake him for the murderous aura on his body.

  How many people have to be killed to refine the power?

   But can this kind of person still be good at spells? He was skeptical.

  The man raised his ax and patted his heart: "Tongxinwei, Fan Sheng."

  The giant bear also spoke: "Tongxinwei, Fan Bao."

  One surname for different species? He Lingchuan turned his head sideways: "Are you two brothers?"

  (end of this chapter)

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