MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 498 skyline?

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  Chapter 498 2V2?

  Fan Sheng snorted: "Ambush me for no reason, and even say that there is nothing!"

   After saying that, he chopped the ax on the wooden post. "Come down and die!"

  The wooden pillar broke at the sound, and it was as brittle as straw under his hands.

  This guy is more powerful than Monsanto, and his fighting skills and bearing are far better than Monsanto.

  Where did such a, no, such two monsters just stay in the curser's room?

  He Lingchuan sighed: "Are you a foreign aid invited by Zhong Sunmou, or are you from Cen Boqing's group?"

   They made such a commotion, and the people in the inn were not dead. From the staff to the guests staying in the inn, they all came out one after another. Seeing this scene, they ran away in fright.

  Only the shopkeeper stood at the door, bowing to the two of them with a bitter face: "Please do me a favor, and let me make a living!"

   It was Fan Sheng who responded to him with another axe, cutting off the second pillar.

  The two pillars were broken, and the wooden beam couldn't hold on any longer, and fell down.

  How dexterous He Lingchuan is, just as Fan Sheng showed his axe, he got out from the hole in the roof again.

  His target was the room Fan Sheng rushed out of.

  The wall of the house was pierced with a big hole by the giant bear. He Lingchuan entered in one step, took out the mirror and looked around: "Look for clues, hurry up!"

  The house was dark and no lights were lit, relying purely on the natural light from outside.

  In addition to the bed, there is a square table and two round stools in the room. The table is empty, with only some fragments scattered.

  But this kind of environment is naturally not difficult for the soul-destroying mirror.

   "There are two drops of blood on the chair." The mirror immediately said, "It was also on the table, but someone wiped it off—hey, it's not this one, it's the chair opposite."

   "You should be more clear!" He Lingchuan had just answered it when he caught sight of a moving figure out of the corner of his eye.

  He turned his head and saw that Fan Sheng also jumped up.

  He Lingchuan had no choice but to snap the chair in half and throw it into the storage ring.

   At this moment, the four corners of the house and the feet burst into flames.

  The flame was still a strange dark purple color, and it burned extremely fast, as if it had been added with a combustion aid.

   In just two breaths, the room was full of raging flames.

   His aunt's, after all, he was plotted by the other party!

  He Lingchuan cursed, turned around and was about to run away, when the mirror shouted again: "There are still these pieces, don't leak them!"

   "If you have something to say, can you finish it all at once?" He casually grabbed a leather pocket, which was left over from the roast chicken he bought last time, and then stretched out his arm to sweep all the broken pieces of wood on the table into the pocket.

   Just do this one more action, Fan Sheng arrived just as the house was on fire, and Zi Yan sprayed in all directions with a whoosh.

  Sensing the fierceness of the fire, he didn't want to take it lightly, so he took two steps back, and saw He Lingchuan's figure flashing in the fire, but it wasn't howling.

   He frowned.

  He Lingchuan stuffed the leather bag into the storage ring, and rushed out of the room from the other side.

  Fan Sheng is always with him.

  His agility is not as flexible as He Lingchuan's, but his speed is also solidly fast. He threw the ax with his left hand and hit the back of He Lingchuan's neck in a whirl.

  The onlookers saw only an afterimage in the air.

  I don’t know how many heads have been beheaded by this flying axe.

  He Lingchuan didn't even look back, and threw something back, hitting the ax with a "dang".

   The ax was swung away and turned around to find its owner on its own.

  Fan Sheng also saw clearly that the one who hit the ax flying was actually a breast shield, and after a few circles in mid-air, several bright lights were reflected directly into his eyes.

  He quickly stretched out his arms to block the light.

   Right at this moment, a brown shadow leaped out from the ground, followed by a roar of a tiger, which was breathtaking.

  Jiao Yu has arrived.

  Fan Shengren was inconvenient to turn in mid-air, so he just swung his ax and slashed at its forehead.

  Jiao Yu's move was false, his hind legs didn't leave the ground at all, he turned around and jumped out, and roared again: "Haishan Zhonglang will be here, whoever comes by name!"

  At the same time, three hidden weapons struck from the side, all carrying purple flames.

  The fire couldn't be extinguished with a blow, and Fan Sheng didn't want to touch it, so he raised his ax and knocked it away.

  The shadow of a knife flickered in front of his eyes again.

  He Lingchuan hit the snake with the stick, and with a jumping blow, the Fusheng knife slashed down on the head.

   Finally it was his turn to take the initiative.

   At this time, he made a move with his left hand, and the breast shield returned to his hand.

  His sword is not as solid as the opponent's, but now it is stained with purple flames, which can be regarded as a bonus to its power, and it is a series of seven kills, and the sky is filled with fire and sword energy.

  The opponent blocked three blows, and was about to get hit, but expanded his chest and retracted his abdomen, took a deep breath and spit it out.

  He shot back a foot, as fast as a baseball being hit.

what is this? He Lingchuan was slightly taken aback, toad skill?

   This time the feng shui took turns, and it became a man and a tiger besieging Fan Sheng.

  Tiger Jiao Yu took the time to ask He Lingchuan: "Why didn't you call me when you went out?"

  He Lingchuan went out through the window in the inn before, and the wooden window creaked, which was very clear at night.

   But the kid was running too fast, as if fleeing for his life, and climbing up and down, it was not easy for him to catch up.

  Suddenly there was a loud bang, the door of the inn was knocked flying, and the giant bear Fan Bao came roaring and rushing.

  Two-on-one-siege to beat its brothers? Can't bear it!

  Changed back to two-on-two? He Lingchuan sneered, thinking beautifully.

   As soon as the figure of the giant bear broke through the door, he threw something at the gate of the inn. It was only the size of a palm, and it was not conspicuous at all in the burning environment on the second floor.

   But as soon as it landed, it turned into a bronze man in golden armor with a height of more than ten feet!

  The door panel that was knocked away by the giant bear just landed at its feet.

  In other words, it was the golden armored bronze man who just recovered on the edge of the door panel.

  Adhering to He Lingchuan's order, it raised its hand and grabbed the two overlapping door panels on the ground, making a golf hitting posture!

   Whether the standard is standard or not, He Lingchuan doesn't know, and he never had a chance to learn it before.

   But the effect is leveraged.

  The thick door panels are made of old beech wood. After 20 years of wind and rain here, the quality still passes the test. The golden-armored bronze man picked up the board and hit the giant bear's fat back mound.

   There was a "pong", which was heard clearly by the surrounding audience. This monster weighing more than two thousand catties was whipped like a rolling gourd, and its bones smashed into the bottom of the burning room.

  It was almost burnt to a crisp, and then it collapsed from top to bottom.

  The two door panels in the hands of the golden-armored bronze man also broke in unison, completing the mission of this life.

   "Fan Bao!" Fan Sheng was taken aback.

   He was answered with a bear roar. This time the violent bear rushed out faster, because his whole body was on fire.

   That astonishing impact seemed to be worse than Zi Yan's damage to it. This kind of fire can't be extinguished, and the giant bear's rolling on the ground doesn't help much.

   On the other hand, He Lingchuan, who walked around in the fire as if nothing happened, Zi Yan didn't seem to be interested in him at all.

  Fan Sheng knew at a glance that this guy had a magic weapon to ward off fire, and his rank was quite high.

  He Lingchuan would not let go of this great opportunity, and rushed forward to make several stabs.

  The Tigers cooperated from the side.

   This Fan Sheng is really amazing. With one enemy and two, he still remembers the injury of the violent bear, but he is not at a disadvantage in the slightest. He can also call his companions: "Fan Bao, come here!"

  Big Bear rolled around twice and found that the flames could not be extinguished, so he rushed straight to Fan Sheng.

  The golden armored bronze man immediately intercepted.

   In the battle with Fan Sheng, He Lingchuan had to concentrate and make no mistakes; on the other hand, he actually managed to control the golden-armored bronze man and block the bear's footsteps.

   In the past, I was used to fighting like this, but this time it was extremely difficult.

Dealing with Fan Sheng is more dangerous and more energy-intensive. This guy is too ruthless, especially the ice crystal slowing effect brought out by the whirlwind ax is too disgusting. He Lingchuan was distracted after all, and was kicked in the abdomen by Fan Sheng, and fell to the ground. .

  The corner of He Lingchuan's mouth was dripping with blood.

  The actions of the golden-armored bronze man suddenly became flawed. Violent Xiong saw an opportunity, bypassed the golden-armored bronze man, and rushed to Fan Sheng's side.

  The golden armored bronze man ran back immediately.

  He Lingchuan saw that Fan Sheng was going to help the giant bear put out the fire, so he immediately tried his best to entangle him.

  Fan Sheng couldn't draw his hand, and he heard the violent bear howling in pain, and his murderous intention suddenly arose.

  It was just warming up before, and he hasn't even released his ultimate move yet. This brat asked for it!

  Fan Sheng's body was full of white light, his eyes were slightly blue, the two axes merged in the middle, and he shouted: "Gu!"

  The ice crystals flying nearby heard the order, and took advantage of this strong wind to suddenly gather towards He Lingchuan. Once they collided with each other, they immediately fused. They were only the size of ordinary snowflakes, but when they were gathered together, they actually condensed into a large block of solid ice!

   This time something came out of nothing, He Lingchuan was suddenly put on ice shackles on his hands and legs.

  He was in a high-speed movement, and now his movement was blocked, and he couldn't help falling out.

  Fan Sheng can't let go of this opportunity, he will take the head when he goes with the ax.

  Its momentum is as fast as lightning.

  Jiao Yu was shocked, and it was too late for emergency rescue.

  The flashing ax blade shone coldly, and finally scratched He Lingchuan's neck.

  The people around the inn exclaimed when they saw this, and some women even screamed and turned their heads, unable to bear to see He Lingchuan's head fall to the ground.

  Fan Sheng secretly thought something was wrong.

   This stroke was light and light, without the real feeling of cutting into flesh and blood at all, instead it seemed to cut through the air.

Oh no.

  Behind him, the figure of He Lingchuan suddenly appeared in the palm of the golden-armored bronze man.

  The boy's face sank like water, with his toes on the bronze man's arm, he threw all his strength towards the back of Fan Sheng's head.

   This is a short, quick blow.

  The opponent is too strong, he even used such a trump card as Li Daitao Zombie, and finally got this opportunity, so that he can succeed in one blow!

  The knife was as bright as lightning, and this time it was his turn to shave the back of Fan Sheng's neck.

  At the critical moment, a fiery black shadow suddenly appeared behind Fan Sheng.

  The giant bear accelerated and slammed into the middle of the two, while a layer of bright yellow battle armor emerged from its body.

   This is a battle armor made of the essence of the earth and the talent of the violent bear. It is stronger than fine gold and can be retracted freely.

  The timing was precise, it happened to use its body as a shield, abruptly blocking the knife for Fan Sheng.

  Everyone heard a crackling sound, like a hammer cracking a walnut.

  Where the Fusheng Knife passed, the battle armor was shattered, the skin and flesh were separated, and a string of blood droplets splattered.

  The giant bear staggered Fan Sheng amidst the roar of pain. Regardless of the injury, it turned around and slapped He Lingchuan with another bear paw that was bigger than a dustpan.

  There are sharp claws more than four inches long on the top, which are also shining with a faint red light, and anyone who is photographed will be disemboweled.

  He Lingchuan didn't have time to withdraw the knife, raised his left wrist, and tried his best to block his eyes with the mirror shield.

   With a bang, he was sent flying two feet away and smashed into the burning inn.

  (end of this chapter)