MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 499 peacemaker (the

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  Chapter 499 Peacemaker (This chapter has been replaced by a story with equal number of words)

  The audience exclaimed for a while.

  Will this man be burned alive?

  Fan Sheng stretched out his hand and pressed on the ground, then turned to inspect the giant bear's wound.

  He Lingchuan's cut was so deep that he almost cut off the giant bear's forelimb. If it weren't for the protection of the battle armor, if it wasn't for the fact that it was too fat, no, too strong, with arms as thick as stone blocks, it would have probably become a three-legged bear by now.

  The next second, three or four pieces of burning wood flew out of the inn, rushing towards one person and one bear.

  Fan Sheng raised his hand and knocked away, and saw the young man stepping out of the flames, and rushed towards him step by step, but the raging fire did not hurt him at all, he was only eager to try on the long knife.

   It's the second time.

   Fan Sheng looked at He Lingchuan with anger that is not enough to describe.

  He Lingchuan clenched the knife in his hand and winked at Jiao Yu. The next battle will probably be thunderous.

   The blow that wounded the giant bear happened to have the effect of "breaking the army" of the Fusheng knife. Otherwise, the bear armor is astonishingly thick and strong, and it should not be easily broken by him like this.

   It's hard to say whether I will have this kind of luck next time.

   Having said that, the probability of "Pojun" appearing seems to have increased?

  At this moment, there was a burst of shouting from the surrounding area: "Everyone stop, the Baishayu patrol is here!"

   "Put down your weapons and stretch out your hands!"

   "Fighting and brawling are not allowed, and offenders will have their arms cut off!"

   "Are you all staring here, hurry up and find water to put out the fire!"

  The Baishayu government finally came.

  In fact, as soon as the inn caught fire, the surrounding residents came out to watch. The store clerks carried buckets back and forth to put out the fire, and the passengers rushed out, either to help or to watch the fun.

  So the audience has already stood in several rows inside and outside. Two people and two monsters caught each other and fought each other, and everyone also praised the venue and exclaimed vigorously.

  The officials of Baishayu came late.

  At this time, another fat figure squeezed into the field, shouting loudly: "Whoever dares to attack the special envoy of the prince, I will take it down!"

   All the officials answered "yes" loudly, but they didn't move.

  One of them leaned over and whispered to his immediate superior: "My lord, who is the special envoy?"

  Tian county magistrate glared at him: "The boy and the tiger demon!"

   "Oh, up!"

   More than a dozen officials went up with their weapons raised.

  He Lingchuan took the opportunity to jump back, using these officials as a wall.

  Fan Sheng yelled angrily, as if a thunder had exploded in everyone's hearts: "I am the deputy commander of Tongxinwei, who dares to take me!"

   Everyone slowed down, Fan Sheng took the opportunity to press the ax on the giant bear, and shaved it two or three times.

  Wherever the ax went, the stubborn Ziyan was crushed.

  Smoke curled up from the giant bear's body, and 60% to 70% of its beautiful fur was burned, but the flames finally subsided, and it also breathed a sigh of relief.

   This fire is too disgusting, even if it has the power to protect the body, it will be burned in pain.

   It is also fortunate that there is not much fire poison that invades the body. It just looks messed up on the outside.

  What kind of job is Tongxinwei? He Lingchuan scratched his head.

   But it was clear that the magistrate of Baishahou County knew it well, and immediately called out: "Wait a minute!"

  He turned to Fan Sheng and asked doubtfully, "Tongxinwei?"

  Fan Sheng grabbed a dark gold plaque from his pocket and shook it at him: "Keep your dog eyes wide open, you can see clearly!"

   This brand is shield-shaped, with slightly concave sides, and the emblem is a roaring animal head, a bit like a bear.

   In Fan Sheng's hand, it glowed crimson.

   County Magistrate Tian was taken aback, took a closer look, and quickly waved his hand to recall the officials: "Everyone come back, put away your weapons!"

  All the officials withdrew, and the county magistrate Tian bowed to Fan Sheng: "What do you call my lord? Why did you have a conflict with the special envoy of the crown prince?"

   "Fan." Fan Sheng was annoyed in his heart, and scolded him when he caught him, "How did you become a magistrate here, you come up to arrest people without asking for injustice!"

   This stupid official jumped out of nowhere, and shouted the name of He Xiao's special envoy in public, even if he wanted to kill the surname He in the name of murdering thieves, it would be too late.

  He Lingchuan withdrew his sword: "Someone secretly cast a death curse on me. I followed it so far and was almost ambushed by this guy!"

  Put your hands behind your back and shake them, your arms are so sore that they almost split, and you really suffer a lot if you have no energy.

  Fan Sheng pointed at him and scolded: "Nonsense! I slept soundly, and you threw weasel stink bombs into my room as soon as you came. If I don't kill you, I will kill anyone!"

  Tian county magistrate didn't care about the three seven twenty-one, and quickly waved his hands: "I understand, I understand, this is a misunderstanding, the flood has rushed to the Dragon King Temple. Both adults calm down, this inn is still burning!"

   No matter who is right or who is wrong, he can't afford to offend either of these two, so let's be a peacemaker.

  The shopkeeper of the inn also emerged from the crowd, and cried to the magistrate Tian: "My shop is burned down, my lord decides for me!"

   A system bug caused the free testimonials to become paid chapters, which have been replaced with the content of the drama.

   Swear again, this little girl from Qiqidian tricked me again, be careful, you still fell for it!



  (end of this chapter)