MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 526 Concentration first

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  Chapter 526 Concentration is the first

   It was just blocked by the amulet prepared by Wu Kai.

   "He really has deep affection for you." He Lingchuan smiled, "I don't know if he did it himself, or did he find some three-legged cat kung fu masters?"

  Wu Kai was indifferent to his cynicism.

  He Lingchuan said again, "However, don't think that you are safe. There is also a powerful curse master Cheng Yu in Cen Boqing, it is not difficult to kill you remotely."

  Wu Kai suddenly said: "How do you know that Cheng Yu didn't make a move?"

  He Lingchuan thought that Cheng Yu's soul was hiding, and he couldn't find it in the nightmare. It can be seen that he is in an abnormal state, and he is a ghost if he can cast spells.

  But his expression was like looking at a fool: "Nonsense! If Cheng Yu makes a move, you still have your life? You can be lucky."

He carried a bag and shook it next to Wu Kai's ear, and there was a sound: "These are all amulets, self-defense tools, and evil spells that were found on your body... good and bad, there are so many beautiful things. You have to do it alone." How much trouble is it that you need so many spells and magic circles for protection?"

  He opened Wu Kai's skirt with a knife, and there was a large tattoo on his heart.

   This was discovered during the previous body search by the guards.

   "You even tattooed the magic circle to ward off evil spirits on your body." He Lingchuan laughed, "What are you afraid of?"

   "However, you wear rune shackles, and you can't use your true strength, so you can't activate the formation tattoo." He took two steps beside Wu Kai, "That is to say, it is easy for Cen Boqing to kill you now."

"How long you can live depends on when he will try to take your life again. You don't want to betray him, but his confidence in you has long been eaten by dogs. After all, you abandoned your master and ran away, and you made him a friend." He Lingchuan Leaning close to his ear, word by word, "He already knows."

  After saying the last few words, Wu Kai's eyes twitched.

   This expression was subtle, but it did not escape He Lingchuan's observation.

   "If you confess and identify earlier, we can still save your life."

  Wu Kai was still quietly like a statue.

  He Lingchuan stood there for a while before slowly leaving the cellar.

   "Are these few words useful?" Fu Shan stood at the entrance of the cellar and listened early. Previously, Wu Kai turned a deaf ear to his earnest words.

  What is the use? Empty talk, Wu Kai doesn't like that at all.

   "Just to remind you, this person is stronger than Cen Boqing, and he will not cry when he sees the coffin."

  In the cellar.

  Wu Kai can also think about it, if the official sends him food, he will eat, and if the official sends him water, he will drink it.

   Other than that, he just said nothing.

Fu Shanyue and He Lingchuan didn't show up, and when the officer fed him, he said: "Another team under your command was arrested in Xiaohulu Town, Baiting County, including Yang Song, five of them were captured, and the remaining two resisted and were killed. "

  Wu Kai paused slightly while chewing rice.

  Yang Song was arrested?

   "This news will reach Cen's residence soon." The official followed He Lingchuan's instructions and continued to ask him, "Based on what you know about Cen Boqing, what would he think?"

  Wu Kai was expressionless, looking at the cellar wall opposite.


   Cen Boqing was sweating after listening to the guard's report.

  He didn't escape from the Cen's residence, he just hoped that Wu Kai could escape successfully. Although this old slave abandoned his master in the face of battle and was not righteous, at least he solved the current trouble of the master and servant.

  But with Wu Kai's carefulness, he still didn't escape Fu Shanyue's palm.

   This is too strange, the prince of the Chiyan Kingdom he knew before doesn't seem to be that shrewd.

   Not only that, Fu Shanyue actually ordered Lu Dutong to cross the border to arrest Yang Song, and dragged him to the county government with great fanfare, where he was promoted to a public trial by Tian County Magistrate!

   Hearing that the old boss Wu Kai was arrested, the surname Yang couldn't stand it, so he quickly confessed.

  Where to commit the crime, how to do the crime, how many monsters were killed, how many beads were taken, and how to hand them over to Wu Kai...the whole process has been explained!

   It is right under the eyes of the people in the whole city.

   It is said that the monsters in the city were so angry that they almost ran away. If the government did not send more people to stop them, I am afraid that Yang Song would be torn to pieces on the spot.

   To make matters worse, some monsters began to turn their anger on Cen Fu.

  If it were not the truth, how could Yang Song speak so carefully?

  The guards in the mansion have intercepted several groups of monsters, and they all want to sneak in to kill and set fire.

  These things are very violent in nature, and there is a reason why they don't want to abide by the law, even though he is a nobleman of Lingxu City, and he has not been convicted yet.

   There are also monsters throwing dirty things into the Cen Mansion,

  But, how could Fu Shanyue catch Yang Song?

  The only contact person for the six teams is Wu Kai. If he doesn't say it, who can find Yang Song?

   It was Yang Song who was arrested today. What happens next? Thinking of this, Cen Boqing was also terrified.

  Did Wu Kai confess his master?

  If the full confession comes out, Fu Shanyue should now triumphantly rush into Cen's mansion to arrest the talent.

   In other words, I am still safe for the time being?

   Who betrayed Yang Song?

  The most important thing is, how long can Wu Kai last?

   Usually Cen Boqing discussed with Uncle Wu, but now that Wu Kai is gone, most of his cronies stayed in Lingxu City and did not bring them here.

  He was very restless.

  I thought that coming to Baisha this time was just a routine, but I was caught off guard by Fu Shanyue crazily biting me.


  The place where the Fan brothers stayed.

  Fan Sheng has always been arrogant, but he lowered his eyebrows and looked down in front of the visitor, not daring to make a mistake.

  The giant bear Fan Bao lay obediently on the couch, silent, as obedient as a big dog.

  The person sitting across from him drinking tea is of medium height and build, and looks to be over 30 years old. A pair of eight-character eyes, the distance between the eyes is very wide, and the mouth is protruding forward, which is a typical overturned sky.

  Fan Sheng bowed his head in front of him, and carefully reported the itinerary of his two brothers in Baisha.

  He has great vitality, and the wound on his back has scabbed over.

  The expressions on both sides are like parents and children who have made mistakes.

  The man listened carefully and interrupted him occasionally.

   "You came to Baishahou just to repay Zhongsunmou's favor?" When facing Fan Sheng, he was expressionless, "Your brother owes Zhongsun's family a favor? Didn't you get involved with Zhongsunmou's other affairs?"

   "It's absolutely true, Baidu is a clear lesson!" Fan Sheng nodded, pointing to the sky, "The last general can swear to the Holy Spirit!"

  The person in front of him is the special envoy sent by Lingxu City, Bai Ziqi.

   "What exactly does Zhong Sunmou want you to do?"

"The curse master Cheng Yu invited for him to protect the law." Fan Sheng replied, "He said that this curse master can find out Fu Songhua's whereabouts; but after midnight, Cheng Yu vomited blood, saying that the spell was broken, and the enemy Probably came after him, and then he slipped away."

   "I stayed and fought with Prince Chiyan's special envoy He Xiao."

   "He Xiao broke Cheng Yu's spell? And it was broken cleanly and thoroughly, otherwise Cheng Yu wouldn't be backbited and vomit blood." Bai Dushi turned the teacup, "How did you break it?"

  Fan Sheng shook his head: "I don't know."

   "Who is Cheng Yu, do you know?"

  Fan Sheng said honestly: "I have heard it before, but I don't know it very well."

   "His secret technique, even the king of Mang Kingdom can curse to death. This He Xiao can counter him even if he is plotted against. His rank is very high." Bai Dushi pondered, "Only seventeen years old, um, too young."

   "Such a person, you still want to bet with him in the Dutch Palace?"

  As soon as he talked about the battle, Fan Sheng was embarrassed: "He teamed up with that tiger, but he never beat me. I thought that after entering the Lotus Palace, he would definitely be able to defeat him."

   "But no." Bai Dushi knew that Fan Sheng was not really a person who didn't know how to advance and retreat, and who didn't know the strengths of the enemy and ourselves. Otherwise, even with his elder brother taking care of him, he wouldn't be able to work in Tongxinwei for a long time. He said seriously, "You made a sneak attack, but you were defeated by him instead. I want you to think carefully about the battle in the Dutch palace. Did he prepare better than you?"

  Fan Sheng had been pondering over that battle over and over again, so he nodded without needing to replay: "Yes!"

"Thinking about it now, his tactics in the Lotus Palace surpassed those in the inn encounter a few days ago." Fan Sheng hesitated and said, "It may also be because I didn't kill me at the inn, and he didn't take out the bottom of the box. the ability."

   "But he probably predicted your attack." Bai Du turned his eyes, "Before, did he initiate the bet with Zhong Sunmou on his own initiative?"

   "Yes!" Fan Sheng didn't think about it, "It was he who proposed to Zhong Sunmou."

   "Tell me about this process carefully."

  After listening to what Fan Sheng said, Bai Ziqi pondered: "They changed the bet once..."

  Fan Sheng said in a low voice: "Bai Du envoy is suspicious, did this person assassinate Zhong Sunmou?"

  Bai Ziqi raised his head and asked him, "What about you?"

   "I also doubted it. After all, he had a feud with Zhong Sunmou. At that time, Zhong Sunmou was about to find Fu Songhua. As a result, Zhong Sunmou died, and Fu Songhua was left in Baisha in a dignified way. But—"

   "But when Zhong Sunmou was killed, he and you were both in the Palace of Lotus, and you are the witness."

   "Yes, that's it." Fan Sheng was a little depressed.

"Unless he can predict when Mai Xuewen will raid Zhong Sunmou." Bai Ziqi said slowly, "I saw in the statement of the case played by Prince Yue that Mai Xuewen had sent both He Xiao and Zhong Sunmou A copy of the first emperor's handbook "Record of Respecting the Gods."

  Fan Sheng's eyes lit up: "Could it be that they got in touch with Mai Xuewen at that time?"

"Judging from the existing evidence, Mai Xuewen spent a lot of effort to guide He Xiao and Zhong Sunmou to deal with his superiors, even at the expense of exposing himself. It's just that He Xiao followed his clues, but Zhong Sunmou Don't follow him." Bai Ziqi analyzed, "Then it doesn't rule out that Mai Xuewen will continue to pass on more clues to He Xiao later, and turn around to deal with Zhong Sunmou."

"Because, as long as Zhong Sunmou sends Fu Songhua back to Lingxu City, the way to close the case may not be what Mai Xuewen wanted." He shook his head, "Mai Xuewen has been designing for so long, and he never wants to draw water from a bamboo basket in vain. "

   "Then the surname He, and even Prince Chiyan may be involved?"

  Bai Ziqi asked him: "You said just now that Fu Shanyue arrived on the day Zhong Sunmou was killed?"

   "That's right, it's less than a few hours away." Fan Sheng said in a deep voice, "Cen Boqing just returned home from Chaohu Pagoda, so he packed his bags and wanted to leave, but Fu Shanyue led people to block the door himself."

   "It's so timely." Bai Ziqi smiled, "I haven't seen you for a few years, the prince has grown up."

  Fan Sheng's eyes flickered: "Bai Dushi, what do you say, I will do it!"

  (end of this chapter)