MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 527 respective schemes

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  Chapter 527 Respective schemes

  He was defeated by He Lingchuan in He Palace, and he felt very uncomfortable these days.

   It would be even more meaningless to challenge He Lingchuan with the excuse of making a comeback.

   What's more, Zhong Sunmou's kid has probably been killed, so there is no reason for him to embarrass He Lingchuan.

  Bai Ziqi's words just now sparked a little fire in his heart.

"I just want to understand the situation, but you've got the point wrong." Bai Ziqi looked at him and smiled, and raised his finger, "First, what the gods are concerned about is whether this case has anything to do with the elixir? That is, That is to say, whether He Xiao and Crown Prince Yue searched in the right direction, and whether Zhong Sunmou conspired with Cen Boqing to deceive the emperor."

   "Yes!" Fan Sheng lowered his head, feeling the pressure again, "The last general was reckless before."

  If he had known that what Zhongsun Mou was dealing with was the elixir, he would never have interfered.

  The elixir is one of the reverse scales of the gods.

   It's all right now, and I was also involved in the whirlpool.

  Fortunately, the special envoy sent by the top was Bai Du envoy, and he cooperated well, so he could suffer less punishment.

"Secondly, the reason why I came to investigate the case was because the murder of the inspector alarmed the Emperor. And Mai Xuewen is the undoubted murderer, and thousands of pairs of eyes saw him under the Chaohu Pagoda that day. His public murder is against the emperor. The direct provocation from Lingxu City." Bai Ziqi put down the teacup, "So, another important point is to arrest Mai Xuewen. As for Fu Shanyue, his goal is the same as ours, and it is also these two points."

   When he said something, Fan Sheng nodded his head, but in the end he was stunned and thought for a while before saying: "So, we don't want to investigate them?"

   "Investigate what?" Bai Ziqi shook his head, "Your and my speculations are just suspicions, and they can easily cover it up. If we don't catch Mai Xuewen, we won't have any evidence to accuse."

  Fan Sheng has been in the officialdom for some time, and after thinking about it, he understands that Bai Dushi intends to temporarily ignore these "small" abnormalities of Prince Chiyan, and instead focus on the two major points.

   That is to say, they will continue to cooperate with Fu Shanyue to investigate the case.

  Seeing that Bai Ziqi was still frowning, he cupped his fists and said, "Bai Dushi, how can I serve you?"

"It's hard for Cen Boqing to turn around. The next thing to check is whether Da Sinong has been involved. Well, I really had a good time, and the difficulty lies behind this." Bai Ziqi pondered, "Actually, I went south originally. There is an important matter, now it seems that the messenger case received later happened earlier. The time difference is only a few days, and they are all in the territory of Chiyan, could it be related?"

  Fan Sheng was at a loss when he heard this, did Bai Dushi originally want to handle two cases?

  Bai Ziqi was about to speak again, when Fan Sheng's personal guards rushed in from outside to report:

  The special envoy of the prince of Chiyan Kingdom successfully captured the fugitive and entered the city in a swagger!

   Got it? Bai Ziqi stood up, "Alright, Commander Fan will go with me."

He also told Fan Sheng: "If Cen Boqing is arrested, you must take Cheng Yu as soon as possible. This person is very important! He is a witness himself, and his spells are very special. He can transform into Qingming, and there may be others later. usefulness."



   Soon, another piece of information quietly flowed into Cen's residence:

  The prince actually brought back a mother and son from the north, and kept them under strict guard. The mother was in her twenties, and the son was only seven or eight years old.

  Cen Boqing was drinking tea at the time, when he heard the news, the teacup was thrown on the table with a bang.

   Was actually found by Fu Shanyue?

   Between relatives and master, how would Wu Kai choose?

   No wonder Yang Song was arrested.

  Cen Boqing walked back and forth in the garden more than a dozen times, and finally made up his mind to find Cheng Yu.

  The decision has been made, so hurry up.

   If you hesitate, you will lose.

  Seeing that Cheng Yu's soul was still sleeping in the bottle, Cen Bo was so relieved. If it weren't for this guy who can sleep too much, would he be in this predicament?

  He instructed the guards to uncork the bottle directly.

  The lantern of the snow scene bottle went out immediately, as if a wisp of thin smoke flew out of the bottle mouth.

   After a few breaths, the curse master opened his eyes.

  He was still a little dazed when he first woke up, but after his eyes were focused, he slapped the bed and got up, angrily pointing at Cen Boqing: "You unplug me?"

  Before he finished speaking, his world was spinning for a while, and he lay down beside the bed and vomited.

  The damage to the soul is the most difficult to take care of. Even for him, it would not be too much to spend 20 or 30 days warming up. How many days have passed this time?

  The most important thing is that this snow bottle can only be used once.

  He looked at the bottle, and found that the bottle was quietly covered with cracks, and it seemed that it would break if touched.

   Sure enough, it was useless.

   "A pack of wolves are waiting around, I can't wait any longer." Cen Bo wanted to unplug him early in the morning, but what Cheng Yu said before the retreat was too shocking, any early unplugging would definitely be bad luck. Considering that this guy is a powerful curse master, Cen Boqing endured it for a few days and missed the best opportunity.

  Looking at it now, what are the consequences?

  He was really cheated by this guy!

  Cen Boqing felt breathless: "During the few days you have been sleeping, the situation in Baisha has changed suddenly, and the mansion has been searched by the prince."

  Before, Cheng Yu's body and soul were divided into two parts, and each rested in one place. After sleeping for seven or eight days, he woke up, and his face looked much better.

But his face almost wrinkled into a bitter gourd: "I have been harmed by you! In the dreamland in a bottle, I am in a state of scattered soul. When you pull the plug like this, I will take the opportunity to fly away. I don't know how long it will take to find it. return."

   "What will happen if you lose your soul?"

   "You will become dull-minded, slow-moving, and sickly." Cheng Yu was annoyed, "We are curse masters, and we are not in good health. If you do this, I'm afraid I will lose my life in the future."

   There is a price to be paid for working with the shadows all day long.

  Cen Bo said coldly: "If you don't make a move, I'm afraid you and I will die immediately. How can there be 'later'?"

  Cheng Yu rolled his eyelids: "Who do you want to deal with?"

  He looked closely at Mr. Cen now. His eyes were bloodshot, his eye sockets were sunken, and he was thinner. It was obvious that he had been suffering a lot these past few days.

  Cen Boqing hesitated for a moment before saying, "Wu Kai."

   "Wu..." Cheng Yu thought he heard it wrong, "Your old servant?"


   It seems that during my deep sleep, many things really happened. Cheng Yu coughed twice, his face was a little pale: "Okay, I don't like him a long time ago. Where is he?"

   "In the hands of Prince Fu Shan Yue."

   Cheng Yu was startled again: "Abducted?" He also guessed that Cen Boqing wanted to silence him, "How do you think he died?"

   "As long as the cause of death has nothing to do with me."

   Cheng Yu thought for too long, Cen Boqing frowned: "Don't you claim to be able to plot against the king?" In this situation, he no longer respects Cheng Yu.

  Especially this guy failed to plot He Xiao and was backlashed, which made Cen Boqing deeply doubt his ability.

   "I haven't recovered from my injuries, so my spells aren't as sharp as before." Cheng Yu was dizzy at the moment, but he still remembered that the surprise attack failed that night.

  He still can't figure it out, how could the Hundred Faced Nightmare lose to a sixteen or seventeen-year-old boy?

  How could a giant whale be choked to death by a krill?

  What's weird about this He Xiao?

  He said to Cen Boqing: "You prepare a few things for me: Wu Kai's birthday horoscope, personal belongings, hair or nails, rootless water, cinnabar, a live quail..."

  He asked for more than a dozen items in one go, and several of them were weird.

   Now that things are up to now, Cen Boqing only wants a quick success, so he ordered people to do the same.

  Cheng Yu asked again: "When will we do it?"

   "Of course, the sooner the better." Cen Boqing followed with a but, "For the sake of safety, we have to go first."

   "Huh?" Cheng Yu didn't understand.

   "Do you still remember how you entered Cen's mansion?" Cen Bo said coldly, "Lu Dutong has already searched this house, but he couldn't find you. Do you know why?"


   "The information has just been sent to Cen's residence?" He Lingchuan was dissatisfied, "How could it be so slow?"

  Wu Kai is cunning, the progress of the case is two days behind the original plan, which is very bad.

   "Hey, do you want the other party to cooperate?" Fu Shan became more helpless, "Now Cen Boqing is in short supply. If I want to send him a message, I have to make it their own. Do you think it's easy?"

   "The Fan brothers have not changed in the past few days?"

   "Fan Sheng guarded his bear and didn't move much, he seems to be honest." Fu Shanyue snorted, "The day I besieged the Cen Mansion, they didn't show up, probably because they were scared."

  The Fan brothers owe favors to the Zhongsun family, not to the Cen family. Even if Cen Bo cleared his head, they wouldn't bother.

   Speaking of this, he patted He Lingchuan on the shoulder: "I don't think you need to go to Lingxu City anymore, you can stay in Chiyan, and I will do it for you as a senior official."

  Before He Lingchuan had time to reply, a guard rushed in from outside and reported to Fu Shanyue:

   "Someone outside asked to see the crown prince, claiming to be Du Yun's special envoy sent by Lingxu City, surnamed Bai. The other is Commander Fan."

  Fu Shanyue was startled, exchanged a glance with He Lingchuan, and said "Come" in his heart.

  But, why did it come so early?

  According to Fu Shanyue's original deduction, the news of Zhong Sunmou's murder had just reached the imperial capital at this time, so there should be some evasion and wrangling in Lingxu City about the candidate for the special envoy, right? Then the envoy will start again, or dispatch from other places.

   Calculated in this way, there should be more than 20 days before and after.

  How could it be here now?

   It happened at this moment.

  When something goes wrong, trouble must follow.

  Fu Shanyue almost knit his brows: "How could it be Du Yunshi? This is wrong."

  He Lingchuan heard this title for the first time: "Is Du Yunshi?"

"There is a Heavenly Palace on the Ruins Mountain. Inside the Heavenly Palace is the Tower of Picking Stars, which is designed to communicate with the gods. There are nearly 2,000 attendants in the building. The person in charge of the Tower of Picking Stars is Du Yunshi. Bai, that's probably Du Yun's deputy envoy Bai Ziqi."

  He Lingchuan seized the time and asked the most crucial sentence:

   "In Lingxu City, which group does he belong to?"

   If it is a person, it is divided into left, middle and right. Lingxu City must have weighed before sending a special envoy. Just looking at this person's background, status and faction, He Lingchuan can probably know Lingxu City's attitude towards this case.

   Is it necessary to investigate strictly to the end, or is it better to calm down the situation quickly?

  Do you want to be impartial, or do you want to worry about the complicated relationship in the imperial capital?

   Thanks to Bufang Bufang and Chiyo Kihide for their sponsorship,

   Thanks to Wang Zimu for his support,

   Jiufang can add a big chicken drumstick at noon.



  (end of this chapter)

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