MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 530 first trial

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  Chapter 530 The first trial

  Cen Boqing was convicted of the crime, and it was confirmed.

   "Qingfu Temple?" Bai Ziqi was taken aback, but immediately turned his head and said to Fu Shanyue, "With the confession, the crown prince can arrest Cen Boqing."

  Fu Shanyue nodded, going to dispatch troops.

  Bai Ziqi said again: "Commander Fan, you also go to help."

  Fan Sheng immediately stood up and jumped out of the cellar in two steps.

   Fu Shanyue's eyes moved slightly and he didn't object.


  After they all left, Bai Ziqi turned his gaze to He Lingchuan: "The rest, you come to judge."

  He Lingchuan nodded, and ordered someone to bring a pen and paper to examine Wu Kai carefully.

  Wu Kai asked for a glass of water, gulped it down in one gulp, wiped his mouth, and answered He Lingchuan's question.

   It turned out that Cen Boqing's father, Cen Qiao, had long been in the business of hunting monsters and fetching pearls. After Wu Kai became his confidant, he became the person in charge of this business. After Cen's father passed away, Cen Boqing took over his father's business and still ordered Wu Kai to take charge of the matter.

   "Why did Cen Qiao do this in the first place?"

"The profit is very rich." Wu Kai leaned against the wall, feeling exhausted, "You don't know how quickly a family like the Cen family spends money in Lingxu City... that place is simply a bottomless pit, no amount of money is enough to cover expenses. In the early years, the Cen family lost a lot of money in their property, if they didn’t make up for it with these incomes, the Cen family would have been in ruins long ago, how could there be any glory of marrying the daughter of the chief farmer later?”

   "Marrying the daughter of the chief minister, isn't that the same as marrying a money bag?" He Lingchuan asked, making Bai Ziqidu look sideways, "Why does Cen Boqing continue to take risks?"

   "He said several times that he wanted to withdraw, but the buyer of Qingfu Temple disagreed."

   "Buyer?" He Lingchuan sneered, "You mean, the superior?"

  Wu Kai whispered: "This kind of thing, you can't just quit if you want to."

  He Lingchuan hummed and wrote the confession on paper.

  He was very slow, and there was no word in the cellar for a long time.

  He Lingchuan had been extinguishing the fire here for a long time, and Bai Ziqi had no choice but to ask, "Who do you trade pearls with in Qingfu Temple, and who do you collect money from?"

   "A temple with the surname Hu." Wu Kai said, "Twice a year, when we meet, we go to the back of the temple to hand in the beads and collect the money. Unless the price of the pearls changes, we will not communicate with each other."

   "You don't know any other buyers?"

  Wu Kai shook his head.

   "Speak, do you recognize or not?"

   "I don't know."

  Bai Ziqi paused, and then asked: "Does Da Si Nong know what you are doing?"

  The answer to this question involves a lot.

   "We did it secretly, Da Sinong and his wife never asked, maybe..." Wu Kai shrugged.

  Bai Ziqi didn't let him fool him: "Then, does Da Si Nong know, or doesn't he know?"

  Wu Kai could only say: "I think, probably I don't know."

  He Lingchuan copied it silently, but kept silent.

  For these deeper questions, let the special envoy from Lingxu City ask them, he doesn't intend to join in the fun.

   "You provided false testimony to Fu Songhua?"

   "Yes." Wu Kai said bluntly, "Cen Boqing accidentally discovered three years ago that Fu Songhua, the fugitive who killed the governor of Bingzhou, also lived in the northwest corner of Baisha, not far from Cen's residence."

   "Walking by the river often, how can I not get my shoes wet?" Wu Kai smiled wryly, "Cen Boqing is also afraid that the matter will be exposed one day, so he asked me to prepare perjury evidence. If something happens, Fu Songhua will take the blame."

   "Who appointed the source of the White-shouldered Eagle route that you are going to frame?"

   "Cen Boqing."


  Wu Kai swallowed: "I just follow orders, I don't know why."

   "Let's talk about Zhong Sunmou." Bai Ziqi continued to ask, "Why did he cooperate with you in perjury?"

"Zhong Sunmou's grandfather was nearing the end of his lifespan, and he couldn't take any tonic. Cen Boqing instructed Zhong Sunmou to go to the Qingfu Temple to seek medicine, and the code word was 'prolong life and ensure safety'. The old man of Zhong Sun's family can eat more. Live ten to thirty years."

"This time Cen Boqing discovered that Zhong Sunmou was the inspector who investigated the messenger case and the demon-killing and pearl-taking case, so he threatened him with this matter." Wu Kai asked for another glass of water, "Purchase the elixir privately and take it in Lingxu City It's a felony."

   "So both Cen and Zhongsun are involved in the case." Bai Ziqi nodded to He Lingchuan again, "I'm done asking, I'll leave it to you later."

  So He Lingchuan asked Wu Kai about the whereabouts of the other demon hunters.

  Having reached this point, Wu Kai no longer concealed it, and revealed the hiding places, modus operandi, results, and connection codes of the other five groups of people.

   Before the ink on the paper was dry, He Lingchuan handed the dossier full of confessions to Bai Ziqi:

   "Bai Dushi, the other five groups of monster hunters are all outside the border of Chiyan."

  In short, arresting them is not the task of the Chiyan Kingdom, but the duty of his special envoy.

  Bai Ziqi took it and put it away, stood up and said, "I'm going to the Cen Mansion, you can come with me."

  He Lingchuan had no objection.

  The inn is very close to the Cen Mansion, just a few hundred steps away.

  He Lingchuan walked with Bai Ziqi, followed by several guards.

  He could sense that this person was looking at him intentionally or unintentionally, so he simply asked, "Bai Dushi, what's unusual on your lower face?"

  This young man seems to be very straightforward, no one dares to ask him such a question. Bai Ziqi also smiled gently: "It's nothing unusual, but seeing that you are young, the more you get along with the prince, you are not like a master and servant, but like a friend of the same generation."

   "I'm not from Chiyan, let alone a servant of the prince." There's nothing to hide about this. Since Bai Ziqi came with Fan Sheng, he must have heard the basic information about He Lingchuan from the deputy commander of Tongxinwei.

  This person has a delicate heart and a high position and authority. He Lingchuan always felt that the way he looked at him was a bit strange, so he put on all his energy and dared not make any mistakes.

  Bai Ziqi said: "I have also been to Fu State in the early years, and the rulers and ministers are rare, but the merchants are very powerful. Basically, they can get you whatever you want."

  He Lingchuan thought of the Shimen Chamber of Commerce, and the Gan family who had their own business with Zhu Erniang, and couldn't help smiling: "There are no obedient people in poor mountains and rivers, and we all believe in wealth and wealth."

   "There are no obedient people in poor mountains and rivers, that's a good point." Bai Ziqi also laughed, "Why did Prince Yue appoint you to handle the messenger case?"

   "I'm from a foreign country, so I don't have much to do, and I have few worries." He Lingchuan had a good time, "Otherwise, the officials of Chiyan would not be able to investigate as soon as they met Zhong Sunmou."

   "If you're not an obedient citizen, there are benefits to being an obedient citizen." Bai Ziqi said leisurely, "How does Prince Yue know that this case will involve a lot of people?"

  He Lingchuan shrugged: "I have to ask him. I'm new here, so I don't know much about Chiyan."

   "Find a foreigner who doesn't understand the country's conditions to investigate the case. Prince Yue's actions are unexpected." Bai Ziqi glanced at him, "How did you and Prince Yue know each other?"

  He Xiao's origin is a mystery, Fan Sheng doesn't know, and Fu Shanyue didn't mention it in his memorial.

   "A while ago when the emperor came, we were all out in the wild, fighting for a piece of ointment." He Lingchuan narrated in a minimalist way, "If you don't want to hurt both sides, you won't know each other."

   "It sounds like it is indeed something the prince would do." What Bai Ziqi paid attention to, of course, was the implication of "no acquaintance if you don't fight".

   What kind of temperament and means does Fu Shanyue have? Kill all my own brothers!

  Even Bai Ziqi felt that he was cold-blooded and cruel.

   The more Fu Shan can't kill the young man in front of him, the more likely he can be friends with him.

   But being able to draw with Fu Shanyue is obviously very honorable, why does this boy want to understate it?

"I have one more question to ask." Bai Ziqi thought for a while, and decided to go straight to the point, "Fan Sheng said, Cen Boqing invited Cheng Yu, the curse master, to plot against you, but he came back defeated and vomited blood. I have heard of Cheng Yu before." , really has some skills. How did you defeat him?"

  He Lingchuan said lightly: "I still have a little way to save my life. But I also don't have the ability to fight back against Cheng Yu. He was injured by his own spell backlash."

   "What spell did he use?"

  He Lingchuan spread his hands: "He is a curse master, so it must be some kind of evil curse, right? It's a pity that I'm not good at it."

   Without waiting for Bai Ziqi to ask again, he turned his defense into an offense:

   "Just now you said, 'It is indeed something the prince knows how to do'. It seems that you know the prince very well."

  He Lingchuan has his own secrets and cannot be questioned non-stop.

"I have met several times." Bai Ziqi said with a smile, "As the prince of the Chiyan King, he has studied in Lingxu City for more than ten years; as for me, I was selected into the Zhaixing Building since I was a child, and I was similar to his age. Make friends."

  Same age... He Lingchuan scratched his nose.

   That's right, that guy Fu Shanyue only looks young, but he is actually over forty years old, and he is the same age as Bai Ziqi.

   Monsters have some unique advantages.

"Although the prince's temper is a bit...blunt." He Lingchuan chose his words carefully, but both of them knew that what he wanted to say was "cruel". Why does King Yan not like him?"

  King Chiyan has always been interested in Fushanji, and he doesn't want to make the eldest son the prince at all.

   It would be difficult for him to ask the answer from others, except Bai Ziqi. Even Jiao Yu, the fierce tiger who had been with him for a long time, talked about him when he heard this.

   Avoid taboos, this is the basic conduct of all officials.

  Bai Ziqi fell silent in a rare way, as if he was thinking.

   After a while, he said: "It doesn't matter if I agree with you, many people in Lingxu City know about it."

  Of course, the "many people" in his mouth are probably all top-tier circles.

  He said slowly: "When the prince was young, he ate his own mother!"

  He Lingchuan was shocked.

   But he didn't ask, because there must be more to come.

Sure enough, Bai Ziqi tilted his head to observe his expression, and continued: "The two brothers, Prince Yue, were born of the same mother, and the mother was a commoner woman. Later, King Chiyan sent guards to pick up their mother and son back to the palace, and some accidents happened on the way. accident..."

  He didn't go into details, but said: "The prince has no choice but to eat his mother more, but King Chiyan cherishes this concubine very much, and he has been worried about it since then, and he is not happy to see him."

  He Lingchuan murmured: "I probably don't like it even more now."

  Fukuyama Eshi killed his own brother not long ago. When the old monarch saw the eldest son, did he feel hatred for killing his wife and son immediately?

   Thanks to @千代奇秀儿童谁 for your enthusiastic sponsorship, we have another leader^_^



  (end of this chapter)