MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 529 became

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  Chapter 529 is done

  He Lingchuan jumped into the cellar one step at a time. The suspect Wu Kai was lying on the ground. The guards tried to support him, but his waist could not stand upright at all.

  Wu Kai vomited blood, and the blood was actually light yellow.

   "Unshackle!" He Lingchuan ordered, and the guards went to remove the rune shackles on the suspect.

   It may be nervous or anxious, but he didn't untie it after a few strokes.

  He Lingchuan pushed him away, raised the knife in his hand, and split the shackles with a "pong".

  When the rune shackles fell, Wu Kai could use his true power, and the formation tattoos on his body immediately lit up. He staggered to the corner, grabbed a number of amulets and put them on.

  He Lingchuan didn't stop him either. This cellar was heavily guarded by soldiers, no matter how many times stronger Wu Kai was, he would not be able to escape.

  After putting on the amulet, Wu Kai seemed to be able to breathe, gasping for breath.

  Just now, his internal organs were twisted, and even his throat seemed to be tightly strangled, making him unable to breathe.

  Everyone felt as if they were facing a big enemy. As soon as he had a situation, the guards guarding here wanted to report it to the higher authorities. But He Lingchuan was not at ease with anyone, and quietly placed eyeball spiders on the roof beams.

   After all, this prisoner is too important.

  Just now he found out earlier than the guards, Wu Kai trembled twice and suddenly fell ill.

  Fu Shanyue's curse master also arrived, stretched out his hand to open Wu Kai's eyes and took a picture, and saw that there seemed to be many small insects wriggling under the white of the eyes.

   "Curse! It was Cen Boqing who attacked you." He Lingchuan took out a mirror and pointed at Wu Kai, letting him see the condition by himself, "Confess immediately, we can save your life."

  He recently entered Panlong City, and saw the lectures on the notice board of Wenxian Hall, several of which were related to spells. The struggle between Panlong City and foreign enemies is in every aspect. Bega even used biological warfare on the Chipa Plateau, so what's so strange about spells and forbidden spells?

  So I have accumulated a lot of experience in this area.

  He Lingchuan hurried to listen and benefited a lot.

  When I went to Wenxuan Pavilion to borrow books, the most obvious place on the bookshelf was also books on defense against spells.

  How to cast spells and how to harm people is not mentioned; but how to prevent and how to deal with it is a set of rules.

   Now that he already knew that Panlong City had opened the door for him, he plunged into it to study it.

   So far I don't talk about Xiaocheng, at least I have started, and I no longer know nothing about spells.

  Wu Kai raised his head, and saw that his face was completely black, and pale yellow saliva flowed out uncontrollably between his teeth.

  Cen Boqing really has no concentration, and easily fell into the prince's trick!

   Now both of them have to die.

  Wu Kai was so angry that he closed his eyes and gasped non-stop: "If I confess, I will die in the end!"

   This is the first sentence he has said since his arrest.

"But your grandson will live, the prince promises you." He Lingchuan glanced at the curse master, saw the latter nod, and said quickly, "You have been delaying time, just thinking that Da Si Nong can send someone to make things right, you and Cen Boqing both It can be preserved. In fact, the Duyun envoy sent by the demon emperor is here today, and the gods will strictly investigate the elixir, and your whole family will not be able to withstand the wrath of the gods!"

  Wu Kai raised his head and stared at him firmly.

"He is in the lobby of this inn, and he will arrive in a few breaths." He Lingchuan pointed to the top of the cellar, "If you nod now, he won't know that your grandson is also in our hands; , if you haven’t agreed, the conditions I set out will not be counted. You have lived in Lingxu City for a long time, and you know best what methods the angel of the gods has. Once he comes, your whole family will die! And your grandson will definitely die in front of you ahead."

  Anyway, Wu Kai, as the person in charge of hunting monsters and fetching pearls, will definitely lose his life in the end.

   To kill one, or to kill the whole family, he has to make a choice now.

"Even if we can save you this time and Cen Boqing fails to cast the spell, he will try again in the future, and he will succeed one time." He Lingchuan also said, "He treats you like this, you can think about it, you really want to save him with the whole family's life." ?”

  Wu Kai trembled all over, the two protective jade pendants around his neck suddenly broke, and the evil spirit talisman spontaneously ignited without fire, and burned up instantly.

  He started throwing up again.

  The saliva spit out this time is yellow-yellow-green-green, and there are many taupe bird feathers in it.

  It seemed that the vomiting of blood was worse than before, and his whole body began to twitch uncontrollably, as if he had epilepsy, and his eyes turned white.

"Injure the liver first and then the gallbladder. The next two times are the lungs and the heart." The curse master took out several peachwood nails and pierced Wu Kai's Yutang and Yuzhen points respectively. , born towards the east, with the heaviest yang energy, but now it can only be relieved a little. This kind of life-threatening curse is generally more powerful than one of the five. If you can survive the first four—ordinary people can’t survive—the fifth The Tao goes straight to the brain."

   These mahogany nails were given by Fu Shanyue.

  That guy's appearance is no different from ordinary people, people always ignore that this guy's body is a demon, and he knows more about the way of ghosts and ghosts than ordinary practitioners.

He Lingchuan said at the same time: "Cen Boqing is in a hurry to take your life. This life-threatening talisman is more fierce and evil than ordinary ones. The next three curses will be fast and urgent, letting you know that the first two are just appetizers. If we don't rescue you, you won't survive." Ten breaths."

  Wu Kai's face was also slowly turning green.

  The curse master surnamed Cheng had suffered a setback in He Xiao's hands before, and he was even vomiting blood. Wu Kai thought that this person was boasting too much, and he was not that great. As a result, try it out for yourself now—

  That skill is no small matter, it is so cruel and poisonous, it cannot stand it.

  At this moment, Lu Dutong's voice sounded from the cellar entrance, especially resonant: "Prince, Bai Dushi-"

   Duyun Envoy is here!

   Wu Kai's heart tightened, and He Lingchuan also grabbed his collar: "Last chance, hurry up!"

   Time is running out, and a cautious person like Wu Kai feels dizzy and confused.

   He gritted his teeth, and finally endured the severe pain and said to He Lingchuan: "I say, I confess! You must keep my grandson safe!"

  He Lingchuan nodded solemnly: "It's a deal."

  As soon as the words were finished, the light at the entrance of the cellar changed, and Fu Shanyue, Bai Ziqi and Fan Sheng all jumped down.

   The situation is urgent, and they are not polite.

  He Lingchuan looked at Fu Shanyue, and said concisely: "The suspect was provoked by a long-distance curse, and he just recovered his life!"

   "Can it be saved?"

  The curse master nodded, and lit a fire on the mahogany nail. The flame was not golden red, but a strange blue.

  The mahogany nail is hollow, and a fierce thing of the most yang is stuffed into it. Now it is necessary to use the method of burning it to drive it into the prisoner's body to overcome the insidious power of the spell.

  Then the curse master asked someone to capture a three-year-old rooster, cut its neck to get blood, and prepared a lot of medicine, and then poured it on Wu Kai while it was still hot.

   "Most evil things hate roosters and will come to eat its blood."

  After taking the third sip, Wu Kai's expression also relaxed, and he was no longer so tense.

   Seeing this, the curse master secretly let out a long breath.

  The fate of this felon was saved, as was his salary.

   What's more, it is rare for Fu Shan to praise him: "Okay, you did a good job this time."

  His Highness said so, there must be a reward later.

  Fan Sheng frowned: "Shouldn't the curse kill be picked at midnight, why is it at this time?"

  He Lingchuan smiled and said, "Commander Fan is very experienced."

  The last time Cheng Yu asked Meng Meng to assassinate He Lingchuan was at midnight, and it was Fan Sheng who protected him.

  Fan Sheng felt annoyed when he stabbed him indifferently, but Bai Ziqi said, "It's dinner time and the guards default, and the prisoner is in shackles and has no power to restrain him, so it's just the right time to strike."

  He Lingchuan nodded: "Bai Dushi is wise, that's the reason!"

   Right when Fu Shanyue was about to ask questions, Wu Kai suddenly lay on the ground again, vomiting profusely, even vomited out the chicken blood he had just eaten.

   There are many small black ladybugs in the blood, the size of rice grains. He Lingchuan has good eyesight, and can see that the mouthparts of this kind of ladybug have been specialized into spikes, and it seems that they are very good at making holes in the prey and then burrowing in.

   I thought that these ghost things were going to attack Wu Kai's heart and lungs, but they were suppressed halfway and attracted by chicken blood. In short, they were forcibly driven out.

  They left Wu Kai's body, staggered around a few times, then turned upside down and stopped moving.

   Immediately afterwards, these bugs and the bird feathers that Wu Kai spit out just now turned into black water under the eyes of everyone, and slowly seeped into the bottom of the cellar.

  Wu Kai lay on the ground gasping for breath, a little collapsed.

  Bai Ziqi looked at it with his hands behind his back, and then said: "These things are not real, but the manifestation of the spell. But the damage to the suspect is not compromised at all."

  Tiger Jiao Yu immediately asked: "Can a curse master really kill people a hundred miles away?"

   "For powerful curse masters, yes." Bai Zi Qishun replied, "But it also requires relevant conditions, and it can't be activated at will."

  He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat: "This time the reminder is broken, will he suffer backlash?"

   A few days ago, Cheng Yu used a nightmare to plot against him, and was so excited that he vomited blood. Do you want to relive the old dream this time?

  Bai Ziqi looked at him with strange eyes: "You don't know?"

  He Lingchuan was slightly surprised: Why did Bai Ziqi ask such a question?

  He glanced at Fan Sheng who was at the side, and suddenly felt something was wrong. That's right, Bai Ziqi should have heard about the whole process of Fan Sheng's marriage with him, and Cheng Yu's failure to attack He Xiao means that He Xiao should also be a member of this way, with great means.

   As it turns out, now that he asked an inappropriate question, Bai Ziqi felt strange.

  This person is too sensitive, and he can catch the loopholes when someone says a word wrong.

   Be careful yourself.

  Bai Ziqi looked away, as if he just mentioned it casually, and then asked Wu Kai urgently: "Cen Boqing is the mastermind behind the messenger case?"

  Wu Kai swallowed hard: "...Yes."

   "Cen Boqing, or do you still have beads in your hand?"

   "Yes." Wu Kai whispered, "I buried the remaining pearls under the locust tree at the entrance of Ta Lane."

   Very good, physical evidence is also available.

   "He ordered you to kill demons and get pearls. Is he using them to refine the elixir?"

  Wu Kai was already very cooperative at this time: "Yes, but we are only responsible for hunting the pearls, and there is someone else who refines the medicine."

   "Who will refine the medicine?"

   "Twice a year, I will send the blood beads to the Qingfu Temple in Lingxu City, and they will not belong to us afterwards."

  Fu Shanyue and He Lingchuan looked at each other, and both let out a sigh of relief.

   It was done, Wu Kai confessed, and he was still in front of the special envoy sent by Lingxu City.

  (end of this chapter)