MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 534 Mislead him!

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  Chapter 534 Misleading him!

  He Lingchuan shook his head: "It's not easy to compare this way. I have exhausted all my tricks, but Commander Fan still has a trick to suppress the bottom of the box."

  Bai Ziqi caressed the deer's mane and said: "You are a modest child, but you are also too bold, and you are 50,000 taels when you make a move. There are hundreds of lotus-picking teams. How can you be sure that you will find Bawanglian and come out on top?"

  He Lingchuan smiled slyly: "Of course I also have some unscrupulous means. How many of the people who have raised money over the years have really found it with their own naked eyes and great luck?"

  He later learned that there was a winner a few years ago, and the way he won the championship was to release a nest of more than 2,000 bees to fly around the lotus palace looking for the overlord lotus.

  How can ordinary people compare to that kind of efficiency?

  So after that session, Bai Shazheng patched the rules, not allowing group pets to be released.

   But the old saying always holds true:

Mastering the stick, but aiming for the yard.

  Eternal fairness, that's impossible.

  Both of them knew that Bai Ziqi didn't say a word:

  Zhong Sun Mou was killed at that time.

  But neither of them mentioned it, because there would be no result if this matter was brought up.

  Bai Ziqi said leisurely: "You have dealt with Mai Xuewen the most, what kind of person do you think he is?"

  He has the most dealings with Mai Xuewen? Is Bai Ziqi setting him up? He Lingchuan shook his head again and again: "I'm just following the few clues left by him, so I can't even talk about dealing with him. Wu Kai should know the answer better than me."

  But Wu Kai only saw the illusion created by Mai Xuewen.

  Of course Bai Ziqi also understood the implication: even Wu Kai, who was cautious and careful, fell into the hands of others, so how did he, He Lingchuan, understand Mai Xuewen?

  But He Lingchuan still said: "But Mai Xuewen spared no effort to expose his old superior, and even robbed the patrol envoy in full view, which is no longer crazy. When chasing this person, be careful that he is desperate."

   "But this guy isn't crazy at all, he's very organized."

  He Lingchuan shrugged: "A lunatic can be very organized, right? Bai Dushi has handled so many cases, what do you think?"

   "This case is very complicated, and I'm afraid that the part buried under the water is even bigger." Cen Boqing's identity alone made Fu Shanyue and Bai Ziqi feel tricky.

   "Oh, by the way, I read in the case file that the monster Snail Toad driven by Mai Xuedong once committed crimes on the southern border of Chiyan Kingdom?"

   "Yes." At that time, he almost took his bighorn sheep.


"Probably more than forty days ago." He Lingchuan was vigilant in his heart, not mentioning that he and Fu Shanyue were there at the scene at all, "A caravan lost two monsters, a cat monster and a hedgehog monster. If you don’t return after two days, report to the police.”

   Fu Shanyue killed his younger brother in the ruins of Qianxing City. The Lord Chiyan actually issued a secret order on this matter. The Chiyan people who were present at the time were not allowed to mention it, let alone spread it to outsiders. Of course, this order was also sent to the Shimen Chamber of Commerce, and Shi Erdao said that he would obey it.

   "Forty days ago?" Bai Ziqi seemed to be thinking about something, "How did such a trivial matter attract your attention?"

"The crown prince ordered all places to report the disappearance of monsters. At that time, we had already discovered that the snail toad often appeared on rainy nights, and this incident happened just after the heavy rain. And the local townspeople said that monsters occasionally disappeared on rainy nights in the suburbs. Not many, and secondly, it is located at a border checkpoint, and no one is sure whether the monsters are missing or crossing the border on their own, so the local government doesn't pay much attention to it."

  Bai Ziqi frowned slightly: "No witnesses?"

   That is a suspected case.

  After all, there are many reasons for the disappearance of humans and monsters.

   "Even if there is, it will be eaten, right?" He Lingchuan smiled bitterly, "I have seen that monster with my own eyes. It attacked from the ground, and it is really hard to defend against."

"That is to say, if this case is really the work of Mai Xuewen, he traveled north from the southern border of Chiyan on his hunt for pearls, um..." Bai Ziqi seemed to be contemplating, "From the south to the north, that's right. .”

   "Huh? What matches?"

   "It's nothing." Bai Ziqi smiled, "By the way, when you collected the disappearance cases of monsters, did you notice that at the border between Twilight Plain and Chiyan Southern Border, how many officials probably disappeared at that time?"

  He Lingchuan's heart skipped a beat.

  Why don't you remember? Those officials followed Zhongsun Mou to trip Fu Shanyue, and took advantage of the pretext of looking for Wu Tong to dismantle and smash the goods of the Shimen Chamber of Commerce. How could Fu Shanyue bear this birdishness? After entering the country for a few days, he sneaked back again, and besides Zhong Sunmou's bodyguards, he also killed all the officials present who made things difficult for him, leaving only Zhong Sunmou unmoved.

   As a result, Zhong Sunmou was also planned to be killed by He Lingchuan in the end, and he avenged Fu Shanyue.

  He Lingchuan also asked about it, and Fu Shanyue said that he did not **** blood, but just killed the officials and dragged them to the suburbs to bury them.

  Why did Bai Ziqi go to the Twilight Plain, and why did he pursue these things?

  He pondered for a while, then shook his head: "This case is not included in the case files sent to me by the crown prince, probably because the deceased was a human being."

  This sentence, every word is true.

  He is a foreigner and has no power in Chiyan. What ability does he have to collect cases from various places? That's not what the prince gave, what did he just look at?

  Bai Ziqi also thought of this, so he stopped asking.

  He Lingchuan immediately settled down.

  Although Fu Shanyue and Zhong Sunmou had some conflicts at the front of the checkpoint, the inspectors used their authority to show off their authority. Such things will definitely not be recorded in the official files. The local officials just pretended not to see them, and they might have been told not to make any noise.

  The level does not record the entry and exit information of each caravan. Bai Ziqi may not be able to find out, he and Fu Shanyue just passed the checkpoint in the south of Chiyan nearly 40 days ago.

  At this time, Bai Ziqi pointed forward: "Wu Kai's private estate is this place, right?"

   "To the east of Yaohu Lake, there are basically white houses, with a ten-foot-high boulder standing at the door." He Lingchuan recalled Wu Kai's description, "It should be here."

  Twenty miles away from Baishazhen, there is plenty of land in the wilderness. The land area occupied by this Zhuangzi circle is not small, even including several ponds and a hill.

  Looking at the mountains and looking at the water, the weather is good.

  Private houses are basically built on hills, with two warehouses and several houses.

   Of course, in order to save manpower, there are several large warehouses built on flat ground.

  He Lingchuan followed his father from Heishui City to Xiazhou, and met a lot of Zhuangzi in the countryside along the way. Because of frequent bandits and famine, private villages in this terrain will be robbed. As long as thick walls are built, horse-proof stakes are installed, and some reliable strong men are hired to guard, this kind of village is similar to a cottage, easy to defend It is difficult to attack, and even in troubled times, you can close the door and live a happy life.

  Of course, this is not necessary in Chiyan.

  Passing by a hut, the janitor jumped out with an ax in his hand and shouted, "Who!"

  The officer behind He Lingchuan showed a sign, and there was a faint yellow light in the darkness: "I am from the Baisha government office, accompanying the envoy of Lingxu City to arrest Cen Boqing! Is he here?"

   "Huh?" The gatekeeper was stunned. He might not have seen a single outsider in ten days and a half. Why did officials and envoys come all of a sudden? "Little, little people don't know."

   "Trash!" The officer overtook him, hugged Bai Ziqi and He Lingchuan and headed for the hill.

  The crops in the field have not yet been harvested, and the cherry trees all over the mountain have already been harvested in early summer, and now it is the time for farming.

  Bai Ziqi and the others ran all the way, but they didn't meet a few people before and after, and they didn't know anything about it.

   But there is one bad thing:

  The hill is surrounded by flat farmland. Standing on the mountain, you can see everything below at a glance.

  The road up the mountain is relatively smooth. After all, it is convenient to transport supplies up and down, but it is a bit narrow. This is also the intention of the owner.

  Running to the top of the mountain, there are four or five houses, only one is lit.

  Bai Ziqi waved his hand, and the officials immediately stepped forward and searched from building to building.

no one.

   All buildings are empty.

  But something was found in the lighted room.

  Bai Ziqi and others walked in, and saw that the windows were closed, the door was ajar, the candles on the table were only half burned, and there were still two wooden cups.

  He touched the cup and said, "It's warm."

  The people in the room just left.

   "Probably found us coming." If Cen Boqing escaped here, he would undoubtedly be vigilant at all times. Pointing to the ground, He Lingchuan said, "Does this look like a place where a spell is cast?"

  A few bird feathers on the ground, a handful of straw, yellow oil stains of unknown origin, mixed with a little red thread, it looks sticky.

  There are traces of burning on the brick surface.

  Those bird feathers He Lingchuan knew at a glance that they belonged to magpies. His home in Panlong City always dropped magpie feathers, because sparrowhawks were always there to commit murder.

  The strange thing is that the burning smell left in the room is actually a bit sweet, and it will make you dizzy if you smell it for a long time...

  He Lingchuan hurriedly opened the window.

  Bai Ziqi took a straw and dipped it in a little oil, put it under his nose and sniffed it.

   "Corpse oil, the purity is very high." Everyone showed disgusted expressions, and He Lingchuan was slightly stunned: "They really hid here just now?"

  Bai Ziqi nodded: "Cen Boqing is also very cautious. In case that officer Zhou Tailai is arrested and interrogated, his whereabouts will inevitably be revealed, so he took the time to make a detour and sneak out to the west after leaving the city."

   "It's windy tonight." He said again, "This kind of spell must be performed in a quiet, sealed and windless environment."

  That's why the two fugitives sneaked in here.

   "But they just escaped, and we can still catch up."

  The officials who went to search around also came back and reported: "There is no trail behind, but the mountain is not too steep, and you can climb down."

  Bai Ziqi took out another candle from his pocket.

  The bystanders are puzzled: there is a light in this room, why does he still light candles?

  He Lingchuan stood close and had good eyesight, so he found that the white candle he took out still had a hint of gold fragments, which made him look very tall.

  After the flame is ignited, it is white light from the inside to the outside.

  Bai Ziqi pinched the wick of the candle, and the small flame stood firmly on his fingertips.

  It was only then that everyone could see clearly that the flame had already taken shape, with a head, a body and hands, but there was still a ball of light under the waist.

  What is this, a ghost of light?

  (end of this chapter)

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