MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 535 chasing fugitives

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"The ever-burning lamp in the Zhaixing Building has been burning for four hundred years, and it has always been bathed in the grace of God. Over time, the lamp spirit has been cultivated." Bai Ziqi brought the lamp spirit on his fingertips close to the ground, "It is the natural nemesis of evil spirits, and it hates evil like hatred. .”

  The ground suddenly ignited white flames.

  The officials who were standing nearby quickly jumped away, but the flames had no heat and were not hot.

   Immediately afterwards, the lamp spirit fluttered outwards.

  Wherever it passes, a small group of pale white flames will be left on the ground.

   "It will follow the evil breath." Bai Ziqi took the lead, "Let's go, this breath should be left by Cheng Yu."

  The crowd followed the traces left by Bai Yan and walked out, and they really went to the back mountain. There is a cliff here, with a drop of about 20 feet (nearly 70 meters), not high but very steep, almost at an angle of 70 degrees.

   All the officials came on horseback, so they definitely couldn't just jump off.

  He Lingchuan said to them: "Go down the mountain the same way, follow as soon as possible."

  The lamp spirit has already floated to the half-cliff position, waiting for no one at all. Fortunately, Bai Yan is very conspicuous along the way, and the officials can follow this mark to find it after they go down the mountain.

  Bai Ziqi and He Lingchuan didn't worry about going down the mountain at all.

   Their mounts can almost go straight up and down.

  Linglu was more cautious, and the bighorn sheep almost bounced all the way down, as if flying through the clouds.

  It reached the ground in just three consecutive jumps, faster than the lamp spirit.

   You must know that its footholds are all dark cliff crevices, and some of them seem to be unable to get down at all, but it jumps so happily.

  After landing, the blue sheep shook its head triumphantly and kicked its hooves again.

  Look, look, what is practical!

  It can also understand human speech, but it is not willing to be compared to the noble and glamorous Linglu.

  Bai Ziqi rode a deer to the ground, and the two rode followed the lamp spirit.

  There are footprints on the ground, and Bai Yan falls into the footprints. As soon as it was illuminated, He Lingchuan could see the weirdness of the footprints:

   "Not hoof prints. They are not riding on horses." The footprints are like plum blossoms, spread wide, with claw marks on the tips. "Well, they are wolf footprints."

  He used to work with rock wolves, so he knew exactly what wolf footprints looked like.

  Bai Ziqi immediately said: "Cen Boqing released the wolf puppet to ride, no wonder he can escape along the cliff."

   Otherwise, those two people jumped off the cliff in a hurry, how could there be a horse to travel?

  Looking at the direction of the footprints, they ran towards the waist lake. He Lingchuan immediately said: "If they escape into the lake, it will be troublesome."

  Water is the best barrier. The supernatural powers and consciousness of land creatures are basically unable to penetrate the barrier of water.

  The Yaohu Lake has a large area, at least 20,000 mu. If these two guys go into the water, who knows from which clump of aquatic plants they will get ashore?

   Obviously, Cen Boqing's wolf puppet is also very fast, and Bai Ziqi and Bai Ziqi have not seen the back of the fugitive until now.

  The short mountain is not far from the lake, they have to speed up.

  Bai Ziqi took out a gold-red jade box, which looked like a duck egg powder box commonly used by girls, picked out two pinches of silver powder from it, and sprinkled them on the two horses.

   With a "chuckle", He Lingchuan could feel the bighorn sheep speeding up significantly.

  It seems that sixty steps directly mentioned eighty steps, and there is a strong sense of pushing back.

   "Good stuff! What's this?"

  Bai Ziqi smiled: "The Gale Art is a small skill."

  His technique can cause the mount or character to be surrounded by the breeze, pushing them forward, which not only removes part of the weight, but also reduces the oncoming wind resistance. It is a very practical driving skill.

  The best thing is that it has no side effects on the subject.

   Unlike Drilling Beast's own dash talent, although it can charge for a short time, it is a heavy burden on its physical strength.


  The twilight between the sky and the earth illuminates the two figures running fast in front of them.

  The two fugitives really ran on the big wolf.

   This so-called puppet wolf is a little smaller than He Lingchuan's rock wolf. It has a big skeleton but is thin, but it is more than enough to carry a person. The eyes were dimly lit, and the fur was dry and dull.

  Strictly speaking, this is a wolf corpse driven by dead souls, but it has been processed so that the body will not rot.

  The distance between chasing and fleeing is only thirty feet.

  Bai Ziqi raised his breath and shouted loudly: "Cen Boqing, stop, I am the envoy of the city of Lingxu!"

  In front of him, Cen Boqing turned his head when he heard the sound, and was shocked when he saw Bai Ziqi.

  The special envoy of Lingxu City has arrived, but he is with He Xiao!

  That is Du Yunshi, the servant of the gods! Those who are in Lingxu City, who doesn't know their identities, their means, and the meaning they represent!

  At this moment, Cen Boqing was so frightened that his body froze.

   This was an uncontrollable subconscious reaction, and even the puppet wolf under the two people slowed down.

Cheng Yu beside    was shocked: "Hey, do you want to die?"

  The lake is in front of him, and he is about to escape, but the pursuers behind him are getting closer and closer. Why don't you teach him to be anxious?

  Bai Ziqi shouted again, full of majesty: "Don't stop, and deal with it seriously!"

   Who knew that it would be better if he didn't say this, but when he shouted, Cen Boqing shuddered, and his mind suddenly became clear.

  Since Lu Dutong shouted and led his army into the Cen Mansion, he knew that Uncle Wu had confessed.

  But as long as Uncle Wu died unexpectedly, Prince Yue might not be able to sue him based on a piece of testimony alone. So he managed to escape.

  Unexpectedly, the special envoy of Lingxu City has arrived, and it seems likely that Uncle Wu has been interrogated.

  Then he is finished, he cannot turn over the confession, and cannot get rid of the crime.

  Cen Boqing yelled: "Mr. Cheng, take action!"

   In fact, he didn't need to order him, Cheng Yu had already done it ahead of time.

  He doesn't care about anything, and those who hinder his escape are enemies.

  The curse master threw a slap-sized puppet into the sky with all his strength, and the puppet was more than six feet above the ground before it turned into a ten-foot-high green scarf warrior and fell at an accelerated rate!

  He Lingchuan's two cavalry were accelerated by the Gale Technique, and they arrived at a distance of thirty feet in a blink of an eye, just at the feet of the green scarf warrior.

  He Lingchuan saw this guy's big foot stepping on his forehead, and slapped the blue sheep's horns: "Clash!"

   This sheep has been with him for a while, so he wouldn't be so stupid as to think that he wanted to hit the green scarf wrestler, and immediately activated the bell hanging around his neck.

  Bai Ziqi saw this person turned into an afterimage, and instantly crossed a distance of fifteen feet in front of him!

   This is the magical effect of the bell that General Ling gave to the Blue Sheep. It can borrow the talent of the Wind Drilling Beast in a short period of time.

   Immediately afterwards, the blue scarf wrestler fell to the ground with a bang, throwing up a cloud of dust, and the ground trembled so untenably.

   It seems that its weight is not at all lighter than He Lingchuan's Golden Armored Bronze General.

  But He Lingchuan had already gone behind it, and continued to chase the two fugitives.

  Ling deer doesn't have this kind of talent, Bai Ziqi patted it on the head, this big deer flicked all four hooves, as if its feet didn't touch the ground, but it bounced sideways two feet away, the movement was extraordinarily elegant.

  How could such a thick and slow opponent trap Linglu?

   Without Bai Ziqi's order, Linglu would swerve past it and chase after it.

   Unexpectedly, the green warrior suddenly disintegrated and turned into a large black mass.

   It is said that it is small, but it is also relative to the individual of the blue scarf wrestler. In fact, each of these things is the size of a goose egg, looks like a beetle, but has a mighty body. Fine teeth!

  He Lingchuan looked back and was startled.

   Isn’t this the stag beetle?

  A pair of scissors grew on his forehead, showing off his might to anyone. No matter how naughty a child in Heishui City is, he would not want to mess with this kind of thing—whoever's finger is cut and bleeds twice will have a long memory.

  The problem is that the stag beetles in Heishui City are only the size of peanuts. These are upgraded versions. The sharp scissors on the palate snap off and the toes are cut off for you.

   Looking around, the number is at least 20,000.

  The most extreme thing is that their hard shells are not afraid of swords, guns, water and fire, and they ignore the protective energy.

   It turned out that the appearance of the blue scarf warrior was just a cover, and the puppet was actually a bug nest. Normally, the stag beetle group pretended to be human under the control of the bug king, able to run and jump, and only revealed their true colors at critical moments.

  Bai Ziqi This is more terrifying than stabbing a hornet's nest. The stag beetle swarms rushed towards their prey with a roar, overwhelming the sky.

  He Lingchuan's scalp felt numb, he threw out a medicine bag, and accelerated to chase the fugitive ahead.

  The kind of medicine bag is made of wicker to repel insects and ants, and the medicine is very effective. He Lingchuan also prepared a few bags according to the recipe in reality, so that he would not be bitten when walking in the wilderness.

  The medicine package landed on the ground, and a burst of yellow mist was precisely blasted among the insects.

   After that, he didn't care.

   Du Yun has a famous name, of course he will have the ability to protect himself, right?

   There is no need for him to worry too much.

  The shore of the lake was looming in front of him, but after the blue sheep collided three times in a row, the distance between him and his prey was shortened to within 20 feet.

  He Lingchuan aimed at the big wolf under Cen Boqing's seat, and shot directly with the Fushengdao.

  The wolf puppet was very flexible, and avoided it in a flash.

  Of course Fushengdao made a sharp turn and flew far away without a trace.

  Cen Boqing was full of panic, and kept turning his head to observe Bai Ziqi's actions, but the Fushengdao made a detour from the side, attacking him from a blind spot of his vision.

  The warg suddenly limped, lost his balance, and fell directly into the mud.

  Fusheng knife chopped off one of its hind legs.

  The only one who is still running for his life is Cheng Yu.

  His face was like gold paper, and he didn't know if the injury had recurred. At this moment, he looked back at He Lingchuan, and suddenly shouted: "Sink!"

  The ground under the bighorn sheep's feet suddenly collapsed and turned into a swamp.

  Looking at Cheng Yu again, the short staff in his hand kept touching the ground with the tail, silently turning all the roads the wolf passed by into mud puddles.

  Curse masters are also magicians, as long as they use the right magical powers at critical moments, even simple spells can save lives.

   No matter how blue sheep can jump, they need a fulcrum for their hooves. At this time, they are stuck in the mud and cannot get out. He Lingchuan had no choice but to jump up from the sheep's back, and started to chase after it.

  But Cheng Yu was only five feet away from the shore of the lake, and at the same time stretched his hands into his arms, obviously there was still something to do.

   Then two feet, one foot...

  Before he was about to jump into the lake, a large white fireball suddenly hit him in front of him, with a diameter of at least three feet.

  As soon as it hit the ground, it burst into a strong white light.

  When there is a sudden burst of bright light in the dark night, the first reaction of a normal person must be to turn his head, so as not to be blinded by the flash.