MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-~ Small theater activities please join!

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  Forgot to talk about business for two consecutive days, the anger of the operation officer is about to overflow the screen, cough...

  Our book review area has launched a small theater activity. Whichever character you like, you can improvise around him/her, open your mind, write interesting stories about characters, create small events and write character dialogues, etc...

   In the book review area, there are already two children's shoes, Shocking God Sword Xiaomeng and Wu Xiaokong, who have written a small theater, which is probably in this style.

  Well, anyway, the conditions are relaxed enough that you can write whatever you want, as long as you don’t disrupt public order and good customs.

  Posts must be published separately, with more than 150 characters, and a title "[He Shao Xiaotheater] XXXX" should be added for system recognition—you need to click "Title" to add a post, and there is no title by default.

   At the end of the event, a total of 10,000 points and 10 fan titles will be issued according to the ranking of likes.

  Don’t give up your integrity to others, hurry up and participate.

   Oh, the event is limited until February 25th.