MTL - After the Fairy Disappeared-Chapter 486 Consequences of confrontation

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  After the two sides tore their faces apart, this identity, this name, is the window paper that was punctured.

   "Understood, we will erase the traces. We originally thought that Fu Songhua's confession in Lingxu City would be more convincing, but if you can't take him back, just kill him directly!"

   This tone made Zhong Sunmou very upset, but he frowned and endured it.

   "The special envoy found out about Mai's residence, and may have other clues."

   "This man must die!" The man in the mirror said firmly.


  When He Lingchuan appeared outside the county government gate, the officer who had been stretching his neck and staring at the street entrance rushed in three steps at a time and shouted: "The special envoy is here!"

   Everyone had returned to the county government office a long time ago, but he was the first to leave and the last to arrive, with an interval of more than half an hour.

   Even Lu Dutong had arrived and was about to watch.

   Zhong Sunmou saw that he had come alone, and stood up suddenly: "Where is the murderer!"

  He also sent someone to chase after him, but he lost it. I don't know what method the surname He used to counter-trace, even blocking the smell.

   "Put it in a safe place." He Lingchuan walked in with his hands behind his back, "Just now he was almost killed by the inspector in the wing room. I don't think the county jail is safe anymore."

  Zhong Sunmou sneered: "What are you thinking? Those water snakes are here to greet you."

  The county magistrate of Baishayu also said dryly: "My lord special envoy, don't you want to retry the case? How will the prisoner be tried if he doesn't show up?"

  After returning to the county office, he was still scolded **** by the inspector.

  Master He has been wandering outside for half an hour, and he was scolded for almost half an hour, so Tian County Magistrate is not without resentment at this moment.

  He Lingchuan understated: "Oh, I had an interrogation outside, and he said that the county jail sent people in to force him to collude with a confession."

  Tian county magistrate lost his voice: "What..."

   Can you do whatever you want like this?

  Zhong Sunmou snorted and laughed: "Can you count in private interrogation?"

   "Aren't you too?" He Lingchuan squinted at him, "Did there be a public trial when you tried Fu Songhua? Did the people watch it? Take a step back and say, is Magistrate Tian nearby?"

  In terms of lip service, he has never lost.

   "Magistrate Tian, ​​were you there at that time?"

  The magistrate of Tian County opened his mouth, but failed to speak out, feeling resentment in his heart:

  You asked without knowing it!

   "Then there isn't." He Lingchuan took it for granted, "Magistrate Tian, ​​Fu Songhua was first locked up in the county prison on the day he was arrested. Who was on duty in the prison at that time?"

  Fu Songhua said that he heard a large bunch of keys hitting each other.

  Only a jailer on duty can jingle like that. That guy was bought off.

   "Ah, I'll call someone to check, please wait."

   After a while, the result came out:

  The jailer on duty that day was called Pi Linhai, and he was there from morning to evening, that is, during the time Fu Songhua was in prison, he was there.

  But this person is not on duty today.

  At this time, Magistrate Tian already knew what to do: "Go to someone and call Pi Linhai over."

  Pi Linhai's house is not far from the county government office, that is, two quarters of an hour away.

   Soon, the sent official came back empty-handed and reported: "Pi Linhai is not at home. His wife said that he went out to buy wine half an hour ago and has not returned. We went to the place where he usually buys wine, but there is none."

  He Lingchuan closed his eyes and said in a low voice, "I'm afraid I won't be able to find it in the near future."

  The other party is smothering at the speed of light, he is slightly stunned.

   It took only half an hour for me to interrogate Fu Songhua privately, and the other party took advantage of this time to kill Pi Linhai.

  It is powerful to be able to enlist such an arrogant inspector as Zhong Sunmou to join forces.

   Killing people and killing them in a timely manner is a quick response.

   These opponents are not to be taken lightly.

  Zhong Sunmou folded his arms and laughed at him: "You let us wait for a long time, only to catch such a useless clue?"

  Although Fu Songhua was robbed by this man, the surname He couldn't testify against the real mastermind.

   Not even a suspect.

  From this point alone, our side is already invincible!

  Thinking of this, Zhong Sunmou felt much lighter. But this He Xiao is haunting them like maggots attached to the bones, and sooner or later there will be bad things, so it's better to get rid of them as soon as possible.

  The most important thing is that as long as He Xiao dies, no one will pursue the so-called mastermind behind the scenes.

  The original plan can be carried forward with slight revisions.

   I need to cut through the mess quickly, I can't drag it any longer!

   "What's the hurry, I'm not fighting alone." He Lingchuan said slowly, "The clues will come to you soon."

   "By the way, since the case is reopened, I want to see the evidence collected by Master Zhongsun."

  Zhong Sunmou said simply: "You don't have enough authority." This guy is not even an official, and he only has the false title of temporary special envoy, so how dare he move his mind?

  He Lingchuan was not surprised: "Then I am new here, and I need a few days to collect evidence."

   "You have been in Baishazhen for several days, and you have been traveling around the mountains and rivers. How dare you waste my time now?"

"Oh?" He Lingchuan showed surprise, "So Master Zhongsun pays so much attention to me? Let me put it another way: whether you agree or disagree, Fu Songhua will leave it with me. If you say you don't have time, Just go back to Lingxu City by yourself."

  Are you kidding, this fellow dared to murder Fu Songhua in front of him, if the prisoner entered the county prison, would he still have a way out?

  However the real culprit behind the scenes sent people in to collude with confessions before, it is very likely **** Fu Songhua.

"You!" Zhong Sunmou was furious, and poked him for a long time with his finger in the air, and then smiled angrily: "You are so terrific, I am not afraid that Fushan Yue will not be able to keep you? He is nothing Good thing, if you sell you backhand, you will only die!"

  He scolded the prince of the Chiyan Kingdom, and the county magistrate of Baishahou watched his nose and heart, and dared not say a word.

"Don't bother you." He Lingchuan received a letter from Fu Shanyue, and knew that the Chiyan Congress would support him, at least until the case was resolved, "By the way, by the way, we have gained a lot from staying in Zhitian Township. I caught Mr. Mai's men who were hunting monsters. They provided a lot of clues. In a few days, I will be able to find out the real culprit behind the scenes, and by then..."

  He heheed twice, and without waiting for Zhong Sunmou to respond, he turned and walked out.


  After He Lingchuan left the county government, the tiger followed up from behind, admiringly said: "You are probably the first one who dares to call the inspector of Banlingxu City face to face and tell him to go back. Since the founding of Chiyan, you are probably the first."

   "Who doesn't want to do this?" He Lingchuan smiled and touched the tiger's head, "You don't want to?"

   "I dare not." Jiao Yu said honestly, "It's fun to contradict for a while, but I'm afraid of paying off later."

  He has a family and a business in Chiyan, so he cannot bear the blame of Lingxu City. All the officials of the Chiyan Kingdom are like this, and what everyone fears the most is only two words:

as a result of.

  Can this person in front of him really bear such consequences?

   "Aren't you worried about the fury of Thunder in Spirit Void City?"

  He Lingchuan laughed loudly: "I didn't put a single finger on him, but just criticized a few words, at most it was a disrespectful speech, what crime can Lingxu City punish me for?"

   Cursing, to put it bluntly, is just a dispute of words.

  Although he conspired against Zhongsun, he never beat this person from the beginning to the end. It was a confrontation rather than a collision. The nature is not that bad.

   "Where is Fu Songhua?"

"I left him to assist in handling the case, which is also known as taking a crime and doing meritorious service. In the end, he will be returned to Lingxu City." He Lingchuan squinted at him and said, "I asked Fu Shanyue. Strictly speaking, the inspector of Lingxu City did not arrest him on the spot. The authority of the officials of the Feudal Demon Kingdom, but the Lingxu City notifies the Demon King, and the Demon King will take or defend such a procedure. So even if I detain Fu Songhua, Zhong Sunmou can't immediately accuse me of the crime."

  He is not blindly reckless.

   "Besides, you see Zhong Sunmou's performance today, doesn't he seem to be tricky?"

  Jiao Yu licked his nose: "Not like."

  Fu Songhua suddenly changed his words and retracted his confession. Normal officials would ask about the reasons, but Zhong Sunmou wanted to put the charge on him. The reason is really intriguing.

"Once the truth is found out, if Zhong Sunmou has nothing to do with the person behind the scenes, then Lingxu City can at most blame me for being disrespectful, and Lord Chiyan can help me get rid of this small crime; if Zhong Sunmou is proven to be the real culprit behind the scenes Collusion, then what I did is reasonable and legal, and I have credit. I don’t suffer in both respects, so I’m afraid of him?” The so-called consequences, he had already thought clearly.

   "Uh." Jiao Yu thought for a while, and it seemed to be the case.

  How did it become easier once he disassembled the pros and cons?

  He Lingchuan seemed to see through what he was thinking, and said lightly: "You guys are too much in awe of Lingxu City, even a kid like Zhong Sunmou who has no military achievements can show off his might in front of you, a general."

  Jiao Yu stretched out his sharp claws, and unconsciously scratched a few hook marks on the ground.

  He Lingchuan was not wrong at all. This is the lustful power that has been formed over the years, even a monster as arrogant as it is, subconsciously fears in the face of Lingxu City.

   It's no wonder that the prince wants to rely on an outsider like him.

   One person and one tiger walked more than a hundred feet to the east before it asked He Lingchuan: "Where is this going?"

   "Find some new help." He Lingchuan said with a smile, "I'm not familiar with the place, so it's a bit of a disadvantage."

  The magistrate of Baishayu County looks like a local snake, but he is actually unreliable.

  Just finished fighting Zhong Sunmou, he was in a good mood, and walked the street for a few miles. The shop signs on the main street of Baisha are also big and bright. There are many high-end stores, some of which even pile up solid ice behind the door, or turn on the ice circle to cool down the guests.

  In midsummer and July, the inside of these shops is cool and breezy, not to mention how pleasant it is.

  Of course, the wool comes from sheep, and the prices of the goods in the store are much higher than those in Zhitian Township.

  He Lingchuan also stopped halfway to eat a big bowl of jelly, but Tiger has no love for noodles, so he ordered a whole roast chicken as a snack, and Gaba Gaba made a tooth sacrifice.

   After walking for more than a quarter of an hour, He Lingchuan finally stopped in front of a mansion, and handed a greeting card to the concierge: "Please inform your lord that the prince's special envoy is here."

   This greeting post was not written by him, but was voted to him by the owner of this house earlier.

  The words "special envoy of the prince" are very bluffing.

  So in less than thirty breaths, He Lingchuan stood in the main hall of the house.