MTL - America’s Treasure King-Chapter 17 Antique Bazaar 3

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When my mother saw that there was still a roll of paper, she asked, "Can this poster be sold for money?"

Elaine opened it and said that neither of them had seen it.

After opening it, the first one is the poster of Britney Spears singing, and then flipping back, there are old posters of old stars.

When she turned to the last page, Elaine suddenly exclaimed, "God, what did I see?"

"What did you see?" Li Xiaoshuai asked knowingly.

As if holding a treasure, Elaine carefully picked up the poster and said, "Look, this is the poster of "Roman Holiday", with the hero and heroine Audrey Hepburn on it, and the Gregory-Pike's signature."

"What?" Even the old lady was shocked now.

This movie, but a classic among classics, can be said to be Hepburn's divine work. Old-fashioned people like Mrs. Anne still have a lot of affection for the deceased Hepburn.

Old lady, I looked at this poster again and again, and said that it is a valuable poster. Both the protagonists have passed away. This is a treasure that cannot be copied!

"Great!" Elaine couldn't help but pecked Li Xiaoshuai on the face again.

The old man put on his reading glasses again, held the poster and checked it for a long time. He said that it was an authentic work. He also suggested that Li Xiaoshuai should post an advertisement on the second-hand goods website, and maybe it would sell for three or five thousand dollars.

The old lady changed her tune this time, and told Xia Huifang that Li Xiaoshuai was very suitable for the second-hand business. This morning, just a poster of "Roman Holiday" and a set of coffee pots were worth a month's salary for ordinary people.

She also said: "I hope Li Xiaoshuai can continue on this road!"

On the contrary, Xia Huifang said it was very uncomfortable, and the rebuttal was not, support; she was even more reluctant.

Anyway, the identification of the pen holder will take a while. The two young people also did what they said. Li Xiaoshuai immediately began to take pictures and posted them on a website.

Li Xiaoshuai also sent a short message to "Ancestral Glory" and asked him if he wanted this poster.

When he returned to his post, Li Xiaoshuai was surprised to find that in just a few minutes, the post had already received dozens of replies, mostly praising the poster as a good thing and missing the deceased Goddess Hepburn.

After a while, a man in his 70s came to the store; an old Chinese man with a short head, this old man looked energetic and red-faced.

Gardner said that the old man's surname was Zhao.

This old Mr. Zhao disliked Gardner's inability to explain, so he had to say it in Chinese. His name was Zhao Zhiyun, the owner of a Chinese antique shop not far away, and Gardner was an old friend for many years.

As soon as he was seated, Zhao Zhiyun saw the reddish-brown pen holder on the table and said in English, "A good thing, it is definitely an antique."

Having said that, Li's mother felt even more uncomfortable. Knowing that her son really made a lot of money this time, it was impossible to persuade her son to turn back in the future.

However, it is better to make money than to owe money, and Xia Huifang is still a little happy.

After Zhao Zhiyun checked the pen holder up and down, he added: "This pen holder from the Kangxi Dynasty has a sharp and sophisticated carving and vivid charm. It is a rare treasure. It is worth 20,000 to 25,000 yuan. Thousands of dollars."

Mama Li was a little stupid: "Mr. Zhao, did you read it right?"

"That's right, it's a bamboo carving from the Jiading School in China."

"It was bought for 30 bucks."

"It doesn't matter how much you bought it. Even if Xiao Li picked it up, it's worth twenty-five thousand dollars."

Huh, Li Xiaoshuai's heart is agitated, the pen holder is worth 25,000 yuan, the poster can be sold for at least 2,000 yuan, and the coffee pot also made 1,400 yuan. This morning, he actually earned nearly 30,000 US dollars.

This is the most money he has ever made in his life, and it is also the easiest huge sum of money.

"Oh, I can also contribute to my family." Li Xiaoshuai is like a solo traveler who has overcome thousands of mountains and rivers, but he feels that he will no longer have any difficulties and obstacles in his heart.

Well, it's another step closer to 1 million properties. As long as you take this step often, your goal will soon be reached.

He also felt that this second-hand business was very successful!

The little girlfriend also looked at him with admiration, and said affectionately: "Li, you are so capable, even I have begun to admire you a little bit."

After the appraisal, Li Xiaoshuai said very politely: "Mr. Zhao, I'm sorry to trouble you today, and everyone is here now. Why don't we go to the Hua Restaurant and set up a table, everyone will be happy together."

What he thought was that he would have to trouble the old mage in the future, and it was definitely worthwhile to have a relationship with him now. In addition, I made a lot of money today, and it is very appropriate to spend a few hundred dollars for everyone to have a good meal.

The XC district of Manhattan is a lively place with many Chinese restaurants. The group went directly to a restaurant called Jiangnan Restaurant.

As you can tell from the name, this restaurant specializes in Jiangnan dishes.

As soon as Li's mother entered, she called the store manager and asked him to give him a private room and cook some authentic rabbit dishes. Hurry up!

I want to ask why Li's mother is so rude in this store, because this store is where Li Xiaoshuai's parents worked part-time, and the manager of the hotel is also an old acquaintance of her.

His father cooks cooking and his mother cooks snacks. In order to save money to buy a house, Li's father has worked hard for more than ten or twenty hours for several years, and he was exhausted to death when he was young.

Sad and sad, Mama Li didn't want to continue working in this store anymore, so as not to get emotional, she transferred to Gardner's second-hand store to work.

At the banquet, Gardner tried his best to sing praises for Li Xiaoshuai, saying that he was very eager to learn, a graduate of jewelry design, with a bright mind and strong art skills, and suggested that Zhao Zhiyun should take an apprentice.

"Well, this is very important." Li Xiaoshuai also got up sincerely and asked Teacher Zhao to take him in.

Xia Huifang agrees very much that her son can learn antiques from Zhao Zhiyun's apprenticeship. This business is very mysterious, requires a high degree of knowledge, and can make a lot of money.

Even if she went back to her hometown to tell her relatives, she was very face-saving, and she was very satisfied in her heart.

Zhao Zhiyun said: "You are good, you have art skills and good luck, but I still have to test you. Well, I'm a little busy at this time, when I'm done, come to my shop, I will I'll give you a few books to read first."

"Okay; okay" Li Xiaoshuai nodded hastily.

The two spoke Chinese again. Because Elaine couldn't understand it, she kept swiping with Li Xiaoshuai's cell phone. After they agreed, Elaine immediately showed her cell phone to her boyfriend.

He also said happily: "Look, the signature poster of "Roman Holiday" has a very strong response. In such a short time, there are more than 3,500 replies."

Li's mother also asked: "How much is the price?"

"$1,500" Elaine said happily.

After listening to it, Li's mother felt even more helpless. She also suggested that it should be sold as soon as possible. It was picked up for nothing, and it is better to put it in the bag for safety.

Old man Gardner suggested that he should be patient and wait until tomorrow. Maybe there will be a high price in the evening.

Everyone was very satisfied with the meal.

After the meal, Li's mother also suggested that the young couple go home and take a nap to rest.

Elaine was very happy, and hugged Li's mother and said affectionately, "Thank you, Mommy." Then she dragged Li Xiaoshuai towards the subway.

Gardner also joked with Li Xiaoshuai, asking him to be a real man.

Back at the Oak Tree Community, Elaine deliberately pulled Li Xiaoshuai around in a circle, bypassing her own house, and then transferred to Li's house in the deepest part of the community.

Although it is a residential area, the roads in the area are very quiet, the trees are thick, and the breeze is breezy. Before she got home, Elaine made a drowsy state, saying that she couldn't open her eyes.

This constant hint made the hormones in Li Xiaoshuai's body increase rapidly.

Opening the door, Li Xiaoshuai was still putting the pen holder in place, but Elaine was entangled from behind. Two lumps of soft flesh rubbed and rubbed on Li Xiaoshuai's back, making the $20,000 pen holder in Xiao Li's hand almost fall off.

He said softly like a kitten in his mouth: "My dear, I'm sleepy, should we take a good rest. This time I want to be a female knight!"

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