MTL - America’s Treasure King-Chapter 18 poster shot

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After the battle, Li Xiaoshuai was still smoking a cigarette and closing his eyes. Elaine was still thinking about the poster hanging on the Internet, and urged Li Xiaoshuai to look at the website. What was the auction price of that poster?

Feeling that his body was hollowed out, Li Xiaoshuai shoved his mobile phone into Elaine's hand, "See for yourself."

"Okay." Elaine leaned against the head of the bed and started flipping through the pages with her phone in hand. After a while, she exclaimed, "Great, it's already $2,800."

"Be patient and keep waiting."

In the evening, when Li's mother, Xia Huifang, came back from get off work, she saw that Elaine's face was full of radiance, she smiled at her, rolled up her sleeves and started to work.

Stew soup; cook; stir-fry; fry steak, busy and happy.

At night, Elaine, who had been thinking about the auction bid, began to urge Li Xiaoshuai to open the website to see what the price was now.

Clicking on the website and opening his own post, Li Xiaoshuai saw that the number of replies under his post had reached more than 3,000, and most of the replies were praising the owner of this poster for being very well preserved and a rare masterpiece.

Others lamented that they had no money in their pockets and missed out on this wonderful collection.

Li Xiaoshuai suddenly thought of "Ancestral Glory" and asked Elaine to see if there was any shortcoming.

The result is really there.

Standing short, "Ancestral Glory" said that this precious poster should not be hung on the Internet anymore. He is willing to pay 3,500 US dollars to buy it. We will meet at the last Italian restaurant at 12 noon tomorrow, and he will invite him to eat steak.

Li Xiaoshuai replied "OK.

Bai picked up $3,500, and Elaine's spirit came again. She also suggested: "The poster is going to be sold, why don't we celebrate it."

After saying that, he got into Li Xiaoshuai's arms and acted coquettishly, and stirred up Li Xiaoshuai's desire to fight.

And so; a war that shakes the earth and the mountains begins again. . . . . .

Anyway, Li Xiaoshuai later felt that he had been hollowed out so badly that all his energy was drained.

Well, except for the movement of the eyes, the other hands and feet can't feel anything.

At noon the next day, Li Xiaoshuai carefully put the poster of "Roman Holiday" in a painting bucket and put it on his back, then rushed to an Italian restaurant in the middle of Wall Street and found a window seat to wait.

After a while, a Bentley car that Li Xiaoshuai had seen stopped outside the store, and it was "Ancestral Glory" who got off the car.

When he arrived at the store, he saw Li Xiaoshuai and glanced at the painting bucket behind him, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Li, you are a lucky person. You can pick up such precious posters. Even I envy your good luck."

The waiter of the restaurant came up, Morgan ordered red wine, steak, etc., and chatted with Li Xiaoshuai.

"Li, how did you get the poster?" "Ancestral Glory" was very curious about this.

Li Xiaoshuai said in his heart that an opportunity like mine is not something that an ordinary person can get, and even if I tell you, there is no way to copy it.

When Li Xiaoshuai finished the whole process, "Ancestral Glory" became more and more amazed, and said, "It is unbelievable that you can pick up such a treasure worth $3,500 without paying a cent."

Li Xiaoshuai also tentatively said, did you want to lower the price when you heard that I even picked up this poster for nothing?

"There's no such thing. The purpose of our family's life is to be honest, and we will never go back on a good price."

Li Xiaoshuai secretly thought, this person is worth befriending.

"Ancestral Glory" handed Li Xiaoshuai a business card with Stephen-Morgan written in the name column, and he knew at that time that he wanted to make his screen name "Ancestral Glory".

Li Xiaoshuai: "Excuse me, are you a descendant of the Morgan family?"

"Yes, it's just a descendant of incompetence." Morgan's face was ashamed when he said this. "Attention, please call me Stephen instead of Morgan in the future, you know."

"Okay, Stephen."

In order to divert the topic, Li Xiaoshuai readily took the poster out of the painting bucket and showed it to Stephen.

Stephen saw that this 50-year-old poster was in good condition except that it was old and the pictures were a little outdated.

In the picture, the male and female protagonists Parker and Hepburn are sitting on a small motorcycle one after the other, Parker is driving in front, Hepburn is sitting in the back, smiling, wrapping his arms around Parker's waist, his chin resting on Parker's shoulders, the background It's the Colosseum.

At the top of the promotional photo, the name of the movie "Roman Holiday" is written

Beginning with Parker's chest, followed by Gregory - Parker and Hepburn, signed in bold strokes.

The poster is not small, and this movie is a classic. It can be said that no one knows it. When customers come and go see the poster in Stephen's hand, they all stop to browse and praise it.

Later, it attracted everyone in the restaurant to gather around to see the strangeness.

There are those who love it very much, and the good-natured hope that Stephen can transfer, and said that he is willing to pay a high price. Some people even said that their mother was a fan of Hepburn, and she begged so hard that the poster could be transferred to him.

Of course, they were all rejected, and Stephen Baba rushed over because of this signed poster. UU reading www.uukanshu. com

Li Xiaoshuai, who was on the side, was extremely satisfied when he saw it, and his sense of accomplishment was overwhelming.

Stephen put away the poster, took out his wallet and counted 35 $100 bills for Li Xiaoshuai, and said, "This is the most cost-effective collection I have acquired in recent years, and it is worth the money!"

When Li Xiaoshuai put away the money, Stephen also laughed and said, Li; I know very well why you want cash today. If you found a collection worth hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars that day, you would let others How to prepare cash for you?

Li Xiaoshuai said, um; this is a big problem. I have the ability of clairvoyance, and sooner or later I may pick up valuable things. At this time, it would be too troublesome to trade with cash.

"Stephen, I have no experience in tax avoidance. Please give me an idea."

"Li, you can open an offshore tax avoidance account."

Seeing that Li Xiaoshuai was still a little confused, Stephen took out a bank card from his wallet, "For example, the bank card of the Bank of Luxembourg in my hand is very good. The transfer of funds is all overseas, and the Federal Taxation Office has no way to check."

Li Xiaoshuai was very satisfied that he could still do this. He also asked if there was a branch of this bank in New York.

"Yes." Stephen saw Li Xiaoshuai eager to try, and gave him the address of the bank, and said that the business manager of the bank was an acquaintance of his, and he would know his name when he knew it.

"Absolutely trustworthy!"

Before going back, Li Xiaoshuai also sent a message to Elaine who was concerned about the matter, telling her that the poster had been shot, and the call back was "I'm very sorry, I can't celebrate with you anymore."

While driving, Li Xiaoshuai was still thinking, 3500 for a poster and 25000 for a pen holder, I am getting closer and closer to my goal!