MTL - Applaud for Happiness-Chapter 19 Applause for the Iceberg II

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When Shen Qi saw the wheelchair, he guessed who the person was, Lu Xiao, the young master in the mouth of Uncle.

The effort of a dinner was enough for him to collect a lot of information about Lu Yan from his servants. Thanks to his appearance and performance, the aunts of the helpers liked him very much, although they did n’t say it very clearly, but Inside and outside the story, he also revealed a lot of news from the host family to mention him.

The emphasis of this point is on Lu Yan.

Shen Qi summarized about three points.

First, the young master's temper is cold, or even a little cloudy, it is best to go around. Second, if you see it, don't look at the young master's wheelchair, including legs. Third, don't join the conflict between the master and the young master. See Pretending not to see it.

If Shen Qi doesn't know the ins and outs, he will definitely be frightened. At least in his heart, Lu Yan's image won't go well. Absolutely, stay away.

Just like now, Shen Aqi is excited. He pulls off the earphones to stand up, but he is too panicky, he slumps under his feet, the small bench slips backwards, and he sits on the ground with a shudder, and breaks a knot. Sturdy.

"Little, little master, hiss—"

Shen Qi covered her buttocks, and the tears that just hadn't finished falling again, and the whole painful face wrinkled into a ball, but because of Lu Yan's presence, she couldn't care about the pain, and scrambled up from the ground, thinking of the servants. Caution, speaking unfavorably: "Sorry, sorry ... I, I didn't mean it ..."

After it's over, shouldn't the young master think he was scared and frightened by him, and tears, if the misunderstanding is sympathy or compassion, it's even worse.

Quickly explained: "I'm not crying because of you, no, no, I mean, I mean, I'm watching a movie, the heroine is dead, but it's miserable, I just cried, really, don't believe it!"

Talking at the screen of the phone to Lu Yan.

Lu Yan's gaze paused for a second on his red and wet eyes, and said lightly, "Are you a grandson of your uncle?"

"Yes." Shen Qi nodded quickly. "It is my nephew. My name is Shen Qi, and the master calls me A Qi."

"Um." Lu Yan said with a faint response, his eyes faint. "Since you haven't slept, make a late night delivery to my room."

The tone was not as cold as Shen Qi thought, and he was relieved and laughed: "Okay!"

The clean and handsome young man was still red with his eyes clear. This show a bit of tears and laughter, as if the flowers blooming out of dew were shaking.

Lu Yan glanced for two seconds before steering the wheelchair and leaving.

Shen Qi felt that the young master was not as difficult as the mother Chen said, although looking at the cold point, but with all kinds of personalities, some people are born serious.

He quickly heated the remaining dishes back to the pan and heated it. The rice was kept warm in the rice cooker. He simply made three dishes and one soup. After thinking about it, he smashed another egg. The rice was only served for a small amount. Bowl, it's evening after all.

Lu Yan's room was on the first floor, bypassing the end of the staircase corridor, Shen Qi supported the tray with one hand and knocked gently with one hand.

"Go in." There was a sound inside.

Shen Qi pushed the door tentatively, and it was unlocked. He pushed away lightly and walked in.

The Lujia villa is an old mansion. The decoration style is more antiquity, and Lu's room is no exception. A small living room enters into the room. A set of mahogany sofa tables and chairs are spread out. The opposite side of the sofa is a mahogany partition wall. The rhombus is faintly visible from the bedroom behind.

Shen Qi glanced around quickly, without seeing Lu Ying's figure, and called subconsciously: "Little master?"

There was a loud noise in the bedroom. Lu Yan, who had changed his pajamas, controlled the wheelchair. He had just taken a shower, his hair was still wet, and he spread out randomly. He looked younger than he used to fix it with hair spray. The chill around the body also eased a lot.

"Just put it on the table."

Passing by Shen Qi, accompanied by the fragrance of the shower gel, a strong male hormone was emitted. Shen Aqi's gender male loves men. Due to the environment, he dare not speak to outsiders, and has not even been in love until now. He had a broken leg, but he couldn't hold his face well, and he had momentum, and the breath that made him feel a little uncomfortable.

Speech became stammered: "Okay, okay, young master is slow, slow to use ..."

Lu Yan glanced at him: "Okay, you go to rest, you don't need to pack your chopsticks."

"Yes." Shen Qi responded quickly, turned around and took a few steps, suddenly thought of something, turned around, and looked at Lu Lu, quickly, "that, I want to say, wet hair is not good, do not wipe I will catch a cold. "After being annoyed, I felt that I was nosy, and did not care what the young master would do, and quickly opened the door and walked out.

After this episode, Shen Qi was considered to have met the three masters of the Lu family. The next morning, Father Lu specially called him to the living room and introduced him to Shen Qi and Lu Yan. Shen Qi also saw what everyone said. The stiff relationship between Lu Yan and Father Lu, his grandson and grandson face each other coldly, one expressionless, the conversation dry and nutritious, might as well be with Shen Qi.

Most of the months afterwards, Shen Qiye worked hard to prepare every meal, and the rest of the time was used to accompany Uncle Shen and Father Lu, and their favorability rose straight.

Lu Yan seemed very busy, either coming out early and returning late, or simply not returning for a few days, Shen Qi basically had no chance to get along with him alone. Even if he got along, it was just a meal at night.

However, after more than half a month, the relationship between Shen Qi and Lu Jun has become better and better.

This weekend, Lu Jun asked Shen Qi to play tennis together in the back yard. During the intermission, Shen Qi's cell phone rang a strange alert tone. He hurriedly picked it up. He just hurried downstairs and forgot to adjust it. Into silent mode.

The strange reminder sound comes from a software message reminder, which is different from other software. It is its proprietary prompt sound. Shen Qi hurriedly pressed it because this is a same-sex dating software, which is similar to WeChat, but the users above All the same.

He prayed that Lu Jun didn't know anything, but raised his eyes to look at her expression, and suddenly turned pale: "I ... this ..."

Seeing this, Lu Jun quickly calmed him: "Don't get me wrong, I don't mean anything else, this is normal, just different inclination. Several friends around me are the same, now is not the old time, everyone is very open-minded, You don't have to be so nervous. "

Shen Qi breathed a sigh of relief when he heard the words: "Thank you."

"Ahhhh, don't I have another g honey." Lu Jun smiled wistfully and was very angry. "Do you have a boyfriend? If not, I can introduce it for you."

Shen Qichi smiled, and was a little shy: "No."

Lu Jun blinked, glanced at his mobile phone, and said happily: "I know this app, and I have a friend who likes to play this for appointments-cough, sorry, I didn't mean it ..."

Shen Qi shook his head. Lu Jun was right. This software is indeed used by most people to make appointments. There are few who really look for the other half. He simply opened it to Lu Jun and said, "In fact, I have a favorite Man, he is using this software, so I want to see him more through this ... "

Lu Jun came over to take a look. The picture was a handsome man with peach eyes: "It's not bad, how far have you developed? Would you like me to help?"

Shen Qi shook his head, his expression a little darkened: "Actually, I was just secretly secretly secret. He didn't know that he was an alumnus when I was in high school. Now I am studying at a famous foreign school. It is impossible for me to talk to him, and he already has a boyfriend. . "

He swipes his finger and draws a photo. The handsome guy with peach eyes hugs a handsome boy from behind. They are very loving.

Lu Jun shook his lips: "What happened to the famous school, I think you look much better than his boyfriend, look better than him, cook, and have a good character. He missed you is his loss. Do n’t worry about it. I'll introduce a few handsome guys to you here, and I'm guaranteed to be better than this David. "

The name under the head of Peach Blossom Eyes is David.

Shen Qi was a bit shy and embarrassed, and hesitated. He shook his head: "Thank you, let's forget it. I haven't let go of him. If it is unfair to others to contact others, give me some time. , When I really do n’t like him anymore, I'll know someone else. "

Lu Jun looked at him carefully, and seemed to be sure that what he said was true and false, his eyes flashed, and he stood up suddenly: "Wait for me, I have something to ask for your help."

Waiting for Shen Qi to answer, he almost ran into the house.

Lu Jun ran all the way to Lu Yan's room, rushed in and found Lu Yan directly: "Hurry up, brother, lend me a mobile phone, I accidentally broke it."

Speaking of a lie without blinking, "Really, hurry up, I'm in a hurry to return the message to others!"

Lu Yan looked at the computer without raising his head. He nodded his chin and motioned for it.

Lu Jun took the phone. Regardless of the three or seventy-one, he grabbed Lu's hand to unlock it with his fingerprints, then quickly flashed towards the door, flashing: "Ten minutes, I promise to get it back for you in ten minutes!"

Lu Yan frowned, and returned to his computer.

Here Shen Qi watched Lu Junfeng running wildly and ran back again and again. After sitting down, he didn't even breathe, and motioned him to take out his mobile phone: "Huh ... I, Huh ... I have a friend, he is also the same, He was deceived by his ex-boyfriend, and he hasn't come out yet. Can you help me persuade him, I don't mean to draw you a red line or something, just thinking that you are all frustrated in love, can understand each other's thoughts, and comfort each other Even if it does n’t work, it ’s okay to make friends, how about it? ”

Shen Qi hesitated.

Lu Jun glanced at the phone she had seized, and the dating software was already installed. She pretended to have a WeChat account with her and quickly registered an account: "You don't know, his ex-boyfriend is broken, and approached him intentionally." , Wait for my friend to like him, and dump him again, and he almost lost his life, let me ask you to help me, please? "

"I've sent your account and he will add you."

Before the words fell, Shen Qi's mobile phone sounded a unique alert tone. He panicked, and sincerely looked at Shang Lujun, he had to click to pass the verification.

After I clicked, I glanced subconsciously, wondering: "This seems like a new account ..."

The account number is a string of numbers, not even an avatar. Look at the registration date again today?

Lu Jun resolutely said: "Yeah, I just called him to register. My friend has always been clean and he has been deceived by his ex-boyfriend. He hasn't talked about love for years. If I didn't mention it, he wouldn't know it. Software, but rest assured, I have already told him that he will not uninstall it. As for the avatar name, you wait, I'll go tell him and it will be all right. "

After that, he ran away again and again.

Shen Qi stared at the new account in the friends column, squinted, and then quickly, the account had a name: samuel, and a little bit, saw the head, is a hand, shapely and slender, clear-boned, strong and thin, The background seems to be a desk in dark wood, with fingers shining white.

The author has something to say: Shen Qi: You have a white moonlight, and I have a cinnabar mole, which is tied.

Next, I would like to learn with Shen Qi how to use a mobile phone to play Han.