MTL - Applaud for Happiness-Chapter 20 Applauding for the Iceberg III

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Shen Qi did not expect that Lu Jun would be so powerful. This incident was completely beyond his expectation. He originally only wanted to let Lu Jun know his sexuality through this software. Then slowly brush the goodwill between her and Father Lu, maybe there will be an idea to make him and Lu Yan together,

Even without this idea, for the future happiness of Lu Yan, he has to get along with the Lu family.

However, I never expected that Lu Jun would come here.

He was shocked and happy.

However, through her mouth, Shen Qi learned inside information again. It turned out that Lu Ye had already known Bai Yueguang's true face. With Lu Jun's temperament, even if Lu Ye was concealed from the beginning, even Master Lu also pulled If you do n’t say anything, Lu Jun ca n’t help but say it, so Lu Ye definitely knows it.

Besides, after so many years, he didn't investigate it at all if he didn't believe it. After all, the accident that year almost killed him.

The difficulty of this strategy has been reduced by half in an instant, and the plan set before must be recalculated.

Lu Yan's happiness is higher than Jiang Changzheng at the beginning, thirty-three, think about it, even if he is not close to his father and grandfather, he has a sister.

I don't know how Lu Jun told Lu Yan. He didn't delete the software. Shen Qi hesitated. After several urgings from Lu Jun, he finally made a hello.

After a while, come back over there.



Ok! !!

Shen Qi: ...

Terminator, how do you talk about this? !!

Fortunately, Shen Aqi has an unknown characteristic: stuffy, unable to say something to an unfamiliar person or face to face, but I can't see people across the screen across the network. Once released, there is nothing to worry about. .

Of course, he still can't let go now, after all, he was stopped by a hello.

Lu Jun looked up at the sky after watching it, and had no choice but to continue blindly: "My friend is more introverted, otherwise you would not be in love for so many years because of a former boyfriend who betrayed him. He was injured. Foreigners are a bit wary, you talk to him more, even if he does n’t return to you, you can just say it, keep a diary, okay? I ’ll tell you the truth, I ’m worried about my friend ’s depression, you say this I can't think of it ... Aqi, Qiqi, count on me to owe you a favor. "

"Don't say that ..." Shen Qi waved his hands quickly, no matter how good Lu Jun and his boss were, the boss was the boss, and even worse was the master, "You can rest assured that I will persuade him."

Shen Qi was stunned by Lu Jun, and had a pity factor for the same disease. He really took this matter to heart and began to figure out how to persuade the poor Samuel.

This pondering came to the evening, because it was the weekend, Lu Yan was at home, so he did n’t have to wait for him overnight. He did n’t need to worry about Shen Qi to wash dishes and dishes. The Internet: How to Comfort a Broken Man.

Then he took a look at the chicken soup, and saw that he himself was coming out of the failed crush, and then he took the mobile phone and sent a message in the past.

Da Shen: Hello, Lu Jun said that you are her friend. Let us know, I do n’t know who you are and you do n’t know who I am. You can treat me as an ordinary netizen or chatter, how? ?

Shen and Tong Shen, he did not dare to rashly expose his true identity on social software. He used huayin, and besides, Da Shen listened to him like a big cock.

Shen Qi thought about it. People interact with each other in a word of sincerity. Although they don't know each other's identity, he can't deceive each other. Simply explain it in the future and save the other person from thinking about it, let alone he is right now The other party had no other thoughts.

The news went out. After waiting about ten minutes, the reply was long overdue.

Samuel: Oh.


Oh! !!

Shen Qihao risked his cell phone.

Terminator, Terminator.

What do you mean? Do you agree or disagree? !! Did not forget to put a full stop is really rigorous, huh, huh.

Shen Qi felt that if it wasn't for Lu Yan's face, his character would be unpleasant.

Taking a deep breath calmed down, moving his thumb back.

Da Shen: Then I promised you, I hope to get along well in the future, you can talk to me if you are happy or unhappy. o (∩_∩) o ~

This time did not let him wait too long, and a reply popped up quickly.

Samuel: Yeah.

Shen Qi breathed a sigh of relief, as long as he didn't object. He was really afraid that Lu Yan would reject it directly. Although he didn't know why he didn't reject it, as long as he didn't object, the rest was easy to say.

Then Shen Qi began a persevering embarrassing chat journey.

For half a month, he was basically talking about everything from early weather outside the window to the newly blossoming flowers in the garden to the recent hot TV series. With 120,000 enthusiasm, he tells the other, openly and secretly, how beautiful the world is, how wonderful life is, there is true love everywhere, and how much truth, goodness, and beauty in the world.

Shen Qi typed word by word, and his conscious soul was sublimated.

Lu Yan finally changed his word, from one word "um" and "oh" to two words, "good" and "very good."

Shen Qi: A long way to go.

But no matter what, the two finally had an intersection. Unlike reality, Lu Yan came and went in a hurry, almost never seeing each other a few times.

This time, the excitement of the topic terminator was so embarrassing to chat, so that night, he decided to press.

Shen Qi can't eat spicy food, but it doesn't mean he doesn't like it. On the contrary, he likes spicy food very much, but somehow, taste buds can't accept it too spicy.

Lu Yan is hot.

This point is very similar to Jiang Changzheng. The two even like the food that they like and dislike. Shen Qi thinks of Jiang Changzheng, but he feels softer to Lu Yan.

So Shen Qi waited for everyone to fall asleep, and at about twelve, he went to the kitchen and made a large bowl of spicy fragrant pot.

Add the oil, sauté the pepper, star anise, fragrant buckle, and cinnamon to a small fire. Then add the dried red peppers, shallots, and **** slices. When the oil turns yellow, remove the seasonings and throw them away. Stir-fry the red oil with bean paste. Then, put another bell pepper to fry and fish to the side.

Then put down all the vegetables prepared in advance, lotus root, cauliflower, potatoes, enoki mushrooms, shiitake mushrooms, cabbage, etc. Shen Qi also added a lot of shrimp.

Add the seasonings in order, stir fry, add the bell peppers fried beforehand, and sprinkle a small handful of coriander at the end.

The steaming scent was tangy. Shen Qi directly connected the pot to the liquid counter in the middle of the kitchen. Then he took out his mobile phone and took a small 360-degree gIF to send Lu Yan over.

Da Shen: Suddenly want to eat something spicy, how do I make it? o (∩_∩) o ~

For half a month, he has taken Samuel as a friend in his heart, and his tone of speech has become more and more familiar and casual, and he is no longer as restrained as he was at the beginning.

After sending the message, I brought the stool over and took the small bowl to eat.

There was a pause there, sending two words: yes.

Shen Qi laughed, so the next week, he went to the newspaper every night, put on poison every night, and focused on the time before landing, from spicy fragrant pot to pickled vegetables to boiled meat to hot pot. He almost got angry. Fortunately, there are still many small pills for digestion and clearing fire in the system warehouse. They are produced by Xiuxian World. One of them works and has no side effects.

Finally, on this day, he took a small video screen and sent it to the prepared spicy incense pan. He was holding a small bowl and was ready to eat. There was a click and the kitchen door was pushed open.

"Little, little master ..."

Shen Qi shook his hand, and the bowl in his hand almost fell. He ate it late at night.

Lu Yan looked expressionless, glanced over the steaming pot on the counter.

Shen Qi was anxious. He specially closed the kitchen door to eat. The spicy fragrant pot tasted great, but he was afraid that the smell would leak out. Lu Yan blocked the door, and the taste was miserable when it was leaked out, although it was already discovered.

Suddenly he came to Jizhi, grabbed a wheelchair and pulled in Lu Yan, and then quickly closed the door. The speed was staggering.

Isolated the outside world, the space became narrow for a moment, and in order to close the door for convenience, he still leaned on the wheelchair with one hand, bowed his head, his eyes were opposite, only separated by a half-arm distance.

Lu Jun ’s handsome face suddenly enlarged in front of her eyes, Shen Qi shook his head, and then immediately stepped back, and quickly explained: “I ’m sorry, I just worry about the smell spreading out. I did n’t deliberately eat it. I and I tend to be hungry at night ... ... "

He was not afraid of the young master, after all, Father Lu did not complain about Lu Yan in front of him. He even told him about his mischievous climbing tree and breaking his leg when he was a kid. Shame.

"Um." Lu Yan looked paralyzed and couldn't see any emotions. He glanced at the liquid counter behind Shen Qi, manipulated the wheelchair, and took the bowl and chopsticks that he had placed next to him. "Is there any rice?" Uncomfortable.

Shen Qiyi shook his head and shook his head: "No, it should not be eaten too much at night."

Lu Yan took a piece of lotus root and ate it. His movements to eat were very gentle. He didn't even have the sound of collision of tableware. At first glance, he grew up well. After eating this lotus root slowly, he clicked the stool next to him. Take a pair of tableware and sit. "

What does it mean to eat together?

Shen Qi blinked, took the vice-cups again, pulled the stool aside, and placed the pot at the corner of the counter. One person occupied the side, with a sharp corner across, so as not to be so tied.

At first Shen Qi was still a little uncomfortable. He had to take a look at Lu Yan first when chopsticks were stretched out, picking up the dishes on his own side and letting them go when he had eaten.

He was not able to eat spicy food, and his spicy eye circles became red soon. His forehead was sweating and his nose turned red, as if he had cried once. Looking at Lu Yan again, he was calm and his face was not red.

It's not fair.

Shen Qi could not help but let go of his mouth, and his tongue was numb in the next second. He quickly picked up the warm water prepared earlier, and grumbled and filled a large cup.

Lu Yan glanced at him, wiped his mouth with a tissue, and said coldly: "Can't eat spicy?"

Shen Qi poured a large glass of water, and the taste in his mouth slowed down. He held the glass and said, "Well, I can't eat it very much, but I like it very much. It doesn't matter if I eat it once in a while."

"Occasionally?" Lu Yan raised an eyebrow, remembering the pictures on the phone, where was this occasional.

"Yeah ..." Shen Qi laughed silly, of course, he couldn't admit that he was eating every night! Must be occasional!

Lu Yan's raised eyebrows dropped, and he gave a rude remark.

Shen Qi felt keenly that his mood had gone cold, and he licked his lips a little at a loss. His slightly swollen lips became a little red because of spicy food.

"In fact, it is not an occasional ..." He carefully confessed his expression, and honestly confessed, "Also connected with three, five, no seven, well, today is the ninth day."

"I'm sorry." He confessed wrongly. "But I didn't hinder others after everyone fell asleep. I also bought these ingredients at the supermarket myself." He spent his own money!

Lu Yan was still paralyzed, but Shen Qi could feel that his mood had eased a lot, and a thought passed quickly in his heart.

Lu Yan does not like others to lie to him!

He threw the paper towel into the trash can with a faint look: "In that case, don't worry about it."


Shen Qi was stunned, but saw that he turned on the remote control of the wheelchair, and the wheelchair turned lightly to the kitchen door.

"Wait a minute!" He stood up sharply, turned and pulled out a small bottle from the kitchenware bag he carried with him, strode to Lu Yan, poured out a small round pill, spread it out to him, "this Here you are, it ’s very useful to consume food, but it ’s an exclusive recipe for my family! "

Seeing Lu Ye hesitated, he was a little anxious, thinking he didn't believe it, he just raised his hand and ate it, ambiguously said, "Really, I have eaten so many days without any irritability and it depends on it. Do n’t believe it!

He swallowed the small pills directly, leaned over to Lu Yan, opened his mouth, and held out the tip of his red tongue to show him.

Lu Yan glanced for two seconds, moving away without a trace.

Shen Qi thought he was unbelieving, and he was rejected with good intentions. Despite his efforts to maintain calm, his eyes were inevitably disappointed.

Lu Yan looked in his eyes, and somehow he couldn't bear it. He reached out his hand and motioned to give him a shot.

Shen Qi smiled and poured another one for him.

Lu Yan put it in his mouth in front of his face. There was no bitterness, but there was a faint fragrance, which seemed to be the smell of herbs.

Shen Qi was even happier, with a smile on his face: "Little Master goes to bed early, good night."

He happened to be standing under the wall lamp at the door. The more beautiful the beauty looked under the so-called lamp, the light spread from behind him. The whole man was shrouded in a layer of soft light, with a slight smile on his face. The warmth and timelessness after seeing Qian Shanshui.

There was a ripple in Lu Yan's heart.

The author has something to say: Jiang Changzheng: I am a cinnabar mole!