MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 16 wait for work

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Although not every high priest is hand-picked by Elune, but as a prerequisite for selection, regardless of personal strength, their devotion to the Moon God is definitely in the forefront of the world.

It has been hundreds of years since Dijana took over the position of High Priest of the Sisterhood. She has witnessed Queen Azshara personally overseeing the construction of Lasarlaza, the seat of the sky, a large temple city in order to show respect to Elune.

But at the same time, she also witnessed the Queen opening a portal to the Twisting Nether through the Well of Eternity, leading the demons of the Burning Legion into the peaceful Azeroth.

Dijana is very clear about her personality flaws. As the representative of the goddess with the highest authority in the material world in peacetime, her style tends to be conservative. To put it bluntly, she is indecisive.

As the High Priest of Elune, if she had firmly opposed Queen Azshara's opening of the portal, even the Queen known as the Light of Light would not be able to completely ignore her opinion.

Although Dijana blamed herself countless times in the dead of night after the Burning Legion revealed her true colors, what had happened was ultimately irreversible.

In recent years, the voice of Maiev taking over as High Priest has grown louder in private discussions among members of the Sisterhood.

Dijana was well aware of this, and she even took the initiative to cooperate and specially arranged for Maiev to perform some tasks that would help expand her network and increase her reputation.

However, a sudden oracle from Elune several years ago put her in a dilemma.

The successor cultivated by himself was not selected by Elune, but an unknown country priest who was appointed by the goddess as the next high priest.

Although Dijana has gradually promoted the priesthood of the goddess' family member without a trace in the past few years, her reputation and current personal ability are still far behind Maiev.

The complex thoughts in his mind disappeared in a flash, and a light blue transparent aura formed around the body of the High Priest Dijana, who was urging the artifact with all her strength, and pushed Shandris who was closest to her outward with gentle force.

The dark woods in the middle of the night were illuminated by the gentle and hazy light like the moonlight. Tichondrius, who was lazily drooping his eyelids, twitched his brows when he felt this soft but powerful force, and immediately turned his attention to the grove.

At this time, Di Jiana was suspended in the midair under the power of the artifact gem, and as she raised her hands, countless silver-white "stars" appeared in the midair.

These shimmering stars seemed to have precise guidance capabilities, and they fell in pieces on the heads of all the demons within a few kilometers.

"Feel the power of Elune! The prayer of the Moon Goddess!"


Seeing this spectacular scene, Andrea couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth in amazement.

Although there is an insurmountable gap between the paper man on the screen and watching the real live broadcast, but if Andrea remembers correctly, the wide-area spell used by the High Priest of Dijana has a higher level among the players of Warcraft. popular name.

Luna rail gun, and it is an enhanced version.

Countless "meteors" of pure energy fell from the sky like dumplings, and green smoke rose from the bodies of the demons that were hit, as if they had been burned by high temperature.

The demon guards screamed and raised the huge weapons in their hands and waved them in the air, trying to reduce their chances of being attacked.

Andrea was quite surprised by this situation. In his impression, the Luna Railgun seemed to be a super-wide-range magic of the Arcane Department.

But judging from the demon's reaction after being hit, this kind of energy meteor shining with a faint silver light like moonlight does not seem to be what he thought, but some kind of power that restrains the demon.

Recalling some of the clues he had gained from communicating with Elune before, a flash of inspiration flashed in Andrea's mind, "The power of light?"

Although the silver energy commonly used by priests of this sisterhood is quite different from the golden holy light in Andrea's impression, but from another perspective, who stipulated that the power of light can only be manifested in the form of golden holy light?


Andrea twirled the beard on his chin thoughtfully, and he had new guesses about Elune's authority and form of power.

The true **** named "Moon God" by the night elves may not be as simple as players think.

After being officially rejected the possibility of being the star soul of Azeroth, the existence of Elune is still confusing even in the latest version 8.0.

"Is it the light and shadow of twins in one body? If you combine the inside story revealed by the Heart of Light mission in version 7.0, could it be..."

Although he really wanted to continue to investigate further, it was obviously not the right time, and Andrea quickly regained consciousness amidst Maiev's shouts.

All the demons within sight were smashed to the ground by the falling meteors, and the originally neat formation and high-intensity range attacks suddenly became scattered.

Tichondrius propped up a miserable green protective barrier to block most of the energy meteors attacking him, but he didn't seem to have any intention of helping the soldiers under his command.

Maiev took the opportunity to lead the troops under his command to break through the defense line. Under the rapid gallop of the night saber, the battle priest troops finally broke into the grove where the high priest was and joined the large troops.

Dijana's continuous casting of spells in just a few minutes reduced the number of demon guards led by Tichondrius by 60%, and the remaining demons were all wounded, and the overall combat effectiveness was seriously affected.

However, this foul-like large-scale spell is not without cost. Dijana's face was very pale when she finished casting the spell. If Shandris hadn't supported her with quick eyesight and hands, the high priest, who had flabbergasted footsteps after landing, might have fallen to the ground directly.

When Andrea saw the dark blue rhombus gemstone hanging on Dijana's chest, his eyes narrowed unconsciously.

‘That pendant, could it be the Tears of Elune? '

Tears of Elune, UU Reading www. is known as one of the powerful artifacts of the Pillar of Creation. Because of too few manifestations, the effect is still unknown.

However, since it can be juxtaposed with the god-defying artifacts left by the Titans, such as the Gorganes Tidal Stone, the Shield of Aggramar, the Hammer of Kazgros and the Eye of Aman'Thul, Andrea believes that this seemingly A humble gem must also have a very powerful ability.

With the help of the increase in the power of the artifact, Dijana used a super-wide-range magic that exceeded her own ability limit. At this time, the high priest who could barely stand relying on Shandris' support seemed very weak.

After taking a breath, Dijana raised her head and looked at Maiev with difficulty, "Maiev... take the sisters to evacuate immediately before the demons can catch their breath, don't hesitate..."

Before the second half of the sentence was finished, the high priest fainted amidst the exclamation of the surrounding priests of the Sisterhood.

The corner of Andrea's eyes still hadn't left Tichondrius in the distance, and he solemnly reminded the members of the sisterhood who were in a mess at the scene, "The high priest is right, we are not completely out of danger yet, hurry up... "

Under Andrea's gaze, the corner of Tichondrius's mouth suddenly curled into a hideous arc.


The leader of the Dread Demon King turned into countless little bats again, and rushed over the grove where Andrea and the others were hiding in the blink of an eye.

"Hehe~ Sure enough, as Lord Kil'jaeden expected, this irrational fanaticism of belief will cause great obstacles to the Legion's capture of Azeroth, and you can't let your group of magic sticks reach the front line to boost the morale of the rebel army. "

Putting his hands together, Tichondrius spewed a large dark green light wave towards the group of priests below. There were also a large number of disgusting black bugs mixed in the light. The High Priest Dijana, who he judged to be the greatest threat, was at the center of the impact. center.

"Rotten bug swarm!"