MTL - Azeroth Shadow of the Moon-Chapter 17 accidental disagreement

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"Don't think about it!"

Maiev, who reacted the fastest, yelled at the big bat that threw the moon wheel infused with the power of moonlight into the air, trying to force Tichondrius to dodge.

At the same time, she loudly ordered to the nearby priests, "Combined defensive spells, Moon God Realm!"

"Yes Yes!"

Although the answers were mixed, the battle priests who took the lead in casting spells set an example, and the members of the sisterhood who reacted slowly joined in the reinforcement of defensive spells one after another.

When Maiev's moon was fanned by Tichondrius's wings, a translucent shield enveloped all the priests, narrowly blocking Tichondrius' attack.

The fragile defensive barrier was crumbling under the bite of countless ferocious insects from other worlds. It was not until a large number of priests contributed their strength to the barrier reinforcement that the defensive barrier known as the Luna Domain gradually became more stable and solidified.

However, defense alone could not get everyone present out of the immediate crisis. Although Dijana's range attack had severely injured the enemy before, with the strength of the demon's body, it was only a matter of time before he recovered.

Moreover, most of the hard-bodied fel structures — Hellfire survived the wave of Luna railguns just now, and they are still slowly approaching the grove.

Seeing that the sneak attack was unsuccessful, Tichondrius did not choose to confront the Moon God Realm head-on, but wandered outside the barrier very cunningly.

As long as Maiev and the others made the intention to evacuate, he immediately responded in advance, wandering around and harassing near the direction where the battle priest was about to evacuate.

After repeated attempts to no avail, Maiev looked anxious and annoyed at the approaching Hellfire and the regrouped demon guards.

"Damn it! This guy clearly intends to delay time!"

With the looming crisis, Andrea tries to stay calm.

He still didn't give up hope of escape, and quietly hid behind the priest team and scanned around the battlefield.

‘If the Demon Guard and Hellfire complete the siege, and this big bat hides aside to take the heat, maybe the main force of the Elune Sisterhood will be wiped out here. '

Andrea turned his attention to the moon guards hundreds of meters away. At this time, the elite mage troops had stopped moving, and many people gleefully folded their hands and prepared to watch the show.

But as Andrea noticed before, there are also many people in the Moon Guard who have a strong dislike for the attitude of the Burning Legion treating them like slaves, and the more outrageous evil deeds in recent years.

‘Just take a gamble and hope these moon guards get what I mean. '

After making up her mind, Andrea stopped paddling, and the purple mutated moonfire condensed into several dark bands of light, falling towards Tichondrius one after another.

At the same time, several vines drilled out from the ground, stretching their teeth and claws towards the big bat in the air.

At this time, Tichondrius was teasing the battle priest with long-range combat capabilities with a playful face.

Most of the arrows and attack spells shot by Shandris and others were blown away by him with his wide wings. Except for Maiev, it was difficult for anyone else to pose enough threats to Tichondrius, which made him feel confident wantonly harassed outside the enchantment.

The energy fluctuations above his head made Tichondrius flap his wings instinctively to dodge to the side.

However, the dark moonfire technique issued by Andrea did not focus on a certain landing point, but blocked all the hiding spaces around Tichondrius like a series of machine guns.

On the other hand, after the Shadow Vine broke through the ground, it instinctively attacked the creature with the highest energy source.

The dancing vines further blocked Tichondrius' hiding space, and the big bat had to eat part of the moonfire spell against the fel shield, trying to avoid the entanglement of all the vines.


The leader of the Dread Demon King turned his surprised eyes to Andrea, who was concentrating on casting spells.

"Interesting, I didn't expect this group of priests who use the power of light to be mixed with an incompatible alien."

The sneak attack failed, and Andrea was not discouraged, nor did he care about Tichondrius' provocation, and he still calmly attacked the big bat that was dodging flexibly in the sky.

"Look, Major!"

The resentful young moon guard from before pointed his finger above the fighting woods.

Major Delier nodded solemnly, "I see."

In the eyes of some moon guards with a heart, the seemingly erratic twisting vines gradually formed a strange pattern with the dark light band in the sky, or... words.

The young Moon Guard carefully observed these words that were constantly changing, and read them silently.

"Compatriots, help?"

Different from the language left by the body instinctively after time travel, Andrea, who has just started learning the night elf characters, can only convey such a simple message.

But just a few characters silenced some of the moon guards who were already dissatisfied with the Burning Legion.


Major Delier clenched his hands, his expression very struggling.


It took several seconds before he let go of his fist, and said with a long sigh, "Simple but very heavy words."

Turning his head to look at the young man scratching his head anxiously, Delier asked with an unclear emotion in his eyes, "Jorge, what do you think?"

Jorge stood up straight and solemnly replied, "Major, I help them."

"I'm not qualified to judge whether the queen's choice is right or wrong, but these so-called 'angels', major, you should have doubted them for a long time, right?"


Delier closed his eyes and remained silent for a while, then he turned to look at his colleagues behind him.

Automatically ignoring the group of people standing together and cheering, Delier shouted loudly, "Everyone! Please listen to me."

After most of the moon guards turned their attention, Delier continued to ask loudly, "This is not the first time everyone has seen the atrocities of demons. Do you really think their actions are justified? In order to protect the upper elves interests, the order of society?"


Before the other moon guards could answer, one of the blue-haired men took the lead in retorting with a sneer, "Otherwise? Major Delier, UU Reading Do you want to question Her Majesty's decision?"

Delier glanced at the other party. Although all the moon guards were wearing standard light armor, this man obviously had a lot more enchanted decorations than the others.

"Captain Albert Mooncrown, I'm not just asking you alone, let's listen to other people's opinions first."

Jorge raised his right hand as if he was playing a different tune, "Major! I think Her Majesty was just deceived by the devil's rhetoric. Just like Lord Ravencrest's claim, there must be villains stirring up the situation inside and outside the palace."

Lite's words aroused many discussions and emotions among the moon guards.

"Lord Ravencrest?"

"That was an out-and-out loyal minister, a model of nobility. It's unbelievable that he would be assassinated by the queen's guard, Varosen."

"Some people say that the chief advisor Xavis gave the order in the name of the queen. If it is true, does that mean that the villain is..."

"shut up!"

Albert yelled angrily, "Master Savis is dedicated to serving the country. Her Majesty the Queen personally ordered the assassination of the traitor Ravencrest. Do you want to treason too?"

"One heart for the country?"

Jorge sneered and said, "Not necessarily, do you dare to point at Xaviz's distorted posture by the devil and slap his chest and say, is he really dedicated to the country?"

Seeing that his subordinates were about to quarrel because of differences of opinion, Major Delier reached out his hand to stop their argument.

"I don't have the right to make decisions on behalf of any of you, but I can't just watch the priest of the Moon God, who was merciful to us, die at the hands of demons. This is undoubtedly a kind of blasphemy to Elune."

"Whoever is willing to go out with me to help them, please stand in front of me, choose voluntarily, never force."