MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 27 hotel

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The provincial basketball game is scheduled for a week before the results of the college entrance examination are announced.

On the third day after the college entrance examination, Cheng Yuanchao had already returned to school.

He has to supervise the basketball team practice.

The basketball team is basically composed of physical examination candidates. Their physical examination scores are very good. As long as their cultural scores are not bad, they can go to a good university, so they are not too nervous about their scores.

What they value is the results of this provincial basketball game.

Province H holds a provincial basketball game every three years, and No. 1 Middle School of Jinyi City has missed the provincial basketball game for three consecutive years.

Cheng Yuanchao has great ambitions, and he is determined to make Jinyi No. 1 Middle School famous in the province.

"This is a good opportunity to fight for honor for the school. Although some of you have graduated, even if you graduate, you still belong to the No. 1 Middle School. The honor of the No. 1 Middle School is your honor. If you can get a good grade, it will count as your culture." Even if the class is not good, there is also a chance to become a special student of the sports school, so this basketball game, we must do our best, no matter how hard or tired, we must persevere to the end, understand?"

The teacher leading the No. 1 Middle School was surnamed Luo, and his name was Luo Liheng.

Mr. Luo valued this competition more than Cheng Yuanchao, the captain.

Before getting on the bus for the game, Luo Liheng gave an impassioned swearing-in speech to the basketball team members in front of the school bus.

It's just that the team members who listened to the speech were depressed and lacked interest.

No matter how energetic they are, even in June weather, after standing under the scorching sun for half an hour, their energy will be exhausted.

"Lao Luo's mouth is still so broken."

Someone next to him complained, Yu Jiu turned his head to look over, and a shadow suddenly fell over his head.

He looked up suspiciously again.

There was a hand blocking his head.

Zhai Chi's palm is very wide, and his five fingers are close together to block the direct sun above his head, "Is it hot?"


It's impossible for this kind of weather not to be hot.

Moreover, the surface temperature has risen to the highest level, and whether the head is blocked or not has little effect.

Yu Jiu was afraid that he would be too tired with raising his hands, and was about to say that it wasn't too hot, when a head popped up behind Zhai Chi, "Brother Zhai, do you want something good here?"

"what's good…"

Zhai Chi just turned his head and saw the thing he handed over, his expression froze for a moment, "Where did you get this thing?"

Zou Jian handed him a fan, made of plastic.

But it's no ordinary fan.

I saw a photo of a hospital printed on the fan, and a line of words was written in exaggerated fonts on the lower right corner: See Department X, go to XXX Hospital of Jinyi City.

Below is the specific address marked in block letters.

On the other side of the fan, there is a cartoon picture, with an Alpha on it showing a frightened expression, and a bubble frame next to it: What should I do if I can't satisfy TA?

Zhai Chi: ...


How did such a thing appear in school?

Zou Jian didn't seem to take the advertisement above seriously, "I picked it up on the ping-pong table over there, do you want it?"

Zhai Chi: I don't really want it.

But he turned his head to look at the beads of sweat rolling down Yu Jiu's face, and he accepted it with humiliation.

A gust of cool wind blew from the side, Yu Jiu was startled for a moment, turned around and saw the extra fan in Zhai Chi's hand, and said in surprise, "Where did it come from..."

"Zou Jian gave it." Zhai Chi replied impatiently.

Yu Jiu looked at Zou Jian again, and said, "Thank you."

Zou Jian still had one in his hand, and when Yu Jiu thanked him, he said generously, "You're welcome, as long as you can use it."

Zhai Chi: "..."

Although he knew that Zou Jian had no other intentions, he still looked weird for a moment.

But suddenly thought of something, he grinned again, leaned into Yu Jiu's ear and said, "He gave it to me, how can you thank me?"

Yu Jiu: "..."


Before he could think of a suitable answer, he lowered his head and saw the advertisement on the fan. Because it was backwards and he couldn't see it clearly, he turned his head.

Zhai Chi came back to his senses in an instant, and the suspended fan was forced to work overloaded again. He wished he could shake the fan like a rattle, "Trash ads, nothing to watch."

Yu Jiu didn't miss the embarrassment that flashed across Zhai Chi's face.

His bangs were blown away by the oncoming wind, he didn't dodge or dodge, and smiled suddenly: "Are you really an Alpha?"

He had never seen such an innocent Alpha.

It's embarrassing to see an ad.

Without even thinking about it, Zhai Chi said, "Do you want to test it?"


As soon as the words came out, the two were startled at the same time.

Zhai Chi hurriedly said, "I'm just joking."

It would be fine if Yu Jiu was a beta, but if he said such things to Omega, wouldn't that be a hooligan?

Yu Jiu's face became inexplicably hot, and she blinked away.

"Ms. Luo, can we get in the car before we start the meeting?" At this moment, someone next to him finally protested.

Luo Liheng immediately said: "I can't stand being in the sun for a while, how can I play in the game?"

Zhou Duo said: "Lao Luo, sweating on the court is called hearty, and sweating here is called sun drying."


Luo Liheng actually said the same thing. Seeing the sweat on the faces of the team members in front of him, he coughed and said, "This is to let you adapt to the environment in advance. The weather in the province is hotter than in the city. There are too many, the accommodation is also arranged uniformly in the province, the conditions may be more difficult, and you may share the dormitory with other schools, I want to remind you to concentrate on the competition and avoid causing trouble...Okay, let's go."

The team members scrambled into the air-conditioned bus one by one as if they had been released.

Yu Jiu and Zhai Chi walked in the back without haste, and their seats were relatively far behind.

As soon as the others sat down, they let out a sigh of comfort, finally surviving from the exposure just now.

Only Yu Jiu's reaction is restrained at any time, and it's the same now.



A voice came along with a gust of wind.

Yu Jiu said, "No."

The person next to him didn't speak.

Yu Jiu turned his head to look over again, "I'm really not angry."

Zhai Chi paused for a while, then said with a complicated expression: "You are so generous, people will want to make more progress."

Yu Jiu: "...what?"

"It's nothing." Zhai Chi quickly changed the subject, "Is it still hot?"

He still had the fan in his hand.

Yu Jiu wanted to tease him why he still kept that fan, but he held back after thinking about it, and shook his head, "It's not hot."

Just a little sleepy.

It's been like this for days.

It may be due to the approaching estrus period.

Estrus period... Thinking of these words, Yu Jiu was filled with depression.

Except for the first menstrual period after differentiation, he never allowed himself to experience that kind of embarrassment again, but in recent months, although there are medicines to control it, there are still some aura symptoms that have become more and more obvious.

He turned his head and opened the plastic bag he was carrying with him to have a look.

There are not many things in the plastic bag, a few books, a mobile phone, and a black medicine bottle.

Seeing the medicine bottle, Yu Jiu felt a little relieved, but soon became a little worried.

Because of the basketball game training, the frequency of his medication is getting higher and higher, which has violated the doctor's order to let him control the medication.

He took out his mobile phone and wanted to send a message to Li Chengke, but he hesitated again when he opened the chat box.

You might get scolded, forget it.

Let's talk after the basketball game.

He stuffed the phone back into the plastic bag again.

Zhai Chi looked at his series of actions, feeling a little confused, but didn't ask any further questions.

An hour later, the bus arrived at its destination.

A group of people stood in front of the "dormitory" that had been arranged, collectively dumbfounded.

Luo Liheng was no exception.

Looking at the majestic and gorgeous revolving door in front of him, Luo Liheng turned his head and said to the driver: "Master Liu, did you drive in the wrong place?"

Others also looked at him.

The conditions of this "dormitory" can't match the word "hardship", right?

Master Liu said with a smile, "That's right. It's the Xinyue Hotel, opposite to the competition venue. The principal means that to celebrate your high school graduation, I also wish you success in the competition."


After conveying the principal's words, the driver left.

The members of the basketball team of No. 1 Middle School were stunned for a long time at the entrance of the hotel, and finally someone came back from the unreal trance, "Did the principal take the wrong medicine?"

"Really? How could this be the headmaster's idea?"

"The principal is so stingy, even if he won the competition in the city last year and asked him to treat Haidilao to him, he wouldn't... Aww!"

The speaker was slapped on the back of the head.

"What are you talking about?" Luo Liheng had just finished calling the principal to confirm, when he turned around and heard the students "ignoring the teacher", so he lectured: "You don't want to live here, do you? Let's go, I'll take you to a dormitory..."

"Don't don't!"

"Shut up!"

"Old Luo...ah no, Mr. Luo, please come in."

One by one, they turned into dog legs in an instant, surrounded Luo Liheng and walked towards the hotel gate.

Luo Liheng's originally steady expression didn't falter under the attack of cheerful voices around him. He laughed and cursed, and led a group of brats to register.

There were two people walking at the end, keeping a little distance from the others in a tacit understanding.

Yu Jiu tilted his head slightly and said, "What did you do?"

"The host teachers didn't say that the participating schools can't pay for accommodation at their own expense." Zhai Chi's lips twitched slightly: "But the principal said that the students should not be too public, so they only asked to find a three-star hotel nearby."


This is already very publicized.

But Yu Jiu was slightly relieved.

Not having to sleep with others saved him a lot of trouble.

"Go in." Zhai Chi raised his hand to help his back.

Yu Jiu nodded and walked into the hotel.

At this time, outside the gymnasium opposite, many people from other schools had already gathered, some of them came to participate in the competition and some came to watch the competition. After the school bus from No. 1 Middle School left, the hotel gate could be seen directly opposite.

"Which school is that? How did you enter the hotel?"

"It's from No. 1 Middle School in Jinyi City. I saw their school bus just now... The teachers at their school are so nice, right? They took them to a hotel!"

"Cut, what's there to show off? The strength is not good, and the ostentation is quite big."

"Which one of the provincial competitions in Jinyi City wasn't eliminated in the first round? It's just a one-night stay. Of course, the school is generous."

A few people from the school looked with jealousy or disdain at the group of people who walked into the hotel opposite, expressing their opinions one by one.

Behind the discussion crowd, there was a man leaning halfway against the entrance of the gymnasium, with a lollipop in his mouth. The candy had already been eaten, and there was only a plastic stick left, which he pressed against with his teeth.

He also looked in the direction of the opposite hotel, with a smirk on his face.

"Lin Qiao, let's go in... what are you looking at?"

The boy named Lin Qiao responded, turned around and said, "It's nothing, I saw an old classmate."