MTL - Bamboo Horse Alpha-Chapter 28 thought

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Just as the college entrance examination was over, in addition to those who came to participate in the competition, there were more people watching the competition. In order to prevent the lack of rooms, the hotel rooms had already been booked.

A total of ten rooms have been reserved, including single rooms and double rooms. Those who have a particularly good relationship choose double rooms, and the rest of the single rooms are randomly assigned.

Zhai Chi's room is opposite Yu Jiu's room.

Today is the first day of the competition. There will be a simple opening ceremony in the gymnasium in the afternoon. All participating school teams must be present and asked to change into uniforms.

Almost at the same time that the No. 1 Middle School players checked into the hotel, the customized team uniforms were delivered. After changing in the room, Luo Liheng asked them to gather in the lobby downstairs.

Yu Jiu was the last one to leave the room, before he opened the door, he heard complaints from the corridor.

"Who decided on this team uniform? Wasn't our black team uniform pretty good before? Why did you change it to red? I hate big red the most."

Cheng Yuanchao said: "The principal picked it, saying it's red, festive, and good luck."

"..." The complaining boy said with a complicated expression, "Why are you like my mother?"

His mother liked bright red the most when she bought clothes for him since he was a child.

"Don't worry about it, it's just a football uniform, and it's not ugly, and you're not the only one who is ugly."

Cheng Yuanchao comforted him.

In all fairness, their team uniforms have a red background and double white borders. Except that the color does not conform to the aesthetics of contemporary teenagers, there is actually nothing to be picky about.

At this time, the boy caught a glimpse of a person and suddenly smiled: "That's not all ugly."

Zhai Chi leaned against the wall in the corridor, staring at the closed door opposite, not participating in their conversation.

He is also wearing a bright red team uniform, but his whole body is a walking hanger. Others rely on clothes, and he depends on clothes.

Especially his face, even with a sack on it, he probably looks good.

The boy sighed with envy in his heart, and suddenly saw Zhai Chi's eyes lit up, and he instantly regained his energy. He followed Zhai Chi's eyes and his eyes lit up.

Yu Jiu came out.

The red team uniform was worn on the young man, which was not tacky at all for "festive" or "lucky luck", but made him look full of vigor.

Yu Jiu's impression has always been reserved and conservative. Although he is on the basketball team, he hardly ever wears a basketball uniform. Even if he wears a basketball uniform, he always wears a school uniform outside.

It's the first time they've seen each other simply wearing ball uniforms like they are now.

The boy's body is lean but not thin. His bare, exposed arms have smooth muscle lines. There is a slight color difference between the place that has been covered by the sleeves for a long time and other places, which is particularly eye-catching.

"You are so white, deputy team."

I don't know who blurted out a sentence.

The others nodded approvingly.

After entering high school, it was also the first time for Yu Jiu to appear in front of others dressed so neatly. He was a little uncomfortable at first, but he didn't know what to say when someone made such a comment.

"Everyone is here, let's go downstairs first."

With a hand on Yu Jiu's shoulder, Zhai Chi had his signature impeccable smile on his face.

But if you look closely, his smile doesn't reach your eyes.

Cheng Yuanchao reacted immediately, "Let's go, Lao Luo has been waiting for a long time and is going to talk again."

The attention of the others was diverted one after another, and they turned and walked towards the elevator.

Yu Jiu relaxed a little, but not completely.

Zhai Chi's hand on his shoulder seemed to be heavier than he felt before.

And the previous contact was at least separated by a layer of fabric, but now wearing the ball suit, the touch on the shoulders is obviously different, and the place touched by the barrier-free touch is slightly numb as if an electric current has passed through it.

Yu Jiu subconsciously wanted to break free, but she turned her head and glanced at Zhai Chi, inexplicably feeling that his mood was not right.

"…What’s wrong with you?"

Zhai Chi looked down at him, the smiling face when he helped him out just now was gone.

Yu Jiu was even more confused.

Did anything upset him today?

He subconsciously looked at Zhai Chi's hand, wondering if his family had called again to say something.

At this time, the hand around his shoulders suddenly tightened. In the thirty-odd degree weather, even if the air conditioner was turned on in the hotel, Alpha's palms were still hot.

Yu Jiu couldn't help being a little worried, but Zhai Chi's face turned dark for a long time, and he said, "This uniform is really badly designed!"


Isn't the uniform design the same?

Yu Jiu looked puzzled, suddenly remembered what she had just heard at the door, turned around and asked, "You don't like red either?"

Zhai Chi said: "It has nothing to do with the color."

Yu Jiu looked down at the uniforms they were wearing, and couldn't find any "style problems", so he could only half-jokingly say, "The quality of the uniforms ordered by the school is definitely not as good as the ones made by private individuals. I feel sorry for Zhai. The young master will take a moment."

Zhai Chi didn't speak.

He glanced at Yu Jiu's ball uniform.

The ball uniform is loose and cool, but seeing Yu Jiu dressed so coolly, Zhai Chi felt that his body temperature seemed to be rising.

Looking down from his angle, one can see Yu Jiu's neck exposed outside the neckline at a glance. His skin is fair, his collarbone is delicate, and the touch in his palm is also very delicate. Looking at it from such a close distance, it seems that a plate of delicious food exudes temptation. People's fragrance, hook people to taste.

Zhai Chi's arms around him tightened again, and he forcibly looked away, as if making trouble out of no reason, "It's just bad."

Moreover, the cuffs are too wide, and you can see through the cuffs when you are exercising.

Thinking of Yu Jiu going to the court dressed like this and being noticed by others, Zhai Chi felt very unhappy.

Especially when Yu Jiu walked out of the room just now, and was stared at by his teammates in astonishment, as if something he cherished was suddenly coveted by others, Zhai Chi almost couldn't control his emotions.

It would be nice if you could make it your own.

Zhai Chi moved his arm slightly, and gently pressed it on the back of Yu Jiu's neck through a few strands of hair.

It would be nice to be able to leave my own mark on the gland.

He thought a little crazy.

"Do you know you're heavy?"

Sensing that the center of gravity of the person next to him was shifting more and more, Yu Jiu couldn't bear it anymore, and elbowed his body which was tilted towards her side and straightened it back.

Zhai Chi's ribs hurt a little from his elbow, but he didn't care at all, and he didn't take back his hand on Yu Jiu's shoulder, and put a smile on his face again.

Yu Jiu didn't knock the person off after a while, and didn't bother to hit him again.

Looking at Zhai Chi's mood, he seemed to be in a better mood. He just thought that Zhai Chi had something on his mind and didn't want to say that he had adjusted himself, so he didn't care.

The two walked into the elevator shoulder to shoulder.

The opening ceremony of the basketball game in the afternoon was very simple. It was to introduce the participating teams of each school, explain the rules of the game in detail, give a passionate speech about the basketball game, and then draw lots to decide tomorrow's team.

A total of 26 school teams participated in the competition, and the first round of competition was divided into two days.

The match between No. 1 Middle School of Jinyi City and another school team was scheduled on the first day, and there was no suspense about winning.

At the end of the fourth quarter, Yu Jiu took the ball from Zhai Chi and made a three-pointer from a super long distance, which drew applause from the audience.

"Damn it, the cooperation between you and brother Zhai in the deputy team is absolutely amazing, 96:47, crushing! I have never seen such a happy game played by our school!"

The complete victory in the first round gave No. 1 Middle School a good start. Although Zou Jian was unable to play this round, this did not prevent him from being more excited than the players who played.

The members of No. 1 Middle School who had just come off the field all had ruddy complexions. Someone gulped down half a bottle of water and exclaimed, "It's so satisfying. I think of those people from Changyin High School leaving the field in disgrace. Just let off steam and let them look down on us before the game starts."

"I heard that Changyin High School entered the provincial quarter-finals in the last provincial competition."

"So what about the quarterfinals? They weren't in the quarterfinals last year. They've changed rounds. I don't know what they're crazy about."

"Being looked down upon is also our advantage." Cheng Yuanchao said: "Changyin High School's loss to us is to underestimate the enemy. After the first round of the game, the score was too big and they messed up. You just won a game, so you can't learn from Yu Jiu, it's his first official game, how calm is he?"

On the surface, he was praising Yu Jiu, but in fact, he was also swearing, with "look how discerning I am" written all over his face.

The others were also happy to agree with him, Zhou Duo said: "I know, I know, learn more from the deputy team... You should be called the captain, right? You are about to resign and you are showing off."

"Just put on the show, I'm really convinced this time, I played a game with the vice team, and I understand what it means to lie down and win!"

"I really admire it. I used to be blind. I sincerely apologize to the deputy team."

"Me too, I'll punish myself with three cups when I go back!"


A group of people walked out of the venue while chattering, Yu Jiu was infected by their atmosphere, and kept smiling all the time.

Zhai Chi acted as a humanoid barrier between him and a group of Alphas...really a barrier.

Yu Jiu didn't expect that everyone who was going to the stadium would carry an odor blocking agent with him, this time it was lemon flavor.

"How many blockers do you have?"

Yu Jiu couldn't help asking a question.

Zhai Chi said: "I don't know, the supermarkets buy them by the box, and they have all kinds of flavors."


"Do you have a favorite taste?" Zhai Chi took the opportunity to ask.

Yu Jiu thought for a while, then shook his head: "No."

He is not picky when using a barrier agent, as long as it is practical.

In this respect they think the same.

Yu Jiu pursed her lips unconsciously, feeling happy about such a trivial matter.

"Yu Jiu."

It's just that the good mood didn't last long before being interrupted.

As soon as they came out of the gymnasium, someone next to him called his name.

Yu Jiu paused, followed the sound and looked over.

There was a person leaning on the side of the sliding door with a lollipop in his mouth. After Yu Jiu looked at him, he straightened up and walked over, "Long time no see. I heard that your school won the first round of the competition." Yes, congratulations."

With his familiar attitude, the members of No. 1 Middle School looked at Yu Jiu curiously.

"Who is it?"

Someone asked in a low voice, and the others shook their heads in unison.

Yu Jiu also looked blank.

The person walking towards him was wearing a yellow uniform with the words "Qianjiang No. 7 Middle School" printed on his chest.

Qianjiang City?

He didn't know anyone in Qianjiang City.

Yu Jiu was startled, and asked seriously, "You are?"

The footsteps of the visitor froze, and anger flashed in his eyes for a moment, but it was quickly hidden.

Zhai Chi's eyes darkened, and he stood behind Yu Jiu calmly.

"I, Lin Qiao, you don't know me anymore?" The man smiled, and the subject of his normal conversation suddenly changed, "It's okay if you don't remember me, but when your mother went crazy at the school gate in the third year of junior high , you haven't forgotten, have you?"

The author has something to say: Although there is a brother who is a basketball fan at home, the author only knows a little about basketball, so the game process may not be too detailed orz?