MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 17

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But hearing Zuo Xian say that, most of Lu Ninghuai's heart was in her stomach.

The two of them opened the gift that Zuo Xian bought together. There was a bathtub for a foot bath. It happened that the food was being prepared below, so Zuo Xian hugged it to the bottom and followed the old man to study how it works. , You can also soak your feet during the waiting time, which happens to be useful.

Anyway, foot tubs are very popular in later generations. Zuo Xian has used them before. After soaking his feet, he feels extremely comfortable, and the body is warmed from the inside out, and the warmth brought by the heating is a feeling. It's different, and it's good for your body.

Relatives and friends gathered on New Year's Day, and there was nothing to do. A few parents were talking about their own things over there. From time to time, when they talked about a few children, they would turn their heads to look at them and smile at them.

Lu Ninghuai wanted to go over and talk with them several times, talking about what Zuo Xian told her just now, but her feet hadn't finished soaking and she couldn't run away, so she sat there watching TV anxiously, eating the orange Zuo Xian peeled for her.

"By the way, Xianxian." Lu Ninghuai suddenly thought of something, "What happened to the news I read on the Internet before? Why are there so many people scolding you? What did the media do?"

Zuo Xian didn't care, just focused on looking at the instruction manual, and when the time was up, he pressed pause, then picked up a towel that was prepared, wiped the old man's feet himself, and said after watching her put the shoes on, "Grandma, don't worry about this. My agent is very capable and will speak up in a short time. This matter is not a big deal."

The old man was still a little unhappy, she looked at the way Zuo Xian was busy with her, and said, "You child, you don't tell your family when you are wronged. If you need any help, you should tell her earlier, you know? "

Zuo Xian smiled and nodded in agreement, quickly changed the subject, and asked Lu Ninghuai how she was doing after soaking her feet, and if she felt particularly comfortable.

Lu Ninghuai knew that Zuo Xian intended to change the subject, so she didn't bother with that issue, but secretly played tricks on Lu Xingxian to make her pay more attention.

Lu Xing, who was peeling the fruit, smiled and nodded.

She naturally wants to help, but the restrictions are relatively large.

So she is still waiting, after all, good steel must be used on the blade so that it will not be wasted.

In the evening, when the two families were having a happy meal, a Weibo blogger named Qinqinchen Xiao Chen suddenly posted a Weibo, and Aite posted a lot of Weibo big Vs with the title # Please give justice to the victim, Sun Jiayi, please don't turn right and wrong into black and white, please apologize to Zuo Xian for the words of #.

The Weibo accompanying text is not long, but simply introduced what happened on the set that day from the perspective of a bystander, and some pictures were intercepted below, and the Weibo was posted in order.

The first picture is the scene where Sun Jiayi stretched out her foot maliciously, tripping Zuo Xian.

In the second picture, after Zuo Xian wrestled, Sun Jiayi swaggered and sprinkled water on her body, covering her mouth in surprise.

In the third picture, Zuo Xian stood up from the ground, seemingly calmly questioning Sun Jiayi.

The fourth picture is a picture of Zuo Xian walking to the set to audition with her head held high. In this picture, Sun Jiayi is covering her face with an unbelievable look. In the background, there were many group performers waiting beside them, but they didn't speak.

The fifth, sixth, and seventh pictures are Zuo Xian's audition process, as well as scenes with Lu Xingxian, including the appearance of the director applauding her and the few of them chatting happily together.

Later, the blogger wrote, "I'm just a little makeup artist in the dressing room, and what I say may not have weight, but I can't just watch a child who is just nineteen years old being treated by an unqualified kid doing makeup. The actor who took up four or five people's makeup time is so slanderous! You can't tell right from wrong, black and white! Sun Jiayi, please apologize to Zuo Xian, and to the vast number of netizens and audiences who have been deceived by you!"

Afterwards, this Weibo was forwarded crazily, and many of them were entertainment big Vs who had previously paid attention to this matter.

There are quite a few people who reposted it after receiving money, but seeing such solid evidence, they all hesitated—they are not fools, and behind every Weibo, there is a group of operation teams.

When reposting some microblogs without antecedents and consequences, anyone with a little brain knows not to stand in line ahead of time, so at the beginning, they just helped the employer to stir up the popularity and achieve their goals.

But now, the plot has reversed so seriously...

Entertainment Baba: Hehe, where is the person who made the noise earlier? Come out and apologize!

Entertainment Baba is a well-known big V. He often exposes some things in the entertainment circle, and most of the news is true, and his words have a certain weight, and he is also the first one because of this incident. the tuba.

Under his Weibo, there were many more messages in an instant.

Left-handed youth and right-handed flowers: I didn’t believe it when I saw that Weibo at first, and I was still wondering why someone would do it in broad daylight under the noses of so many people, but now it seems that there really is!

Teenager's eighteenth dream: increased knowledge! [Forward Weibo]

Kittens love to eat fish: I knew it was not easy when I saw Baba’s post, and sure enough...

Bang bang bang! : Exploded! Are those people around here blind? Why did you go early!

Fight Gouzi for 300 rounds! : I'm the only one who noticed, is this Zuo Xian really beautiful? Good acting too...

Under this reply message on Weibo, the blogger Entertainment Baba also replied: Yes, I still have a video in my hand, it is very clear, this actor is good and looks bright, he is considered a passerby fan for the time being.

And not long after this Weibo was released, a certified Weibo also posted a Weibo with a topic!

Agent Chen Shuang: #Please Sun Jiayi apologize to Zuo Xian! #

It also accompanied the text: We absolutely do not accept slander without real evidence. We have been searching for evidence during this time, and hope that netizens who like Xianxian can rest assured that we will never bow our heads! @左仙仙

Under this Weibo, there is a statement that has been justified.

Among them, it is even stronger that Zuo Xian has actively preserved and submitted all the materials with the lawyer. If necessary, he will take litigation channels to protect Zuo Xian's legal rights and interests.

Moreover, for some people who spread rumors on the Internet, Zuo Xian also reserves the right to take legal measures to protect itself.

This Weibo received a lot of likes in just ten minutes, and it also appeared on Weibo's hot search rankings. Under the Weibo, a group of netizens who didn't know each other left messages:

Wings fall in the wind: I am grass! The broker's attitude is awesome! Because of this attitude, I am a fan first!

The little suffocation who must have a regular schedule today: The manager is amazing! With such a confident statement, is someone really not guilty?

Chen Shuang looked at the message below and the big Vs who forwarded Weibo one after another, pressed the excitement in his heart, took out his mobile phone with shaking hands, and pressed Zuo Xian's number.

Zuo Xian has already started eating. She is a junior, but because it is a family dinner, she sat next to her parents. At this moment, Zuo's mother is pinching her favorite big chicken wings for Zuo Xian. Zuo Xian is staring eagerly While staring, the phone rang unexpectedly.

She glanced at it, then connected, with a contented 'oooh', she grabbed the big chicken wing that was coming towards her in one mouthful, and said inarticulately, "Hello? Sister? Is it swollen? Mesentery...delicacy ?”

"What are you doing?" Chen Shuang was puzzled for a moment, then saw that the webpage hadn't been refreshed once, and there were hundreds of comments on Weibo, and said, "My statement has been sent out. Be more careful, don't expose it to the public..."

Zuo Xian nodded with a "hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm', the house rule is that you are not allowed to answer the phone during meals, but because of the special nature of her and Lu Xingxian's work, and she is now on the cusp of the storm, so also I had no choice but to quickly swallow the chicken wings in my mouth, and said by the way, "Sister's chicken wings are going to be gone... I won't tell you, there are sweet and sour pork ribs next to it..."

After speaking, there was a snap, and the phone hung up.

Chen Shuang stared at the screen of the phone in bewilderment, and didn't react until the interface had even exited the call interface—what's Zuo Xian's reaction?

What big chicken wings are you eating at this time! What to eat sweet and sour pork ribs!

Are you in no hurry!

She is so excited that she is almost on the wall!

With a 'ding dong' sound from the phone, Chen Shuang instantly concentrated his attention and returned his gaze to the phone.

I saw Zuo Xian's avatar jumping on the status bar, and then Chen Shuang clicked on it. It was a picture of a family gathering and eating together after Zuo Xian just hung up the phone - a big table full of dishes.

Chen Shuang: "..."

Immediately afterwards, there was a line of words: Sister Shuang, this is just a trivial matter, we will face more in the future, let's work hard together.

Chen Shuang looked at it for a while. At this time, she suddenly thought of those actors who had brought some fame to her, but turned their faces and signed others without hesitation.

She shook her head with a helpless smile, but sighed again, feeling that at her age, she was not as calm as a nineteen-year-old girl.

After walking around in place for a few times, Chen Shuang simply stopped looking at the message under that Weibo, but reorganized his mood, thought about it, and posted another Weibo:

Manager Chen Shuang: Little heartless, I am here to work overtime for you, but you are eating extra meals@左仙荡

The accompanying picture is exactly the one that Zuo Xian sent her just now.

After posting, Chen Shuang didn't continue to read the likes and comments on Weibo, but calmed down and began to screen recent invitation information for Zuo Xian.

Although a piece of "King's Landing" is important, it must not be the whole of Zuo Xian during this period. After a month or two, the incident will subside until there is no more discussion, but Zuo Xian needs to be exposed and affirmed.

Because Sun Jiayi hung up on Zuo Xian before, there is very little information about work these days-although many people want this popularity, they are even more afraid of infamy. With the background, such a long time without making a sound is enough to be put aside like an abandoned child.

So the final results of the screening were not very satisfactory. Chen Shuang decided to close his work mailbox, but he saw a letter from a variety show out of the corner of his eye.

Actors of this kind of popularity rarely receive invitations to variety shows at the beginning. This is the first time. Out of curiosity, Chen Shuang opened the email. up!

It was an invitation to a tricky variety show. The ratings were quite high, but the quality of the audience was not very good.

And the invitation sent to Zuo Xian is more like an invitation than a notice, asking Zuo Xian to interview for the role of a clown in three days!

Chen Shuang had watched this program before.

The appearance of the clown is terrifying, and the role of the clown is a doormat. He will be punished by the winning guests, or if there is any accident, the audience will come on stage and beat the clown for fun.

It was a fight and a fight with real guns and actual combat.

Chen Shuang gritted his teeth, turned to the sender's column, and stared at the sender for a while.

She remembered! Don't let her meet you on the walk from now on, or you'll put a sack on him and beat him!