MTL - Be Pampered and Spoiled-Chapter 18

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The mouse was placed on the delete button in the upper right corner of the email for a while, but Chen Shuang still didn't press it in the end.

She looked at the clown's invitation, and finally classified it into the warning regulations - reminding herself all the time, if she doesn't work hard, then, sooner or later, she will be reduced to an artist who can only give herself Accept this announcement.

Such an agent, what face does he have to continue to be an agent?

After answering Chen Shuang's call, Zuo Xian didn't continue to look at her phone anymore. She put the phone aside and didn't look at it any more. Instead, she chose to spend this New Year's Day with her family.

The day of New Year's Day is especially precious for a profession like an actor—in this day that has been passed down for thousands of years, you can reunite with your family on this day.

When eating, it is inevitable to talk about this.

Lu Ninghuai was sitting there, she didn't even need to move much, there would always be too many dishes caught in the bowls and chopsticks, so she didn't rush to eat, she just ate slowly while talking with the junior They chatted, "You are all busy, when Xianxian and Axian are older and have to work hard, there will be no one to accompany me, an old woman."

Hearing this, Zuo Xian put down the piece of sweet and sour pork ribs he was gnawing on so hard, he didn't care about the oil stains on his face at the moment, but looked at Lu Ninghuai seriously and said, "Grandma, don't worry, Even if there are any good job opportunities in the future, during the Spring Festival, I will not go to any good announcement!"

Even if this sentence will not be taken as true in a few years, but now it sounds so heartwarming.

Lu Ninghuai looked at Zuo Xian and smiled very happily.

However, no one knew that Zuo Xian really thought so.

Strictly speaking, during the Spring Festival, there are generally 14 days of small holidays.

During these fourteen days, no matter how crowded it is, I can always find time to have a reunion dinner with my family, and then celebrate the new year lively together. It just depends on whether people are willing to sacrifice something else.

After living a whole life again, no one cherishes the warmth at this moment and the family affection that is still there more than Zuo Xian.

In her memory, although she had broken with her parents and had no contact with the Lu family...but after all, it was the elders who watched her grow up, no matter how poor Zuo Xian was in her previous life, she would not let others bully her.

In my impression, the old people's bodies are also very healthy, and I haven't heard of any diseases in the next few years, so Zuo Xian cherishes this moment even more, and he really made up his mind. If unimportant work is turned down, it is necessary to return home to spend the New Year with parents and elders.

The parents who were sitting next to eat looked at each other, and they all saw the gratifying smiles in each other's eyes.

At the same time, recording the scene.

Several assistant directors are eating boxed lunches in the crew. Compared with some unimportant actors or protagonists who can take a vacation after filming their own scenes, their directors are more miserable. They have to stay in the crew until they are completely finished. leave.

If it wasn't for some special accident at home, they would not be able to go home on this special day.

But everyone hopes that their hard work can be exchanged for receiving goods. Seeing the tight and uninterrupted work progress of the "King's Landing" crew, they are also full of expectations for the day when it will be released.

"By the way, have you seen Weibo before?" An assistant director swallowed while eating the white rice in a bowl, looking at the last piece of ribs left on the side.

Their production team is relatively poor, and the director team is even more stingy. It's rare to see meaty meat once. This time, it's been a week since the stewed pork ribs with potatoes, and it's the first time I've added some meat for New Year's Day!

Director Jiang, who was wearing a hat over there, raised his head and said, "You mean, about Zuo Xian?"

Zuo Xian and Sun Jiayi are all actors in their crew.

When Zuo Xian and Lu Xing played together, he once praised the little girl. He really had a little impression of the little girl, and she looked smarter. With proper resources, he will definitely be another popular star in the future.

It's just that I didn't expect that within two days, it would be on the trending search - and the content was actually bullying the actresses in the same group.

The talking director nodded, "I don't know if it's true or not. I'm a little worried about the negative rumors about supporting roles before "King's Landing" starts broadcasting..."

"What are you worried about?" Director Jiang glanced at the speaker, then looked at the three words 'Lu Xingxian' dancing on the screen for a moment, then pressed the phone without changing his expression, and said, "...I I believe that Zuo Xian must not be such a person."

The several directors looked at each other, but they also knew that Director Jiang was not a chatterbox, so he said immediately, "Then, are the stills of this group of newcomers released?"

Before the press conference, Zuo Xian came to make up for the stills.

Because in the re-shooting of the stills this time, it happened to be with another popular actress, Mu Xiaoxuan, and it has been delayed for a long time. If it is delayed because of Zuo Xian's problem, I am afraid the impact will not be good.

Mu Xiaoxuan has a certain amount of traffic, so the crew also values ​​this actor very much.

Director Jiang thought of the content of the message just now, his eyebrows twitched, and he said, "Send it."

Seeing that the director had already pulled out his mobile phone and logged into the official Weibo account of "King's Landing", he added another sentence, saying, "Wait a minute, write the draft again, add some scenes from Zuo Xian... um, It fits with her character in the play, the kind that is more positive, hardworking, and brings energy to others."

...Is this a propositional composition?

The director who received the order was taken aback for a moment, but he followed it anyway, and didn't think there was anything wrong.

After all, before the show starts broadcasting, it is also customary to set up some spoilers for the people in the play, and then combine the image of the actors themselves.

It's just that it's hard for newcomers to get started because they know too little, but Zuo Xian...

The director silently took out his phone without even typing on the keyboard. After opening Weibo, the headlines on the front page were all about her.

It's just that what surprised him this time was that the wind direction... seemed to have changed?

He was surprised for a while, looking at the almost overwhelming topics on Weibo, he lost his voice, "Look at Weibo!"

#孙嘉怡, get out of the entertainment industry!

#孙嘉怡 Please apologize to Zuo Xian! #

#Has Sun Jiayi brushed her teeth today, washed her eyes, and can speak with her mouth! #

#Distressed Left Xian#

What does the title of this article... mean?