MTL - Becoming a Global Superstar Starting as an Idol Trainee-Chapter 16 People reaction

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Chen Minxi still wakes up very early, thinking that he is going to become the captain of the three-member group. He used his quilt to wrap his body and excitedly hit two rolls in bed to get up.

In the taxi, Chen Minhao reminded himself that he must hold his own heart. After all, the fact that he was elected as the captain has not been officially announced. He must not reveal a little bit of wind. Otherwise, Ceo Zhang always has some opinions on himself and feels that he is not mature enough.

Chen Minhao did not think about sharing the joy of being the captain with others. He knows that when you share happiness, someone will always think that you are showing off. So, happy things are stealing themselves.


After the training, fitness coach Kevin said: "You still have to go to the "Artist Trainee" in 3 days, today is the last day of the course. Remember that the course is stopped, does not mean that training can stop, not to represent Your diet control can stop."

Kevin looked at the younger and stronger body of the boy, the chest muscles had a small bulge, and the sleeves of the clothes were tightly supported by the arms. "The hardships of these weeks have not been in vain. You are more obedient and let you What do you do, so the results are better. Never heard that you are tired, the implementation of your own diet control is better, the young man can be expected in the future."

Chen Minzhen said sincerely: "Thank you, but the coach I don't earn any money in a month. You earned me more than 4 lessons a week."

Kevin laughed and said: "I heard them say that you are now the captain of the three-member team. Many people are stunned, indicating that the company is very optimistic about you. Not sure that you will earn more money a day than I earned a month. ""

Chen Minzhen erroneously said: "The captain of the three-member team, although I really want to fight, but my personal hope is not great."

Chen Minzhen can't tell if the coach has got the exact news, or complimented that he can only respond with a halo.

Kevin said with deep meaning: "I just said that you are honest, remember that there is no secret in the entertainment industry. I mainly guide the celebrity artists to increase muscle fat in the short term, and it is also a half entertainment circle."

Chen Minhao is a little scared. On the one hand, I am worried that if I want to be the captain's thing, I will not be able to become the captain. On the other hand, if Ceo Zhang always knows that this matter has spread, will he think that he deliberately shows off and intends to spread it, which affects his own feelings.


When Chen Minhao was eating at the cafeteria at noon, he didn't know if it was an illusion. He always felt that someone was pointing at him.

He turned to think, things are not that simple.

I was elected as the captain, and I got the news yesterday as a party. Even if the entertainment industry may not really have a secret, if this thing is not helped by the back, it is impossible to spread so fast.

Thinking of this, Chen Minjun dumped the rice that he had just eaten and immediately went to the 18th floor to find Kang Hui. He found that she was out of the office, found a hidden corner and called her.

"King sister, I was elected as the captain of the three-member team. Some people know and are deliberately spreading. The company knows a lot now."

"You are not too stupid, you can find the problem, you can also think of contacting me in the first time. You can feel at ease, and the rest of the things will be handed over to me. I will see through this matter, who is the person, Who is a ghost."


When the three-member group trained dance and vocal music in the afternoon, the atmosphere of the three people was a bit embarrassing.

Chen Minzhen summed up the situation of the current three people is:

Both of them knew that I was going to be the captain of the three-member team.

I know that they both know that I want to be the captain of the three-member team.

The two of them knew that I knew that they both knew that I was going to be the captain of the three-member team.

However, during the entire training process, the three people did not smash the layer of paper very tacitly. From the expression, they did not see any difference between the three.

After the end of the vocal training, Tong Ruize suddenly stopped Chen Minjun and said: "Congratulations."

"Thank you." Chen Minxi nodded and said, he quickly left after he finished.

Chen Minxi knows that no matter what he does, Tong Ruize is unhappy. Even if he gave him the position of the captain, he would be very grateful and still unhappy. This is human nature.

Chen Minxi’s experience of one year of internship at the law firm made him understand that when two people have disputes over interests, any contradiction that attempts to use words to alleviate the interests of the two is naive and naive.

However, Tong Ruize gave him a very calm feeling. There are two possibilities. One is that Tong Ruize’s acting is too high, and he is not a heavyweight player at all. He can’t see him. Another possibility is that Tong Ruize is a person who knows very well and is good at restraining emotions. Under such circumstances, he can still make a calm judgment: how to do it is beneficial to himself.

In which case, Chen Minhao naturally would not be stupid enough to ask him.


Kang Hui’s execution never let Chen Min’s disappointment.

At 11 o'clock in the evening, Chen Minxi was receiving a call from Kang Hui when he was watching the last lesson of the online open class "Learning and Training of Music - Singing and Training".

Kang returned straight to the theme: "High Island got this from Secretary Zhang, and then began to deliberately spread."

Chen Min paused for a moment and said, "I know."

Kang Hui’s voice raised a few decibels and said: “Are you not surprised? Don’t you want to ask something more?”

Chen Minxi said with a smile: "If I was elected as the captain, the only people directly interested in Gaodao and Tong Ruize would be from the perspective of probability. The probability of both of them is five or five. Tong Ruize gave me a very calm feeling in the afternoon, I Intuition tells me that it is not him. Except for Tong Ruize, it can only be Gaodao. Although I don't understand his motivation to do so."

Kang Hui smiled and responded: "Children can stand out from the trainee and then be valued by Han Ye. There are some reasons for this. Remember this sentence, don't indulge your feelings, don't indulge your emotions. As for high On the island, sometimes a tree smashes another tree, and I can't wait to become an axe. I have already done this. I will come to my office at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning, and Zhang will officially announce that you are elected as the team leader. Decided, there is still the team name, the sky boy."

The next morning at the Kanghui office, after Zhang’s announcement, Tong Ruize and Gao Dao both came forward to congratulate, and then everyone embraced, and the faces of the three were filled with happy smiles.

Then Chen Min's own WeChat was blown up and received many people's blessings. It seems that the entertainment industry really has no secrets.

Zhou Mingrui sent WeChat: "Congratulations, you will go to the "Artist Trainee" the day after tomorrow, I will vote for you as a viewer."

Wu Xiaoshuang turned a 666 yuan red envelope with a congratulations on your election as a three-team leader.

Chen Minxi thought that Wu Xiaoshuang’s brain circuit was never on the same channel as ordinary people, and the blessings were so different.

From his own to Kang Hui, he has never seen a cheap teacher, Wan Anqi, even took the initiative to add his good friend, saying: "The younger brother is really big, and does not take the initiative to add the sister's WeChat. Finally, I congratulate the younger brother on his election as the three-team leader. ”

WeChat has also received a lot of people's blessings. These people are people who have added friends but have no interaction at all. Even those who have blocked their own friends in the circle of friends have sent blessings.

For the last person like this, Chen Minyi repeatedly tried to give the other party a response, for fear that he would accidentally say a wrong sentence and lead the other party to think that he would like to continue talking.