MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1024 desert storm

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The news that the Soviet tank army entered the Middle East shocked the Pentagon and the White House, Secretary of Defense Cheney, and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Powell were all shocked, which proved that their earlier judgments were completely overturned. Judging from the photos taken by the spy satellites, this unit is quite large. The dense tank army has already entered Iran for dozens of kilometers, and the rear guard has just set off. .

The staff of the Shock Department is full, and when the time comes, Bush can't make an unnecessary response. Panic is not in line with the status of the president, and compromise is no longer considered. He is a soldier, and he once led the CIA. In a sense, he and Shelov are peers, and both are spies.

"We must first understand the real meaning of the Soviet Union, whether it is to protect Baghdad and Tehran, or to compete with us on the battlefield, but before that, we must annihilate the heavy Iraqi army group around Kuwait. This is a prerequisite. , having done this, no matter how things evolve, we will be in a favorable position." President Bush put his elbows on the table and said calmly, "Attack Kuwait City, use war to talk, tell Schwarzkopf The urgency of the admiral's situation!"

   Secretary of Defense Cheney and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Powell nodded, the time is unprecedented, and it will take time for the Soviet army to go south to the place that threatens the US military. These days have become very important. If the United States annihilated the Iraqi army before this, and a decent armistice is reached, the Soviet Union must suffer from this dumb loss.

  If, on the other hand, the Soviet army arrives at the fighting area, and the coalition forces are still fighting the Iraqis, the situation will be quite unfavorable. A decent withdrawal is the best result. Once the Soviet army starts to attack, the coalition forces will absolutely be unable to resist.

Washington immediately criticized the entry of the Soviet tank army into the Middle East. The White House spokesman said fiercely, "Moscow's risky move is very dangerous, and the world's peace is left behind. We have to doubt the peaceful position that the Soviet Union has always stated. Is it true, or is it deceiving the world."

   "We must repeat that the U.S. military is far more powerful than it appears, and don't doubt America's determination to uphold justice. Nuclear weapons are not an option that cannot be considered."

The United States took a very tough stance, and finally swung the nuclear stick out. At the same time, General Schwarzkopf, the commander of the US troops in the Middle East, had also learned the news that the Soviet Red Army had entered the Middle East. When he heard the news , he was equally astonished, learning about the current situation he was facing and the pressure Washington was facing to continue to support the operation.

This kind of pressure is not only felt by politicians. Admiral Schwarzkopf, who knew that the matter was urgent, could no longer bear the dawdling style of the Seventh Army. He called the Seventh Army Headquarters directly. Impolitely urged them to go into the attack state immediately, "If a bad situation occurs because of a problem with a certain unit, the military court will not forgive us. The president has asked us to speed up the attack."

   "We are a heavily armed unit. How can we compare with the light infantry division when we are mobilized?" The commander of the Seventh Army hung up the phone ruthlessly, and then ordered, "But we should speed up a bit, our real enemy is here."

   The real enemy is naturally the Soviet Union. The Seventh Army, which has been stationed in Europe for a long time, has a very deep understanding of the Soviets.

The U.S. White House's fierce statement and its attitude of using nuclear weapons not only shocked the world, but also the Soviet Union had to respond positively. A Kremlin spokesman said that the Soviet Union fulfilled its allies' obligations to protect Iraq and Iran from aggression. The meeting should be blamed. The Soviet Union shoulders the same international obligations as the United States. When the United States fulfills its responsibilities, it is completely unreasonable to accuse the Soviet Union of fulfilling its responsibilities, and the central government has made a decision and will not change it.

At the same time that this neither humble nor arrogant statement was issued, General Bagramyan, commander of the Southern Theater Command, had already led all the troops of the Southern Theater to cross the border. On the hundreds of kilometers of border, the local Kurds and Azerbaijanis living in the area were watching these fights at home. Troops with red flags continued to enter the Middle East. The length of the flow of people was like the eternal Euphrates River. It was impossible to see the end. The dust that shook the sky seemed to cover the hot sun in the sky.

The Soviet armed forces gathered with heavy equipment moved like a mountain walking. Every step forward, the sense of oppression increased further. "While we are building these two highways, we have reserved some locations near the highway. Some fuel and food warehouses!" The KGB person in charge of the Middle East introduced in detail, the preparations for the construction earlier.

"It's enough to guarantee these two points. We have no shortage of ammunition. We can use Iraqi and Iranian reserves. Anyway, they are all made by us, and there will be no conflict." General Bagramyan, who held the map with his head down, said calmly. , "At the current speed, the Sixth Tank Army will reach Basra in five days, and we have one night at night. During this period, Kuwait must hold on, no matter what method is used."

   "Order all units, speed up, we're going to Basra for repairs!" General Bagramyan ordered.

The news that the Soviet Tank Army entered the Middle East greatly increased the pressure on Admiral Schwarzkopf's heart. This is no longer a game of unilateral abuse by American soldiers. Therefore, we must do our best to accomplish the purpose of Washington's plan and annihilate the troops near Kuwait. Liberate Kuwait. Due to the lack of time, Schwarzkopf used all the heavy weapons at his disposal, including tactical surface-to-surface missiles, rocket launchers and long-range howitzers. The U.S. imperialism has proved with practical actions that the artilleryism of the United States is only incomparable with the Soviet Union, and it is easy to clean up an ordinary country.

Viewed from the sky, the huge U.S. heavy artillery group covered and fired to build a spectacular scene. The countless artillery positions of the heavy artillery of the two main divisions were pouring grenades and cannon shells of various calibers, and a large number of M270 rocket artillery groups joined the chorus. , the scarlet and brilliant rocket ballistics reflected the sky red in an instant, and the ballistic performance of countless rockets and other artillery shells was brilliant but fatally beautiful.

The fierce shooting sound of the artillery group was like the neighing of countless rumbling steel beasts, and it was like a desert storm raging in the desert, especially the first salvo of the rocket artillery group covered the entire position of the Iraqi 110th Division. At the same time as the shelling was going on, the Abrams heavy tanks had already emerged from the dust and charged with the cooperation of the Apache armed helicopter group in the sky. The Iraqis were caught off guard, and the entire line of defense was facing a huge test.

   An emergency telegram was sent to the Iraqi military headquarters in Kuwait City, which was then relayed to the base camp in Baghdad. This made Baghdad furious. The U.S. ground attack took just over a day to force the Iraqi People's Army to shrink its forces to defend Kuwait.

   At this time, on the broad frontal battlefield, the Americans, supported by armed helicopters, had already exchanged fire with Iraqi tanks. The tanks of the two sides were staggered and aimed at each other. At a distance of three kilometers, the stable artillery system of the Abrams tank and the depleted uranium armor-piercing projectile exerted great power. Almost every t-72 tank hit by the depleted uranium projectile will be destroyed. Destroy hors de combat. Because the Soviet T72 tanks have been in service for many years, and the number of them in service is huge, some inherent defects have not been improved, but have been made up on the higher-end T80, such as flying turrets.

   "The Soviet Union gave us a rescue time of one week. If the 540,000-strong army can't do this, the party and the country will not forgive you!" If Iraq hadn't been a socialist country now, the Baghdad government would have shouted holy! Fight to condense combat effectiveness, "Shrinking the force is to stop the Americans even with human lives."

  Kuwait Command knows that Kuwait is far more precious than soldiers in the eyes of the state. The only significant advantage in Iraq is the number of soldiers. In the face of the strict order from the capital, the Kuwait Command also began to be ruthless. On the one hand, it informed all the troops that the Soviet Red Army had moved south, and the two regiments of the Iranian People's Army were also preparing to cross the river for support.

   On the other hand, the forty-two divisions of the Kuwait Group were divided into four armies, with three armies for defense, one army as a reserve, and two divisions for each army that faced the US attack. The entire Kuwaiti defense line deployed in this way is not so much a defense line as it is to say that it saves time to complete the encirclement for the United States.

  Under normal circumstances, commanders with brains would not assume such a defensive posture like a turtle shell. If the Soviet Red Army did not intervene, the US military could play the Iraqis step by step.

  But now that the Soviet Union is going southward faster and faster, Admiral Schwarzkopf is very uncomfortable in the face of this kind of tortoise shell. The Iraqis' shrunk down defense line gathered dense forces in every direction. In the same sense of suicide deployment, when the Soviet Red Army was getting closer and closer, it made it difficult for him to start.

   "Use all your firepower to raze Kuwait City to the ground!" The anxious Admiral Schwarzkopf directly asked the Pentagon for a strategic bomber group. Now is not the time to worry about the casualties of Kuwaitis. At the same time, he dialed the phone number of the Seventh Army Headquarters and said, "Can we break through Kuwait on schedule? The time is running out. The threat of the Soviet Red Army makes us unable to stabilize."

   "Our troops will go to the north, block the road from the bus to Kuwait, and cut the connection between Kuwait and Basra." The commander of the Seventh Army said in a calm tone, "If we fail, we will give the entire army time to retreat."

"First strike the airports in Jordan and Oman, and let those American friends know that we are here!" General Bagramyan, who was still on the road, ordered. Shelov said that when he can bully the weak, he must not let it go. pass the opportunity.