MTL - Big Time 1958-Chapter 1025 here they come

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The Soviet army entering the Middle East will further accelerate after reaching Baghdad, because there is the most important railway junction in Iraq between Baghdad and Basra. With the help of the Soviet Red Army of this railway, plus its own mobility, the speed has improved a lot. Faced with this potentially deteriorating prospect.

On the one hand, Admiral Schwarzkopf dispatched the Seventh Army to snipe north to gain time, and on the other hand, he ordered the US Air Force in the national bases near the United States to dispatch to destroy the railway from Baghdad to Basra. Slow down the pace of the Soviet Red Army's southward movement. Delaying the pace of the Soviet Union from two aspects, to buy time to break through the tortoise shell formation put up by the Kuwaiti Corps.

As the main force of the coalition flank, the Seventh Army, under its jurisdiction: the 1st Armored Division of the United States, the 3rd Armored Division, the 1st Mechanized Infantry Division, the 3rd Brigade of the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division, the 2nd Armored Division, the 1st Cavalry Division and the British Army An armored division has seven divisions and brigade-level units, and the entire army has reached more than 100,000 troops. As one of the two heavy armies of the United States stationed in Europe, the strength of the Seventh Army is unquestionable. The Seventh Army and the Fifth County face the Soviet Union's western cluster in the GDR, and there is no need to say much about its combat readiness.

It's just that no one would have thought that the Seventh Army, one of the two heavy-duty groups in Germany, would encounter a not unfamiliar opponent this time. The offensive force actually appeared in the Middle East this time. Two opponents who were once in the other's battle plan really appeared on another unfamiliar battlefield this time, posing an offensive posture **** for tat.

The artillery was still rumbling under the city of Kuwait. All the air power of the United States was concentrated in the former capital of Kuwait. The uninterrupted bombing caused the entire Kuwait City to be in ruins. Kind regards, bathed in the light of freedom, they finally have the right to die freely.

The U.S. military told the world unmistakably why many people think that the United States is fighting a war to fight logistics, air raids in the sky, and shelling on the ground all the time. Busy scene, all kinds of armaments are loaded on the giant ship.

At this moment, a piece of news shocked the entire Middle East. Oman, one of the open bases to the United States, was attacked by surface-to-surface missiles and aircraft groups. Just like the United States destroyed the air defense system of Iran and Iraq, Oman was attacked by anti-radiation missiles. After the attack, a large number of aircraft groups raided Oman's airspace. The aircraft group with a red five-pointed star on the tail clearly showed its identity, the Soviet Air Force...

"Comrade Vedrinna, I personally welcome you. But if France means to mediate this conflict, it may be very difficult. The Soviet Union has no capital to retreat." In the Kremlin, Serov received the French President's diplomatic adviser Vedrin, Vedrin and President Mitterrand have good personal friendships. This visit to Moscow is self-evident in light of the current world situation. Other countries are frightened by the state of war between the United States and the Soviet Union.

   It can be said that the confrontation between the Soviet Red Army and the US military this time has surpassed the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962. Since the Soviet Red Army entered the Middle East, there have been massive protests in all the big cities in Western Europe. This protest was against the Soviet Union as well as the United States. The Soviet Union and the United States put a desperate posture in the Middle East this time, and the nuclear warheads of the two countries in units of tens of thousands have plunged the whole world into an unprecedented state of danger.

   The cloud of war is getting closer and closer, and finally other countries can’t sit still. This time is no longer a possibility, but is about to become a reality. Many of America's allies hope that the United States will stop its warring behavior and not expand its scale and let the Arabs solve their own problems. The situation on the Soviet side is similar. Some countries use state-to-state relationships, while others use political party-to-party relationships. Together, they are comrades and brothers. I hope the Soviet Union will exercise restraint.

   As a socialist, if you shame some Vedrin and you can be comrade with the Soviet Union. But all of this is useless, not to mention Vedriner, except for him, the general secretary, all the members of the Soviet Central Presidium are being monitored by the KGB.

"In fact, there is no need to come to this situation. The Soviet Union and the United States can completely take a step back." Wedrina also knew that his task was very difficult, but he still had to give it a try. If it really hits, the distance between mankind and destruction is too close. .

"The question is, who is going back?" Serov said indifferently with a cigar in his mouth. "The Soviet Union has no room to back down. There is a Russian folk saying that when resistance is encountered, the iron bar will be swept away, and the resistance will increase and the iron bar will be thicker. People like this approach, and if I compromise when things come to an end, this iron rod will hit me."

"General Secretary, I have to say that things don't actually have to evolve into this way." Wedrina smiled bitterly, "But now the orders of the world's human beings are in the hands of you and President Bush, even if it is for the whole world, you step back. Can't you take one step?"

"President Bush won't give up, he knows what it means to America, too!" Sheloff paused and said in a dignified and unquestionable tone, "I won't give up either, since I was young, my life It can be said to be smooth sailing, with occasional twists and turns, but it has always been in the fast lane. I have a beautiful wife, many excellent children, and today I am the general secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, and I have achieved all my goals in life. , Now I have no pursuit, selfishly speaking, even if a nuclear war starts, theoretically I will be the last one to die, but before I die, I have to remove the last obstacle, which country hinders the progress of the people."

Vedriner was silent. If the man on the other side presented a bunch of theories to prove that the Soviet Union had to do this, he could still persuade him. I don't know where to start to persuade him, and finally said solemnly, "General Secretary, the Soviet Union thinks that its power has surpassed the whole world?" This sentence can already be regarded as a threat to the Soviet Union on behalf of France, and most people will definitely consider it seriously. .

"The annual output of the Soviet Union's nuclear weapons is equal to the total of four French nuclear warheads. Two thousand a year, it exists widely in the vast territory of the Soviet Union, as well as in the deep seas of the world." Shelov tilted his head and looked at Vedrina. " I don't know who will win a nuclear war, but the Soviet Union will never lose."

After this meeting, Vedriner called French President Mitterrand and told the news of the failure of domestic persuasion, "Shelov is like he said it himself, he has no pursuit at all, and he has got all the emotions that everyone needs. Now, only the state status of the USSR has not been confirmed!"

"The Americans will stop him, and the Soviet Union may not win. It's better for the two countries to dry up their blood in the Middle East." Mitterrand's voice is very unpleasant, and now we can only hope that the two countries will not go completely crazy and solve it with conventional forces. question. But once the hatred is played, things are hard to say.

Outside Kuwait City, the U.S. troops left by the Seventh Army going north are still bombarding the Iraqi People's Army in a dense phalanx. The entire Kuwait City has long since changed beyond recognition. The city government and the royal palace are in ruins, the collapsed Kuwait Tower is lying on the ground, the whole city is full of corpses, and more wounded and soldiers are hidden in the ubiquitous dilapidated houses.

   "I hate this kind of siege battle! But there is no way." Admiral Schwarzkopf said fiercely, ordering the last firepower to cover the last time, and then siege the city. The Soviet Air Force has frequently appeared over the Middle East countries in the past few days. Jordan and Oman were both attacked by the Soviet Air Force. Although the departure was the slowest, the air force itself was at the same speed. Various Soviet aviation divisions, bomber divisions, Into the major airports in Iraq and Iran, this situation has made many countries feel thorns in their backs.

At first, Admiral Schwarzkopf also believed that the Iraqis lit the oil wells and made thick smoke to cause trouble for the United States. Now that I think about it, I am relieved. The Soviet Air Force has also been affected and cannot support the Iraqis in Kuwait City. The battle is still in the United States. and Iraq.

  The artillery and tanks directly under the U.S. troops all fired at Kuwait City. At this time, a series of clear or dull sounds sounded from the Iraqi army positions and the depths of the positions, and the sky was instantly filled with the screeching sound of artillery shells tearing the air.

  The violent shelling lasted for nearly half an hour. Just after the sound of the cannons stopped, four Apache helicopters also whistled to the sky above Wannan. After firing rockets, two more flew close at low altitudes and used their cannons to violently fire at Iraqi positions and buildings.

  The U.S. troops quickly divided into three groups, led by tanks along the road, followed by infantry fighting vehicles. The infantry got off the vehicles and followed Kuwait City to launch an attack, and fierce battles began in various positions. The Iraqi People's Army is also relying on the city, trying to hinder the US military as much as possible, and they want to buy time to wait for the Soviet Union to rescue.

   "We hope that the United States can stop this senseless war and cherish world peace!" The Komsomolskaya Pravda appealed again, and this was the last time.

In the dust and smoke, Lieutenant General Kvashnin, who was sweating, jumped out of the jeep, took off his shoes and poured the sand out of it, then put on his clothes and led people into Basra, saying as he walked, "Our friends have already drawn the line. , let's see if the imaginary enemy is really capable of combat." Behind him, the neatly arranged tanks could not see the edge at a glance.

   "General, they are here!" A staff officer in the US Seventh Army Command entered the command and reported.