MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 31 Storm Riders 2

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Looking at the standing white woman in the middle of the stage, Ye Yin sighed softly in the bottom of her heart. The beautiful woman is so pitiful and cold. Where to chase novels

Her eyebrows are not painted, but Dai is frowned slightly. Her eyes are typical Danfeng eyes with a touch of charm, but the eyes are indifferent, and her lips are frosty and Zhu is tightly pinched.

That beautiful show was just picked up by her at will, without any complicated decoration, only a symbol of jade was inserted. Her white gauze skirt set off her temperament, but it also made her look more pitiful. She was like a white lotus without mud and dust, and did not cause dust.

It stands to reason that the rouge tonight should have appeared in costume, but she didn't. Instead, it was just an ordinary white dress. The fat powder was not applied. Aroused the protection of the surrounding men.

I have to say that this way of playing is undoubtedly successful. Whether unintentionally or intentionally, the effect of her appearance is shocking, because almost all men present are sticking their eyes to her.

Ye Yeyin also looked at the woman on the stage without blinking, and said, tonight, men will be crazy for her!

Leaned back, adjusted her sitting position, Ye Yin slowly closed her eyes and said, "Dongchen, I will leave it to you next time, be sure to win it!"

"Who will Rouge Girl spend the night with tonight? Now it depends on which of the six selected boys just now has a high bid. Now the bidding starts, starting at 22,000!"

Two thousand two thousand? !! There were sounds of gassing in the hall, apparently frightened by the reserve price, but as soon as Hua Zixiang's words fell, someone in the No. 1 private room shouted, "Five thousand!"

I doubled as soon as I came up. Although Xi Qiao's government affairs are better than that of Dong Qiao, there should be only one empty shelf left, because if Xi Qiao is not empty and unable to make ends meet, the character of Emperor Xi Qiao will not be polite to the businessmen.

Most of the money in this place is now in the hands of the local wealthy businessmen and clergymen. These people are quite stingy. They never contribute money to the country but only cry. Therefore, Xiqiao is generally not poor now, but the officials of Xiqiao are relatively poor. Although each official's annual income is enough for them to spend a lot of money, such a large sum of money is also difficult, and there are many places that they need to work on. Under such tight finances, where did the last name Qi collect money from?

"Twelve thousand!"

Hearing Chu Feiye's unwilling shouting price, Ye Yin smiled slowly, but the smile disappeared quickly, a gloomy glide slipped on her unopened face, and a woman was sold as a goods for sale. How sad and sad it should be!

乘 Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye had been deadlocked outside, Ye Yin was suddenly strange, why didn't the three people move in the slightest? Is the purpose the same as him, until the final decision? If that's the case ..., then he would just throw bricks and jade to draw them out, if they also want to make a rouge idea.

Ye Yeyin's eyes opened sharply, and he said to Dongchen: "Dongchen, the price is only one or two more than each time!"

As Ye Yin joined the quiet crowd in the lobby and started whispering, they were a little curious about who was the one who inserted the dispute between the two county guards, and had the courage to challenge the patience of the two county guards. One or two more!

As the bidding continued, the crowd's argument in the lobby gradually increased, and the yelling voice between Room 1 and Room 2 was slowly stained with a repressive anger. Ye Yinning looked at the center of the platform. The rouge stood quietly, passing a little distress in her heart, what kind of experience made her become as numb as she is today? Her expression has not changed from the beginning to the end, there is no sorrow and no joy, and she is as if watching the lives of others, and her eyes are still so indifferent without any glorious flow, it is really a deep environment Deeply hiding the true person!

Take a deep breath, Ye Yin decides to end this farce, and Qinglang's voice rises up, not too small, saying in a voice that just can make everyone hear: "Five thousand!"

$ 50,000? The noise was doubled, and the first night of a woman in a blue house sold for fifty thousand two? Is this person too much money or is he crazy? The price suddenly increased from 30,000 to 50,000, which made Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye somewhat dumbfounded. They only had at least 40 thousand at hand, and they didn't have that much money to compete! They thought that their opponents were just the other party under their suppression and arrangement, but ... they were miscalculated!

The two enemies who were enemies happened to stare out of their private room toward the sixth private room at the same time. If the eyes can pass through the wall, if the eyes can kill people, then Ye Yin should now be in trouble.

Twenty-five thousand and two set a record high, and no one spoke again. With a slight smile, Ye Yin stepped out of the booth and appeared in front of everyone. Now he only needs to go downstairs and take away rouge, as long as no one speaks again.

There was a slight smile on the delicate face of the young boy in white, and he went slowly downstairs. His face and rouge had a fight, but rouge is the kind of femininity that is typical of a daughter's home. Debate face.

I saw that the boy's face was a beauty of a woman, but he didn't have the breath that Sihao's daughter should have. His manners are very elegant, he feels very noble, and everything that he shows on him feels like a fairy. Everyone in Langzhong had an illusion, as if this boy should be a perfect match with rouge, and the picture should be beautiful and moving.

"Wait a minute!"

The sudden voice broke the mystery of the crowd, and also let Ye Yin pause. He had gone downstairs, and he was only a few steps away from rouge.

"50,012! 50,012 gold redeems the rouge girl!" The bland voice came from the high and low in the No. 9 private room, but it just made everyone hear clearly.

As if it was intentional, one sentence of this person added one or two to Ye Yin's outcry, just like Ye Yin did before, but the next sentence stiffly blocked Ye Yin's way forward. Fifty-two thousand gold and fifty-two thousand silver are not in the same grade at all, and the price of fifty thousand two thousand gold is not comparable at all!

How do you feel when you are a few steps away from success but are pulled down stiffly? The higher you stand, the worse you fall. This is really a famous saying.

Ye Yeyin closed her eyes and opened them again, her hands hidden in the sleeves were tightly held.

Fang Yeyin's brow frowned almost invisibly, did he have to borrow money from Nangong? How can I borrow it now? A hint of anxiety flashed in Ye Yin's eyes, and the same look was also revealed on Rouge's face. Will she pass this boy by?

Everyone was quiet, as if frightened by the price of fifty thousand two thousand gold. Only the old man standing next to Rouge Zixiang Nana said: "This, this, Du Gongzi, you have to redeem yourself for rouge Then, this ... "Hua Zixiang's words did not hesitate to hesitate, but her eyes secretly looked at the rouge next to her.

怎么 "Why, does Mother Hua think that fifty-two thousand gold is not enough to redeem her body? Flower mother, don't be too greedy to be a man!"

不同于 The voice of the person who spoke this time was different from the one who had just bargained. It was slightly lower, as if the voice was deliberately lowered.

His tone is up, as if in a good mood, but there is a hint of threat in his tone.

When Ye Yin heard this voice, he was a little dumb, and then his eyes brightened, and his eyes were full of surprise and he looked upstairs at the No. 9 private room upstairs, but soon there was a bitter smile on the corner of his mouth, this person Did you come to trouble him?

"Flower mother, why don't you talk? Don't you want this fifty thousand two thousand gold?"

The seemingly bland but threatening interrogation made the flower mother want to cry without tears, to speak without words, only to say: "No, yes ..."

怎么 How could she not want this fifty thousand two thousand gold, she has never been an insatiable person, and knows what is appropriate, but this time she can not be the master, so there is no way to give a reply. Rouge wasn't the girl who was drunk in Dream House. Rouge hadn't signed a contract with her at all. What did she get for these fifty thousand two? Rouge is just a cooperative relationship with her!

Anxiety's mother was anxious, she couldn't bear the fifty-two thousand gold, but she was helpless. She couldn't help but glance at Rouge, hoping that she could nod, but Rouge's eyes seemed to look elsewhere. After a long time, I saw Rouge nodded a little, and the flower mother was ecstatic. Although the fifty-two thousand do n’t belong to her, at least she can share a little bit, and there are already a lot of them. After all, this transaction But no business.

The mother of Hua who got the permission of rouge raised her voice with confidence: "Okay, Du Gongzi, I will give you Rouge today, although she said that Rouge was born in a blue house, but she is an innocent girl, I hope you But take good care of rouge. "

"What is this," Lou said with a low laugh, listening only to the humane, "I am redeemed, but she will not be cherished by that person, but I do n’t know, but because I treat me well Brother's understanding, this rouge girl will definitely do well. Xiaoqi, are you right? "

I heard this, the smile on Ye Yin's face became helpless. He wanted to make a high-profile appearance to attract the attention of Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye, but he did not intend to be so eye-catching!

He looked up at the ordinary but charismatic man leaning on the No. 9 Baojian door, and Ye Yin sighed, "Brother Du, what are you doing for fun?"

"Hehe, Xiaoqi, how could you be so concerned about this rouge girl, how could your brother not help you and redeem her for you, don't you like it?" Du Luo took two steps forward. , Half leaning on the railing on the second floor and smiled.

Because of the smile on his face, Du Luo's ordinary face immediately became vivid, but there were no smiles in those black and sharp eyes. When he saw Du Luo's eyes blinked, he locked himself, Ye Yin felt numbness in her scalp. It seems that he must be angry with himself. He is angry that he hasn't told him about his scam, but now it is not the time to explain, he must do the business first.

"Brother Du, I will take away the rouge like this!" Ye Yinbei opened his eyes, ignoring Du Luo's profound meaning for the time being, and walked towards Rouge, although Ye Yin was smiling with an eyebrow, but there was a burst of urgency in her heart, I hope there will be no more disruption, otherwise ...

There are many things in the world that are always unwilling and unsatisfactory. Ye Yin's hand has not touched rouge, and another voice appears upstairs.

"Wait a minute!"

Ye is these three words again, Ye Yin snorted, his outstretched hand paused in midair.

What's wrong with him today? How can someone always jump out at the critical moment to make trouble? Or is this the so-called good thing?