MTL - Both are Foxes-Chapter 32 Storm Riders 3

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I turned around, Ye Yin faced the peach blossom eyes upstairs, these people really came to grab business with him! But I really pick the time!

"Brother Ye, I admire Girl Rouge too! Brother Ye, what do you think is better?" The man upstairs sat half-lazy on the second-floor railing, a pair of peach eyes wrote enchantingly, that The style of one body actually made the men in the hall stunned, and it really was a demon!

If he took a small handkerchief in his hand and waved it, I am afraid that many people will flock up immediately!

Yan Ye hidden in the bottom of her heart, but she had a fake smile on her face: "Brother Nangong means ..."

"This is really not easy to do!" Nangong whispered in a sigh, Qingyue felt a little embarrassment in her magnetic voice, and her brows were also lightly frowned, and his look was charming to the extreme But without the slightest femininity ~ ~ Artifact

Xie Yeyin looked down to hide the annoyance in his eyes. This person really acted artificially. If he didn't often perform such fake tricks, he might really be deceived by him.

His acting skills are in place, but if he doesn't have the flash of teasing in his eyes, he might really be able to lie to himself.

"Did Nangong intend to bid?" Ye Yinpi said with a smile.

"I think about it! Unfortunately, I don't have that much money, and," Nangong fluttered his eyes, blinked at Ye Yin, and laughed, "And how could I and Ye Brothers have such a chance to grab Ye Brothers' favorite woman? Friend wife, don't play! Let's forget it! "

Since you have no intention of bidding, what are you doing! Ye Yin depressed the anger in his heart and raised his head with a smile: "Thank you Brother Nangong!"

However, Ye Yin's voice didn't fall, so he heard another person exclaiming, "How could the lord of the imperial palace not even get tens of thousands of gold? How can I borrow you if you have no money? still is……"

Damn it! Here's another troublemaker who delays this long time. I am afraid that Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye have already tuned people over. It is difficult to get out of this door today!

"Who is my Tao? It was Brother Yang. Brother Yang came here, too, is Brother Yang ..." Nangong Piaoran flashed a light in his eyes when he heard the voice of the man, and then said with a smile, "No Yeah, as far as I know, Brother Yang has always been not only a woman, but Brother Yang has come here for fun? But Brother Yang is not afraid that his identity as the landlord of the "Acanthus Tower" scares anyone here? "

What is this? Unveiling Conference? However, the identity of these two people is really not simple. One is the owner of Nan Rong ’s largest intelligence organization, Xiaoyao Palace, and the other is the owner of Xili ’s famous killer organization, Mang Tiaolou. Both are famous. In comparison, I am much less noticeable. The owner of the "Floating House" cannot be compared with others!

However, since there are two people here, it is estimated that Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye did not dare to grab people here. After all, these two people are still very scary, so as long as you do n’t leave here tonight, The two are still here, then this drunk dream building is safer than the outside, but his plan has been disrupted!

The original plan of Ye Yin was to take Rouge with a high attitude when Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye were caught off guard on the night of the sixth day of June, so that they could find themselves, and then acted like the ancient man "Lu Bu play Diao Chan". People kill each other, and then they are in the interest of fishermen, but now it is better to change the plan!

Squinting his eyes, Ye Yin stopped paying attention to the wicked man upstairs and the man who could not hear him, and lifted his hands over Rouge and turned to walk down the central stage.

"Brother Nangong, your friend is very anxious!" When he saw Ye Yin without turning his head, he planned to take the rouge away.

He heard this, Ye Yin sneered, and said without looking back, "Does Yang Gongzi have any opinions?"

"This, I dare not!" The door of the No. 5 private room opened, and a tall young man came out of it.

When I saw this young man appearing, everyone just saw that it was bright again. This rouge girl was really attractive. One or two people were so handsome.

The young man with the surname Yang had a slightly dark skin, but a handsome face, and he was carrying an air of natural dignity. He raised his lips slightly, and said with a grin: "This man, Ye, are you like this? Take the Rouge girl? "

"Do n’t take it, is it still consumed here? You must know that the good night is short, ** a moment is worth a thousand dollars!" Ye Yin turned, her delicate eyebrows met the young man named Shang Yang. The charming expression, the immortal gesture, is no less than Nangong floating, just listening to his slow walk, "Did Yang Yang also intend to bid? It's okay, Ye Yinfeng stays with you to the end!"

"Ye Gongzi is very confident!" Although Yang Gongzi's face always has a cheerful smile on his face, Ye Yin still caught the silk flashing in the slender Phoenix in time. It's so cold, it really is the killer's head, and it cannot tolerate anyone's provocation!

Ye Yin slowly burst into a smile. The bright smile made people dare not stare at him. He only listened to him arrogantly: "Of course I am confident. I am afraid no one can beat me tonight's bid because Brother Nangong promised Will lend me money, my elder brother will help me, and she likes me, so she will give me money. "

"Rouge, do you like me, right?" As if to verify his own words, Ye Yin tilted his head and looked at Rouge, asking with earnestness and tenderness in his eyes. The voice was not loud enough to be heard. People hear.

Rouge didn't answer, just bowed her head with a gentle gentle smile, the appearance contained infinite coquettishness and lingering lingering enthusiasm. Although she didn't speak any words, people have seen her from her reaction. What is the answer, she really likes this boy in white.

I'm right, such a young man with a good appearance and a handsome and endless romantic style, which woman in the world would not care? However, this is a blow to some people, a blow that can be completely jealous.

"Okay! Good! Good!" Nangong, who has been lazily watching the sound of claps from the floor, suddenly voiced out, "Brother Ye, you really should be confident. This rouge girl should actually be like Ye Brother." That's the character. Brother Yang, gentleman doesn't win people's love! "

The young man with a surname of Yang seems to be quite helpless: "Even Nangong's brother is on Ye Gongzi's side, of course I have nothing to say."

Ye really does drama, and Ye Yin sneers. Neither of them seems to be rushing for rouge. Instead, they seem to be coming for themselves. Where did they get their attention?

"So, can you leave with rouge underneath?" Ye Yin still asked with a smile, but his eyes seemed to intentionally and unintentionally swept upstairs between the No. 1 and No. 2 private rooms upstairs, and they did not show any movement. It seemed true. Waiting for him outside! So ...

"This is nature. Ye Gongzi please help yourself. The moment is worth a thousand dollars, and the night is deep. Ye Gongzi must hurry up!" The young man with the surname Yang laughed softly at Ye Yin and turned to Nangong and said, "Nangong Brother, it ’s better to meet by chance. How about you and me, two losers, going out for two drinks together? ”

loser? Where did the failure fail? Ye Yin sneered at the bottom of his heart. He still doesn't know the purpose of these two people, but it is the fox that always shows its tail! But now, we can't let them leave here first. His drama might have to be performed with them!

Xie Yeyin stepped upstairs and took Rouge to her No. 6 private room, and ordered Dongchen and Qiu Xing a few words, and now Nangong floating and the young man with the surname Yang are ready to leave.

Downstairs, after watching the lively people gradually dispersed, only a slight sweep, Ye Yin saw Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye disappeared at the back of the door, they went to prepare!

"Brother Nangong, wait a minute!" When speaking this sentence, Ye Yin felt a bit of revenge. Today it is finally his turn to say the three words "await!"

"Brother Ye ?!" Nangong's beautiful peach blossom eyes were slightly raised, and he looked upstairs. The door of the No. 6 private room was open, and the figure of Qingjun in white was faintly seen inside.

I glanced at rouge again, and Ye Yin strode away without returning. Ye Yin smiled slightly when he saw that the entrance of the stairs had already understood his meaning from his eyes and was waiting for his fall. Du Luo's mouth twitched. This kid must have some strategy again. It seems that the account settlement has to be postponed temporarily. Let's see what he wants to do first.

Tong Nangong watched in amazement as Ye Yin pulled Du Luo over, his frown wrinkled and said: "Brother Ye, what's the matter?"

With a leisurely smile, Ye Yin said: "How can I drink without my brother! Brother Nangong has forgotten, you said that you and I are so destined, why don't you call me because of destiny? Go! Go! Go! Going together, I want to know the younger brother Yang, and I will also take the wind for my older brother, and the younger is very happy today, so I invited the younger brother for today! "

Looking at Ye Yin and pulling Nangong floating away, Du Luo felt a little strange. This guy has always disliked being close to others, but why today ...? Although he learned about Ye Yin's whereabouts from Ren Fengyao's mouth, he also roughly understood what Ye Yin wanted to do, but what would he do? What is he trying to do today?

Ye Yin's expression seemed very excited. Ye Yin's eyes were filled with pride, but the corners of his slightly raised lips were full of calculations.

乘 The back of Qi Chengfeng and Chu Feiye when leaving just now is a bit stiff. Maybe the excitement for them in Drunk Dream House is overdone today? I wonder if they can bear this tone?

The swallowing of patience is bad for the body, so he will induce them to vent well, and they will have to put out the fire tonight, otherwise the show will not sing!

Outside the yamen, the drizzle floated, and the summer rain did not have the meaning of lingering or lingering feelings. Although it was not cold, it was very annoying. I hope this rain won't rain, because doing things on a rainy day is very suitable but not as good as doing things when the weather is good!

(Today's Qianxian can't go home to update on duty today, so take a lunch break at noon to go home and update, dear friends, for Qianye's hard work, give Qianye more tickets!)